You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

391 lines
9.6 KiB

import logger from '@server/logger';
import ServarrBase from './base';
export interface LidarrAlbumOptions {
profileId: number;
qualityProfileId: number;
rootFolderPath: string;
title: string;
mbId: string;
monitored: boolean;
tags: string[];
searchNow: boolean;
export interface LidarrArtistOptions {
profileId: number;
qualityProfileId: number;
rootFolderPath: string;
mbId: string;
monitored: boolean;
tags: string[];
searchNow: boolean;
monitorNewItems: string;
monitor: string;
searchForMissingAlbums: boolean;
export interface LidarrMusic {
id: number;
title: string;
isAvailable: boolean;
monitored: boolean;
mbId: number;
titleSlug: string;
folderName: string;
path: string;
profileId: number;
qualityProfileId: number;
added: string;
hasFile: boolean;
export interface LidarrAlbum {
title: string;
disambiguation: string;
overview: string;
artistId: number;
foreignAlbumId: string;
monitored: boolean;
anyReleaseOk: boolean;
profileId: number;
duration: number;
albumType: string;
secondaryTypes: string[];
mediumCount: number;
ratings: Ratings;
releaseDate: string;
releases: LidarrRelease[];
genres: string[];
media: Medium[];
artist: LidarrArtist;
images: Image[];
links: Link[];
statistics: Statistics;
grabbed: boolean;
id: number;
export interface LidarrArtist {
addOptions?: { monitor: string; searchForMissingAlbums: boolean };
artistMetadataId: number;
status: string;
ended: boolean;
artistName: string;
foreignArtistId: string;
tadbId: number;
discogsId: number;
overview: string;
artistType: string;
disambiguation: string;
links: Link[];
images: Image[];
path: string;
qualityProfileId: number;
metadataProfileId: number;
monitored: boolean;
monitorNewItems: string;
rootFolderPath?: string;
genres: string[];
cleanName: string;
sortName: string;
tags: Tag[];
added: string;
ratings: Ratings;
statistics: Statistics;
id: number;
export interface LidarrRelease {
id: number;
albumId: number;
foreignReleaseId: string;
title: string;
status: string;
duration: number;
trackCount: number;
media: Medium[];
mediumCount: number;
disambiguation: string;
country: string[];
label: string[];
format: string;
monitored: boolean;
export interface Link {
url: string;
name: string;
export interface Ratings {
votes: number;
value: number;
export interface Statistics {
albumCount?: number;
trackFileCount: number;
trackCount: number;
totalTrackCount: number;
sizeOnDisk: number;
percentOfTracks: number;
export interface Image {
url: string;
coverType: string;
extension: string;
remoteUrl: string;
export interface Tag {
name: string;
count: number;
export interface Medium {
mediumNumber: number;
mediumName: string;
mediumFormat: string;
class LidarrAPI extends ServarrBase<{ musicId: number }> {
static lastArtistsUpdate = 0;
static artists: LidarrArtist[] = [];
static delay = 1000 * 60;
constructor({ url, apiKey }: { url: string; apiKey: string }) {
super({ url, apiKey, cacheName: 'lidarr', apiName: 'Lidarr' });
if (LidarrAPI.lastArtistsUpdate < - LidarrAPI.delay) {
public getArtists = (): void => {
try {
LidarrAPI.lastArtistsUpdate =;
this.axios.get<LidarrArtist[]>('/artist').then((response) => {
LidarrAPI.artists =;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[Lidarr] Failed to retrieve artists: ${e.message}`);
public getArtist = async (id: string | number): Promise<LidarrArtist> => {
try {
if (LidarrAPI.lastArtistsUpdate < - LidarrAPI.delay) {
if (typeof id === 'number') {
const result = LidarrAPI.artists.find((artist) => === id);
if (result) {
return result;
throw new Error(`Artist not found (using Lidarr Id): ${id}`);
const result = LidarrAPI.artists.find(
(artist) => artist.foreignArtistId === id
if (result) {
return result;
const artist = await this.getArtistByMusicBrainzId(id);
if (artist) {
return artist;
