using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using FluentAssertions; using NSubstitute; using NUnit.Framework; using Serilog; using Serilog.Sinks.TestCorrelator; using TestLibrary; using Trash.Sonarr; using Trash.Sonarr.ReleaseProfile; namespace Trash.Tests.Sonarr.ReleaseProfile { [TestFixture] public class ReleaseProfileParserTest { private class Context { public Context() { var logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.TestCorrelator() .MinimumLevel.Debug() .CreateLogger(); Config = Substitute.For(); Config.ReleaseProfiles.Add(new ReleaseProfileConfig()); GuideParser = new ReleaseProfileGuideParser(logger); } public SonarrConfiguration Config { get; } public ReleaseProfileGuideParser GuideParser { get; } public TestData TestData { get; } = new(); } [Test] public void Parse_IgnoredRequiredPreferredScores() { var context = new Context(); var markdown = context.TestData.GetResourceData(""); var results = context.GuideParser.ParseMarkdown(context.Config.ReleaseProfiles.First(), markdown); results.Count.Should().Be(1); var profile = results.First().Value; profile.Ignored.Should().BeEquivalentTo("term2", "term3"); profile.Required.Should().BeEquivalentTo("term4"); profile.Preferred.Should().ContainKey(100).WhichValue.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new List {"term1"}); } [Test] public void Parse_IncludePreferredWhenRenaming() { var context = new Context(); var markdown = context.TestData.GetResourceData(""); var results = context.GuideParser.ParseMarkdown(context.Config.ReleaseProfiles.First(), markdown); results.Should() .ContainKey("First Release Profile") .WhichValue.IncludePreferredWhenRenaming.Should().Be(true); results.Should() .ContainKey("Second Release Profile") .WhichValue.IncludePreferredWhenRenaming.Should().Be(false); } [Test] public void Parse_PotentialScore_WarningLogged() { string markdown = StringUtils.TrimmedString(@" # First Release Profile The below line should be a score but isn't because it's missing the word 'score'. Use this number [100] ``` abc ``` "); var context = new Context(); var results = context.GuideParser.ParseMarkdown(context.Config.ReleaseProfiles.First(), markdown); results.Should().ContainKey("First Release Profile") .WhichValue.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProfileData()); const string expectedLog = "Found a potential score on line #5 that will be ignored because the " + "word 'score' is missing (This is probably a bug in the guide itself): \"[100]\""; TestCorrelator.GetLogEventsFromCurrentContext() .Should().ContainSingle(evt => evt.RenderMessage(default) == expectedLog); } [Test] public void Parse_SkippableLines_AreSkippedWithLog() { var markdown = StringUtils.TrimmedString(@" # First Release Profile !!! Admonition lines are skipped Indented lines are skipped "); // List of substrings of logs that should appear in the resulting list of logs after parsing is done. // We are only looking for logs relevant to the skipped lines we're testing for. var expectedLogs = new List { "Skip Admonition", "Skip Indented Line" }; var context = new Context(); var results = context.GuideParser.ParseMarkdown(context.Config.ReleaseProfiles.First(), markdown); results.Should().BeEmpty(); var ctx = TestCorrelator.GetLogEventsFromCurrentContext().ToList(); foreach (var log in expectedLogs) { ctx.Should().Contain(evt => evt.MessageTemplate.Text.Contains(log)); } } [Test] public void Parse_StrictNegativeScores() { var context = new Context(); context.Config.ReleaseProfiles = new List { new() {StrictNegativeScores = true} }; var markdown = context.TestData.GetResourceData(""); var results = context.GuideParser.ParseMarkdown(context.Config.ReleaseProfiles.First(), markdown); results.Should() .ContainKey("Test Release Profile") .WhichValue.Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new { Required = new { }, Ignored = new List {"abc"}, Preferred = new Dictionary> {{0, new List {"xyz"}}} }); } } }