# Telegram {% hint style="info" %} Users can optionally configure personal notifications in their user settings. User notifications are separate from system notifications, and the available notification types are dependent on user permissions. {% endhint %} ## Configuration {% hint style="info" %} In order to configure Telegram notifications, you first need to [create a bot](https://telegram.me/BotFather). Bots **cannot** initiate conversations with users, so users must have your bot added to a conversation in order to receive notifications. {% endhint %} ### Bot Username (optional) If this value is configured, users will be able to click a link to start a chat with your bot and configure their own personal notifications. The bot username should end with `_bot`, and the `@` prefix should be omitted. ### Bot Authentication Token At the end of the bot creation process, [@BotFather](https://telegram.me/botfather) will provide an authentication token. ### Chat ID To obtain your chat ID, simply create a new group chat, add [@get_id_bot](https://telegram.me/get_id_bot), and issue the `/my_id` command. ### Send Silently (optional) Optionally, notifications can be sent silently. Silent notifications send messages without notification sounds.