554 lines
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554 lines
14 KiB
import { randomUUID } from 'crypto';
import fs from 'fs';
import { merge } from 'lodash';
import path from 'path';
import webpush from 'web-push';
import { Permission } from './permissions';
export interface Library {
id: string;
name: string;
enabled: boolean;
type: 'show' | 'movie';
lastScan?: number;
export interface Region {
iso_3166_1: string;
english_name: string;
name?: string;
export interface Language {
iso_639_1: string;
english_name: string;
name: string;
export interface PlexSettings {
name: string;
machineId?: string;
ip: string;
port: number;
useSsl?: boolean;
libraries: Library[];
webAppUrl?: string;
export interface DVRSettings {
id: number;
name: string;
hostname: string;
port: number;
apiKey: string;
useSsl: boolean;
baseUrl?: string;
activeProfileId: number;
activeProfileName: string;
activeDirectory: string;
tags: number[];
is4k: boolean;
isDefault: boolean;
externalUrl?: string;
syncEnabled: boolean;
preventSearch: boolean;
export interface RadarrSettings extends DVRSettings {
minimumAvailability: string;
export interface SonarrSettings extends DVRSettings {
activeAnimeProfileId?: number;
activeAnimeProfileName?: string;
activeAnimeDirectory?: string;
activeAnimeLanguageProfileId?: number;
activeLanguageProfileId?: number;
animeTags?: number[];
enableSeasonFolders: boolean;
interface Quota {
quotaLimit?: number;
quotaDays?: number;
export interface MainSettings {
apiKey: string;
applicationTitle: string;
applicationUrl: string;
csrfProtection: boolean;
cacheImages: boolean;
defaultPermissions: number;
defaultQuotas: {
movie: Quota;
tv: Quota;
hideAvailable: boolean;
localLogin: boolean;
newPlexLogin: boolean;
region: string;
originalLanguage: string;
trustProxy: boolean;
partialRequestsEnabled: boolean;
locale: string;
interface PublicSettings {
initialized: boolean;
interface FullPublicSettings extends PublicSettings {
applicationTitle: string;
applicationUrl: string;
hideAvailable: boolean;
localLogin: boolean;
movie4kEnabled: boolean;
series4kEnabled: boolean;
region: string;
originalLanguage: string;
partialRequestsEnabled: boolean;
cacheImages: boolean;
vapidPublic: string;
enablePushRegistration: boolean;
locale: string;
emailEnabled: boolean;
export interface NotificationAgentConfig {
enabled: boolean;
types?: number;
options: Record<string, unknown>;
export interface NotificationAgentDiscord extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
botUsername?: string;
botAvatarUrl?: string;
webhookUrl: string;
export interface NotificationAgentSlack extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
webhookUrl: string;
export interface NotificationAgentEmail extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
emailFrom: string;
smtpHost: string;
smtpPort: number;
secure: boolean;
ignoreTls: boolean;
requireTls: boolean;
authUser?: string;
authPass?: string;
allowSelfSigned: boolean;
senderName: string;
pgpPrivateKey?: string;
pgpPassword?: string;
export interface NotificationAgentLunaSea extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
webhookUrl: string;
profileName?: string;
export interface NotificationAgentTelegram extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
botUsername?: string;
botAPI: string;
chatId: string;
sendSilently: boolean;
export interface NotificationAgentPushbullet extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
accessToken: string;
export interface NotificationAgentPushover extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
accessToken: string;
userToken: string;
export interface NotificationAgentWebhook extends NotificationAgentConfig {
options: {
webhookUrl: string;
jsonPayload: string;
authHeader?: string;
export enum NotificationAgentKey {
DISCORD = 'discord',
EMAIL = 'email',
PUSHBULLET = 'pushbullet',
PUSHOVER = 'pushover',
SLACK = 'slack',
TELEGRAM = 'telegram',
WEBHOOK = 'webhook',
WEBPUSH = 'webpush',
interface NotificationAgents {
discord: NotificationAgentDiscord;
email: NotificationAgentEmail;
lunasea: NotificationAgentLunaSea;
pushbullet: NotificationAgentPushbullet;
pushover: NotificationAgentPushover;
slack: NotificationAgentSlack;
telegram: NotificationAgentTelegram;
webhook: NotificationAgentWebhook;
webpush: NotificationAgentConfig;
interface NotificationSettings {
agents: NotificationAgents;
interface JobSettings {
schedule: string;
export type JobId =
| 'plex-recently-added-scan'
| 'plex-full-scan'
| 'radarr-scan'
| 'sonarr-scan'
| 'download-sync'
| 'download-sync-reset';
interface AllSettings {
clientId: string;
vapidPublic: string;
vapidPrivate: string;
main: MainSettings;
plex: PlexSettings;
radarr: RadarrSettings[];
sonarr: SonarrSettings[];
public: PublicSettings;
notifications: NotificationSettings;
jobs: Record<JobId, JobSettings>;
? `${process.env.CONFIG_DIRECTORY}/settings.json`
: path.join(__dirname, '../../config/settings.json');
class Settings {
