import { getRepository } from 'typeorm'; import { User } from '../../entity/User'; import PlexAPI, { PlexLibraryItem } from '../../api/plexapi'; import TheMovieDb, { TmdbTvDetails } from '../../api/themoviedb'; import Media from '../../entity/Media'; import { MediaStatus, MediaType } from '../../constants/media'; import logger from '../../logger'; import { getSettings, Library } from '../../lib/settings'; import Season from '../../entity/Season'; const BUNDLE_SIZE = 10; const imdbRegex = new RegExp(/imdb:\/\/(tt[0-9]+)/); const tmdbRegex = new RegExp(/tmdb:\/\/([0-9]+)/); const tvdbRegex = new RegExp(/tvdb:\/\/([0-9]+)/); const tmdbShowRegex = new RegExp(/themoviedb:\/\/([0-9]+)/); const plexRegex = new RegExp(/plex:\/\//); interface SyncStatus { running: boolean; progress: number; total: number; currentLibrary: Library; libraries: Library[]; } class JobPlexSync { private tmdb: TheMovieDb; private plexClient: PlexAPI; private items: PlexLibraryItem[] = []; private progress = 0; private libraries: Library[]; private currentLibrary: Library; private running = false; private isRecentOnly = false; constructor({ isRecentOnly }: { isRecentOnly?: boolean } = {}) { this.tmdb = new TheMovieDb(); this.isRecentOnly = isRecentOnly ?? false; } private async getExisting(tmdbId: number) { const mediaRepository = getRepository(Media); const existing = await mediaRepository.findOne({ where: { tmdbId: tmdbId }, }); return existing; } private async processMovie(plexitem: PlexLibraryItem) { const mediaRepository = getRepository(Media); if (plexitem.guid.match(plexRegex)) { const metadata = await this.plexClient.getMetadata(plexitem.ratingKey); const newMedia = new Media(); metadata.Guid.forEach((ref) => { if ( { newMedia.imdbId =[1] ?? undefined; } else if ( { const tmdbMatch =[1]; newMedia.tmdbId = Number(tmdbMatch); } }); const existing = await this.getExisting(newMedia.tmdbId); if (existing && existing.status === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE) { this.log(`Title exists and is already available ${metadata.title}`); } else if (existing && existing.status !== MediaStatus.AVAILABLE) { existing.status = MediaStatus.AVAILABLE;; this.log( `Request for ${metadata.title} exists. Setting status AVAILABLE`, 'info' ); } else { newMedia.status = MediaStatus.AVAILABLE; newMedia.mediaType = MediaType.MOVIE; await; this.log(`Saved ${plexitem.title}`); } } else { const matchedid = plexitem.guid.match(/imdb:\/\/(tt[0-9]+)/); if (matchedid?.[1]) { const tmdbMovie = await this.tmdb.getMovieByImdbId({ imdbId: matchedid[1], }); const existing = await this.getExisting(; if (existing && existing.status === MediaStatus.AVAILABLE) { this.log(`Title exists and is already available ${plexitem.title}`); } else if (existing && existing.status !== MediaStatus.AVAILABLE) { existing.status = MediaStatus.AVAILABLE; await; this.log( `Request for ${plexitem.title} exists. Setting status AVAILABLE`, 'info' ); } else if (tmdbMovie) { const newMedia = new Media(); newMedia.imdbId = tmdbMovie.external_ids.imdb_id; newMedia.tmdbId =; newMedia.status = MediaStatus.AVAILABLE; newMedia.mediaType = MediaType.MOVIE; await; this.log(`Saved ${tmdbMovie.title}`); } } } } private async processShow(plexitem: PlexLibraryItem) { const mediaRepository = getRepository(Media); let tvShow: TmdbTvDetails | null = null; try { const metadata = await this.plexClient.getMetadata( plexitem.parentRatingKey ?? plexitem.ratingKey, { includeChildren: true } ); if (metadata.guid.match(tvdbRegex)) { const matchedtvdb = metadata.guid.match(tvdbRegex); // If we can find a tvdb Id, use it to get the full tmdb show details if (matchedtvdb?.[1]) { tvShow = await this.tmdb.getShowByTvdbId({ tvdbId: Number(matchedtvdb[1]), }); } } else if (metadata.guid.match(tmdbShowRegex)) { const matchedtmdb = metadata.guid.match(tmdbShowRegex); if (matchedtmdb?.