diff --git a/Prepare-Release.ps1 b/Prepare-Release.ps1 index bc45c138..c43df3c5 100644 --- a/Prepare-Release.ps1 +++ b/Prepare-Release.ps1 @@ -5,12 +5,22 @@ param ( $version ) +$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" + +# Requires: Install-Module -Name ChangelogManagement Update-Changelog -ReleaseVersion $version -LinkMode Automatic -LinkPattern @{ FirstRelease = "https://github.com/rcdailey/trash-updater/releases/tag/v{CUR}" NormalRelease = "https://github.com/rcdailey/trash-updater/compare/v{PREV}...v{CUR}" Unreleased = "https://github.com/rcdailey/trash-updater/compare/v{CUR}...HEAD" } +# Read & Write the file after updating the changelog to force a newline at the end of the file. The +# Update-Changelog method removes the newline at the end. +$content = Get-Content -Path .\CHANGELOG.md +Set-Content -Path .\CHANGELOG.md -Value $content + +# Requires: dotnet tool install -g nbgv nbgv set-version $version + git commit -m "release: v$version" -- CHANGELOG.md version.json git tag -m "release v$version" "v$version"