import { Router } from 'express'; import { User } from '../../entity/User'; import { Notification } from '../../lib/notifications'; import { NotificationAgent } from '../../lib/notifications/agents/agent'; import DiscordAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/discord'; import EmailAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/email'; import GotifyAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/gotify'; import LunaSeaAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/lunasea'; import PushbulletAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/pushbullet'; import PushoverAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/pushover'; import SlackAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/slack'; import TelegramAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/telegram'; import WebhookAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/webhook'; import WebPushAgent from '../../lib/notifications/agents/webpush'; import { getSettings } from '../../lib/settings'; const notificationRoutes = Router(); const sendTestNotification = async (agent: NotificationAgent, user: User) => await agent.send(Notification.TEST_NOTIFICATION, { notifyAdmin: false, notifyUser: user, subject: 'Test Notification', message: 'Check check, 1, 2, 3. Are we coming in clear?', }); notificationRoutes.get('/discord', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.discord); });'/discord', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.discord = req.body;; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.discord); });'/discord/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from the request.', }); } const discordAgent = new DiscordAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(discordAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send Discord notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/slack', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.slack); });'/slack', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.slack = req.body;; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.slack); });'/slack/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from the request.', }); } const slackAgent = new SlackAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(slackAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send Slack notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/telegram', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.telegram); });'/telegram', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.telegram = req.body;; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.telegram); });'/telegram/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from the request.', }); } const telegramAgent = new TelegramAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(telegramAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send Telegram notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/pushbullet', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.pushbullet); });'/pushbullet', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.pushbullet = req.body;; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.pushbullet); });'/pushbullet/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from the request.', }); } const pushbulletAgent = new PushbulletAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(pushbulletAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send Pushbullet notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/pushover', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.pushover); });'/pushover', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.pushover = req.body;; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.pushover); });'/pushover/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from the request.', }); } const pushoverAgent = new PushoverAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(pushoverAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send Pushover notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/email', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(; });'/email', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); = req.body;; res.status(200).json(; });'/email/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from the request.', }); } const emailAgent = new EmailAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(emailAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send email notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/webpush', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.webpush); });'/webpush', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.webpush = req.body;; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.webpush); });'/webpush/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information missing from request', }); } const webpushAgent = new WebPushAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(webpushAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send web push notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/webhook', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); const webhookSettings = settings.notifications.agents.webhook; const response: typeof webhookSettings = { enabled: webhookSettings.enabled, types: webhookSettings.types, options: { ...webhookSettings.options, jsonPayload: JSON.parse( Buffer.from(webhookSettings.options.jsonPayload, 'base64').toString( 'ascii' ) ), }, }; res.status(200).json(response); });'/webhook', (req, res, next) => { const settings = getSettings(); try { JSON.parse(req.body.options.jsonPayload); settings.notifications.agents.webhook = { enabled: req.body.enabled, types: req.body.types, options: { jsonPayload: Buffer.from(req.body.options.jsonPayload).toString( 'base64' ), webhookUrl: req.body.options.webhookUrl, authHeader: req.body.options.authHeader, }, };; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.webhook); } catch (e) { next({ status: 500, message: e.message }); } });'/webhook/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from the request.', }); } try { JSON.parse(req.body.options.jsonPayload); const testBody = { enabled: req.body.enabled, types: req.body.types, options: { jsonPayload: Buffer.from(req.body.options.jsonPayload).toString( 'base64' ), webhookUrl: req.body.options.webhookUrl, authHeader: req.body.options.authHeader, }, }; const webhookAgent = new WebhookAgent(testBody); if (await sendTestNotification(webhookAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send webhook notification.', }); } } catch (e) { next({ status: 500, message: e.message }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/lunasea', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.lunasea); });'/lunasea', (req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.lunasea = req.body;; res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.lunasea); });'/lunasea/test', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information missing from request', }); } const lunaseaAgent = new LunaSeaAgent(req.body); if (await sendTestNotification(lunaseaAgent, req.user)) { return res.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send web push notification.', }); } }); notificationRoutes.get('/gotify', (_req, res) => { const settings = getSettings(); res.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.gotify); });'/gotify', (req, rest) => { const settings = getSettings(); settings.notifications.agents.gotify = req.body;; rest.status(200).json(settings.notifications.agents.gotify); });'/gotify/test', async (req, rest, next) => { if (!req.user) { return next({ status: 500, message: 'User information is missing from request', }); } const gotifyAgent = new GotifyAgent(req.body); if ( await gotifyAgent.send(Notification.TEST_NOTIFICATION, { notifyAdmin: false, notifyUser: req.user, subject: 'Test Notification', message: 'This is a test notification! Check check, 1, 2, 3. Are we coming in clear?', }) ) { return rest.status(204).send(); } else { return next({ status: 500, message: 'Failed to send Gotify notification.', }); } }); export default notificationRoutes;