[1]) { tvShow = await this.tmdb.getTvShow({ tvId: Number(matchedtmdb[1]) }); } } if (tvShow && metadata) { // Lets get the available seasons from plex const seasons = tvShow.seasons; const media = await mediaRepository.findOne({ where: { tmdbId:, mediaType: MediaType.TV }, }); const newSeasons: Season[] = []; seasons.forEach((season) => { const matchedPlexSeason = metadata.Children?.Metadata.find( (md) => Number(md.index) === season.season_number ); const existingSeason = media?.seasons.find( (es) => es.seasonNumber === season.season_number ); // Check if we found the matching season and it has all the available episodes if ( matchedPlexSeason && Number(matchedPlexSeason.leafCount) === season.episode_count ) { if (existingSeason) { existingSeason.status = MediaStatus.AVAILABLE; } else { newSeasons.push( new Season({ seasonNumber: season.season_number, status: MediaStatus.AVAILABLE, }) ); } } else if (matchedPlexSeason) { if (existingSeason) { existingSeason.status = MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE; } else { newSeasons.push( new Season({ seasonNumber: season.season_number, status: MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE, }) ); } } }); // Remove extras season. We dont count it for determining availability const filteredSeasons = tvShow.seasons.filter( (season) => season.season_number !== 0 ); const isAllSeasons = newSeasons.length + (media?.seasons.length ?? 0) >= filteredSeasons.length; if (media) { // Update existing media.seasons = [, ...newSeasons]; media.status = isAllSeasons ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE; await; this.log(`Updating existing title: ${}`); } else { const newMedia = new Media({ mediaType: MediaType.TV, seasons: newSeasons, tmdbId:, tvdbId: tvShow.external_ids.tvdb_id, status: isAllSeasons ? MediaStatus.AVAILABLE : MediaStatus.PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE, }); await; this.log(`Saved ${}`); } } else { this.log(`failed show: ${plexitem.guid}`); } } catch (e) { this.log( `Failed to process plex item. ratingKey: ${ plexitem.parentRatingKey ?? plexitem.ratingKey }`, 'error' ); } } private async processItems(slicedItems: PlexLibraryItem[]) { await Promise.all( (plexitem) => { if (plexitem.type === 'movie') { await this.processMovie(plexitem); } else if (plexitem.type === 'show') { await this.processShow(plexitem); } }) ); } private async loop({ start = 0, end = BUNDLE_SIZE, }: { start?: number; end?: number; } = {}) { const slicedItems = this.items.slice(start, end); if (start < this.items.length && this.running) { this.progress = start; await this.processItems(slicedItems); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(async () => { await this.loop({ start: start + BUNDLE_SIZE, end: end + BUNDLE_SIZE, }); resolve(); }, 5000) ); } } private log( message: string, level: 'info' | 'error' | 'debug' = 'debug' ): void { logger[level](message, { label: 'Plex Sync' }); } public async run(): Promise { const settings = getSettings(); if (!this.running) { this.running = true; const userRepository = getRepository(User); const admin = await userRepository.findOneOrFail({ select: ['id', 'plexToken'], order: { id: 'ASC' }, }); this.plexClient = new PlexAPI({ plexToken: admin.plexToken }); if (this.isRecentOnly) { this.currentLibrary = { id: '0', name: 'Recently Added', enabled: true, }; this.log(`Beginning to process recently added`, 'info'); this.items = await this.plexClient.getRecentlyAdded(); await this.loop(); } else { this.libraries = settings.plex.libraries.filter( (library) => library.enabled ); for (const library of this.libraries) { this.currentLibrary = library; this.log(`Beginning to process library: ${}`, 'info'); this.items = await this.plexClient.getLibraryContents(; await this.loop(); } } this.running = false; this.log('complete'); } } public status(): SyncStatus { return { running: this.running, progress: this.progress, total: this.items.length, currentLibrary: this.currentLibrary, libraries: this.libraries, }; } public cancel(): void { this.running = false; } } export const jobPlexFullSync = new JobPlexSync(); export const jobPlexRecentSync = new JobPlexSync({ isRecentOnly: true });