// 20210417100212
// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fergiemcdowall/stopword/master/dist/stopword.js.map
"file": "stopword.js",
"names": [
"sourceRoot": "",
"sources": [
"sourcesContent": [
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n 'die', 'het', 'en', 'sy', 'nie', 'was', 'hy', 'te', 'is', 'ek', 'om', 'hulle', 'in', 'my',\n '\\'n', 'vir', 'toe', 'haar', 'van', 'dit', 'op', 'se', 'wat', 'met', 'gaan', 'baie', 'ons', 'jy',\n 'na', 'maar', 'hom', 'so', 'n', 'huis', 'kan', 'aan', 'dat', 'daar', 'sal', 'jou', 'gesê', 'by',\n 'kom', 'een', 'ma', 'as', 'son', 'groot', 'begin', 'al'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2016 Gene Diaz\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\"،\",\"آض\",\"آمينَ\",\"آه\",\"آهاً\",\"آي\",\"أ\",\"أب\",\"أجل\",\"أجمع\",\"أخ\",\"أخذ\",\"أصبح\",\"أضحى\",\"أقبل\",\"أقل\",\"أكثر\",\"ألا\",\"أم\",\"أما\",\"أمامك\",\"أمامكَ\",\"أمسى\",\"أمّا\",\"أن\",\"أنا\",\"أنت\",\"أنتم\",\"أنتما\",\"أنتن\",\"أنتِ\",\"أنشأ\",\"أنّى\",\"أو\",\"أوشك\",\"أولئك\",\"أولئكم\",\"أولاء\",\"أولالك\",\"أوّهْ\",\"أي\",\"أيا\",\"أين\",\"أينما\",\"أيّ\",\"أَنَّ\",\"أََيُّ\",\"أُفٍّ\",\"إذ\",\"إذا\",\"إذاً\",\"إذما\",\"إذن\",\"إلى\",\"إليكم\",\"إليكما\",\"إليكنّ\",\"إليكَ\",\"إلَيْكَ\",\"إلّا\",\"إمّا\",\"إن\",\"إنّما\",\"إي\",\"إياك\",\"إياكم\",\"إياكما\",\"إياكن\",\"إيانا\",\"إياه\",\"إياها\",\"إياهم\",\"إياهما\",\"إياهن\",\"إياي\",\"إيهٍ\",\"إِنَّ\",\"ا\",\"ابتدأ\",\"اثر\",\"اجل\",\"احد\",\"اخرى\",\"اخلولق\",\"اذا\",\"اربعة\",\"ارتدّ\",\"استحال\",\"اطار\",\"اعادة\",\"اعلنت\",\"اف\",\"اكثر\",\"اكد\",\"الألاء\",\"الألى\",\"الا\",\"الاخيرة\",\"الان\",\"الاول\",\"الاولى\",\"التى\",\"التي\",\"الثاني\",\"الثانية\",\"الذاتي\",\"الذى\",\"الذي\",\"الذين\",\"السابق\",\"الف\",\"اللائي\",\"اللاتي\",\"اللتان\",\"اللتيا\",\"اللتين\",\"اللذان\",\"اللذين\",\"اللواتي\",\"الماضي\",\"المقبل\",\"الوقت\",\"الى\",\"اليوم\",\"اما\",\"امام\",\"امس\",\"ان\",\"انبرى\",\"انقلب\",\"انه\",\"انها\",\"او\",\"اول\",\"اي\",\"ايار\",\"ايام\",\"ايضا\",\"ب\",\"بات\",\"باسم\",\"بان\",\"بخٍ\",\"برس\",\"بسبب\",\"بسّ\",\"بشكل\",\"بضع\",\"بطآن\",\"بعد\",\"بعض\",\"بك\",\"بكم\",\"بكما\",\"بكن\",\"بل\",\"بلى\",\"بما\",\"بماذا\",\"بمن\",\"بن\",\"بنا\",\"به\",\"بها\",\"بي\",\"بيد\",\"بين\",\"بَسْ\",\"بَلْهَ\",\"بِئْسَ\",\"تانِ\",\"تانِك\",\"تبدّل\",\"تجاه\",\"تحوّل\",\"تلقاء\",\"تلك\",\"تلكم\",\"تلكما\",\"تم\",\"تينك\",\"تَيْنِ\",\"تِه\",\"تِي\",\"ثلاثة\",\"ثم\",\"ثمّ\",\"ثمّة\",\"ثُمَّ\",\"جعل\",\"جلل\",\"جميع\",\"جير\",\"حار\",\"حاشا\",\"حاليا\",\"حاي\",\"حتى\",\"حرى\",\"حسب\",\"حم\",\"حوالى\",\"حول\",\"حيث\",\"حيثما\",\"حين\",\"حيَّ\",\"حَبَّذَا\",\"حَتَّى\",\"حَذارِ\",\"خلا\",\"خلال\",\"دون\",\"دونك\",\"ذا\",\"ذات\",\"ذاك\",\"ذانك\",\"ذانِ\",\"ذلك\",\"ذلكم\",\"ذلك<EFBFBD>
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['а', 'автентичен', 'аз', 'ако', 'ала', 'бе', 'без', 'беше', 'би', 'бивш', 'бивша', 'бившо', 'бил', 'била', 'били', 'било', 'благодаря', 'близо', 'бъдат', 'бъде', 'бяха', 'в', 'вас', 'ваш', 'ваша', 'вероятно', 'вече', 'взема', 'ви', 'вие', 'винаги', 'внимава', 'време', 'все', 'всеки', 'всички', 'всичко', 'всяка', 'във', 'въпреки', 'върху', 'г', 'ги', 'главен', 'главна', 'главно', 'глас', 'го', 'година', 'години', 'годишен', 'д', 'да', 'дали', 'два', 'двама', 'двамата', 'две', 'двете', 'ден', 'днес', 'дни', 'до', 'добра', 'добре', 'добро', 'добър', 'докато', 'докога', 'дори', 'досега', 'доста', 'друг', 'друга', 'други', 'е', 'евтин', 'едва', 'един', 'една', 'еднаква', 'еднакви', 'еднакъв', 'едно', 'екип', 'ето', 'живот', 'за', 'забавям', 'зад', 'заедно', 'заради', 'засега', 'заспал', 'затова', 'защо', 'защото', 'и', 'из', 'или', 'им', 'има', 'имат', 'иска', 'й', 'каза', 'как', 'каква', 'какво', 'както', 'какъв', 'като', 'кога', 'когато', 'което', 'които', 'кой', 'който', 'колко', 'която', 'къде', 'където', 'към', 'лесен', 'лесно', 'ли', 'лош', 'м', 'май', 'малко', 'ме', 'между', 'мек', 'мен', 'месец', 'ми', 'много', 'мнозина', 'мога', 'могат', 'може', 'мокър', 'моля', 'момента', 'му', 'н', 'на', 'над', 'назад', 'най', 'направи', 'напред', 'например', 'нас', 'не', 'него', 'нещо', 'нея', 'ни', 'ние', 'никой', 'нито', 'нищо', 'но', 'нов', 'нова', 'нови', 'новина', 'някои', 'някой', 'няколко', 'няма', 'обаче', 'около', 'освен', 'особено', 'от', 'отгоре', 'отново', 'още', 'пак', 'по', 'повече', 'повечето', 'под', 'поне', 'поради', 'после', 'почти', 'прави', 'пред', 'преди', 'през', 'при', 'пък', 'първата', 'първи', 'първо', 'пъти', 'равен', 'равна', 'с', 'са', 'сам', 'само', 'се', 'сега', 'си', 'син', 'скоро', 'след', 'следващ', 'сме', 'смях', 'според', 'сред', 'срещу', 'сте', 'съм', 'със', 'също', 'т', 'т.н.', 'тази', 'така', 'такива', 'такъв', 'там', 'твой', 'те', 'тези', 'ти', 'то', 'това', 'тогава', 'този', 'той', 'толкова', 'точно', 'три', 'трябва', 'тук', 'тъй', 'тя', 'тях', 'у', 'утре', 'харесва', 'хиляди', 'ч', 'часа', 'че', 'често', 'чрез', 'ще', 'щом', 'юмрук', 'я', 'як']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2016 Gene Diaz\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\"অতএব\",\"অথচ\",\"অথবা\",\"অনুযায়ী\",\"অনেক\",\"অনেকে\",\"অনেকেই\",\"অন্তত\",\"অন্য\",\"অবধি\",\"অবশ্য\",\"অর্থাত\",\"আই\",\"আগামী\",\"আগে\",\"আগেই\",\"আছে\",\"আজ\",\"আদ্যভাগে\",\"আপনার\",\"আপনি\",\"আবার\",\"আমরা\",\"আমাকে\",\"আমাদের\",\"আমার\",\"আমি\",\"আর\",\"আরও\",\"ই\",\"ইত্যাদি\",\"ইহা\",\"উচিত\",\"উত্তর\",\"উনি\",\"উপর\",\"উপরে\",\"এ\",\"এঁদের\",\"এঁরা\",\"এই\",\"একই\",\"একটি\",\"একবার\",\"একে\",\"এক্\",\"এখন\",\"এখনও\",\"এখানে\",\"এখানেই\",\"এটা\",\"এটাই\",\"এটি\",\"এত\",\"এতটাই\",\"এতে\",\"এদের\",\"এব\",\"এবং\",\"এবার\",\"এমন\",\"এমনকী\",\"এমনি\",\"এর\",\"এরা\",\"এল\",\"এস\",\"এসে\",\"ঐ\",\"ও\",\"ওঁদের\",\"ওঁর\",\"ওঁরা\",\"ওই\",\"ওকে\",\"ওখানে\",\"ওদের\",\"ওর\",\"ওরা\",\"কখনও\",\"কত\",\"কবে\",\"কমনে\",\"কয়েক\",\"কয়েকটি\",\"করছে\",\"করছেন\",\"করতে\",\"করবে\",\"করবেন\",\"করলে\",\"করলেন\",\"করা\",\"করাই\",\"করায়\",\"করার\",\"করি\",\"করিতে\",\"করিয়া\",\"করিয়ে\",\"করে\",\"করেই\",\"করেছিলেন\",\"করেছে\",\"করেছেন\",\"করেন\",\"কাউকে\",\"কাছ\",\"কাছে\",\"কাজ\",\"কাজে\",\"কারও\",\"কারণ\",\"কি\",\"কিংবা\",\"কিছু\",\"কিছুই\",\"কিন্তু\",\"কী\",\"কে\",\"কেউ\",\"কেউই\",\"কেখা\",\"কেন\",\"কোটি\",\"কোন\",\"কোনও\",\"কোনো\",\"ক্ষেত্রে\",\"কয়েক\",\"খুব\",\"গিয়ে\",\"গিয়েছে\",\"গিয়ে\",\"গুলি\",\"গেছে\",\"গেল\",\"গেলে\",\"গোটা\",\"চলে\",\"চান\",\"চায়\",\"চার\",\"চালু\",\"চেয়ে\",\"চেষ্টা\",\"ছাড়া\",\"ছাড়াও\",\"ছিল\",\"ছিলেন\",\"জন\",\"জনকে\",\"জনের\",\"জন্য\",\"জন্যওজে\",\"জানতে\",\"জানা\",\"জানানো\",\"জানায়\",\"জানিয়ে\",\"জানিয়েছে\",\"জে\",\"জ্নজন\",\"টি\",\"ঠিক\",\"তখন\",\"তত\",\"তথা\",\"<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = [\n 'a', 'ainda', 'alem', 'ambas', 'ambos', 'antes', 'ao', 'aonde', 'aos',\n 'apos', 'aquele', 'aqueles', 'as', 'assim', 'com', 'como', 'contra',\n 'contudo', 'cuja', 'cujas', 'cujo', 'cujos', 'da', 'das', 'de', 'dela',\n 'dele', 'deles', 'demais', 'depois', 'desde', 'desta', 'deste', 'dispoe',\n 'dispoem', 'diversa', 'diversas', 'diversos', 'do', 'dos', 'durante', 'e',\n 'ela', 'elas', 'ele', 'eles', 'em', 'entao', 'entre', 'essa', 'essas',\n 'esse', 'esses', 'esta', 'estas', 'este', 'estes', 'ha', 'isso', 'isto',\n 'logo', 'mais', 'mas', 'mediante', 'menos', 'mesma', 'mesmas', 'mesmo',\n 'mesmos', 'na', 'nao', 'nas', 'nem', 'nesse', 'neste', 'nos', 'o', 'os',\n 'ou', 'outra', 'outras', 'outro', 'outros', 'pelas', 'pelo', 'pelos',\n 'perante', 'pois', 'por', 'porque', 'portanto', 'propios', 'proprio',\n 'quais', 'qual', 'qualquer', 'quando', 'quanto', 'que', 'quem', 'quer', 'se',\n 'seja', 'sem', 'sendo', 'seu', 'seus', 'sob', 'sobre', 'sua', 'suas', 'tal',\n 'tambem', 'teu', 'teus', 'toda', 'todas', 'todo', 'todos', 'tua', 'tuas',\n 'tudo', 'um', 'uma', 'umas', 'uns'\n]\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'abans', 'ací', 'ah', 'així', 'això', 'al', 'aleshores', 'algun', 'alguna', 'algunes', 'alguns', 'alhora', 'allà', 'allí', 'allò', 'als', 'altra', 'altre', 'altres', 'amb', 'ambdues', 'ambdós', 'apa', 'aquell', 'aquella', 'aquelles', 'aquells', 'aquest', 'aquesta', 'aquestes', 'aquests', 'aquí', 'baix', 'cada', 'cadascuna', 'cadascunes', 'cadascuns', 'cadascú', 'com', 'contra', 'd\\'un', 'd\\'una', 'd\\'unes', 'd\\'uns', 'dalt', 'de', 'del', 'dels', 'des', 'després', 'dins', 'dintre', 'donat', 'doncs', 'durant', 'e', 'eh', 'el', 'els', 'em', 'en', 'encara', 'ens', 'entre', 'eren', 'es', 'esta', 'estaven', 'esteu', 'està', 'estàvem', 'estàveu', 'et', 'etc', 'ets', 'fins', 'fora', 'gairebé', 'ha', 'han', 'has', 'havia', 'he', 'hem', 'heu', 'hi', 'ho', 'i', 'igual', 'iguals', 'ja', 'l\\'hi', 'la', 'les', 'li', 'li\\'n', 'llavors', 'm\\'he', 'ma', 'mal', 'malgrat', 'mateix', 'mateixa', 'mateixes', 'mateixos', 'me', 'mentre', 'meu', 'meus', 'meva', 'meves', 'molt', 'molta', 'moltes', 'molts', 'mon', 'mons', 'més', 'n\\'he', 'n\\'hi', 'ne', 'ni', 'no', 'nogensmenys', 'només', 'nosaltres', 'nostra', 'nostre', 'nostres', 'o', 'oh', 'oi', 'on', 'pas', 'pel', 'pels', 'per', 'perquè', 'però', 'poc', 'poca', 'pocs', 'poques', 'potser', 'propi', 'qual', 'quals', 'quan', 'quant', 'que', 'quelcom', 'qui', 'quin', 'quina', 'quines', 'quins', 'què', 's\\'ha', 's\\'han', 'sa', 'semblant', 'semblants', 'ses', 'seu', 'seus', 'seva', 'seves', 'si', 'sobre', 'sobretot', 'solament', 'sols', 'son', 'sons', 'sota', 'sou', 'sóc', 'són', 't\\'ha', 't\\'han', 't\\'he', 'ta', 'tal', 'també', 'tampoc', 'tan', 'tant', 'tanta', 'tantes', 'teu', 'teus', 'teva', 'teves', 'ton', 'tons', 'tot', 'tota', 'totes', 'tots', 'un', 'una', 'unes', 'uns', 'us', 'va', 'vaig', 'vam', 'van', 'vas', 'veu', 'vosaltres', 'vostra', 'vostre', 'vostres', 'érem', 'éreu', 'és']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'aby', 'ahoj', 'aj', 'ale', 'anebo', 'ani', 'ano', 'asi', 'aspoň', 'atd', 'atp', 'ačkoli', 'až', 'bez', 'beze', 'blízko', 'bohužel', 'brzo', 'bude', 'budem', 'budeme', 'budete', 'budeš', 'budou', 'budu', 'by', 'byl', 'byla', 'byli', 'bylo', 'byly', 'bys', 'být', 'během', 'chce', 'chceme', 'chcete', 'chceš', 'chci', 'chtít', 'chtějí', 'chut\\'', 'chuti', 'co', 'což', 'cz', 'daleko', 'další', 'den', 'deset', 'devatenáct', 'devět', 'dnes', 'do', 'dobrý', 'docela', 'dva', 'dvacet', 'dvanáct', 'dvě', 'dál', 'dále', 'děkovat', 'děkujeme', 'děkuji', 'ho', 'hodně', 'i', 'jak', 'jakmile', 'jako', 'jakož', 'jde', 'je', 'jeden', 'jedenáct', 'jedna', 'jedno', 'jednou', 'jedou', 'jeho', 'jehož', 'jej', 'jejich', 'její', 'jelikož', 'jemu', 'jen', 'jenom', 'jestli', 'jestliže', 'ještě', 'jež', 'ji', 'jich', 'jimi', 'jinak', 'jiné', 'již', 'jsem', 'jseš', 'jsi', 'jsme', 'jsou', 'jste', 'já', 'jí', 'jím', 'jíž', 'k', 'kam', 'kde', 'kdo', 'kdy', 'když', 'ke', 'kolik', 'kromě', 'kterou', 'která', 'které', 'který', 'kteří', 'kvůli', 'mají', 'mezi', 'mi', 'mne', 'mnou', 'mně', 'moc', 'mohl', 'mohou', 'moje', 'moji', 'možná', 'musí', 