
    <Using Include="JetBrains.Annotations" />

    To prevent System.Reactive.xml (and other XML docs) from being in the publish dir.
    See: https://github.com/dotnet/reactive/issues/1066#issuecomment-548941146
  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">

  <!-- For only NON-TEST projects -->
  <ItemGroup Condition="!$(ProjectName.EndsWith('.Tests'))">
    <InternalsVisibleTo Include="$(AssemblyName).Tests" />

  <!-- ReferenceTrimmer - run build with /p:EnableReferenceTrimmer=true to enable -->
  <PropertyGroup Label="ReferenceTrimmer">
    <EnableReferenceTrimmer Condition=" '$(EnableReferenceTrimmer)' == '' ">false</EnableReferenceTrimmer>
  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(EnableReferenceTrimmer)' == 'true' and '$(GenerateDocumentationFile)' != 'true' " Label="ReferenceTrimmer">
    <!-- Documentation file generation is required for more accurate C# detection. -->

    <!-- Suppress XML doc comment issues to avoid errors during ReferenceTrimmer:
         - CS0419: Ambiguous reference in cref attribute
         - CS1570: XML comment has badly formed XML
         - CS1573: Parameter has no matching param tag in the XML comment
         - CS1574: XML comment has cref attribute that could not be resolved
         - CS1584: XML comment has syntactically incorrect cref attribute
         - CS1591: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member
         - SA1602: Enumeration items should be documented