throw new Error(`Artist not found (using MusicBrainz Id): ${id}`);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[Lidarr] ${e.message}`);
public async getArtistByMusicBrainzId(mbId: string): Promise<LidarrArtist> {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<LidarrArtist[]>('/artist/lookup', {
params: {
term: `mbid:` + mbId,
if (![0]) {
throw new Error('Artist not found');
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error retrieving artist by MusicBrainz ID', {
label: 'Lidarr API',
errorMessage: e.message,
mbId: mbId,
throw new Error('Artist not found');
public getAlbums = async (): Promise<LidarrAlbum[]> => {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<LidarrAlbum[]>('/album');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[Lidarr] Failed to retrieve albums: ${e.message}`);
public async getAlbum({
}: {
artistId?: number;
foreignAlbumId?: string;
albumId?: number;
}): Promise<LidarrAlbum[]> {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<LidarrAlbum[]>('/album', {
params: {
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`[Lidarr] Failed to retrieve album: ${e.message}`);
public async getAlbumByMusicBrainzId(mbId: string): Promise<LidarrAlbum> {
try {
const response = await this.axios.get<LidarrAlbum[]>('/album/lookup', {
params: {
term: `mbid:` + mbId,
if (![0]) {
throw new Error('Album not found');
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error retrieving album by MusicBrainz ID', {
label: 'Lidarr API',
errorMessage: e.message,
mbId: mbId,
throw new Error('Album not found');
public addAlbum = async (
options: LidarrAlbumOptions
): Promise<LidarrAlbum> => {
try {
const album = await this.getAlbumByMusicBrainzId(options.mbId);
if ( {
'Album is already monitored in Lidarr. Starting search for download.',
{ label: 'Lidarr' }
);`/command`, {
name: 'AlbumSearch',
albumIds: [],
return album;
const artist = album.artist;
artist.monitored = true;
artist.monitorNewItems = 'all';
artist.qualityProfileId = options.qualityProfileId;
artist.rootFolderPath = options.rootFolderPath;
artist.addOptions = {
monitor: 'none',
searchForMissingAlbums: true,
album.anyReleaseOk = true;
const response = await<LidarrAlbum>(`/album/`, {
title: options.title,
qualityProfileId: options.qualityProfileId,
profileId: options.profileId,
foreignAlbumId: options.mbId.toString(),
tags: options.tags,
monitored: options.monitored,
artist: artist,
rootFolderPath: options.rootFolderPath,
addOptions: {
searchForNewAlbum: options.searchNow,
if ( {'Lidarr accepted request', { label: 'Lidarr' });
} else {
logger.error('Failed to add album to Lidarr', {
label: 'Lidarr',
throw new Error('Failed to add album to Lidarr');
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error adding album by MUSICBRAINZ ID', {
label: 'Lidarr API',
errorMessage: e.message,
mbId: options.mbId,
throw new Error(`[Lidarr] Failed to add album: ${options.mbId}`);
public addArtist = async (
options: LidarrArtistOptions
): Promise<LidarrArtist> => {
try {
const artist = await this.getArtistByMusicBrainzId(options.mbId);
if ( {'Artist is already monitored in Lidarr. Skipping add.', {
label: 'Lidarr',
artistName: artist.artistName,
return artist;
const response = await<LidarrArtist>('/artist', {
qualityProfileId: options.qualityProfileId,
metadataProfileId: options.profileId,
monitored: true,
monitorNewItems: options.monitorNewItems,
rootFolderPath: options.rootFolderPath,
addOptions: {
monitor: options.monitor,
searchForMissingAlbums: options.searchForMissingAlbums,
if ( {'Lidarr accepted request', { label: 'Lidarr' });
} else {
logger.error('Failed to add artist to Lidarr', {
label: 'Lidarr',
mbId: options.mbId,
throw new Error('Failed to add artist to Lidarr');
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error adding artist by MUSICBRAINZ ID', {
label: 'Lidarr API',
errorMessage: e.message,
mbId: options.mbId,
throw new Error(`[Lidarr] Failed to add artist: ${options.mbId}`);
export default LidarrAPI;