'my', 'má', 'málo', 'mám', 'máme', 'máte', 'máš', 'mé', 'mí', 'mít', 'mě', 'můj', 'může', 'na', 'nad', 'nade', 'napište', 'naproti', 'načež', 'naše', 'naši', 'ne', 'nebo', 'nebyl', 'nebyla', 'nebyli', 'nebyly', 'nedělají', 'nedělá', 'nedělám', 'neděláme', 'neděláte', 'neděláš', 'neg', 'nejsi', 'nejsou', 'nemají', 'nemáme', 'nemáte', 'neměl', 'není', 'nestačí', 'nevadí', 'než', 'nic', 'nich', 'nimi', 'nové', 'nový', 'nula', 'nám', 'námi', 'nás', 'náš', 'ním', 'ně', 'něco', 'nějak', 'někde', 'někdo', 'němu', 'němuž', 'o', 'od', 'ode', 'on', 'ona', 'oni', 'ono', 'ony', 'osm', 'osmnáct', 'pak', 'patnáct', 'po', 'pod', 'podle', 'pokud', 'potom', 'pouze', 'pozdě', 'pořád', 'pravé', 'pro', 'prostě', 'prosím', 'proti', 'proto', 'protože', 'proč', 'první', 'pta', 'pět', 'před', 'přes', 'přese', 'při', 'přičemž', 're', 'rovně', 's', 'se', 'sedm', 'sedmnáct', 'si', 'skoro', 'smí', 'smějí', 'snad', 'spolu', 'sta', 'sto', 'strana', 'sté', 'své', 'svých', 'svým', 'svými', 'ta', 'tady', 'tak', 'takhle', 'taky', 'také', 'takže', 'tam', 'tamhle', 'tamhleto', 'tamto', 'tato', 'tebe', 'tebou', 'ted\\'', 'tedy', 'ten', 'tento', 'teto', 'ti', 'tipy', 'tisíc', 'tisíce', 'to', 'tobě', 'tohle', 'toho', 'tohoto', 'tom', 'tomto', 'tomu', 'tomuto', 'toto', 'trošku', 'tu', 'tuto', 'tvoje', 'tvá', 'tvé', 'tvůj', 'ty', 'tyto', 'téma', 'tím', 'tímto', 'tě', 'těm', 'těmu', 'třeba', 'tři', 'třináct', 'u', 'určitě', 'už', 'v', 'vaše', 'vaši', 've', 'vedle', 'večer', 'vlastně', 'vy', 'vám', 'vámi', 'vás', 'váš', 'více', 'však', 'všechno', 'všichni', 'vůbec', 'vždy', 'z', 'za', 'zatímco', 'zač', 'zda', 'zde', 'ze', 'zprávy', 'zpět', 'čau', 'či', 'článku', 'články', 'čtrnáct', 'čtyři', 'šest', 'šestnáct', 'že']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCreative Commons – Attribution / ShareAlike 3.0 license\nhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/\n\nList based on frequently used words in subtitles in 2012.\n\nThanks to\nopensubtitles.org\nhttps://invokeit.wordpress.com/frequency-word-lists/#comment-9707\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'er', 'jeg', 'det', 'du', 'ikke', 'i', 'at', 'en', 'og', 'har',\n 'vi', 'til', 'på', 'hvad', 'med', 'mig', 'så', 'for', 'de', 'dig',\n 'der', 'den', 'han', 'kan', 'af', 'vil', 'var', 'her', 'et', 'skal',\n 'ved', 'nu', 'men', 'om', 'ja', 'som', 'nej', 'min', 'noget', 'ham',\n 'hun', 'bare', 'kom', 'være', 'din', 'hvor', 'dem', 'ud', 'os', 'hvis',\n 'må', 'se', 'godt', 'have', 'fra', 'ville', 'okay', 'lige', 'op', 'alle',\n 'lad', 'hvorfor', 'sig', 'hvordan', 'få', 'kunne', 'eller', 'hvem', 'man', 'bliver',\n 'havde', 'da', 'ingen', 'efter', 'når', 'alt', 'jo', 'to', 'mit', 'ind',\n 'hej', 'aldrig', 'lidt', 'nogen', 'over', 'også', 'mand', 'far', 'skulle', 'selv',\n 'får', 'hans', 'ser', 'vores', 'jer', 'sådan', 'dit', 'kun', 'deres', 'ned',\n 'mine', 'komme', 'tage', 'denne', 'sige', 'dette', 'blive', 'helt', 'fordi',\n 'end', 'tag', 'før', 'fik', 'dine',\n '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2016 Gene Diaz\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'a', 'ab', 'aber', 'ach', 'acht', 'achte', 'achten', 'achter', 'achtes', 'ag', 'alle', 'allein', 'allem', 'allen', 'aller', 'allerdings', 'alles', 'allgemeinen', 'als', 'also', 'am', 'an', 'ander', 'andere', 'anderem', 'anderen', 'anderer', 'anderes', 'anderm', 'andern', 'anderr', 'anders', 'au', 'auch', 'auf', 'aus', 'ausser', 'ausserdem', 'außer', 'außerdem', 'b', 'bald', 'bei', 'beide', 'beiden', 'beim', 'beispiel', 'bekannt', 'bereits', 'besonders', 'besser', 'besten', 'bin', 'bis', 'bisher', 'bist', 'c', 'd', 'd.h', 'da', 'dabei', 'dadurch', 'dafür', 'dagegen', 'daher', 'dahin', 'dahinter', 'damals', 'damit', 'danach', 'daneben', 'dank', 'dann', 'daran', 'darauf', 'daraus', 'darf', 'darfst', 'darin', 'darum', 'darunter', 'darüber', 'das', 'dasein', 'daselbst', 'dass', 'dasselbe', 'davon', 'davor', 'dazu', 'dazwischen', 'daß', 'dein', 'deine', 'deinem', 'deinen', 'deiner', 'deines', 'dem', 'dementsprechend', 'demgegenüber', 'demgemäss', 'demgemäß', 'demselben', 'demzufolge', 'den', 'denen', 'denn', 'denselben', 'der', 'deren', 'derer', 'derjenige', 'derjenigen', 'dermassen', 'dermaßen', 'derselbe', 'derselben', 'des', 'deshalb', 'desselben', 'dessen', 'deswegen', 'dich', 'die', 'diejenige', 'diejenigen', 'dies', 'diese', 'dieselbe', 'dieselben', 'diesem', 'diesen', 'dieser', 'dieses', 'dir', 'doch', 'dort', 'drei', 'drin', 'dritte', 'dritten', 'dritter', 'drittes', 'du', 'durch', 'durchaus', 'durfte', 'durften', 'dürfen', 'dürft', 'e', 'eben', 'ebenso', 'ehrlich', 'ei', 'ei, ', 'eigen', 'eigene', 'eigenen', 'eigener', 'eigenes', 'ein', 'einander', 'eine', 'einem', 'einen', 'einer', 'eines', 'einig', 'einige', 'einigem', 'einigen', 'einiger', 'einiges', 'einmal', 'eins', 'elf', 'en', 'ende', 'endlich', 'entweder', 'er', 'ernst', 'erst', 'erste', 'ersten', 'erster', 'erstes', 'es', 'etwa', 'etwas', 'euch', 'euer', 'eure', 'eurem', 'euren', 'eurer', 'eures', 'f', 'folgende', 'früher', 'fünf', 'fünfte', 'fünften', 'fünfter', 'fünftes', 'für', 'g', 'gab', 'ganz', 'ganze', 'ganzen', 'ganzer', 'ganzes', 'gar', 'gedurft', 'gegen', 'gegenüber', 'gehabt', 'gehen', 'geht', 'gekannt', 'gekonnt', 'gemacht', 'gemocht', 'gemusst', 'genug', 'gerade', 'gern', 'gesagt', 'geschweige', 'gewesen', 'gewollt', 'geworden', 'gibt', 'ging', 'gleich', 'gott', 'gross', 'grosse', 'grossen', 'grosser', 'grosses', 'groß', 'große', 'großen', 'großer', 'großes', 'gut', 'gute', 'guter', 'gutes', 'h', 'hab', 'habe', 'haben', 'habt', 'hast', 'hat', 'hatte', 'hatten', 'hattest', 'hattet', 'heisst', 'her', 'heute', 'hier', 'hin', 'hinter', 'hoch', 'hätte', 'hätten', 'i', 'ich', 'ihm', 'ihn', 'ihnen', 'ihr', 'ihre', 'ihrem', 'ihren', 'ihrer', 'ihres', 'im', 'immer', 'in', 'indem', 'infolgedessen', 'ins', 'irgend', 'ist', 'j', 'ja', 'jahr', 'jahre', 'jahren', 'je', 'jede', 'jedem', 'jeden', 'jeder', 'jedermann', 'jederm
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['αλλα', 'αν', 'αντι', 'απο', 'αυτα', 'αυτεσ', 'αυτη', 'αυτο', 'αυτοι', 'αυτοσ', 'αυτουσ', 'αυτων', 'για', 'δε', 'δεν', 'εαν', 'ειμαι', 'ειμαστε', 'ειναι', 'εισαι', 'ειστε', 'εκεινα', 'εκεινεσ', 'εκεινη', 'εκεινο', 'εκεινοι', 'εκεινοσ', 'εκεινουσ', 'εκεινων', 'ενω', 'επι', 'η', 'θα', 'ισωσ', 'κ', 'και', 'κατα', 'κι', 'μα', 'με', 'μετα', 'μη', 'μην', 'να', 'ο', 'οι', 'ομωσ', 'οπωσ', 'οσο', 'οτι', 'παρα', 'ποια', 'ποιεσ', 'ποιο', 'ποιοι', 'ποιοσ', 'ποιουσ', 'ποιων', 'που', 'προσ', 'πωσ', 'σε', 'στη', 'στην', 'στο', 'στον', 'τα', 'την', 'τησ', 'το', 'τον', 'τοτε', 'του', 'των', 'ωσ']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2011, Chris Umbel\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'about', 'after', 'all', 'also', 'am', 'an', 'and', 'another', 'any', 'are', 'as', 'at', 'be',\n 'because', 'been', 'before', 'being', 'between', 'both', 'but', 'by', 'came', 'can',\n 'come', 'could', 'did', 'do', 'each', 'for', 'from', 'get', 'got', 'has', 'had',\n 'he', 'have', 'her', 'here', 'him', 'himself', 'his', 'how', 'if', 'in', 'into',\n 'is', 'it', 'like', 'make', 'many', 'me', 'might', 'more', 'most', 'much', 'must',\n 'my', 'never', 'now', 'of', 'on', 'only', 'or', 'other', 'our', 'out', 'over',\n 'said', 'same', 'see', 'should', 'since', 'some', 'still', 'such', 'take', 'than',\n 'that', 'the', 'their', 'them', 'then', 'there', 'these', 'they', 'this', 'those',\n 'through', 'to', 'too', 'under', 'up', 'very', 'was', 'way', 'we', 'well', 'were',\n 'what', 'where', 'which', 'while', 'who', 'with', 'would', 'you', 'your', 'a', 'i']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['adiaŭ', 'ajn', 'al', 'ankoraŭ', 'antaŭ', 'aŭ', 'bonan', 'bonvole', 'bonvolu', 'bv', 'ci', 'cia', 'cian', 'cin', 'd-ro', 'da', 'de', 'dek', 'deka', 'do', 'doktor\\'', 'doktoro', 'du', 'dua', 'dum', 'eble', 'ekz', 'ekzemple', 'en', 'estas', 'estis', 'estos', 'estu', 'estus', 'eĉ', 'f-no', 'feliĉan', 'for', 'fraŭlino', 'ha', 'havas', 'havis', 'havos', 'havu', 'havus', 'he', 'ho', 'hu', 'ili', 'ilia', 'ilian', 'ilin', 'inter', 'io', 'ion', 'iu', 'iujn', 'iun', 'ja', 'jam', 'je', 'jes', 'k', 'kaj', 'ke', 'kio', 'kion', 'kiu', 'kiujn', 'kiun', 'kvankam', 'kvar', 'kvara', 'kvazaŭ', 'kvin', 'kvina', 'la', 'li', 'lia', 'lian', 'lin', 'malantaŭ', 'male', 'malgraŭ', 'mem', 'mi', 'mia', 'mian', 'min', 'minus', 'naŭ', 'naŭa', 'ne', 'nek', 'nenio', 'nenion', 'neniu', 'neniun', 'nepre', 'ni', 'nia', 'nian', 'nin', 'nu', 'nun', 'nur', 'ok', 'oka', 'oni', 'onia', 'onian', 'onin', 'plej', 'pli', 'plu', 'plus', 'por', 'post', 'preter', 's-no', 's-ro', 'se', 'sed', 'sep', 'sepa', 'ses', 'sesa', 'si', 'sia', 'sian', 'sin', 'sinjor\\'', 'sinjorino', 'sinjoro', 'sub', 'super', 'supren', 'sur', 'tamen', 'tio', 'tion', 'tiu', 'tiujn', 'tiun', 'tra', 'tri', 'tria', 'tuj', 'tute', 'unu', 'unua', 've', 'verŝajne', 'vi', 'via', 'vian', 'vin', 'ĉi', 'ĉio', 'ĉion', 'ĉiu', 'ĉiujn', 'ĉiun', 'ĉu', 'ĝi', 'ĝia', 'ĝian', 'ĝin', 'ĝis', 'ĵus', 'ŝi', 'ŝia', 'ŝin']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2011, David Przybilla, Chris Umbel\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'a', 'un', 'el', 'ella', 'y', 'sobre', 'de', 'la', 'que', 'en',\n 'los', 'del', 'se', 'las', 'por', 'un', 'para', 'con', 'no',\n 'una', 'su', 'al', 'lo', 'como', 'más', 'pero', 'sus', 'le',\n 'ya', 'o', 'porque', 'cuando', 'muy', 'sin', 'sobre', 'también',\n 'me', 'hasta', 'donde', 'quien', 'desde', 'nos', 'durante', 'uno',\n 'ni', 'contra', 'ese', 'eso', 'mí', 'qué', 'otro', 'él', 'cual',\n 'poco', 'mi', 'tú', 'te', 'ti', 'sí',\n '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['aga', 'ei', 'et', 'ja', 'jah', 'kas', 'kui', 'kõik', 'ma', 'me', 'mida', 'midagi', 'mind', 'minu', 'mis', 'mu', 'mul', 'mulle', 'nad', 'nii', 'oled', 'olen', 'oli', 'oma', 'on', 'pole', 'sa', 'seda', 'see', 'selle', 'siin', 'siis', 'ta', 'te', 'ära']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = [\n 'al', 'anitz', 'arabera', 'asko', 'baina', 'bat', 'batean', 'batek', 'bati',\n 'batzuei', 'batzuek', 'batzuetan', 'batzuk', 'bera', 'beraiek', 'berau',\n 'berauek', 'bere', 'berori', 'beroriek', 'beste', 'bezala', 'da', 'dago',\n 'dira', 'ditu', 'du', 'dute', 'edo', 'egin', 'ere', 'eta', 'eurak', 'ez',\n 'gainera', 'gu', 'gutxi', 'guzti', 'haiei', 'haiek', 'haietan', 'hainbeste',\n 'hala', 'han', 'handik', 'hango', 'hara', 'hari', 'hark', 'hartan', 'hau',\n 'hauei', 'hauek', 'hauetan', 'hemen', 'hemendik', 'hemengo', 'hi', 'hona',\n 'honek', 'honela', 'honetan', 'honi', 'hor', 'hori', 'horiei', 'horiek',\n 'horietan', 'horko', 'horra', 'horrek', 'horrela', 'horretan', 'horri',\n 'hortik', 'hura', 'izan', 'ni', 'noiz', 'nola', 'non', 'nondik', 'nongo',\n 'nor', 'nora', 'ze', 'zein', 'zen', 'zenbait', 'zenbat', 'zer', 'zergatik',\n 'ziren', 'zituen', 'zu', 'zuek', 'zuen', 'zuten'\n]\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\r\nCopyright (c) 2011, Chris Umbel\r\nFarsi Stop Words by Fardin Koochaki <me@fardinak.com>\r\n\r\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\r\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\r\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\r\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\r\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\r\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\r\n\r\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\r\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\r\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\r\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\r\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\r\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\r\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\r\nTHE SOFTWARE.\r\n*/\r\n\r\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\r\n// from analysis.\r\nvar words = [\r\n // Words\r\n 'از', 'با', 'یه', 'برای', 'و', 'باید', 'شاید',\r\n\r\n // Symbols\r\n '؟', '!', '٪', '.', '،', '؛', ':', ';', ',',\r\n\r\n // Numbers\r\n '۱', '۲', '۳', '۴', '۵', '۶', '۷', '۸', '۹', '۰'\r\n]\r\n\r\n// tell the world about the noise words.\r\nexports.words = words\r\n",
