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455 lines
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interface TmdbMediaResult {
id: number;
media_type: string;
popularity: number;
poster_path?: string;
backdrop_path?: string;
vote_count: number;
vote_average: number;
genre_ids: number[];
overview: string;
original_language: string;
export interface TmdbMovieResult extends TmdbMediaResult {
media_type: 'movie';
title: string;
original_title: string;
release_date: string;
adult: boolean;
video: boolean;
export interface TmdbTvResult extends TmdbMediaResult {
media_type: 'tv';
name: string;
original_name: string;
origin_country: string[];
first_air_date: string;
export interface TmdbPersonResult {
id: number;
name: string;
popularity: number;
profile_path?: string;
adult: boolean;
media_type: 'person';
known_for: (TmdbMovieResult | TmdbTvResult)[];
interface TmdbPaginatedResponse {
page: number;
total_results: number;
total_pages: number;
export interface TmdbSearchMultiResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: (TmdbMovieResult | TmdbTvResult | TmdbPersonResult)[];
export interface TmdbSearchMovieResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: TmdbMovieResult[];
export interface TmdbSearchTvResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: TmdbTvResult[];
export interface TmdbUpcomingMoviesResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
dates: {
maximum: string;
minimum: string;
results: TmdbMovieResult[];
export interface TmdbExternalIdResponse {
movie_results: TmdbMovieResult[];
tv_results: TmdbTvResult[];
person_results: TmdbPersonResult[];
export interface TmdbCreditCast {
cast_id: number;
character: string;
credit_id: string;
gender?: number;
id: number;
name: string;
order: number;
profile_path?: string;
export interface TmdbAggregateCreditCast extends TmdbCreditCast {
roles: {
credit_id: string;
character: string;
episode_count: number;
export interface TmdbCreditCrew {
credit_id: string;
gender?: number;
id: number;
name: string;
profile_path?: string;
job: string;
department: string;
export interface TmdbExternalIds {
imdb_id?: string;
freebase_mid?: string;
freebase_id?: string;
tvdb_id?: number;
tvrage_id?: string;
facebook_id?: string;
instagram_id?: string;
twitter_id?: string;
export interface TmdbProductionCompany {
id: number;
logo_path?: string;
name: string;
origin_country: string;
homepage?: string;
headquarters?: string;
description?: string;
export interface TmdbMovieDetails {
id: number;
imdb_id?: string;
adult: boolean;
backdrop_path?: string;
poster_path?: string;
budget: number;
genres: {
id: number;
name: string;
homepage?: string;
original_language: string;
original_title: string;
overview?: string;
popularity: number;
production_companies: TmdbProductionCompany[];
production_countries: {
iso_3166_1: string;
name: string;
release_date: string;
release_dates: TmdbMovieReleaseResult;
revenue: number;
runtime?: number;
spoken_languages: {
iso_639_1: string;
name: string;
status: string;
tagline?: string;
title: string;
video: boolean;
vote_average: number;
vote_count: number;
credits: {
cast: TmdbCreditCast[];
crew: TmdbCreditCrew[];
belongs_to_collection?: {
id: number;
name: string;
poster_path?: string;
backdrop_path?: string;
external_ids: TmdbExternalIds;
videos: TmdbVideoResult;
'watch/providers'?: {
id: number;
results?: { [iso_3166_1: string]: TmdbWatchProviders };
keywords: {
keywords: TmdbKeyword[];
export interface TmdbVideo {
id: string;
key: string;
name: string;
site: 'YouTube';
size: number;
| 'Clip'
| 'Teaser'
| 'Trailer'
| 'Featurette'
| 'Opening Credits'
| 'Behind the Scenes'
| 'Bloopers';
export interface TmdbTvEpisodeResult {
id: number;
air_date: string | null;
episode_number: number;
name: string;
overview: string;
production_code: string;
season_number: number;
show_id: number;
still_path: string;
vote_average: number;
vote_cuont: number;
export interface TmdbTvSeasonResult {
id: number;
air_date: string;
episode_count: number;
name: string;
overview: string;
poster_path?: string;
season_number: number;
export interface TmdbTvDetails {
id: number;
backdrop_path?: string;
content_ratings: TmdbTvRatingResult;
created_by: {
