You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

288 lines
5.3 KiB

// Purpose: Interfaces for MusicBrainz data.
export interface mbDefaultType {
media_type: string;
id: string;
tags: string[];
export enum mbArtistType {
PERSON = 'Person',
GROUP = 'Group',
ORCHESTRA = 'Orchestra',
CHOIR = 'Choir',
CHARACTER = 'Character',
OTHER = 'Other',
export interface mbArtist extends mbDefaultType {
media_type: 'artist';
name: string;
sortName: string;
type: mbArtistType;
recordings?: mbRecording[];
releases?: mbRelease[];
releaseGroups?: mbReleaseGroup[];
works?: mbWork[];
gender?: string;
area?: string;
beginDate?: string;
endDate?: string;
export interface mbRecording extends mbDefaultType {
media_type: 'recording';
title: string;
artist: mbArtist[];
length: number;
firstReleased?: Date;
export interface mbRelease extends mbDefaultType {
media_type: 'release';
title: string;
artist: mbArtist[];
date?: Date;
tracks?: mbRecording[];
releaseGroup?: mbReleaseGroup;
export enum mbReleaseGroupType {
ALBUM = 'Album',
SINGLE = 'Single',
EP = 'EP',
BROADCAST = 'Broadcast',
OTHER = 'Other',
export interface mbReleaseGroup extends mbDefaultType {
media_type: 'release-group';
title: string;
artist: mbArtist[];
type: mbReleaseGroupType;
firstReleased?: Date;
releases?: mbRelease[];
export enum mbWorkType {
ARIA = 'Aria',
BALLET = 'Ballet',
CANTATA = 'Cantata',
CONCERTO = 'Concerto',
SONATA = 'Sonata',
SUITE = 'Suite',
MADRIGAL = 'Madrigal',
MASS = 'Mass',
MOTET = 'Motet',
OPERA = 'Opera',
ORATORIO = 'Oratorio',
OVERTURE = 'Overture',
PARTITA = 'Partita',
QUARTET = 'Quartet',
SONG_CYCLE = 'Song-cycle',
SYMPHONY = 'Symphony',
SONG = 'Song',
SYMPHONIC_POEM = 'Symphonic poem',
ZARZUELA = 'Zarzuela',
ETUDE = 'Étude',
POEM = 'Poem',
SOUNDTRACK = 'Soundtrack',
PROSE = 'Prose',
OPERETTA = 'Operetta',
AUDIO_DRAMA = 'Audio drama',
BEIJING_OPERA = 'Beijing opera',
PLAY = 'Play',
MUSICAL = 'Musical',
INCIDENTAL_MUSIC = 'Incidental music',
OTHER = 'Other',
export interface mbWork extends mbDefaultType {
media_type: 'work';
title: string;
type: mbWorkType;
artist: mbArtist[];
export interface Artist {
'end-area': Area;
tags: Tag[];
name: string;
country: string;
ipis: string[];
gender: string;
area: Area;
begin_area: Area;
id: string;
releases: Release[];
'type-id': string;
'begin-area': Area;
isnis: string[];
recordings: Recording[];
'sort-name': string;
'release-groups': Group[];
works: Work[];
type: string;
'gender-id': string;
disambiguation: string;
end_area: Area;
'life-span': LifeSpan;
export interface Tag {
count: number;
name: string;
export interface Area {
type: string;
disambiguation: string;
'iso-3166-1-codes'?: string[];
'type-id': string;
id: string;
'sort-name': string;
name: string;
export interface Release {
'packaging-id'?: string;
title: string;
'release-events'?: Event[];
tags: Tag[];
country?: string;
status: string;
'release-group': Group;
quality: string;
media: Medium[];
date?: string;
packaging?: string;
disambiguation: string;
barcode?: string;
'status-id': string;
'text-representation': TextRepresentation;
id: string;
'cover-art-archive': CoverArtArchive;
'artist-credit': ArtistCredit[];
export interface CoverArtArchive {
artwork: boolean;
back: boolean;
count: number;
darkened: boolean;
front: boolean;
export interface ArtistCredit {
name: string;
joinphrase: string;
artist: Artist;
export interface Event {
area?: Area;
date: string;
export interface Medium {
position: number;
'format-id': string;
format: string;
title: string;
'track-count': number;
'track-offset'?: number;
tracks?: Track[];
export interface Track {
title: string;
position: number;
number: string;
recording: Recording;
length: number;
id: string;
export interface TextRepresentation {
language: string;
script: string;
export interface Recording {
title: string;
tags: Tag[];
disambiguation: string;
id: string;
releases: Release[];
'first-release-date': string;
length: number;
'artist-credit': ArtistCredit[];
video: boolean;
export interface Group {
id: string;
releases: Release[];
'first-release-date': string;
'primary-type': string;
tags: Tag[];
'secondary-types': string[];
disambiguation: string;
'secondary-type-ids': string[];
'primary-type-id': string;
title: string;
'artist-credit': ArtistCredit[];
export interface Work {
attributes: Attribute[];
language: string;
type: string;
disambiguation: string;
id: string;
'type-id': string;
iswcs: string[];
title: string;
tags: Tag[];
languages: string[];
relations: Relation[];
export interface Relation {
type: string;
attributes: Attribute[];
begin: string;
'target-credit': string;
end: string;
'type-id': string;
direction: string;
ended: boolean;
'target-type': string;
'source-credit': string;
artist: Artist;
export interface Attribute {
'type-id': string;
type: string;
value: string;
export interface LifeSpan {
ended: boolean;
end: string;
begin: string;
export interface SearchOptions {
query: string;
page?: number;
limit?: number;
keywords?: string;
artistname?: string;
albumname?: string;
recordingname?: string;
tags?: string[];
tag?: string;