from discord_webhook import DiscordWebhook, DiscordEmbed import sys version = sys.argv[1] if not version: print('Pass version as first argument') exit(1) webhook_url = sys.argv[2] if not webhook_url: print('Pass webhook URL as second argument') exit(1) changelog = sys.argv[3] if not changelog: print('Pass path to changelog file as third argument') exit(1) with open(changelog, 'r') as f: changelog_text = mkdown_desc = f''' **Release Notes** ``` {changelog_text} ``` ''' embed = DiscordEmbed( title=f'New Release {version}', description=mkdown_desc, url=f'{version}' ) embed.set_author( name='Recyclarr', url='', icon_url='') def add_links(os_name, archs, os): url_base = f'{version}' download_links = ', '.join(f'[{arch}]({url_base}/recyclarr-{os}-{arch}.zip)' for arch in archs) embed.add_embed_field(name=os_name, value=f'[{download_links}]') add_links('Linux', ('x64', 'arm', 'arm64'), 'linux') add_links('Windows', ('x64', 'arm64'), 'win') add_links('MacOS', ('x64', 'arm64'), 'osx') webhook = DiscordWebhook(webhook_url) webhook.add_embed(embed) print(webhook.execute())