id: number;
credit_id: string;
name: string;
gender: number;
profile_path?: string;
episode_run_time: number[];
first_air_date: string;
genres: {
id: number;
name: string;
homepage: string;
in_production: boolean;
languages: string[];
last_air_date: string;
last_episode_to_air?: TmdbTvEpisodeResult;
name: string;
next_episode_to_air?: TmdbTvEpisodeResult;
networks: TmdbNetwork[];
number_of_episodes: number;
number_of_seasons: number;
origin_country: string[];
original_language: string;
original_name: string;
overview: string;
popularity: number;
poster_path?: string;
production_companies: {
id: number;
logo_path?: string;
name: string;
origin_country: string;
production_countries: {
iso_3166_1: string;
name: string;
spoken_languages: {
english_name: string;
iso_639_1: string;
name: string;
seasons: TmdbTvSeasonResult[];
status: string;
tagline?: string;
type: string;
vote_average: number;
vote_count: number;
aggregate_credits: {
cast: TmdbAggregateCreditCast[];
credits: {
crew: TmdbCreditCrew[];
external_ids: TmdbExternalIds;
keywords: {
results: TmdbKeyword[];
videos: TmdbVideoResult;
'watch/providers'?: {
id: number;
results?: { [iso_3166_1: string]: TmdbWatchProviders };
export interface TmdbVideoResult {
results: TmdbVideo[];
export interface TmdbTvRatingResult {
results: TmdbRating[];
export interface TmdbRating {
iso_3166_1: string;
rating: string;
export interface TmdbMovieReleaseResult {
results: TmdbRelease[];
export interface TmdbRelease extends TmdbRating {
release_dates: {
certification: string;
iso_639_1?: string;
note?: string;
release_date: string;
type: number;
export interface TmdbKeyword {
id: number;
name: string;
export interface TmdbPersonDetails {
id: number;
name: string;
birthday: string;
deathday: string;
known_for_department: string;
also_known_as?: string[];
gender: number;
biography: string;
popularity: number;
place_of_birth?: string;
profile_path?: string;
adult: boolean;
imdb_id?: string;
homepage?: string;
export interface TmdbPersonCredit {
id: number;
original_language: string;
episode_count: number;
overview: string;
origin_country: string[];
original_name: string;
vote_count: number;
name: string;
media_type?: string;
popularity: number;
credit_id: string;
backdrop_path?: string;
first_air_date: string;
vote_average: number;
genre_ids?: number[];
poster_path?: string;
original_title: string;
video?: boolean;
title: string;
adult: boolean;
release_date: string;
export interface TmdbPersonCreditCast extends TmdbPersonCredit {
character: string;
export interface TmdbPersonCreditCrew extends TmdbPersonCredit {
department: string;
job: string;
export interface TmdbPersonCombinedCredits {
id: number;
cast: TmdbPersonCreditCast[];
crew: TmdbPersonCreditCrew[];
export interface TmdbSeasonWithEpisodes
extends Omit<TmdbTvSeasonResult, 'episode_count'> {
episodes: TmdbTvEpisodeResult[];
external_ids: TmdbExternalIds;
export interface TmdbCollection {
id: number;
name: string;
overview?: string;
poster_path?: string;
backdrop_path?: string;
parts: TmdbMovieResult[];
export interface TmdbRegion {
iso_3166_1: string;
english_name: string;
export interface TmdbLanguage {
iso_639_1: string;
english_name: string;
name: string;
export interface TmdbGenresResult {
genres: TmdbGenre[];
export interface TmdbGenre {
id: number;
name: string;
export interface TmdbNetwork {
id: number;
name: string;
headquarters?: string;
homepage?: string;
logo_path?: string;
origin_country?: string;
export interface TmdbWatchProviders {
link?: string;
buy?: TmdbWatchProviderDetails[];
flatrate?: TmdbWatchProviderDetails[];
export interface TmdbWatchProviderDetails {
display_priority?: number;
logo_path?: string;
provider_id: number;
provider_name: string;
export interface TmdbKeywordSearchResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: TmdbKeyword[];
// We have production companies, but the company search results return less data
export interface TmdbCompany {
id: number;
logo_path?: string;
name: string;
export interface TmdbCompanySearchResponse extends TmdbPaginatedResponse {
results: TmdbCompany[];
export interface TmdbWatchProviderRegion {
iso_3166_1: string;
english_name: string;
native_name: string;