"/* The MIT License (MIT)\nCopyright (c) 2018 Espen Klem\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words =[\n \"0\",\n \"ja\",\n \"on\",\n \"1\",\n \"oli\",\n \"hän\",\n \"vuonna\",\n \"2\",\n \"myös\",\n \"joka\",\n \"3\",\n \"se\",\n \"sekä\",\n \"sen\",\n \"mutta\",\n \"4\",\n \"ei\",\n \"ovat\",\n \"hänen\",\n \"n\",\n \"kanssa\",\n \"vuoden\",\n \"jälkeen\",\n \"että\",\n \"5\",\n \"s\",\n \"tai\",\n \"jonka\",\n \"jossa\",\n \"6\",\n \"mukaan\",\n \"kun\",\n \"muun\",\n \"muassa\",\n \"hänet\",\n \"olivat\",\n \"kuitenkin\",\n \"noin\",\n \"vuosina\",\n \"7\",\n \"aikana\",\n \"lisäksi\",\n \"kaksi\",\n \"kuin\",\n \"ollut\",\n \"the\",\n \"myöhemmin\",\n \"8\",\n \"eli\",\n \"10\",\n \"vain\",\n \"teki\",\n \"mm\",\n \"jotka\",\n \"ennen\",\n \"ensimmäinen\",\n \"a\",\n \"9\",\n \"jo\",\n \"kuten\",\n \"yksi\",\n \"ensimmäisen\",\n \"vastaan\",\n \"tämän\",\n \"vuodesta\",\n \"sitä\",\n \"000\",\n \"voi\",\n \"luvun\",\n \"luvulla\",\n \"of\",\n \"ole\",\n \"kauden\",\n \"osa\",\n \"esimerkiksi\",\n \"jolloin\",\n \"yli\",\n \"de\",\n \"kaudella\",\n \"eri\",\n \"sillä\",\n \"kolme\",\n \"he\",\n \"vuotta\"\n]\n\nexports.words = words",
"/*\n Copyright (c) 2014, Ismaël Héry\n\n Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\n The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\n THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\n// A list of commonly used french words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\n\nvar words = ['être', 'avoir', 'faire',\n 'a',\n 'au',\n 'aux',\n 'avec',\n 'ce',\n 'ces',\n 'dans',\n 'de',\n 'des',\n 'du',\n 'elle',\n 'en',\n 'et',\n 'eux',\n 'il',\n 'je',\n 'la',\n 'le',\n 'leur',\n 'lui',\n 'ma',\n 'mais',\n 'me',\n 'même',\n 'mes',\n 'moi',\n 'mon',\n 'ne',\n 'nos',\n 'notre',\n 'nous',\n 'on',\n 'ou',\n 'où',\n 'par',\n 'pas',\n 'pour',\n 'qu',\n 'que',\n 'qui',\n 'sa',\n 'se',\n 'ses',\n 'son',\n 'sur',\n 'ta',\n 'te',\n 'tes',\n 'toi',\n 'ton',\n 'tu',\n 'un',\n 'une',\n 'vos',\n 'votre',\n 'vous',\n 'c',\n 'd',\n 'j',\n 'l',\n 'à',\n 'm',\n 'n',\n 's',\n 't',\n 'y',\n 'été',\n 'étée',\n 'étées',\n 'étés',\n 'étant',\n 'suis',\n 'es',\n 'est',\n 'sommes',\n 'êtes',\n 'sont',\n 'serai',\n 'seras',\n 'sera',\n 'serons',\n 'serez',\n 'seront',\n 'serais',\n 'serait',\n 'serions',\n 'seriez',\n 'seraient',\n 'étais',\n 'était',\n 'étions',\n 'étiez',\n 'étaient',\n 'fus',\n 'fut',\n 'fûmes',\n 'fûtes',\n 'furent',\n 'sois',\n 'soit',\n 'soyons',\n 'soyez',\n 'soient',\n 'fusse',\n 'fusses',\n 'fût',\n 'fussions',\n 'fussiez',\n 'fussent',\n 'ayant',\n 'eu',\n 'eue',\n 'eues',\n 'eus',\n 'ai',\n 'as',\n 'avons',\n 'avez',\n 'ont',\n 'aurai',\n 'auras',\n 'aura',\n 'aurons',\n 'aurez',\n 'auront',\n 'aurais',\n 'aurait',\n 'aurions',\n 'auriez',\n 'auraient',\n 'avais',\n 'avait',\n 'avions',\n 'aviez',\n 'avaient',\n 'eut',\n 'eûmes',\n 'eûtes',\n 'eurent',\n 'aie',\n 'aies',\n 'ait',\n 'ayons',\n 'ayez',\n 'aient',\n 'eusse',\n 'eusses',\n 'eût',\n 'eussions',\n 'eussiez',\n 'eussent',\n 'ceci',\n 'cela',\n 'cet',\n 'cette',\n 'ici',\n 'ils',\n 'les',\n 'leurs',\n 'quel',\n 'quels',\n 'quelle',\n 'quelles',\n 'sans',\n 'soi'\n]\n\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'ach', 'ag', 'agus', 'an', 'aon', 'ar', 'arna', 'as', 'b\\'', 'ba', 'beirt', 'bhúr', 'caoga', 'ceathair', 'ceathrar', 'chomh', 'chtó', 'chuig', 'chun', 'cois', 'céad', 'cúig', 'cúigear', 'd\\'', 'daichead', 'dar', 'de', 'deich', 'deichniúr', 'den', 'dhá', 'do', 'don', 'dtí', 'dá', 'dár', 'dó', 'faoi', 'faoin', 'faoina', 'faoinár', 'fara', 'fiche', 'gach', 'gan', 'go', 'gur', 'haon', 'hocht', 'i', 'iad', 'idir', 'in', 'ina', 'ins', 'inár', 'is', 'le', 'leis', 'lena', 'lenár', 'm\\'', 'mar', 'mo', 'mé', 'na', 'nach', 'naoi', 'naonúr', 'ná', 'ní', 'níor', 'nó', 'nócha', 'ocht', 'ochtar', 'os', 'roimh', 'sa', 'seacht', 'seachtar', 'seachtó', 'seasca', 'seisear', 'siad', 'sibh', 'sinn', 'sna', 'sé', 'sí', 'tar', 'thar', 'thú', 'triúr', 'trí', 'trína', 'trínár', 'tríocha', 'tú', 'um', 'ár', 'é', 'éis', 'í', 'ó', 'ón', 'óna', 'ónár']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'alí', 'ao', 'aos', 'aquel', 'aquela', 'aquelas', 'aqueles', 'aquilo', 'aquí', 'as', 'así', 'aínda', 'ben', 'cando', 'che', 'co', 'coa', 'coas', 'comigo', 'con', 'connosco', 'contigo', 'convosco', 'cos', 'cun', 'cunha', 'cunhas', 'cuns', 'da', 'dalgunha', 'dalgunhas', 'dalgún', 'dalgúns', 'das', 'de', 'del', 'dela', 'delas', 'deles', 'desde', 'deste', 'do', 'dos', 'dun', 'dunha', 'dunhas', 'duns', 'e', 'el', 'ela', 'elas', 'eles', 'en', 'era', 'eran', 'esa', 'esas', 'ese', 'eses', 'esta', 'estaba', 'estar', 'este', 'estes', 'estiven', 'estou', 'está', 'están', 'eu', 'facer', 'foi', 'foron', 'fun', 'había', 'hai', 'iso', 'isto', 'la', 'las', 'lle', 'lles', 'lo', 'los', 'mais', 'me', 'meu', 'meus', 'min', 'miña', 'miñas', 'moi', 'na', 'nas', 'neste', 'nin', 'no', 'non', 'nos', 'nosa', 'nosas', 'noso', 'nosos', 'nun', 'nunha', 'nunhas', 'nuns', 'nós', 'o', 'os', 'ou', 'para', 'pero', 'pode', 'pois', 'pola', 'polas', 'polo', 'polos', 'por', 'que', 'se', 'senón', 'ser', 'seu', 'seus', 'sexa', 'sido', 'sobre', 'súa', 'súas', 'tamén', 'tan', 'te', 'ten', 'ter', 'teu', 'teus', 'teñen', 'teño', 'ti', 'tido', 'tiven', 'tiña', 'túa', 'túas', 'un', 'unha', 'unhas', 'uns', 'vos', 'vosa', 'vosas', 'voso', 'vosos', 'vós', 'á', 'é', 'ó', 'ós']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n 'ta', 'da', 'ya', 'sai', 'ba', 'yi', 'na', 'kuma', 'ma', 'ji', 'cikin', 'in', 'ni', 'wata', 'wani',\n 'ce', 'tana', 'don', 'za', 'sun', 'amma', 'ga', 'ina', 'ne', 'tselane', 'mai', 'suka', 'wannan',\n 'a', 'ko', 'lokacin', 'su', 'take', 'kaka', 'shi', 'yake', 'yana', 'mulongo', 'mata', 'ka', 'ban',\n 'ita', 'tafi', 'shanshani', 'kai', 'daɗi', 'mi', 'ƙato', 'fara', 'rana'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nGuy Saar - Stop words list\n\n*/\nvar words = [\n\"אבל\",\n\"או\",\n\"אולי\",\n\"אותה\",\n\"אותו\",\n\"אותי\",\n\"אותך\",\n\"אותם\",\n\"אותן\",\n\"אותנו\",\n\"אז\",\n\"אחר\",\n\"אחרות\",\n\"אחרי\",\n\"אחריכן\",\n\"אחרים\",\n\"אחרת\",\n\"אי\",\n\"איזה\",\n\"איך\",\n\"אין\",\n\"איפה\",\n\"איתה\",\n\"איתו\",\n\"איתי\",\n\"איתך\",\n\"איתכם\",\n\"איתכן\",\n\"איתם\",\n\"איתן\",\n\"איתנו\",\n\"אך\",\n\"אל\",\n\"אלה\",\n\"אלו\",\n\"אם\",\n\"אנחנו\",\n\"אני\",\n\"אס\",\n\"אף\",\n\"אצל\",\n\"אשר\",\n\"את\",\n\"אתה\",\n\"אתכם\",\n\"אתכן\",\n\"אתם\",\n\"אתן\",\n\"באיזומידה\",\n\"באמצע\",\n\"באמצעות\",\n\"בגלל\",\n\"בין\",\n\"בלי\",\n\"במידה\",\n\"במקוםשבו\",\n\"ברם\",\n\"בשביל\",\n\"בשעהש\",\n\"בתוך\",\n\"גם\",\n\"דרך\",\n\"הוא\",\n\"היא\",\n\"היה\",\n\"היכן\",\n\"היתה\",\n\"היתי\",\n\"הם\",\n\"הן\",\n\"הנה\",\n\"הסיבהשבגללה\",\n\"הרי\",\n\"ואילו\",\n\"ואת\",\n\"זאת\",\n\"זה\",\n\"זות\",\n\"יהיה\",\n\"יוכל\",\n\"יוכלו\",\n\"יותרמדי\",\n\"יכול\",\n\"יכולה\",\n\"יכולות\",\n\"יכולים\",\n\"יכל\",\n\"יכלה\",\n\"יכלו\",\n\"יש\",\n\"כאן\",\n\"כאשר\",\n\"כולם\",\n\"כולן\",\n\"כזה\",\n\"כי\",\n\"כיצד\",\n\"כך\",\n\"ככה\",\n\"כל\",\n\"כלל\",\n\"כמו\",\n\"כן\",\n\"כפי\",\n\"כש\",\n\"לא\",\n\"לאו\",\n\"לאיזותכלית\",\n\"לאן\",\n\"לבין\",\n\"לה\",\n\"להיות\",\n\"להם\",\n\"להן\",\n\"לו\",\n\"לי\",\n\"לכם\",\n\"לכן\",\n\"למה\",\n\"למטה\",\n\"למעלה\",\n\"למקוםשבו\",\n\"למרות\",\n\"לנו\",\n\"לעבר\",\n\"לעיכן\",\n\"לפיכך\",\n\"לפני\",\n\"מאד\",\n\"מאחורי\",\n\"מאיזוסיבה\",\n\"מאין\",\n\"מאיפה\",\n\"מבלי\",\n\"מבעד\",\n\"מדוע\",\n\"מה\",\n\"מהיכן\",\n\"מול\",\n\"מחוץ\",\n\"מי\",\n\"מכאן\",\n\"מכיוון\",\n\"מלבד\",\n\"מן\",\n\"מנין\",\n\"מסוגל\",\n\"מעט\",\n\"מעטים\",\n\"מעל\",\n\"מצד\",\n\"מקוםבו\",\n\"מתחת\",\n\"מתי\",\n\"נגד\",\n\"נגר\",\n\"נו\",\n\"עד\",\n\"עז\",\n\"על\",\n\"עלי\",\n\"עליה\",\n\"עליהם\",\n\"עליהן\",\n\"עליו\",\n\"עליך\",\n\"עליכם\",\n\"עלינו\",\n\"עם\",\n\"עצמה\",\n\"עצמהם\",\n\"עצמהן\",\n\"עצמו\",\n\"עצמי\",\n\"עצמם\",\n\"עצמן\",\n\"עצמנו\",\n\"פה\",\n\"רק\",\n\"שוב\",\n\"של\",\n\"שלה\",\n\"שלהם\",\n\"שלהן\",\n\"שלו\",\n\"שלי\",\n\"שלך\",\n\"שלכה\",\n\"שלכם\",\n\"שלכן\",\n\"שלנו\",\n\"שם\",\n\"תהיה\",\n\"תחת\"\n]\n\nexports.words = words\n\n",
"/*\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2016 Gene Diaz\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n\nOriginates from: https://github.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-hi/\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'अंदर','अत','अदि','अप','अपना','अपनि','अपनी','अपने','अभि','अभी','आदि','आप','इंहिं',\n 'इंहें','इंहों','इतयादि','इत्यादि','इन','इनका','इन्हीं','इन्हें','इन्हों','इस','इसका','इसकि',\n 'इसकी','इसके','इसमें','इसि','इसी','इसे','उंहिं','उंहें','उंहों','उन','उनका','उनकि','उनकी',\n 'उनके','उनको','उन्हीं','उन्हें','उन्हों','उस','उसके','उसि','उसी','उसे','एक','एवं','एस',\n 'एसे','ऐसे','ओर','और','कइ','कई','कर','करता','करते','करना','करने','करें','कहते',\n 'कहा','का','काफि','काफ़ी','कि','किंहें','किंहों','कितना','किन्हें','किन्हों','किया','किर','किस',\n 'किसि','किसी','किसे','की','कुछ','कुल','के','को','कोइ','कोई','कोन','कोनसा','कौन',\n 'कौनसा','गया','घर','जब','जहाँ','जहां','जा','जिंहें','जिंहों','जितना','जिधर','जिन','जिन्हें',\n 'जिन्हों','जिस','जिसे','जीधर','जेसा','जेसे','जैसा','जैसे','जो','तक','तब','तरह','तिंहें',\n 'तिंहों','तिन','तिन्हें','तिन्हों','तिस','तिसे','तो','था','थि','थी','थे','दबारा','दवारा','दिया',\n 'दुसरा','दुसरे','दूसरे','दो','द्वारा','न','नहिं','नहीं','ना','निचे','निहायत','नीचे','ने','पर',\n 'पहले','पुरा','पूरा','पे','फिर','बनि','बनी','बहि','बही','बहुत','बाद','बाला','बिलकुल',\n 'भि','भितर','भी','भीतर','मगर','मानो','मे','में','यदि','यह','यहाँ','यहां','यहि','यही',\n 'या','यिह','ये','रखें','रवासा','रहा','रहे','ऱ्वासा','लिए','लिये','लेकिन','व','वगेरह','वरग',\n 'वर्ग','वह','वहाँ','वहां','वहिं','वहीं','वाले','वुह','वे','वग़ै<E0A4BC><E0A588>
