# Third-Party Integrations

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**We do not officially support these third-party integrations.** If you run into any issues, please seek help on the appropriate support channels for the integration itself!
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- [Organizr](https://organizr.app/), a HTPC/homelab services organizer
- [Heimdall](https://github.com/linuxserver/Heimdall), an application dashboard and launcher
- [LunaSea](https://docs.lunasea.app/modules/overseerr), a self-hosted controller for mobile and macOS
- [Requestrr](https://github.com/darkalfx/requestrr/wiki/Configuring-Overseerr), a Discord chatbot
- [Doplarr](https://github.com/kiranshila/Doplarr), a Discord request bot
- [Overseerr Assistant](https://github.com/RemiRigal/Overseerr-Assistant), a browser extension for requesting directly from TMDB and IMDb
- [ha-overseerr](https://github.com/vaparr/ha-overseerr), a custom Home Assistant component
- [OverCLIrr](https://github.com/WillFantom/OverCLIrr), a command-line tool
- [Overseerr Exporter](https://github.com/WillFantom/overseerr-exporter), a Prometheus exporter