322 lines
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322 lines
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import bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
import path from 'path';
import { default as generatePassword } from 'secure-random-password';
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { MediaRequestStatus, MediaType } from '../constants/media';
import { UserType } from '../constants/user';
import { QuotaResponse } from '../interfaces/api/userInterfaces';
import PreparedEmail from '../lib/email';
import {
} from '../lib/permissions';
import { getSettings } from '../lib/settings';
import logger from '../logger';
import { MediaRequest } from './MediaRequest';
import SeasonRequest from './SeasonRequest';
import { UserPushSubscription } from './UserPushSubscription';
import { UserSettings } from './UserSettings';
export class User {
public static filterMany(
users: User[],
showFiltered?: boolean
): Partial<User>[] {
return users.map((u) => u.filter(showFiltered));
static readonly filteredFields: string[] = ['email'];
public displayName: string;
public id: number;
@Column({ unique: true })
public email: string;
@Column({ nullable: true })
public plexUsername: string;
@Column({ nullable: true })
public username?: string;
@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
public password?: string;
@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
public resetPasswordGuid?: string;
@Column({ type: 'date', nullable: true })
public recoveryLinkExpirationDate?: Date | null;
@Column({ type: 'integer', default: UserType.PLEX })
public userType: UserType;
@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
public plexId?: number;
@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
public plexToken?: string;
@Column({ type: 'integer', default: 0 })
public permissions = 0;
public avatar: string;
@RelationCount((user: User) => user.requests)
public requestCount: number;
@OneToMany(() => MediaRequest, (request) => request.requestedBy)
public requests: MediaRequest[];
@Column({ nullable: true })
public movieQuotaLimit?: number;
@Column({ nullable: true })
public movieQuotaDays?: number;
@Column({ nullable: true })
public tvQuotaLimit?: number;
@Column({ nullable: true })
public tvQuotaDays?: number;
@OneToOne(() => UserSettings, (settings) => settings.user, {
cascade: true,
eager: true,
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
public settings?: UserSettings;
@OneToMany(() => UserPushSubscription, (pushSub) => pushSub.user)
public pushSubscriptions: UserPushSubscription[];
public createdAt: Date;
public updatedAt: Date;
constructor(init?: Partial<User>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public filter(showFiltered?: boolean): Partial<User> {
const filtered: Partial<User> = Object.assign(
...(Object.keys(this) as (keyof User)[])
.filter((k) => showFiltered || !User.filteredFields.includes(k))
.map((k) => ({ [k]: this[k] }))
return filtered;
public hasPermission(
permissions: Permission | Permission[],
options?: PermissionCheckOptions
): boolean {
return !!hasPermission(permissions, this.permissions, options);
public passwordMatch(password: string): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (this.password) {
resolve(bcrypt.compare(password, this.password));
} else {
return resolve(false);
public async setPassword(password: string): Promise<void> {
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 12);
this.password = hashedPassword;
public async generatePassword(): Promise<void> {
const password = generatePassword.randomPassword({ length: 16 });
const { applicationTitle, applicationUrl } = getSettings().main;
try {
logger.info(`Sending generated password email for ${this.email}`, {
label: 'User Management',
const email = new PreparedEmail(getSettings().notifications.agents.email);
await email.send({
template: path.join(__dirname, '../templates/email/generatedpassword'),
message: {
to: this.email,
locals: {
password: password,
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Failed to send out generated password email', {
label: 'User Management',
message: e.message,
public async resetPassword(): Promise<void> {
const guid = uuid();
this.resetPasswordGuid = guid;
// 24 hours into the future
const targetDate = new Date();
targetDate.setDate(targetDate.getDate() + 1);
this.recoveryLinkExpirationDate = targetDate;
const { applicationTitle, applicationUrl } = getSettings().main;
const resetPasswordLink = `${applicationUrl}/resetpassword/${guid}`;
try {
logger.info(`Sending reset password email for ${this.email}`, {
label: 'User Management',
const email = new PreparedEmail(getSettings().notifications.agents.email);
await email.send({
template: path.join(__dirname, '../templates/email/resetpassword'),
message: {
to: this.email,
locals: {
applicationUrl: resetPasswordLink,
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Failed to send out reset password email', {
label: 'User Management',
message: e.message,
public setDisplayName(): void {
this.displayName = this.username || this.plexUsername;
public async getQuota(): Promise<QuotaResponse> {
const {
main: { defaultQuotas },
} = getSettings();
const requestRepository = getRepository(MediaRequest);
const canBypass = this.hasPermission([Permission.MANAGE_USERS], {
type: 'or',
const movieQuotaLimit = !canBypass
? this.movieQuotaLimit ?? defaultQuotas.movie.quotaLimit
: 0;
const movieQuotaDays = this.movieQuotaDays ?? defaultQuotas.movie.quotaDays;
// Count movie requests made during quota period
const movieDate = new Date();
if (movieQuotaDays) {
movieDate.setDate(movieDate.getDate() - movieQuotaDays);
const movieQuotaStartDate = movieDate.toJSON();
const movieQuotaUsed = movieQuotaLimit
? await requestRepository.count({
where: {
requestedBy: this,
createdAt: MoreThan(movieQuotaStartDate),
type: MediaType.MOVIE,
status: Not(MediaRequestStatus.DECLINED),
: 0;
const tvQuotaLimit = !canBypass
? this.tvQuotaLimit ?? defaultQuotas.tv.quotaLimit
: 0;
const tvQuotaDays = this.tvQuotaDays ?? defaultQuotas.tv.quotaDays;
// Count tv season requests made during quota period
const tvDate = new Date();
if (tvQuotaDays) {
tvDate.setDate(tvDate.getDate() - tvQuotaDays);
const tvQuotaStartDate = tvDate.toJSON();
const tvQuotaUsed = tvQuotaLimit
? (
await requestRepository
.leftJoin('request.seasons', 'seasons')
.leftJoin('request.requestedBy', 'requestedBy')
.where('request.type = :requestType', {
requestType: MediaType.TV,
.andWhere('requestedBy.id = :userId', {
userId: this.id,
.andWhere('request.createdAt > :date', {
date: tvQuotaStartDate,
.andWhere('request.status != :declinedStatus', {
declinedStatus: MediaRequestStatus.DECLINED,
.addSelect((subQuery) => {
return subQuery
.select('COUNT(season.id)', 'seasonCount')
.from(SeasonRequest, 'season')
.leftJoin('season.request', 'parentRequest')
.where('parentRequest.id = request.id');
}, 'seasonCount')
).reduce((sum: number, req: MediaRequest) => sum + req.seasonCount, 0)
: 0;
return {
movie: {
days: movieQuotaDays,
limit: movieQuotaLimit,
used: movieQuotaUsed,
remaining: movieQuotaLimit
? movieQuotaLimit - movieQuotaUsed
: undefined,
movieQuotaLimit && movieQuotaLimit - movieQuotaUsed <= 0
? true
: false,
tv: {
days: tvQuotaDays,
limit: tvQuotaLimit,
used: tvQuotaUsed,
remaining: tvQuotaLimit ? tvQuotaLimit - tvQuotaUsed : undefined,
tvQuotaLimit && tvQuotaLimit - tvQuotaUsed <= 0 ? true : false,