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'ako', 'ali', 'bi', 'bih', 'bila', 'bili', 'bilo', 'bio', 'bismo', 'biste', 'biti', 'bumo', 'da', 'do', 'duž', 'ga', 'hoće', 'hoćemo', 'hoćete', 'hoćeš', 'hoću', 'i', 'iako', 'ih', 'ili', 'iz', 'ja', 'je', 'jedna', 'jedne', 'jedno', 'jer', 'jesam', 'jesi', 'jesmo', 'jest', 'jeste', 'jesu', 'jim', 'joj', 'još', 'ju', 'kada', 'kako', 'kao', 'koja', 'koje', 'koji', 'kojima', 'koju', 'kroz', 'li', 'me', 'mene', 'meni', 'mi', 'mimo', 'moj', 'moja', 'moje', 'mu', 'na', 'nad', 'nakon', 'nam', 'nama', 'nas', 'naš', 'naša', 'naše', 'našeg', 'ne', 'nego', 'neka', 'neki', 'nekog', 'neku', 'nema', 'netko', 'neće', 'nećemo', 'nećete', 'nećeš', 'neću', 'nešto', 'ni', 'nije', 'nikoga', 'nikoje', 'nikoju', 'nisam', 'nisi', 'nismo', 'niste', 'nisu', 'njega', 'njegov', 'njegova', 'njegovo', 'njemu', 'njezin', 'njezina', 'njezino', 'njih', 'njihov', 'njihova', 'njihovo', 'njim', 'njima', 'njoj', 'nju', 'no', 'o', 'od', 'odmah', 'on', 'ona', 'oni', 'ono', 'ova', 'pa', 'pak', 'po', 'pod', 'pored', 'prije', 's', 'sa', 'sam', 'samo', 'se', 'sebe', 'sebi', 'si', 'smo', 'ste', 'su', 'sve', 'svi', 'svog', 'svoj', 'svoja', 'svoje', 'svom', 'ta', 'tada', 'taj', 'tako', 'te', 'tebe', 'tebi', 'ti', 'to', 'toj', 'tome', 'tu', 'tvoj', 'tvoja', 'tvoje', 'u', 'uz', 'vam', 'vama', 'vas', 'vaš', 'vaša', 'vaše', 'već', 'vi', 'vrlo', 'za', 'zar', 'će', 'ćemo', 'ćete', 'ćeš', 'ću', 'što']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'abba', 'abban', 'abból', 'addig', 'ahhoz', 'ahogy', 'ahol', 'aki', 'akik', 'akkor', 'akár', 'alapján', 'alatt', 'alatta', 'alattad', 'alattam', 'alattatok', 'alattuk', 'alattunk', 'alá', 'alád', 'alájuk', 'alám', 'alánk', 'alátok', 'alól', 'alóla', 'alólad', 'alólam', 'alólatok', 'alóluk', 'alólunk', 'amely', 'amelybol', 'amelyek', 'amelyekben', 'amelyeket', 'amelyet', 'amelyik', 'amelynek', 'ami', 'amikor', 'amit', 'amolyan', 'amott', 'amíg', 'annak', 'annál', 'arra', 'arról', 'attól', 'az', 'aznap', 'azok', 'azokat', 'azokba', 'azokban', 'azokból', 'azokhoz', 'azokig', 'azokkal', 'azokká', 'azoknak', 'azoknál', 'azokon', 'azokra', 'azokról', 'azoktól', 'azokért', 'azon', 'azonban', 'azonnal', 'azt', 'aztán', 'azután', 'azzal', 'azzá', 'azért', 'bal', 'balra', 'ban', 'be', 'belé', 'beléd', 'beléjük', 'belém', 'belénk', 'belétek', 'belül', 'belőle', 'belőled', 'belőlem', 'belőletek', 'belőlük', 'belőlünk', 'ben', 'benne', 'benned', 'bennem', 'bennetek', 'bennük', 'bennünk', 'bár', 'bárcsak', 'bármilyen', 'búcsú', 'cikk', 'cikkek', 'cikkeket', 'csak', 'csakhogy', 'csupán', 'de', 'dehogy', 'e', 'ebbe', 'ebben', 'ebből', 'eddig', 'egy', 'egyebek', 'egyebet', 'egyedül', 'egyelőre', 'egyes', 'egyet', 'egyetlen', 'egyik', 'egymás', 'egyre', 'egyszerre', 'egyéb', 'együtt', 'egész', 'egészen', 'ehhez', 'ekkor', 'el', 'eleinte', 'ellen', 'ellenes', 'elleni', 'ellenére', 'elmondta', 'első', 'elsők', 'elsősorban', 'elsőt', 'elé', 'eléd', 'elég', 'eléjük', 'elém', 'elénk', 'elétek', 'elő', 'előbb', 'elől', 'előle', 'előled', 'előlem', 'előletek', 'előlük', 'előlünk', 'először', 'előtt', 'előtte', 'előtted', 'előttem', 'előttetek', 'előttük', 'előttünk', 'előző', 'emilyen', 'engem', 'ennek', 'ennyi', 'ennél', 'enyém', 'erre', 'erről', 'esetben', 'ettől', 'ez', 'ezek', 'ezekbe', 'ezekben', 'ezekből', 'ezeken', 'ezeket', 'ezekhez', 'ezekig', 'ezekkel', 'ezekké', 'ezeknek', 'ezeknél', 'ezekre', 'ezekről', 'ezektől', 'ezekért', 'ezen', 'ezentúl', 'ezer', 'ezret', 'ezt', 'ezután', 'ezzel', 'ezzé', 'ezért', 'fel', 'fele', 'felek', 'felet', 'felett', 'felé', 'fent', 'fenti', 'fél', 'fölé', 'gyakran', 'ha', 'halló', 'hamar', 'hanem', 'harmadik', 'harmadikat', 'harminc', 'hat', 'hatodik', 'hatodikat', 'hatot', 'hatvan', 'helyett', 'hetedik', 'hetediket', 'hetet', 'hetven', 'hirtelen', 'hiszen', 'hiába', 'hogy', 'hogyan', 'hol', 'holnap', 'holnapot', 'honnan', 'hova', 'hozzá', 'hozzád', 'hozzájuk', 'hozzám', 'hozzánk', 'hozzátok', 'hurrá', 'huszadik', 'hány', 'hányszor', 'hármat', 'három', 'hát', 'hátha', 'hátulsó', 'hét', 'húsz', 'ide', 'ide-оda', 'idén', 'igazán', 'igen', 'ill', 'illetve', 'ilyen', 'ilyenkor', 'immár', 'inkább', 'is', 'ismét', 'ison', 'itt', 'jelenleg', 'jobban', 'jobbra', 'jó', 'jól', 'jólesik', 'jóval', 'jövőre', 'kell', 'kellene', 'kellett', 'kelljen', 'keressünk', 'keresztül', 'ketten', 'kettő', 'kettőt', 'kevés', 'ki', 'kiben', 'kiből', 'kicsit', 'kicsoda', 'kihez', 'kik', 'kikbe', 'kikben', 'kikből', 'kiken', 'kiket', 'kikhez', 'kikkel', 'kikké', 'kiknek', 'kiknél', 'kikre', 'kikről', 'kiktől', 'kikért', 'kilenc', 'kilencedik', 'kilencediket', 'kilencet', 'kilencven', 'kin', 'kinek', 'kinél', 'kire', 'kiről', 'kit', 'kitől', 'kivel', 'kivé', 'kié', 'kiért', 'korábban', 'képest', 'kérem', 'kérlek', 'kész', 'késő', 'később', 'későn', 'két', 'kétszer', 'kívül', 'körül', 'köszönhetően', 'köszönöm', 'közben', 'közel', 'közepesen', 'közepén', 'közé', 'között', 'közül', 'külön', 'különben', 'különböző', 'különbözőbb', 'különbözőek', 'lassan', 'le', 'legalább', 'legyen', 'lehet', 'lehetetlen', 'lehetett', 'lehetőleg', 'lehetőség', 'lenne', 'lenni', 'lennék', 'lennének', 'lesz', 'leszek', 'lesznek', 'leszünk', 'lett', 'lettek', 'lettem', 'lettünk', 'lévő', 'ma', 'maga', 'magad', 'magam', '
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = [\n 'այդ', 'այլ', 'այն', 'այս', 'դու', 'դուք', 'եմ', 'են', 'ենք', 'ես', 'եք', 'է',\n 'էի', 'էին', 'էինք', 'էիր', 'էիք', 'էր', 'ըստ', 'թ', 'ի', 'ին', 'իսկ', 'իր',\n 'կամ', 'համար', 'հետ', 'հետո', 'մենք', 'մեջ', 'մի', 'ն', 'նա', 'նաև', 'նրա',\n 'նրանք', 'որ', 'որը', 'որոնք', 'որպես', 'ու', 'ում', 'պիտի', 'վրա', 'և'\n]\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2019, Luthfi Azhari\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n\nOriginates from: https://github.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-hi/\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'ada',\n 'adalah',\n 'adanya',\n 'adapun',\n 'agak',\n 'agaknya',\n 'agar',\n 'akan',\n 'akankah',\n 'akhir',\n 'akhiri',\n 'akhirnya',\n 'aku',\n 'akulah',\n 'amat',\n 'amatlah',\n 'anda',\n 'andalah',\n 'antar',\n 'antara',\n 'antaranya',\n 'apa',\n 'apaan',\n 'apabila',\n 'apakah',\n 'apalagi',\n 'apatah',\n 'artinya',\n 'asal',\n 'asalkan',\n 'atas',\n 'atau',\n 'ataukah',\n 'ataupun',\n 'awal',\n 'awalnya',\n 'bagai',\n 'bagaikan',\n 'bagaimana',\n 'bagaimanakah',\n 'bagaimanapun',\n 'bagi',\n 'bagian',\n 'bahkan',\n 'bahwa',\n 'bahwasanya',\n 'bakal',\n 'bakalan',\n 'balik',\n 'banyak',\n 'bapak',\n 'baru',\n 'bawah',\n 'beberapa',\n 'begini',\n 'beginian',\n 'beginikah',\n 'beginilah',\n 'begitu',\n 'begitukah',\n 'begitulah',\n 'begitupun',\n 'bekerja',\n 'belakang',\n 'belakangan',\n 'belum',\n 'belumlah',\n 'benar',\n 'benarkah',\n 'benarlah',\n 'berada',\n 'berakhir',\n 'berakhirlah',\n 'berakhirnya',\n 'berapa',\n 'berapakah',\n 'berapalah',\n 'berapapun',\n 'berarti',\n 'berawal',\n 'berbagai',\n 'berdatangan',\n 'beri',\n 'berikan',\n 'berikut',\n 'berikutnya',\n 'berjumlah',\n 'berkali-kali',\n 'berkata',\n 'berkehendak',\n 'berkeinginan',\n 'berkenaan',\n 'berlainan',\n 'berlalu',\n 'berlangsung',\n 'berlebihan',\n 'bermacam',\n 'bermacam-macam',\n 'bermaksud',\n 'bermula',\n 'bersama',\n 'bersama-sama',\n 'bersiap',\n 'bersiap-siap',\n 'bertanya',\n 'bertanya-tanya',\n 'berturut',\n 'berturut-turut',\n 'bertutur',\n 'berujar',\n 'berupa',\n 'besar',\n 'betul',\n 'betulkah',\n 'biasa',\n 'biasanya',\n 'bila',\n 'bilakah',\n 'bisa',\n 'bisakah',\n 'boleh',\n 'bolehkah',\n 'bolehlah',\n 'buat',\n 'bukan',\n 'bukankah',\n 'bukanlah',\n 'bukannya',\n 'bulan',\n 'bung',\n 'cara',\n 'caranya',\n 'cukup',\n 'cukupkah',\n 'cukuplah',\n 'cuma',\n 'dahulu',\n 'dalam',\n 'dan',\n 'dapat',\n 'dari',\n 'daripada',\n 'datang',\n 'dekat',\n 'demi',\n 'demikian',\n 'demikianlah',\n 'dengan',\n 'depan',\n 'di',\n 'dia',\n 'diakhiri',\n 'diakhirinya',\n 'dialah',\n 'diantara',\n 'diantaranya',\n 'diberi',\n 'diberikan',\n 'diberikannya',\n 'dibuat',\n 'dibuatnya',\n 'didapat',\n 'didatangkan',\n 'digunakan',\n 'diibaratkan',\n 'diibaratkannya',\n 'diingat',\n 'diingatkan',\n 'diinginkan',\n 'dijawab',\n 'dijelaskan',\n 'dijelaskannya',\n 'dikarenakan',\n 'dikatakan',\n 'dikatakannya',\n 'dikerjakan',\n 'diketahui',\n 'diketahuinya',\n 'dikira',\n 'dilakukan',\n 'dilalui',\n 'dilihat',\n 'dimaksud',\n 'dimaksudkan',\n 'dimaksudkannya',\n 'dimaksudnya',\n 'diminta',\n 'dimintai',\n 'dimisalkan',\n 'dimulai',\n 'dimulailah',\n 'dimulainya',\n 'dimungkinkan',\n 'dini',\n 'dipastik
"/*\r\nCopyright (c) 2011, David Przybilla, Chris Umbel\r\n\r\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\r\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\r\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\r\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\r\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\r\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\r\n\r\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\r\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\r\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\r\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\r\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\r\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\r\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\r\nTHE SOFTWARE.\r\n*/\r\n\r\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\r\n// from analysis.\r\nvar words = [\r\n 'ad', 'al', 'allo', 'ai', 'agli', 'all', 'agl', 'alla', 'alle', 'con', 'col', 'coi', 'da', 'dal', 'dallo',\r\n 'dai', 'dagli', 'dall', 'dagl', 'dalla', 'dalle', 'di', 'del', 'dello', 'dei', 'degli', 'dell', 'degl',\r\n 'della', 'delle', 'in', 'nel', 'nello', 'nei', 'negli', 'nell', 'negl', 'nella', 'nelle', 'su', 'sul',\r\n 'sullo', 'sui', 'sugli', 'sull', 'sugl', 'sulla', 'sulle', 'per', 'tra', 'contro', 'io', 'tu', 'lui',\r\n 'lei', 'noi', 'voi', 'loro', 'mio', 'mia', 'miei', 'mie', 'tuo', 'tua', 'tuoi', 'tue', 'suo', 'sua', 'suoi',\r\n 'sue', 'nostro', 'nostra', 'nostri', 'nostre', 'vostro', 'vostra', 'vostri', 'vostre', 'mi', 'ti', 'ci',\r\n 'vi', 'lo', 'la', 'li', 'le', 'gli', 'ne', 'il', 'un', 'uno', 'una', 'ma', 'ed', 'se', 'perché', 'anche', 'come',\r\n 'dov', 'dove', 'che', 'chi', 'cui', 'non', 'più', 'quale', 'quanto', 'quanti', 'quanta', 'quante', 'quello',\r\n 'quelli', 'quella', 'quelle', 'questo', 'questi', 'questa', 'queste', 'si', 'tutto', 'tutti', 'a', 'c', 'e',\r\n 'i', 'l', 'o', 'ho', 'hai', 'ha', 'abbiamo', 'avete', 'hanno', 'abbia', 'abbiate', 'abbiano', 'avrò', 'avrai',\r\n 'avrà', 'avremo', 'avrete', 'avranno', 'avrei', 'avresti', 'avrebbe', 'avremmo', 'avreste', 'avrebbero',\r\n 'avevo', 'avevi', 'aveva', 'avevamo', 'avevate', 'avevano', 'ebbi', 'avesti', 'ebbe', 'avemmo', 'aveste',\r\n 'ebbero', 'avessi', 'avesse', 'avessimo', 'avessero', 'avendo', 'avuto', 'avuta', 'avuti', 'avute', 'sono',\r\n 'sei', 'è', 'siamo', 'siete', 'sia', 'siate', 'siano', 'sarò', 'sarai', 'sarà', 'saremo', 'sarete', 'saranno',\r\n 'sarei', 'saresti', 'sarebbe', 'saremmo', 'sareste', 'sarebbero', 'ero', 'eri', 'era', 'eravamo', 'eravate',\r\n 'erano', 'fui', 'fosti', 'fu', 'fummo', 'foste', 'furono', 'fossi', 'fosse', 'fossimo', 'fossero', 'essendo',\r\n 'faccio', 'fai', 'facciamo', 'fanno', 'faccia', 'facciate', 'facciano', 'farò', 'farai', 'farà', 'faremo',\r\n 'farete', 'faranno', 'farei', 'faresti', 'farebbe', 'faremmo', 'fareste', 'farebbero', 'facevo', 'facevi',\r\n 'faceva', 'facevamo', 'facevate', 'facevano', 'feci', 'facesti', 'fece', 'facemmo', 'faceste', 'fecero',\r\n 'facessi', 'facesse', 'facessimo', 'facessero', 'facendo', 'sto', 'stai', 'sta', 'stiamo', 'stanno', 'stia',\r\n 'stiate', 'stiano', 'starò', 'starai', 'starà', 'staremo', 'starete', 'staranno', 'starei', 'staresti',\r\n 'starebbe', 'staremmo', 'stareste', 'starebbero', 'stavo', 'stavi', 'stava', 'stavamo', 'stavate', 'stavano',\r\n 'stetti', 'stesti', 'stette', 'stemmo', 'steste', 'stettero', 'stessi', 'stesse', 'stessimo', 'stessero', 'stando',\r\n '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_']\r\n\r\n// tell the world about the noise words.\r\nexports.words = words\r\n",
