using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Reflection; using Autofac; using AutoFixture; namespace Recyclarr.TestLibrary.AutoFixture; [SuppressMessage("Design", "CA1019", MessageId = "Define accessors for attribute arguments")] public sealed class AutoMockDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute { public AutoMockDataAttribute() : base(NSubstituteFixture.Create) { } public AutoMockDataAttribute(Type testFixtureClass, string methodName) : base(() => CreateWithAutofac(testFixtureClass, methodName)) { } private static Fixture CreateWithAutofac(Type testFixtureClass, string methodName) { var method = testFixtureClass.GetMethod( methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static ); var getContainer = method?.CreateDelegate>(); if (getContainer is null) { throw new ArgumentException( "Unable to find method on test fixture. Method must be non-public to be found.", nameof(methodName) ); } var fixture = NSubstituteFixture.Create(); fixture.Customizations.Add(new AutofacSpecimenBuilder(getContainer())); return fixture; } }