using Flurl.Http; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Serilog; namespace Recyclarr.Http; [UsedImplicitly] public class FlurlBeforeCallLogRedactor(ILogger log) : FlurlSpecificEventHandler { public override FlurlEventType EventType => FlurlEventType.BeforeCall; public override void Handle(FlurlEventType eventType, FlurlCall call) { var url = FlurlLogging.SanitizeUrl(call.Request.Url.Clone()); log.Debug("HTTP Request: {Method} {Url}", call.HttpRequestMessage.Method, url); FlurlLogging.LogBody(log, url, "Request", call.HttpRequestMessage.Method, call.RequestBody); } } [UsedImplicitly] public class FlurlAfterCallLogRedactor(ILogger log) : FlurlSpecificEventHandler { public override FlurlEventType EventType => FlurlEventType.AfterCall; public override async Task HandleAsync(FlurlEventType eventType, FlurlCall call) { var statusCode = call.Response?.StatusCode.ToString() ?? "(No response)"; var url = FlurlLogging.SanitizeUrl(call.Request.Url.Clone()); log.Debug("HTTP Response: {Status} {Method} {Url}", statusCode, call.HttpRequestMessage.Method, url); var content = call.Response?.ResponseMessage.Content; if (content is not null) { FlurlLogging.LogBody(log, url, "Response", call.HttpRequestMessage.Method, await content.ReadAsStringAsync()); } } } [UsedImplicitly] public class FlurlRedirectPreventer(ILogger log) : FlurlSpecificEventHandler { public override FlurlEventType EventType => FlurlEventType.OnRedirect; public override void Handle(FlurlEventType eventType, FlurlCall call) { log.Warning("HTTP Redirect received; this indicates a problem with your URL and/or reverse proxy: {Url}", FlurlLogging.SanitizeUrl(call.Redirect.Url)); // Must follow redirect because we want an exception to be thrown eventually. If it is set to false, HTTP // communication stops and existing methods will return nothing / null. This messes with Observable // pipelines (which normally either expect a response object or an exception) call.Redirect.Follow = true; } }