private data: AllSettings;
constructor(initialSettings?: AllSettings) {
this.data = {
clientId: randomUUID(),
vapidPrivate: '',
vapidPublic: '',
main: {
apiKey: '',
applicationTitle: 'Overseerr',
applicationUrl: '',
csrfProtection: false,
cacheImages: false,
defaultPermissions: Permission.REQUEST,
defaultQuotas: {
movie: {},
tv: {},
hideAvailable: false,
localLogin: true,
newPlexLogin: true,
region: '',
originalLanguage: '',
trustProxy: false,
partialRequestsEnabled: true,
locale: 'en',
plex: {
name: '',
ip: '',
port: 32400,
useSsl: false,
libraries: [],
radarr: [],
sonarr: [],
public: {
initialized: false,
notifications: {
agents: {
email: {
enabled: false,
options: {
emailFrom: '',
smtpHost: '',
smtpPort: 587,
secure: false,
ignoreTls: false,
requireTls: false,
allowSelfSigned: false,
senderName: 'Overseerr',
discord: {
enabled: false,
types: 0,
options: {
webhookUrl: '',
lunasea: {
enabled: false,
types: 0,
options: {
webhookUrl: '',
slack: {
enabled: false,
types: 0,
options: {
webhookUrl: '',
telegram: {
enabled: false,
types: 0,
options: {
botAPI: '',
chatId: '',
sendSilently: false,
pushbullet: {
enabled: false,
types: 0,
options: {
accessToken: '',
pushover: {
enabled: false,
types: 0,
options: {
accessToken: '',
userToken: '',
webhook: {
enabled: false,
types: 0,
options: {
webhookUrl: '',
webpush: {
enabled: false,
options: {},
jobs: {
'plex-recently-added-scan': {
schedule: '0 */5 * * * *',
'plex-full-scan': {
schedule: '0 0 3 * * *',
'radarr-scan': {
schedule: '0 0 4 * * *',
'sonarr-scan': {
schedule: '0 30 4 * * *',
'download-sync': {
schedule: '0 * * * * *',
'download-sync-reset': {
schedule: '0 0 1 * * *',
if (initialSettings) {
this.data = merge(this.data, initialSettings);
get main(): MainSettings {
if (!this.data.main.apiKey) {
this.data.main.apiKey = this.generateApiKey();
return this.data.main;
set main(data: MainSettings) {
this.data.main = data;
get plex(): PlexSettings {
return this.data.plex;
set plex(data: PlexSettings) {
this.data.plex = data;
get radarr(): RadarrSettings[] {
return this.data.radarr;
set radarr(data: RadarrSettings[]) {
this.data.radarr = data;
get sonarr(): SonarrSettings[] {
return this.data.sonarr;
set sonarr(data: SonarrSettings[]) {
this.data.sonarr = data;
get public(): PublicSettings {
return this.data.public;
set public(data: PublicSettings) {
this.data.public = data;
get fullPublicSettings(): FullPublicSettings {
return {
applicationTitle: this.data.main.applicationTitle,
applicationUrl: this.data.main.applicationUrl,
hideAvailable: this.data.main.hideAvailable,
localLogin: this.data.main.localLogin,
movie4kEnabled: this.data.radarr.some(
(radarr) => radarr.is4k && radarr.isDefault
series4kEnabled: this.data.sonarr.some(
(sonarr) => sonarr.is4k && sonarr.isDefault
region: this.data.main.region,
originalLanguage: this.data.main.originalLanguage,
partialRequestsEnabled: this.data.main.partialRequestsEnabled,
cacheImages: this.data.main.cacheImages,
vapidPublic: this.vapidPublic,
enablePushRegistration: this.data.notifications.agents.webpush.enabled,
locale: this.data.main.locale,
emailEnabled: this.data.notifications.agents.email.enabled,
get notifications(): NotificationSettings {
return this.data.notifications;
set notifications(data: NotificationSettings) {
this.data.notifications = data;
get jobs(): Record<JobId, JobSettings> {
return this.data.jobs;
set jobs(data: Record<JobId, JobSettings>) {
this.data.jobs = data;
get clientId(): string {
if (!this.data.clientId) {
this.data.clientId = randomUUID();
return this.data.clientId;
get vapidPublic(): string {
return this.data.vapidPublic;
get vapidPrivate(): string {
return this.data.vapidPrivate;
public regenerateApiKey(): MainSettings {
this.main.apiKey = this.generateApiKey();
return this.main;
private generateApiKey(): string {
return Buffer.from(`${Date.now()}${randomUUID()})`).toString('base64');
private generateVapidKeys(force = false): void {
if (!this.data.vapidPublic || !this.data.vapidPrivate || force) {
const vapidKeys = webpush.generateVAPIDKeys();
this.data.vapidPrivate = vapidKeys.privateKey;
this.data.vapidPublic = vapidKeys.publicKey;
* Settings Load
* This will load settings from file unless an optional argument of the object structure
* is passed in.
* @param overrideSettings If passed in, will override all existing settings with these
* values
public load(overrideSettings?: AllSettings): Settings {
if (overrideSettings) {
this.data = overrideSettings;
return this;
if (!fs.existsSync(SETTINGS_PATH)) {
const data = fs.readFileSync(SETTINGS_PATH, 'utf-8');
if (data) {
this.data = merge(this.data, JSON.parse(data));
return this;
public save(): void {
fs.writeFileSync(SETTINGS_PATH, JSON.stringify(this.data, undefined, ' '));
let settings: Settings | undefined;
export const getSettings = (initialSettings?: AllSettings): Settings => {
if (!settings) {
settings = new Settings(initialSettings);
return settings;
export default Settings;