"// Original copyright:\n/*\n Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with\n this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n// This version:\n/*\nCopyright (c) 2012, Guillaume Marty\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\n// Original location:\n// http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk/lucene/analysis/kuromoji/src/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ja/stopwords.txt\nvar words = ['の', 'に', 'は', 'を', 'た', 'が', 'で', 'て', 'と', 'し', 'れ', 'さ',\n 'ある', 'いる', 'も', 'する', 'から', 'な', 'こと', 'として', 'い', 'や', 'れる',\n 'など', 'なっ', 'ない', 'この', 'ため', 'その', 'あっ', 'よう', 'また', 'もの',\n 'という', 'あり', 'まで', 'られ', 'なる', 'へ', 'か', 'だ', 'これ', 'によって',\n 'により', 'おり', 'より', 'による', 'ず', 'なり', 'られる', 'において', 'ば', 'なかっ',\n 'なく', 'しかし', 'について', 'せ', 'だっ', 'その後', 'できる', 'それ', 'う', 'ので',\n 'なお', 'のみ', 'でき', 'き', 'つ', 'における', 'および', 'いう', 'さらに', 'でも',\n 'ら', 'たり', 'その他', 'に関する', 'たち', 'ます', 'ん', 'なら', 'に対して', '特に',\n 'せる', '及び', 'これら', 'とき', 'では', 'にて', 'ほか', 'ながら', 'うち', 'そして',\n 'とともに', 'ただし', 'かつて', 'それぞれ', 'または', 'お', 'ほど', 'ものの', 'に対する',\n 'ほとんど', 'と共に', 'といった', 'です', 'とも', 'ところ', 'ここ']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '가', '가까스로', '가령', '각', '각각', '각자', '각종', '갖고말하자면', '같다', '같이', '개의치않고', '거니와', '거바', '거의', '것', '것과 같이', '것들', '게다가', '게우다', '겨우', '견지에서', '결과에 이르다', '결국', '결론을 낼 수 있다', '겸사겸사', '고려하면', '고로', '곧', '공동으로', '과', '과연', '관계가 있다', '관계없이', '관련이 있다', '관하여', '관한', '관해서는', '구', '구체적으로', '구토하다', '그', '그들', '그때', '그래', '그래도', '그래서', '그러나', '그러니', '그러니까', '그러면', '그러므로', '그러한즉', '그런 까닭에', '그런데', '그런즉', '그럼', '그럼에도 불구하고', '그렇게 함으로써', '그렇지', '그렇지 않다면', '그렇지 않으면', '그렇지만', '그렇지않으면', '그리고', '그리하여', '그만이다', '그에 따르는', '그위에', '그저', '그중에서', '그치지 않다', '근거로', '근거하여', '기대여', '기점으로', '기준으로', '기타', '까닭으로', '까악', '까지', '까지 미치다', '까지도', '꽈당', '끙끙', '끼익', '나', '나머지는', '남들', '남짓', '너', '너희', '너희들', '네', '넷', '년', '논하지 않다', '놀라다', '누가 알겠는가', '누구', '다른', '다른 방면으로', '다만', '다섯', '다소', '다수', '다시 말하자면', '다시말하면', '다음', '다음에', '다음으로', '단지', '답다', '당신', '당장', '대로 하다', '대하면', '대하여', '대해 말하자면', '대해서', '댕그', '더구나', '더군다나', '더라도', '더불어', '더욱더', '더욱이는', '도달하다', '도착하다', '동시에', '동안', '된바에야', '된이상', '두번째로', '둘', '둥둥', '뒤따라', '뒤이어', '든간에', '들', '등', '등등', '딩동', '따라', '따라서', '따위', '따지지 않다', '딱', '때', '때가 되어', '때문에', '또', '또한', '뚝뚝', '라 해도', '령', '로', '로 인하여', '로부터', '로써', '륙', '를', '마음대로', '마저', '마저도', '마치', '막론하고', '만 못하다', '만약', '만약에', '만은 아니다', '만이 아니다', '만일', '만큼', '말하자면', '말할것도 없고', '매', '매번', '메쓰겁다', '몇', '모', '모두', '무렵', '무릎쓰고', '무슨', '무엇', '무엇때문에', '물론', '및', '바꾸어말하면', '바꾸어말하자면', '바꾸어서 말하면', '바꾸어서 한다면', '바꿔 말하면', '바로', '바와같이', '밖에 안된다', '반대로', '반대로 말하자면', '반드시', '버금', '보는데서', '보다더', '보드득', '본대로', '봐', '봐라', '부류의 사람들', '부터', '불구하고', '불문하고', '붕붕', '비걱거리다', '비교적', '비길수 없다', '비로소', '비록', '비슷하다', '비추어 보아', '비하면', '뿐만 아니라', '뿐만아니라', '뿐이다', '삐걱', '삐걱거리다', '사', '삼', '상대적으로 말하자면', '생각한대로', '설령', '설마', '설사', '셋', '소생', '소인', '솨', '쉿', '습니까', '습니다', '시각', '시간', '시작하여', '시초에', '시키다', '실로', '심지어', '아', '아니', '아니나다를가', '아니라면', '아니면', '아니었다면', '아래윗', '아무거나', '아무도', '아야', '아울러', '아이', '아이고', '아이구', '아이야', '아이쿠', '아하', '아홉', '안 그러면', '않기 위하여', '않기 위해서', '알 수 있다', '알았어', '앗', '앞에서', '앞의것', '야', '약간', '양자', '어', '어기여차', '어느', '어느 년도', '어느것', '어느곳', '어느때', '어느쪽', '어느해', '어디', '어때', '어떠한', '어떤', '어떤것', '어떤것들', '어떻
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'ab', 'ac', 'ad', 'at', 'atque', 'aut', 'autem', 'cum', 'de', 'dum', 'e', 'erant', 'erat', 'est', 'et', 'etiam', 'ex', 'haec', 'hic', 'hoc', 'in', 'ita', 'me', 'nec', 'neque', 'non', 'per', 'qua', 'quae', 'quam', 'qui', 'quibus', 'quidem', 'quo', 'quod', 're', 'rebus', 'rem', 'res', 'sed', 'si', 'sic', 'sunt', 'tamen', 'tandem', 'te', 'ut', 'vel']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n 'ma', 'ni', 'ri', 'eri', 'di', 'yi', 'si', 'ba', 'nga', 'i', 'ra', 'ku', 'be', 'yo', 'da', 'azini',\n 'dria', 'ru', 'azi', 'mu', 'te', 'ndra', 'diyi', 'ima', 'mi', 'alu', 'nde', 'alia', 'le', 'vile',\n 'dri', 'pati', 'aria', 'bo', 'e\\'yo', 'tu', 'kini', 'dii', 'ama', 'eyi', 'dika', 'pi', 'e', 'angu', \n 'e\\'do', 'pie', 'ka', 'ti', 'o\\'du', 'du'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n '́', '̀', 'nɨ', 'mà', 'rɨ', 'dɨ', 'ɨ', '́nɨ', 'èrɨ', '́á\\'', 'sɨ', 'àzɨ', 'yɨ', 'rá', 'vɨ',\n 'nga', 'be', 'mɨ', 'à', 'dà', 'kʉ', 'bá', ' ́lé', 'má', 'e', 'yo', '̀yɨ', 'ma', 'kɨ', 'àlʉ',\n '́mà', 'rʉ́', 'drɨ', 'patí', 'a', 'è', 'yó', 'te', '̀á', 'mà', 'mâ', 'dálé', 'yí', '̌', 'pɨ',\n 'e\\'yó', 'ndráa', 'bo', 'di', 'drìá'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['aiz', 'ap', 'apakš', 'apakšpus', 'ar', 'arī', 'augšpus', 'bet', 'bez', 'bija', 'biji', 'biju', 'bijām', 'bijāt', 'būs', 'būsi', 'būsiet', 'būsim', 'būt', 'būšu', 'caur', 'diemžēl', 'diezin', 'droši', 'dēļ', 'esam', 'esat', 'esi', 'esmu', 'gan', 'gar', 'iekam', 'iekams', 'iekām', 'iekāms', 'iekš', 'iekšpus', 'ik', 'ir', 'it', 'itin', 'iz', 'ja', 'jau', 'jeb', 'jebšu', 'jel', 'jo', 'jā', 'ka', 'kamēr', 'kaut', 'kolīdz', 'kopš', 'kā', 'kļuva', 'kļuvi', 'kļuvu', 'kļuvām', 'kļuvāt', 'kļūs', 'kļūsi', 'kļūsiet', 'kļūsim', 'kļūst', 'kļūstam', 'kļūstat', 'kļūsti', 'kļūstu', 'kļūt', 'kļūšu', 'labad', 'lai', 'lejpus', 'līdz', 'līdzko', 'ne', 'nebūt', 'nedz', 'nekā', 'nevis', 'nezin', 'no', 'nu', 'nē', 'otrpus', 'pa', 'par', 'pat', 'pie', 'pirms', 'pret', 'priekš', 'pār', 'pēc', 'starp', 'tad', 'tak', 'tapi', 'taps', 'tapsi', 'tapsiet', 'tapsim', 'tapt', 'tapāt', 'tapšu', 'taču', 'te', 'tiec', 'tiek', 'tiekam', 'tiekat', 'tieku', 'tik', 'tika', 'tikai', 'tiki', 'tikko', 'tiklab', 'tiklīdz', 'tiks', 'tiksiet', 'tiksim', 'tikt', 'tiku', 'tikvien', 'tikām', 'tikāt', 'tikšu', 'tomēr', 'topat', 'turpretim', 'turpretī', 'tā', 'tādēļ', 'tālab', 'tāpēc', 'un', 'uz', 'vai', 'var', 'varat', 'varēja', 'varēji', 'varēju', 'varējām', 'varējāt', 'varēs', 'varēsi', 'varēsiet', 'varēsim', 'varēt', 'varēšu', 'vien', 'virs', 'virspus', 'vis', 'viņpus', 'zem', 'ārpus', 'šaipus']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['अधिक', 'अनेक', 'अशी', 'असलयाचे', 'असलेल्या', 'असा', 'असून', 'असे', 'आज', 'आणि', 'आता', 'आपल्या', 'आला', 'आली', 'आले', 'आहे', 'आहेत', 'एक', 'एका', 'कमी', 'करणयात', 'करून', 'का', 'काम', 'काय', 'काही', 'किवा', 'की', 'केला', 'केली', 'केले', 'कोटी', 'गेल्या', 'घेऊन', 'जात', 'झाला', 'झाली', 'झाले', 'झालेल्या', 'टा', 'डॉ', 'तर', 'तरी', 'तसेच', 'ता', 'ती', 'तीन', 'ते', 'तो', 'त्या', 'त्याचा', 'त्याची', 'त्याच्या', 'त्याना', 'त्यानी', 'त्यामुळे', 'त्री', 'दिली', 'दोन', 'न', 'नाही', 'निर्ण्य', 'पण', 'पम', 'परयतन', 'पाटील', 'म', 'मात्र', 'माहिती', 'मी', 'मुबी', 'म्हणजे', 'म्हणाले', 'म्हणून', 'या', 'याचा', 'याची', 'याच्या', 'याना', 'यानी', 'येणार', 'येत', 'येथील', 'येथे', 'लाख', 'व', 'व्यकत', 'सर्व', 'सागित्ले', 'सुरू', 'हजार', 'हा', 'ही', 'हे', 'होणार', 'होत', 'होता', 'होती', 'होते']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'အပေါ်', 'အနက်', 'အမြဲတမ်း', 'အတွင်းတွင်', 'မကြာမီ', 'မတိုင်မီ', 'ဒါ့အပြင်', 'အောက်မှာ', 'အထဲမှာ', 'ဘယ်တော့မျှ', 'မကြာခဏ',\n 'တော်တော်လေး', 'စဉ်တွင်', 'နှင့်အတူ', 'နှင့်', 'နှင့်တကွ', 'ကျွန်တော်', 'ကျွန်မ', 'ငါ', 'ကျုပ်', 'ကျွနု်ပ်', 'ကျနော်', 'ကျမ', 'သူ',\n 'သူမ', 'ထိုဟာ', 'ထိုအရာ', 'ဤအရာ', 'ထို', '၄င်း', 'ကျွန်တော်တို့', 'ကျွန်မတို့', 'ငါတို့', 'ကျုပ်တို့', 'ကျွနု်ပ်တို့', 'ကျနော်တို့',\n 'ကျမတို့', 'သင်', 'သင်တို့', 'နင်တို့', 'မင်း', 'မင်းတို့', 'သူတို့', 'ကျွန်တော်အား', 'ကျွန်တော်ကို', 'ကျွန်မကို', 'ငါကို', 'ကျုပ်ကို',\n 'ကျွနု်ပ်ကို', 'သူ့ကို', 'သူမကို', 'ထိုအရာကို', 'သင့်ကို', 'သင်တို့ကို', 'နင်တို့ကို', 'မင်းကို', 'မင်းတို့ကို', 'ငါတို့ကို', 'ကျုပ်တို့ကို',\n 'ကျွနု်ပ်တို့ကို', 'မိမိကိုယ်တိုင်', 'မိမိဘာသာ', 'မင်းကိုယ်တိုင်', 'မင်းဘာသာ', 'မင်းတို့ကိုယ်တိုင်', 'မင်းတို့ဘာသာ', 'သူကိုယ်တိုင်',\n 'ကိုယ်တိုင်', 'သူမကိုယ်တိုင်', 'သူ့ဘာသာ', 'သူ့ကိုယ်ကို', 'ကိုယ့်ကိုယ်ကို', 'မိမိကိုယ်ကို', '၄င်းပင်', 'ထိုအရာပင်', 'သည့်', 'မည့်',\n 'တဲ့', 'ကျွနု်ပ်၏', 'ကျွန်တော်၏', 'ကျွန်မ၏', 'ကျနော်၏', 'ကျမ၏', 'သူ၏', 'သူမ၏', 'ထိုအရာ၏', 'ထိုဟာ၏', 'ကျွနု်ပ်တို့၏',\n 'ငါတို့၏', 'ကျွန်တော်တို့၏', 'ကျွန်မတို့၏', 'ကျနော်တို့၏', 'ကျမတို့၏', 'သင်၏', 'သင်တို့၏', 'မင်း၏', 'မင်းတို့၏', 'သူတို့၏',\n 'ကျွန်တော့်ဟာ', 'ကျွန်မဟာ', 'ကျနော်၏ဟာ', 'ကျမ၏ဟာ', 'ကျမဟာ', 'ကျနော်ဟာ', 'သူဟာ', 'သူမဟာ', 'သူ့ဟာ', 'ကျွနု်ပ်တို့ဟာ',\n 'ကျွန်တော်တို့ဟာ', 'ကျွန်မတို့ဟာ', 'သင်တို့ဟာ', 'မင်းတို့ဟာ', 'သူတို့ဟာ', 'သူမတို့ဟာ', 'ဤအရာ', 'ဟောဒါ', 'ဟောဒီ', 'ဟောဒီဟာ',\n 'ဒီဟာ', 'ဒါ', 'ထိုအရာ', '၄င်းအရာ', 'ယင်းအရာ', 'အဲဒါ', 'ဟိုဟာ', 'အချို့', 'တစ်ခုခု', 'အဘယ်မဆို', 'ဘယ်အရာမဆို',\n 'အဘယ်မည်သော', 'အကြင်', 'အရာရာတိုင်း', 'စိုးစဉ်မျှ', 'စိုးစဉ်းမျှ', 'ဘယ်လောက်မဆို', 'တစ်စုံတစ်ရာ', 'တစုံတရာ', 'အလျဉ်းမဟုတ်',\n 'မည်သည့်နည်းနှင့်မျှမဟုတ်', 'အလျဉ်းမရ<E18099><E1809B>
