import { getSettings } from '@server/lib/settings'; import type { Request } from 'express'; import * as yup from 'yup'; /** Fetch the oidc configuration blob */ export async function getOIDCWellknownConfiguration(domain: string) { const wellKnownInfo: WellKnownConfiguration = await fetch( new URL( '/.well-known/openid-configuration', `https://${domain}` ).toString(), { headers: new Headers([['Content-Type', 'application/json']]), } ).then((r) => r.json()); return wellKnownInfo; } export async function getOIDCRedirectUrl(req: Request, state: string) { const settings = getSettings(); const { oidcDomain, oidcClientId } = settings.main; const wellKnownInfo = await getOIDCWellknownConfiguration(oidcDomain); const url = new URL(wellKnownInfo.authorization_endpoint); url.searchParams.set('response_type', 'code'); url.searchParams.set('client_id', oidcClientId); const callbackUrl = new URL( '/api/v1/auth/oidc-callback', `http://${}` ).toString(); url.searchParams.set('redirect_uri', callbackUrl); url.searchParams.set('scope', 'openid profile email'); url.searchParams.set('state', state); return url.toString(); } export const createJwtSchema = ({ oidcDomain, oidcClientId, }: { oidcDomain: string; oidcClientId: string; }) => { return yup.object().shape({ iss: yup .string() .oneOf( [`https://${oidcDomain}`, `https://${oidcDomain}/`], `The token iss value doesn't match the oidc_DOMAIN (${oidcDomain})` ) .required("The token didn't come with an iss value."), aud: yup .string() .oneOf( [oidcClientId], `The token aud value doesn't match the oidc_CLIENT_ID (${oidcClientId})` ) .required("The token didn't come with an aud value."), exp: yup .number() .required() .test( 'is_before_date', 'Token exp value is before current time.', (value) => { if (!value) return false; if (value < Math.ceil( / 1000)) return false; return true; } ), iat: yup .number() .required() .test( 'is_before_one_day', 'Token was issued before one day ago and is now invalid.', (value) => { if (!value) return false; const date = new Date(); date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1); if (value < Math.ceil(Number(date) / 1000)) return false; return true; } ), // these should exist because we set the scope to `openid profile email` email: yup.string().email().required(), email_verified: yup.boolean().required(), }); }; export interface WellKnownConfiguration { issuer: string; authorization_endpoint: string; token_endpoint: string; device_authorization_endpoint: string; userinfo_endpoint: string; mfa_challenge_endpoint: string; jwks_uri: string; registration_endpoint: string; revocation_endpoint: string; scopes_supported: string[]; response_types_supported: string[]; code_challenge_methods_supported: string[]; response_modes_supported: string[]; subject_types_supported: string[]; id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: string[]; token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: string[]; claims_supported: string[]; request_uri_parameter_supported: boolean; }