You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using Flurl.Http;
namespace Recyclarr.ServarrApi.QualityProfile;
internal class QualityProfileApiService(IServarrRequestBuilder service) : IQualityProfileApiService
private IFlurlRequest Request(params object[] path)
return service.Request(["qualityprofile", ..path]);
public async Task<IList<QualityProfileDto>> GetQualityProfiles(CancellationToken ct)
var response = await Request()
.GetJsonAsync<IList<QualityProfileDto>>(cancellationToken: ct);
return response.Select(x => x.ReverseItems()).ToList();
public async Task<QualityProfileDto> GetSchema(CancellationToken ct)
var response = await Request("schema")
.GetJsonAsync<QualityProfileDto>(cancellationToken: ct);
return response.ReverseItems();
public async Task UpdateQualityProfile(QualityProfileDto profile, CancellationToken ct)
if (profile.Id is null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Profile's ID property must not be null: {profile.Name}");
await Request(profile.Id)
.PutJsonAsync(profile.ReverseItems(), cancellationToken: ct);
public async Task CreateQualityProfile(QualityProfileDto profile, CancellationToken ct)
var response = await Request()
.PostJsonAsync(profile.ReverseItems(), cancellationToken: ct)
profile.Id = response.Id;