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2011, Chris Umbel, Martijn de Boer, Damien van Holten\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\n// This dutch wordlist has been parsed from a list created by Damien van Holten\n// source: http://www.damienvanholten.com/blog/dutch-stop-words/\nvar words = [\n 'aan', 'af', 'al', 'alles', 'als', 'altijd', 'andere', 'ben', 'bij', 'daar',\n 'dan', 'dat', 'de', 'der', 'deze', 'die', 'dit', 'doch', 'doen', 'door', 'dus',\n 'een', 'eens', 'en', 'er', 'ge', 'geen', 'geweest', 'haar', 'had', 'heb',\n 'hebben', 'heeft', 'hem', 'het', 'hier', 'hij', 'hoe', 'hun', 'iemand', 'iets',\n 'ik', 'in', 'is', 'ja', 'je ', 'kan', 'kon', 'kunnen', 'maar', 'me', 'meer',\n 'men', 'met', 'mij', 'mijn', 'moet', 'na', 'naar', 'niet', 'niets', 'nog', 'nu',\n 'of', 'om', 'omdat', 'ons', 'ook', 'op', 'over', 'reeds', 'te', 'tegen', 'toch',\n 'toen', 'tot', 'u', 'uit', 'uw', 'van', 'veel', 'voor', 'want', 'waren', 'was',\n 'wat', 'we', 'wel', 'werd', 'wezen', 'wie', 'wij', 'wil', 'worden', 'zal', 'ze',\n 'zei', 'zelf', 'zich', 'zij', 'zijn', 'zo', 'zonder', 'zou',\n 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',\n 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '$', '1',\n '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_', '-']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2014, Kristoffer Brabrand\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'og', 'i', 'jeg', 'det', 'at', 'en', 'et', 'den', 'til', 'er', 'som',\n 'på', 'de', 'med', 'han', 'av', 'ikke', 'der', 'så', 'var', 'meg',\n 'seg', 'men', 'ett', 'har', 'om', 'vi', 'min', 'mitt', 'ha', 'hadde',\n 'hun', 'nå', 'over', 'da', 'ved', 'fra', 'du', 'ut', 'sin', 'dem',\n 'oss', 'opp', 'man', 'kan', 'hans', 'hvor', 'eller', 'hva', 'skal',\n 'selv', 'sjøl', 'her', 'alle', 'vil', 'bli', 'ble', 'blitt', 'kunne',\n 'inn', 'når', 'kom', 'noen', 'noe', 'ville', 'dere', 'som',\n 'deres', 'kun', 'ja', 'etter', 'ned', 'skulle', 'denne', 'for', 'deg',\n 'si', 'sine', 'sitt', 'mot', 'å', 'meget', 'hvorfor', 'dette', 'disse',\n 'uten', 'hvordan', 'ingen', 'din', 'ditt', 'blir', 'samme', 'hvilken',\n 'hvilke', 'sånn', 'inni', 'mellom', 'vår', 'hver', 'hvem', 'vors',\n 'hvis', 'både', 'bare', 'enn', 'fordi', 'før', 'mange', 'også', 'slik',\n 'vært', 'være', 'begge', 'siden', 'henne', 'hennar', 'hennes',\n '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/* The MIT License (MIT)\nCopyright (c) 2018 Espen Klem\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n \"ਦੇ\", \"0\", \"ਵਿੱਚ\", \"ਦਾ\", \"ਅਤੇ\", \"ਦੀ\", \"ਇੱਕ\", \"ਨੂੰ\", \"ਹੈ\", \"ਤੋਂ\", \"ਇਸ\", \"ਇਹ\",\n \"ਨੇ\", \"ਤੇ\", \"ਨਾਲ\", \"1\", \"ਲਈ\", \"ਵੀ\", \"ਸੀ\", \"ਵਿਚ\", \"ਕਿ\", \"ਜੋ\", \"ਉਹ\", \"ਉਸ\",\n \"ਹਨ\", \"ਜਾਂਦਾ\", \"ਕੀਤਾ\", \"2\", \"ਗਿਆ\", \"ਹੀ\", \"ਕੇ\", \"ਜਾਂ\", \"ਦੀਆਂ\", \"ਜਿਸ\", \"ਕਰਨ\",\n \"ਹੋ\", \"ਕਰ\", \"ਆਪਣੇ\", \"ਕੀਤੀ\", \"ਤੌਰ\", \"ਬਾਅਦ\", \"ਨਹੀਂ\", \"ਭਾਰਤੀ\", \"ਪਿੰਡ\", \"3\",\n \"ਸਿੰਘ\", \"ਉੱਤੇ\", \"ਸਾਲ\", \"।\", \"ਪੰਜਾਬ\", \"ਸਭ\", \"ਭਾਰਤ\", \"ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ\", \"ਹੁੰਦਾ\", \"ਤੱਕ\",\n \"ਇਕ\", \"ਹੋਇਆ\", \"ਜਨਮ\", \"ਬਹੁਤ\", \"ਪਰ\", \"ਦੁਆਰਾ\", \"ਰੂਪ\", \"4\", \"ਹੋਰ\", \"ਕੰਮ\", \"ਆਪਣੀ\",\n \"ਤਾਂ\", \"ਸਮੇਂ\", \"ਪੰਜਾਬੀ\", \"ਗਈ\", \"ਦਿੱਤਾ\", \"ਦੋ\", \"ਕਿਸੇ\", \"ਕਈ\", \"ਜਾ\", \"ਵਾਲੇ\",\n \"ਸ਼ੁਰੂ\", \"5\", \"ਉਸਨੇ\", \"ਕਿਹਾ\", \"ਹੋਣ\", \"ਲੋਕ\", \"ਜਾਂਦੀ\", \"ਵਿੱਚੋਂ\", \"ਨਾਮ\", \"ਜਦੋਂ\",\n \"ਪਹਿਲਾਂ\", \"ਕਰਦਾ\", \"ਹੁੰਦੀ\", \"ਹੋਏ\", \"ਸਨ\", \"ਵਜੋਂ\", \"ਰਾਜ\", \"ਮੁੱਖ\", \"ਕਰਦੇ\", \"ਕੁਝ\",\n \"ਸਾਰੇ\", \"ਹੁੰਦੇ\", \"ਸ਼ਹਿਰ\", \"ਭਾਸ਼ਾ\", \"6\", \"ਹੋਈ\", \"ਅਨੁਸਾਰ\", \"ਸਕਦਾ\", \"ਆਮ\", \"ਵੱਖ\",\n \"ਕੋਈ\", \"ਵਾਰ\", \"ਗਏ\", \"ਖੇਤਰ\", \"ਜੀ\", \"ਕਾਰਨ\", \"ਕਰਕੇ\", \"ਜਿਵੇਂ\", \"ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹੇ\",\n \"ਲੋਕਾਂ\", \"ਚ\", \"ਸਾਹਿਤ\", \"ਸਦੀ\", \"ਬਾਰੇ\", \"ਜਾਂਦੇ\", \"ਵਾਲਾ\", \"ਜਾਣ\", \"ਪਹਿਲੀ\",\n \"ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ\", \"ਰਿਹਾ\", \"ਵਾਲੀ\", \"ਨਾਂ\", \"ਦੌਰਾਨ\", \"ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ\", \"7\", \"ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ\", \"ਨਾ\",\n \"ਏ\", \"ਤਿੰਨ\", \"ਇਨ੍ਹਾਂ\", \"ਗੁਰੂ\", \"ਇਸਨੂੰ\", \"ਇਹਨਾਂ\", \"ਪਿਤਾ\", \"ਲਿਆ\", \"ਸ਼ਾਮਲ\",\n \"ਸ਼ਬਦ\", \"ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ\", \"ਉਸਨੂੰ\", \"ਉਹਨਾਂ\", \"8\", \"ਸਥਿਤ\", \"ਫਿਰ\", \"ਜੀਵਨ\", \"ਸਕੂਲ\",\n \"ਹੁਣ\", \"ਦਿਨ\", \"ਕੀਤੇ\", \"ਆਦਿ\", \"ਵੱਧ\", \"ਲੈ\", \"ਘਰ\", \"ਵੱਲ\", \"ਦੇਸ਼\", \"ਵਲੋਂ\", \"ਬਣ\",\n \"ਵੀਂ\", \"ਫਿਲਮ\", \"ਉਮਰ\", \"ਬਲਾਕ\", \"<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2013, Paweł Łaskarzewski\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\n// list based on: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Stopwords\nvar words = [\n 'a', 'aby', 'ach', 'acz', 'aczkolwiek', 'aj', 'albo', 'ale', 'ależ', 'ani',\n 'aż', 'bardziej', 'bardzo', 'bo', 'bowiem', 'by', 'byli', 'bynajmniej',\n 'być', 'był', 'była', 'było', 'były', 'będzie', 'będą', 'cali', 'cała',\n 'cały', 'ci', 'cię', 'ciebie', 'co', 'cokolwiek', 'coś', 'czasami',\n 'czasem', 'czemu', 'czy', 'czyli', 'daleko', 'dla', 'dlaczego', 'dlatego',\n 'do', 'dobrze', 'dokąd', 'dość', 'dużo', 'dwa', 'dwaj', 'dwie', 'dwoje',\n 'dziś', 'dzisiaj', 'gdy', 'gdyby', 'gdyż', 'gdzie', 'gdziekolwiek',\n 'gdzieś', 'i', 'ich', 'ile', 'im', 'inna', 'inne', 'inny', 'innych', 'iż',\n 'ja', 'ją', 'jak', 'jakaś', 'jakby', 'jaki', 'jakichś', 'jakie', 'jakiś',\n 'jakiż', 'jakkolwiek', 'jako', 'jakoś', 'je', 'jeden', 'jedna', 'jedno',\n 'jednak', 'jednakże', 'jego', 'jej', 'jemu', 'jest', 'jestem', 'jeszcze',\n 'jeśli', 'jeżeli', 'już', 'ją', 'każdy', 'kiedy', 'kilka', 'kimś', 'kto',\n 'ktokolwiek', 'ktoś', 'która', 'które', 'którego', 'której', 'który',\n 'których', 'którym', 'którzy', 'ku', 'lat', 'lecz', 'lub', 'ma', 'mają',\n 'mało', 'mam', 'mi', 'mimo', 'między', 'mną', 'mnie', 'mogą', 'moi', 'moim',\n 'moja', 'moje', 'może', 'możliwe', 'można', 'mój', 'mu', 'musi', 'my', 'na',\n 'nad', 'nam', 'nami', 'nas', 'nasi', 'nasz', 'nasza', 'nasze', 'naszego',\n 'naszych', 'natomiast', 'natychmiast', 'nawet', 'nią', 'nic', 'nich', 'nie',\n 'niech', 'niego', 'niej', 'niemu', 'nigdy', 'nim', 'nimi', 'niż', 'no', 'o',\n 'obok', 'od', 'około', 'on', 'ona', 'one', 'oni', 'ono', 'oraz', 'oto',\n 'owszem', 'pan', 'pana', 'pani', 'po', 'pod', 'podczas', 'pomimo', 'ponad',\n 'ponieważ', 'powinien', 'powinna', 'powinni', 'powinno', 'poza', 'prawie',\n 'przecież', 'przed', 'przede', 'przedtem', 'przez', 'przy', 'roku',\n 'również', 'sam', 'sama', 'są', 'się', 'skąd', 'sobie', 'sobą', 'sposób',\n 'swoje', 'ta', 'tak', 'taka', 'taki', 'takie', 'także', 'tam', 'te', 'tego',\n 'tej', 'temu', 'ten', 'teraz', 'też', 'to', 'tobą', 'tobie', 'toteż',\n 'trzeba', 'tu', 'tutaj', 'twoi', 'twoim', 'twoja', 'twoje', 'twym', 'twój',\n 'ty', 'tych', 'tylko', 'tym', 'u', 'w', 'wam', 'wami', 'was', 'wasz', 'zaś',\n 'wasza', 'wasze', 'we', 'według', 'wiele', 'wielu', 'więc', 'więcej', 'tę',\n 'wszyscy', 'wszystkich', 'wszystkie', 'wszystkim', 'wszystko', 'wtedy',\n 'wy', 'właśnie', 'z', 'za', 'zapewne', 'zawsze', 'ze', 'zł', 'znowu',\n 'znów', 'został', 'żaden', 'żadna', 'żadne', 'żadnych', 'że', 'żeby',\n '$', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2011, Luís Rodrigues\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'a',\n 'à',\n 'ao',\n 'aos',\n 'aquela',\n 'aquelas',\n 'aquele',\n 'aqueles',\n 'aquilo',\n 'as',\n 'às',\n 'até',\n 'com',\n 'como',\n 'da',\n 'das',\n 'de',\n 'dela',\n 'delas',\n 'dele',\n 'deles',\n 'depois',\n 'do',\n 'dos',\n 'e',\n 'ela',\n 'elas',\n 'ele',\n 'eles',\n 'em',\n 'entre',\n 'essa',\n 'essas',\n 'esse',\n 'esses',\n 'esta',\n 'estas',\n 'este',\n 'estes',\n 'eu',\n 'isso',\n 'isto',\n 'já',\n 'lhe',\n 'lhes',\n 'mais',\n 'mas',\n 'me',\n 'mesmo',\n 'meu',\n 'meus',\n 'minha',\n 'minhas',\n 'muito',\n 'muitos',\n 'na',\n 'não',\n 'nas',\n 'nem',\n 'no',\n 'nos',\n 'nós',\n 'nossa',\n 'nossas',\n 'nosso',\n 'nossos',\n 'num',\n 'nuns',\n 'numa',\n 'numas',\n 'o',\n 'os',\n 'ou',\n 'para',\n 'pela',\n 'pelas',\n 'pelo',\n 'pelos',\n 'por',\n 'quais',\n 'qual',\n 'quando',\n 'que',\n 'quem',\n 'se',\n 'sem',\n 'seu',\n 'seus',\n 'só',\n 'sua',\n 'suas',\n 'também',\n 'te',\n 'teu',\n 'teus',\n 'tu',\n 'tua',\n 'tuas',\n 'um',\n 'uma',\n 'umas',\n 'você',\n 'vocês',\n 'vos',\n 'vosso',\n 'vossos',\n '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_'\n]\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Original copyright:\n/*\nCopyright (c) 2017, Micael Levi\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// This version:\n/*\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2017 Fabrício Rodrigues\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\ncopies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\nSOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words (pt-BR) that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'a',\n 'à',\n 'adeus',\n 'agora',\n 'aí',\n 'ainda',\n 'além',\n 'algo',\n 'alguém',\n 'algum',\n 'alguma',\n 'algumas',\n 'alguns',\n 'ali',\n 'ampla',\n 'amplas',\n 'amplo',\n 'amplos',\n 'ano',\n 'anos',\n 'ante',\n 'antes',\n 'ao',\n 'aos',\n 'apenas',\n 'apoio',\n 'após',\n 'aquela',\n 'aquelas',\n 'aquele',\n 'aqueles',\n 'aqui',\n 'aquilo',\n 'área',\n 'as',\n 'às',\n 'assim',\n 'até',\n 'atrás',\n 'através',\n 'baixo',\n 'bastante',\n 'bem',\n 'boa',\n 'boas',\n 'bom',\n 'bons',\n 'breve',\n 'cá',\n 'cada',\n 'catorze',\n 'cedo',\n 'cento',\n 'certamente',\n 'certeza',\n 'cima',\n 'cinco',\n 'coisa',\n 'coisas',\n 'com',\n 'como',\n 'conselho',\n 'contra',\n 'contudo',\n 'custa',\n 'da',\n 'dá',\n 'dão',\n 'daquela',\n 'daquelas',\n 'daquele',\n 'daqueles',\n 'dar',\n 'das',\n 'de',\n 'debaixo',\n 'dela',\n 'delas',\n 'dele',\n 'deles',\n 'demais',\n 'dentro',\n 'depois',\n 'desde',\n 'dessa',\n 'dessas',\n 'desse',\n 'desses',\n 'desta',\n 'destas',\n 'deste',\n 'destes',\n 'deve',\n 'devem',\n 'devendo',\n 'dever',\n 'deverá',\n 'deverão',\n 'deveria',\n 'deveriam',\n 'devia',\n 'deviam',\n 'dez',\n 'dezanove',\n 'dezasseis',\n 'dezassete',\n 'dezoito',\n 'dia',\n 'diante',\n 'disse',\n 'disso',\n 'disto',\n 'dito',\n 'diz',\n 'dizem',\n 'dizer',\n 'do',\n 'dois',\n 'dos',\n 'doze',\n 'duas',\n 'dúvida',\n 'e',\n 'é',\n 'ela',\n 'elas',\n 'ele',\n 'eles',\n 'em',\n 'embora',\n 'enquanto',\n 'entre',\n 'era',\n 'eram',\n 'éramos',\n 'és',\n 'essa',\n 'essas',\n 'esse',\n 'esses',\n 'esta',\n 'está',\n 'estamos',\n '
