import logger from '@server/logger'; import axios from 'axios'; import rateLimit, { type rateLimitOptions } from 'axios-rate-limit'; import { createHash } from 'crypto'; import { promises } from 'fs'; import path, { join } from 'path'; type ImageResponse = { meta: { revalidateAfter: number; curRevalidate: number; isStale: boolean; etag: string; extension: string; cacheKey: string; cacheMiss: boolean; }; imageBuffer: Buffer; }; class ImageProxy { public static async clearCache(key: string) { let deletedImages = 0; const cacheDirectory = path.join( __dirname, '../../config/cache/images/', key ); const files = await promises.readdir(cacheDirectory); for (const file of files) { const filePath = path.join(cacheDirectory, file); const stat = await promises.lstat(filePath); if (stat.isDirectory()) { const imageFiles = await promises.readdir(filePath); for (const imageFile of imageFiles) { const [, expireAtSt] = imageFile.split('.'); const expireAt = Number(expireAtSt); const now =; if (now > expireAt) { await promises.rm(path.join(filePath, imageFile)); deletedImages += 1; } } } }`Cleared ${deletedImages} stale image(s) from cache`, { label: 'Image Cache', }); } public static async getImageStats( key: string ): Promise<{ size: number; imageCount: number }> { const cacheDirectory = path.join( __dirname, '../../config/cache/images/', key ); const imageTotalSize = await ImageProxy.getDirectorySize(cacheDirectory); const imageCount = await ImageProxy.getImageCount(cacheDirectory); return { size: imageTotalSize, imageCount, }; } private static async getDirectorySize(dir: string): Promise<number> { const files = await promises.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true, }); const paths = (file) => { const path = join(dir,; if (file.isDirectory()) return await ImageProxy.getDirectorySize(path); if (file.isFile()) { const { size } = await promises.stat(path); return size; } return 0; }); return (await Promise.all(paths)) .flat(Infinity) .reduce((i, size) => i + size, 0); } private static async getImageCount(dir: string) { const files = await promises.readdir(dir); return files.length; } private axios; private cacheVersion; private key; constructor( key: string, baseUrl: string, options: { cacheVersion?: number; rateLimitOptions?: rateLimitOptions; } = {} ) { this.cacheVersion = options.cacheVersion ?? 1; this.key = key; this.axios = axios.create({ baseURL: baseUrl, }); if (options.rateLimitOptions) { this.axios = rateLimit(this.axios, options.rateLimitOptions); } } public async getImage(path: string): Promise<ImageResponse> { const cacheKey = this.getCacheKey(path); const imageResponse = await this.get(cacheKey); if (!imageResponse) { const newImage = await this.set(path, cacheKey); if (!newImage) { throw new Error('Failed to load image'); } return newImage; } // If the image is stale, we will revalidate it in the background. if (imageResponse.meta.isStale) { this.set(path, cacheKey); } return imageResponse; } private async get(cacheKey: string): Promise<ImageResponse | null> { try { const directory = join(this.getCacheDirectory(), cacheKey); const files = await promises.readdir(directory); const now =; for (const file of files) { const [maxAgeSt, expireAtSt, etag, extension] = file.split('.'); const buffer = await promises.readFile(join(directory, file)); const expireAt = Number(expireAtSt); const maxAge = Number(maxAgeSt); return { meta: { curRevalidate: maxAge, revalidateAfter: maxAge * 1000 + now, isStale: now > expireAt, etag, extension, cacheKey, cacheMiss: false, }, imageBuffer: buffer, }; } } catch (e) { // No files. Treat as empty cache. } return null; } private async set( path: string, cacheKey: string ): Promise<ImageResponse | null> { try { const directory = join(this.getCacheDirectory(), cacheKey); const response = await this.axios.get(path, { responseType: 'arraybuffer', }); const buffer = Buffer.from(, 'binary'); const extension = path.split('.').pop() ?? ''; const maxAge = Number( (response.headers['cache-control'] ?? '0').split('=')[1] ); const expireAt = + maxAge * 1000; const etag = (response.headers.etag ?? '').replace(/"/g, ''); await this.writeToCacheDir( directory, extension, maxAge, expireAt, buffer, etag ); return { meta: { curRevalidate: maxAge, revalidateAfter: expireAt, isStale: false, etag, extension, cacheKey, cacheMiss: true, }, imageBuffer: buffer, }; } catch (e) { logger.debug('Something went wrong caching image.', { label: 'Image Cache', errorMessage: e.message, }); return null; } } private async writeToCacheDir( dir: string, extension: string, maxAge: number, expireAt: number, buffer: Buffer, etag: string ) { const filename = join(dir, `${maxAge}.${expireAt}.${etag}.${extension}`); await promises.rm(dir, { force: true, recursive: true }).catch(() => { // do nothing }); await promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }); await promises.writeFile(filename, buffer); } private getCacheKey(path: string) { return this.getHash([this.key, this.cacheVersion, path]); } private getHash(items: (string | number | Buffer)[]) { const hash = createHash('sha256'); for (const item of items) { if (typeof item === 'number') hash.update(String(item)); else { hash.update(item); } } // See return hash.digest('base64').replace(/\//g, '-'); } private getCacheDirectory() { return path.join(__dirname, '../../config/cache/images/', this.key); } } export default ImageProxy;