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['acea', 'aceasta', 'această', 'aceea', 'acei', 'aceia', 'acel', 'acela', 'acele', 'acelea', 'acest', 'acesta', 'aceste', 'acestea', 'aceşti', 'aceştia', 'acolo', 'acord', 'acum', 'ai', 'aia', 'aibă', 'aici', 'al', 'ale', 'alea', 'altceva', 'altcineva', 'am', 'ar', 'are', 'asemenea', 'asta', 'astea', 'astăzi', 'asupra', 'au', 'avea', 'avem', 'aveţi', 'azi', 'aş', 'aşadar', 'aţi', 'bine', 'bucur', 'bună', 'ca', 'care', 'caut', 'ce', 'cel', 'ceva', 'chiar', 'cinci', 'cine', 'cineva', 'contra', 'cu', 'cum', 'cumva', 'curând', 'curînd', 'când', 'cât', 'câte', 'câtva', 'câţi', 'cînd', 'cît', 'cîte', 'cîtva', 'cîţi', 'că', 'căci', 'cărei', 'căror', 'cărui', 'către', 'da', 'dacă', 'dar', 'datorită', 'dată', 'dau', 'de', 'deci', 'deja', 'deoarece', 'departe', 'deşi', 'din', 'dinaintea', 'dintr-', 'dintre', 'doi', 'doilea', 'două', 'drept', 'după', 'dă', 'ea', 'ei', 'el', 'ele', 'eram', 'este', 'eu', 'eşti', 'face', 'fata', 'fi', 'fie', 'fiecare', 'fii', 'fim', 'fiu', 'fiţi', 'frumos', 'fără', 'graţie', 'halbă', 'iar', 'ieri', 'la', 'le', 'li', 'lor', 'lui', 'lângă', 'lîngă', 'mai', 'mea', 'mei', 'mele', 'mereu', 'meu', 'mi', 'mie', 'mine', 'mult', 'multă', 'mulţi', 'mulţumesc', 'mâine', 'mîine', 'mă', 'ne', 'nevoie', 'nici', 'nicăieri', 'nimeni', 'nimeri', 'nimic', 'nişte', 'noastre', 'noastră', 'noi', 'noroc', 'nostru', 'nouă', 'noştri', 'nu', 'opt', 'ori', 'oricare', 'orice', 'oricine', 'oricum', 'oricând', 'oricât', 'oricînd', 'oricît', 'oriunde', 'patra', 'patru', 'patrulea', 'pe', 'pentru', 'peste', 'pic', 'poate', 'pot', 'prea', 'prima', 'primul', 'prin', 'printr-', 'puţin', 'puţina', 'puţină', 'până', 'pînă', 'rog', 'sa', 'sale', 'sau', 'se', 'spate', 'spre', 'sub', 'sunt', 'suntem', 'sunteţi', 'sută', 'sînt', 'sîntem', 'sînteţi', 'să', 'săi', 'său', 'ta', 'tale', 'te', 'timp', 'tine', 'toate', 'toată', 'tot', 'totuşi', 'toţi', 'trei', 'treia', 'treilea', 'tu', 'tăi', 'tău', 'un', 'una', 'unde', 'undeva', 'unei', 'uneia', 'unele', 'uneori', 'unii', 'unor', 'unora', 'unu', 'unui', 'unuia', 'unul', 'vi', 'voastre', 'voastră', 'voi', 'vostru', 'vouă', 'voştri', 'vreme', 'vreo', 'vreun', 'vă', 'zece', 'zero', 'zi', 'zice', 'îi', 'îl', 'îmi', 'împotriva', 'în', 'înainte', 'înaintea', 'încotro', 'încât', 'încît', 'între', 'întrucât', 'întrucît', 'îţi', 'ăla', 'ălea', 'ăsta', 'ăstea', 'ăştia', 'şapte', 'şase', 'şi', 'ştiu', 'ţi', 'ţie']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2011, Polyakov Vladimir, Chris Umbel\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = ['и', 'в', 'во', 'не', 'что', 'он', 'на', 'я', 'с', 'со', 'как',\n'а', 'то', 'все', 'она', 'так', 'его', 'но', 'да', 'ты', 'к', 'у', 'же', 'вы',\n 'за', 'бы', 'по', 'только', 'ее', 'мне', 'было', 'вот', 'от', 'меня', 'еще',\n 'нет', 'о', 'из', 'ему', 'теперь', 'когда', 'даже', 'ну', 'ли', 'если', 'уже',\n 'или', 'ни', 'быть', 'был', 'него', 'до', 'вас', 'нибудь', 'уж', 'вам',\n 'сказал', 'ведь', 'там', 'потом', 'себя', 'ничего', 'ей', 'может', 'они',\n 'тут', 'где', 'есть', 'надо', 'ней', 'для', 'мы', 'тебя', 'их', 'чем', 'была',\n 'сам', 'чтоб', 'без', 'будто', 'чего', 'раз', 'тоже', 'себе', 'под', 'будет',\n 'ж', 'тогда', 'кто', 'этот', 'того', 'потому', 'этого', 'какой', 'совсем',\n 'ним', 'этом', 'почти', 'мой', 'тем', 'чтобы', 'нее', 'были', 'куда', 'всех',\n 'никогда', 'сегодня', 'можно', 'при', 'об', 'другой', 'хоть', 'после', 'над',\n 'больше', 'тот', 'через', 'эти', 'нас', 'про', 'всего', 'них', 'какая',\n 'много', 'разве', 'эту', 'моя', 'свою', 'этой', 'перед', 'иногда', 'лучше',\n 'чуть', 'том', 'нельзя', 'такой', 'им', 'более', 'всегда', 'конечно', 'всю',\n 'между', 'это', 'лишь']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'aby', 'aj', 'ako', 'aký', 'ale', 'alebo', 'ani', 'avšak', 'ba', 'bez', 'buï', 'cez', 'do', 'ho', 'hoci', 'i', 'ich', 'im', 'ja', 'jeho', 'jej', 'jemu', 'ju', 'k', 'kam', 'kde', 'kedže', 'keï', 'kto', 'ktorý', 'ku', 'lebo', 'ma', 'mi', 'mne', 'mnou', 'mu', 'my', 'mòa', 'môj', 'na', 'nad', 'nami', 'neho', 'nej', 'nemu', 'nich', 'nielen', 'nim', 'no', 'nám', 'nás', 'náš', 'ním', 'o', 'od', 'on', 'ona', 'oni', 'ono', 'ony', 'po', 'pod', 'pre', 'pred', 'pri', 's', 'sa', 'seba', 'sem', 'so', 'svoj', 'taký', 'tam', 'teba', 'tebe', 'tebou', 'tej', 'ten', 'ti', 'tie', 'to', 'toho', 'tomu', 'tou', 'tvoj', 'ty', 'tá', 'tým', 'v', 'vami', 'veï', 'vo', 'vy', 'vám', 'vás', 'váš', 'však', 'z', 'za', 'zo', 'a', 'èi', 'èo', 'èí', 'òom', 'òou', 'òu', 'že']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['a', 'ali', 'april', 'avgust', 'b', 'bi', 'bil', 'bila', 'bile', 'bili', 'bilo', 'biti', 'blizu', 'bo', 'bodo', 'bojo', 'bolj', 'bom', 'bomo', 'boste', 'bova', 'boš', 'brez', 'c', 'cel', 'cela', 'celi', 'celo', 'd', 'da', 'daleč', 'dan', 'danes', 'datum', 'december', 'deset', 'deseta', 'deseti', 'deseto', 'devet', 'deveta', 'deveti', 'deveto', 'do', 'dober', 'dobra', 'dobri', 'dobro', 'dokler', 'dol', 'dolg', 'dolga', 'dolgi', 'dovolj', 'drug', 'druga', 'drugi', 'drugo', 'dva', 'dve', 'e', 'eden', 'en', 'ena', 'ene', 'eni', 'enkrat', 'eno', 'etc.', 'f', 'februar', 'g', 'g.', 'ga', 'ga.', 'gor', 'gospa', 'gospod', 'h', 'halo', 'i', 'idr.', 'ii', 'iii', 'in', 'iv', 'ix', 'iz', 'j', 'januar', 'jaz', 'je', 'ji', 'jih', 'jim', 'jo', 'julij', 'junij', 'jutri', 'k', 'kadarkoli', 'kaj', 'kajti', 'kako', 'kakor', 'kamor', 'kamorkoli', 'kar', 'karkoli', 'katerikoli', 'kdaj', 'kdo', 'kdorkoli', 'ker', 'ki', 'kje', 'kjer', 'kjerkoli', 'ko', 'koder', 'koderkoli', 'koga', 'komu', 'kot', 'kratek', 'kratka', 'kratke', 'kratki', 'l', 'lahka', 'lahke', 'lahki', 'lahko', 'le', 'lep', 'lepa', 'lepe', 'lepi', 'lepo', 'leto', 'm', 'maj', 'majhen', 'majhna', 'majhni', 'malce', 'malo', 'manj', 'marec', 'me', 'med', 'medtem', 'mene', 'mesec', 'mi', 'midva', 'midve', 'mnogo', 'moj', 'moja', 'moje', 'mora', 'morajo', 'moram', 'moramo', 'morate', 'moraš', 'morem', 'mu', 'n', 'na', 'nad', 'naj', 'najina', 'najino', 'najmanj', 'naju', 'največ', 'nam', 'narobe', 'nas', 'nato', 'nazaj', 'naš', 'naša', 'naše', 'ne', 'nedavno', 'nedelja', 'nek', 'neka', 'nekaj', 'nekatere', 'nekateri', 'nekatero', 'nekdo', 'neke', 'nekega', 'neki', 'nekje', 'neko', 'nekoga', 'nekoč', 'ni', 'nikamor', 'nikdar', 'nikjer', 'nikoli', 'nič', 'nje', 'njega', 'njegov', 'njegova', 'njegovo', 'njej', 'njemu', 'njen', 'njena', 'njeno', 'nji', 'njih', 'njihov', 'njihova', 'njihovo', 'njiju', 'njim', 'njo', 'njun', 'njuna', 'njuno', 'no', 'nocoj', 'november', 'npr.', 'o', 'ob', 'oba', 'obe', 'oboje', 'od', 'odprt', 'odprta', 'odprti', 'okoli', 'oktober', 'on', 'onadva', 'one', 'oni', 'onidve', 'osem', 'osma', 'osmi', 'osmo', 'oz.', 'p', 'pa', 'pet', 'peta', 'petek', 'peti', 'peto', 'po', 'pod', 'pogosto', 'poleg', 'poln', 'polna', 'polni', 'polno', 'ponavadi', 'ponedeljek', 'ponovno', 'potem', 'povsod', 'pozdravljen', 'pozdravljeni', 'prav', 'prava', 'prave', 'pravi', 'pravo', 'prazen', 'prazna', 'prazno', 'prbl.', 'precej', 'pred', 'prej', 'preko', 'pri', 'pribl.', 'približno', 'primer', 'pripravljen', 'pripravljena', 'pripravljeni', 'proti', 'prva', 'prvi', 'prvo', 'r', 'ravno', 'redko', 'res', 'reč', 's', 'saj', 'sam', 'sama', 'same', 'sami', 'samo', 'se', 'sebe', 'sebi', 'sedaj', 'sedem', 'sedma', 'sedmi', 'sedmo', 'sem', 'september', 'seveda', 'si', 'sicer', 'skoraj', 'skozi', 'slab', 'smo', 'so', 'sobota', 'spet', 'sreda', 'srednja', 'srednji', 'sta', 'ste', 'stran', 'stvar', 'sva', 't', 'ta', 'tak', 'taka', 'take', 'taki', 'tako', 'takoj', 'tam', 'te', 'tebe', 'tebi', 'tega', 'težak', 'težka', 'težki', 'težko', 'ti', 'tista', 'tiste', 'tisti', 'tisto', 'tj.', 'tja', 'to', 'toda', 'torek', 'tretja', 'tretje', 'tretji', 'tri', 'tu', 'tudi', 'tukaj', 'tvoj', 'tvoja', 'tvoje', 'u', 'v', 'vaju', 'vam', 'vas', 'vaš', 'vaša', 'vaše', 've', 'vedno', 'velik', 'velika', 'veliki', 'veliko', 'vendar', 'ves', 'več', 'vi', 'vidva', 'vii', 'viii', 'visok', 'visoka', 'visoke', 'visoki', 'vsa', 'vsaj', 'vsak', 'vsaka', 'vsakdo', 'vsake', 'vsaki', 'vsakomur', 'vse', 'vsega', 'vsi', 'vso', 'včasih', 'včeraj', 'x', 'z', 'za', 'zadaj', 'zadnji', 'zakaj', 'zaprta', 'zaprti', 'zaprto', 'zdaj', 'zelo', 'zunaj', 'č', 'če', 'često', 'četrta', 'četrtek', 'četrti', 'četrto', 'čez', 'čigav', 'š', 'šest', 'šesta', 'šesti', 'šesto', 'štiri', 'ž', 'že']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n 'oo', 'atabo', 'ay', 'ku', 'waxeey', 'uu', 'lakin', 'si', 'ayuu', 'soo',\n 'waa', 'ka', 'kasoo', 'kale', 'waxuu', 'ayee', 'ayaa', 'kuu', 'isku', 'ugu',\n 'jiray', 'dhan', 'dambeestii', 'inuu', 'in', 'jirtay', 'uheestay', 'aad',\n 'uga', 'hadana', 'timaado', 'timaaday'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n 'a', 'le', 'o', 'ba', 'ho', 'oa', 'ea', 'ka', 'hae', 'tselane', 'eaba', 'ke',\n 'hore', 'ha', 'e', 'ne', 're', 'bona', 'me', 'limo', 'tsa', 'haholo', 'la',\n 'empa', 'ngoanake', 'se', 'moo', 'm\\'e', 'bane', 'mo', 'tse', 'sa', 'li',\n 'ena', 'bina', 'pina', 'hape'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCreative Commons – Attribution / ShareAlike 3.0 license\nhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/\n\nList based on frequently used words in subtitles in 2012.\n\nThanks to\nopensubtitles.org\nhttps://invokeit.wordpress.com/frequency-word-lists/#comment-9707\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'jag', 'det', 'är', 'du', 'inte', 'att', 'en', 'och', 'har', 'vi',\n 'på', 'i', 'för', 'han', 'vad', 'med', 'mig', 'som', 'här', 'om',\n 'dig', 'var', 'den', 'så', 'till', 'kan', 'de', 'ni', 'ska', 'ett',\n 'men', 'av', 'vill', 'nu', 'ja', 'nej', 'bara', 'hon', 'hur', 'min',\n 'där', 'honom', 'kom', 'din', 'då', 'när', 'ha', 'er', 'ta', 'ut',\n 'får', 'man', 'vara', 'oss', 'dem', 'eller', 'varför', 'alla', 'från', 'upp',\n 'igen', 'sa', 'hade', 'allt', 'in', 'sig', 'ingen', 'henne', 'vem', 'mitt',\n 'nåt', 'blir', 'än', 'bli', 'ju', 'två', 'tar', 'hans', 'ditt', 'mina',\n 'åt', 'väl', 'också', 'nån', 'låt', 'detta', 'va', 'dina', 'dom', 'blev',\n 'inga', 'sin', 'just', 'många', 'vart', 'vilken', 'ur', 'ens', 'sitt', 'e',\n 'jo', 'era', 'deras', 'fem', 'sex', 'denna', 'vilket', 'fyra', 'vårt', 'emot',\n 'tio', 'ert', 'sju', 'åtta', 'nånting', 'ned', 'ers', 'nio', 'mej',\n '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '_']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\n\nFrequency sorted\n*/\n\n// Swahili - Stop words list. A list of commonly used words that have little\n// meaning and can be excluded from analysis.\n\n// This list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\n// and be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\"na\",\"ya\",\"wa\",\"kwa\",\"ni\",\"za\",\"katika\",\"la\",\"kuwa\",\"kama\",\n \"kwamba\",\"cha\",\"hiyo\",\"lakini\",\"yake\",\"hata\",\"wakati\",\"hivyo\",\"sasa\",\"wake\",\n \"au\",\"watu\",\"hii\",\"zaidi\",\"vya\",\"huo\",\"tu\",\"kwenye\",\"si\",\"pia\",\"ili\",\"moja\",\n \"kila\",\"baada\",\"ambao\",\"ambayo\",\"yao\",\"wao\",\"kuna\",\"hilo\",\"kutoka\",\"kubwa\",\n \"pamoja\",\"bila\",\"huu\",\"hayo\",\"sana\",\"ndani\",\"mkuu\",\"hizo\",\"kufanya\",\"wengi\",\n \"hadi\",\"mmoja\",\"hili\",\"juu\",\"kwanza\",\"wetu\",\"kuhusu\",\"baadhi\",\"wote\",\"yetu\",\n \"hivi\",\"kweli\",\"mara\",\"wengine\",\"nini\",\"ndiyo\",\"zao\",\"kati\",\"hao\",\"hapa\",\n \"kutokana\",\"muda\",\"habari\",\"ambaye\",\"wenye\",\"nyingine\",\"hakuna\",\"tena\",\n \"hatua\",\"bado\",\"nafasi\",\"basi\",\"kabisa\",\"hicho\",\"nje\",\"huyo\",\"vile\",\"yote\",\n \"mkubwa\",\"alikuwa\",\"zote\",\"leo\",\"haya\",\"huko\",\"kutoa\",\"mwa\",\"kiasi\",\"hasa\",\n \"nyingi\",\"kabla\",\"wale\",\"chini\",\"gani\",\"hapo\",\"lazima\",\"mwingine\",\"bali\",\n \"huku\",\"zake\",\"ilikuwa\",\"tofauti\",\"kupata\",\"mbalimbali\",\"pale\",\"kusema\",\n \"badala\",\"wazi\",\"yeye\",\"alisema\",\"hawa\",\"ndio\",\"hizi\",\"tayari\",\"wala\",\n \"muhimu\",\"ile\",\"mpya\",\"ambazo\",\"dhidi\",\"kwenda\",\"sisi\",\"kwani\",\"jinsi\",\n \"binafsi\",\"kutumia\",\"mbili\",\"mbali\",\"kuu\",\"mengine\",\"mbele\",\"namna\",\"mengi\",\n \"upande\"]\n\nexports.words = words\n\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['กล่าว', 'กว่า', 'กัน', 'กับ', 'การ', 'ก็', 'ก่อน', 'ขณะ', 'ขอ', 'ของ', 'ขึ้น', 'คง', 'ครั้ง', 'ความ', 'คือ', 'จะ', 'จัด', 'จาก', 'จึง', 'ช่วง', 'ซึ่ง', 'ดัง', 'ด้วย', 'ด้าน', 'ตั้ง', 'ตั้งแต่', 'ตาม', 'ต่อ', 'ต่าง', 'ต่างๆ', 'ต้อง', 'ถึง', 'ถูก', 'ถ้า', 'ทั้ง', 'ทั้งนี้', 'ทาง', 'ที่', 'ที่สุด', 'ทุก', 'ทํา', 'ทําให้', 'นอกจาก', 'นัก', 'นั้น', 'นี้', 'น่า', 'นํา', 'บาง', 'ผล', 'ผ่าน', 'พบ', 'พร้อม', 'มา', 'มาก', 'มี', 'ยัง', 'รวม', 'ระหว่าง', 'รับ', 'ราย', 'ร่วม', 'ลง', 'วัน', 'ว่า', 'สุด', 'ส่ง', 'ส่วน', 'สําหรับ', 'หนึ่ง', 'หรือ', 'หลัง', 'หลังจาก', 'หลาย', 'หาก', 'อยาก', 'อยู่', 'อย่าง', 'ออก', 'อะไร', 'อาจ', 'อีก', 'เขา', 'เข้า', 'เคย', 'เฉพาะ', 'เช่น', 'เดียว', 'เดียวกัน', 'เนื่องจาก', 'เปิด', 'เปิดเผย', 'เป็น', 'เป็นการ', 'เพราะ', 'เพื่อ', 'เมื่อ', 'เรา', 'เริ่ม', 'เลย', 'เห็น', 'เอง', 'แต่', 'แบบ', 'แรก', 'และ', 'แล้ว', 'แห่ง', 'โดย', 'ใน', 'ให้', 'ได้', 'ไป', 'ไม่', 'ไว้']\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Graham, contributors. Released under the Apache-2.0 license.\n\nvar words = ['acaba', 'acep', 'adeta', 'altmış', 'altmış', 'altı', 'altı', 'ama', 'ancak', 'arada', 'artık', 'aslında', 'aynen', 'ayrıca', 'az', 'bana', 'bari', 'bazen', 'bazı', 'bazı', 'başka', 'belki', 'ben', 'benden', 'beni', 'benim', 'beri', 'beş', 'beş', 'beş', 'bile', 'bin', 'bir', 'biraz', 'biri', 'birkaç', 'birkez', 'birçok', 'birşey', 'birşeyi', 'birşey', 'birşeyi', 'birşey', 'biz', 'bizden', 'bize', 'bizi', 'bizim', 'bu', 'buna', 'bunda', 'bundan', 'bunlar', 'bunları', 'bunların', 'bunu', 'bunun', 'burada', 'böyle', 'böylece', 'bütün', 'da', 'daha', 'dahi', 'dahil', 'daima', 'dair', 'dayanarak', 'de', 'defa', 'deđil', 'değil', 'diye', 'diđer', 'diğer', 'doksan', 'dokuz', 'dolayı', 'dolayısıyla', 'dört', 'edecek', 'eden', 'ederek', 'edilecek', 'ediliyor', 'edilmesi', 'ediyor', 'elli', 'en', 'etmesi', 'etti', 'ettiği', 'ettiğini', 'eđer', 'eğer', 'fakat', 'gibi', 'göre', 'halbuki', 'halen', 'hangi', 'hani', 'hariç', 'hatta', 'hele', 'hem', 'henüz', 'hep', 'hepsi', 'her', 'herhangi', 'herkes', 'herkesin', 'hiç', 'hiçbir', 'iken', 'iki', 'ila', 'ile', 'ilgili', 'ilk', 'illa', 'ise', 'itibaren', 'itibariyle', 'iyi', 'iyice', 'için', 'işte', 'işte', 'kadar', 'kanımca', 'karşın', 'katrilyon', 'kendi', 'kendilerine', 'kendini', 'kendisi', 'kendisine', 'kendisini', 'kere', 'kez', 'keşke', 'ki', 'kim', 'kimden', 'kime', 'kimi', 'kimse', 'kırk', 'kısaca', 'kırk', 'lakin', 'madem', 'međer', 'milyar', 'milyon', 'mu', 'mü', 'mı', 'mı', 'nasıl', 'nasıl', 'ne', 'neden', 'nedenle', 'nerde', 'nere', 'nerede', 'nereye', 'nitekim', 'niye', 'niçin', 'o', 'olan', 'olarak', 'oldu', 'olduklarını', 'olduğu', 'olduğunu', 'olmadı', 'olmadığı', 'olmak', 'olması', 'olmayan', 'olmaz', 'olsa', 'olsun', 'olup', 'olur', 'olursa', 'oluyor', 'on', 'ona', 'ondan', 'onlar', 'onlardan', 'onlari', 'onların', 'onları', 'onların', 'onu', 'onun', 'otuz', 'oysa', 'pek', 'rağmen', 'sadece', 'sanki', 'sekiz', 'seksen', 'sen', 'senden', 'seni', 'senin', 'siz', 'sizden', 'sizi', 'sizin', 'sonra', 'tarafından', 'trilyon', 'tüm', 'var', 'vardı', 've', 'veya', 'veyahut', 'ya', 'yahut', 'yani', 'yapacak', 'yapmak', 'yaptı', 'yaptıkları', 'yaptığı', 'yaptığını', 'yapılan', 'yapılması', 'yapıyor', 'yedi', 'yerine', 'yetmiş', 'yetmiş', 'yetmiş', 'yine', 'yirmi', 'yoksa', 'yüz', 'zaten', 'çok', 'çünkü', 'öyle', 'üzere', 'üç', 'şey', 'şeyden', 'şeyi', 'şeyler', 'şu', 'şuna', 'şunda', 'şundan', 'şunu', 'şey', 'şeyden', 'şeyi', 'şeyler', 'şu', 'şuna', 'şunda', 'şundan', 'şunları', 'şunu', 'şöyle', 'şayet', 'şimdi', 'şu', 'şöyle']\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\nCopyright (c) 2011, David Przybilla, Chris Umbel\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\n// from analysis.\nvar words = [\n 'bị', 'bởi', 'cả', 'các', 'cái', 'cần', 'càng', 'chỉ',\n 'chiếc', 'cho', 'chứ', 'chưa', 'chuyện', 'có', 'có thể',\n 'cứ', 'của', 'cùng', 'cũng', 'đã', 'đang', 'để', 'đến nỗi',\n 'đều', 'điều', 'do', 'đó', 'được', 'dưới', 'gì', 'khi',\n 'không', 'là', 'lại', 'lên', 'lúc', 'mà', 'mỗi', 'một cách',\n 'này', 'nên', 'nếu', 'ngay', 'nhiều', 'như', 'nhưng', 'những',\n 'nơi', 'nữa', 'phải', 'qua', 'ra', 'rằng', 'rất', 'rồi',\n 'sau', 'sẽ', 'so', 'sự', 'tại', 'theo', 'thì', 'trên', 'trước', 'từ', 'từng', 'và',\n 'vẫn', 'vào', 'vậy', 'vì', 'việc', 'với', 'vừa', 'vâng', 'à', 'ừ', 'từ'\n]\n\n// tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words",
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n 'ó', 'ní', 'ìjàpá', 'ṣe', 'rẹ̀', 'tí', 'àwọn', 'sí', 'ni', 'náà', 'anansi',\n 'láti', 'kan', 'ti', 'ń', 'lọ', 'o', 'bí', 'padà', 'sì', 'wá', 'wangari',\n 'lè', 'wà', 'kí', 'púpọ̀', 'odò', 'mi', 'wọ́n', 'pẹ̀lú', 'a', 'ṣùgbọ́n',\n 'fún', 'jẹ́', 'fẹ́', 'oúnjẹ', 'rí', 'igi', 'kò', 'ilé', 'jù', 'olóńgbò',\n 'pé', 'é', 'gbogbo', 'iṣu', 'inú', 'bẹ̀rẹ̀', 'jẹ', 'fi', 'dúró', 'alẹ́',\n 'ọjọ́', 'nítorí', 'nǹkan', 'ọ̀rẹ́', 'àkókò', 'sínú', 'ṣ', 'yìí'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"/*\r\nCopyright (c) 2011, David Przybilla, Chris Umbel\r\n\r\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\r\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\r\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\r\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\r\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\r\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\r\n\r\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\r\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\r\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\r\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\r\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\r\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\r\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\r\nTHE SOFTWARE.\r\n*/\r\n\r\n// a list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\r\n// from analysis.\r\nvar words = [\r\n '的', '地', '得', '和', '跟',\r\n '与', '及', '向', '并', '等',\r\n '更', '已', '含', '做', '我',\r\n '你', '他', '她', '们', '某',\r\n '该', '各', '每', '这', '那',\r\n '哪', '什', '么', '谁', '年',\r\n '月', '日', '时', '分', '秒',\r\n '几', '多', '来', '在', '就',\r\n '又', '很', '呢', '吧', '吗',\r\n '了', '嘛', '哇', '儿', '哼',\r\n '啊', '嗯', '是', '着', '都',\r\n '不', '说', '也', '看', '把',\r\n '还', '个', '有', '小', '到',\r\n '一', '为', '中', '于', '对',\r\n '会', '之', '第', '此', '或',\r\n '共', '按', '请'\r\n]\r\n\r\n// tell the world about the noise words.\r\nexports.words = words\r\n",
"/* Copyright 2016 Liam Doherty\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n*/\n\n/* A list of commonly used words that have little meaning and can be excluded\nfrom analysis.\nThis list is frequency sorted. That means it can be sliced from the bottom\nand be less agressive in excluding stopwords */\n\nvar words = [\n 'ukuthi', 'kodwa', 'futhi', 'kakhulu', 'wakhe', 'kusho', 'uma', 'wathi',\n 'umama', 'kanye', 'phansi', 'ngesikhathi', 'lapho', 'u', 'zakhe', 'khona',\n 'ukuba', 'nje', 'phezulu', 'yakhe', 'kungani', 'wase', 'la', 'mina', 'wami',\n 'ukuze', 'unonkungu', 'wabona', 'wahamba', 'lakhe', 'yami', 'kanjani',\n 'kwakukhona', 'ngelinye'\n]\n\n\n// Tell the world about the noise words.\nexports.words = words\n",
"// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tif(__webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]) {\n\t\treturn __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId].exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n",
"var defaultStopwords = require('./stopwords_en.js').words\n\nexports.removeStopwords = function (tokens, stopwords) {\n stopwords = stopwords || defaultStopwords\n if (typeof tokens !== 'object' || typeof stopwords !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('expected Arrays try: removeStopwords(Array[, Array])')\n }\n return tokens.filter(function (value) {\n return stopwords.indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) === -1\n })\n}\n\nexports.af = require('./stopwords_af.js').words\nexports.ar = require('./stopwords_ar.js').words\nexports.bn = require('./stopwords_bn.js').words\nexports.bg = require('./stopwords_bg.js').words\nexports.br = require('./stopwords_br.js').words\nexports.ca = require('./stopwords_ca.js').words\nexports.cs = require('./stopwords_cs.js').words\nexports.da = require('./stopwords_da.js').words\nexports.de = require('./stopwords_de.js').words\nexports.el = require('./stopwords_el.js').words\nexports.en = require('./stopwords_en.js').words\nexports.eo = require('./stopwords_eo.js').words\nexports.es = require('./stopwords_es.js').words\nexports.et = require('./stopwords_et.js').words\nexports.eu = require('./stopwords_eu.js').words\nexports.fa = require('./stopwords_fa.js').words\nexports.fr = require('./stopwords_fr.js').words\nexports.ga = require('./stopwords_ga.js').words\nexports.gl = require('./stopwords_gl.js').words\nexports.fi = require('./stopwords_fi.js').words\nexports.ha = require('./stopwords_ha.js').words\nexports.he = require('./stopwords_he.js').words\nexports.hi = require('./stopwords_hi.js').words\nexports.hr = require('./stopwords_hr.js').words\nexports.hu = require('./stopwords_hu.js').words\nexports.hy = require('./stopwords_hy.js').words\nexports.id = require('./stopwords_id.js').words\nexports.it = require('./stopwords_it.js').words\nexports.ja = require('./stopwords_ja.js').words\nexports.ko = require('./stopwords_ko.js').words\nexports.la = require('./stopwords_la.js').words\nexports.lgg = require('./stopwords_lgg.js').words\nexports.lggo = require('./stopwords_lggo.js').words\nexports.lv = require('./stopwords_lv.js').words\nexports.mr = require('./stopwords_mr.js').words\nexports.my = require('./stopwords_my.js').words\nexports.nl = require('./stopwords_nl.js').words\nexports.no = require('./stopwords_no.js').words\nexports.pa = require('./stopwords_pa.js').words\nexports.pl = require('./stopwords_pl.js').words\nexports.pt = require('./stopwords_pt.js').words\nexports.ptbr = require('./stopwords_ptbr.js').words\nexports.ro = require('./stopwords_ro.js').words\nexports.ru = require('./stopwords_ru.js').words\nexports.sk = require('./stopwords_sk.js').words\nexports.sl = require('./stopwords_sl.js').words\nexports.so = require('./stopwords_so.js').words\nexports.st = require('./stopwords_st.js').words\nexports.sv = require('./stopwords_sv.js').words\nexports.sw = require('./stopwords_sw.js').words\nexports.th = require('./stopwords_th.js').words\nexports.tr = require('./stopwords_tr.js').words\nexports.vi = require('./stopwords_vi.js').words\nexports.yo = require('./stopwords_yo.js').words\nexports.zh = require('./stopwords_zh.js').words\nexports.zu = require('./stopwords_zu.js').words\n"
"version": 3