using System.IO.Abstractions; using Autofac; using Autofac.Extras.Ordering; using Autofac.Features.ResolveAnything; using Recyclarr.Common; using Recyclarr.Compatibility; using Recyclarr.Config; using Recyclarr.Json; using Recyclarr.Platform; using Recyclarr.Repo; using Recyclarr.ServarrApi; using Recyclarr.Settings; using Recyclarr.TestLibrary; using Recyclarr.TestLibrary.Autofac; using Recyclarr.TrashGuide; using Recyclarr.VersionControl; using Recyclarr.Yaml; using Spectre.Console; using Spectre.Console.Testing; namespace Recyclarr.IntegrationTests; [FixtureLifeCycle(LifeCycle.InstancePerTestCase)] public abstract class IntegrationTestFixture : IDisposable { private readonly Lazy _container; protected ILifetimeScope Container => _container.Value; protected MockFileSystem Fs { get; } protected TestConsole Console { get; } = new(); protected TestableLogger Logger { get; } = new(); protected IAppPaths Paths { get; } protected IntegrationTestFixture() { Fs = new MockFileSystem(new MockFileSystemOptions { CreateDefaultTempDir = false }); Paths = new AppPaths(Fs.CurrentDirectory().SubDirectory("test").SubDirectory("recyclarr")); // Use Lazy because we shouldn't invoke virtual methods at construction time _container = new Lazy(() => { var builder = new ContainerBuilder(); RegisterTypes(builder); RegisterStubsAndMocks(builder); builder.RegisterSource(); return builder.Build(); }); } /// /// Register "real" types (usually Module-derived classes from other projects). This call happens /// before /// RegisterStubsAndMocks(). /// protected virtual void RegisterTypes(ContainerBuilder builder) { // Needed for Autofac.Extras.Ordering builder.RegisterSource(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); builder.RegisterModule(); } /// /// Override registrations made in the RegisterTypes() method. This method is called after /// RegisterTypes(). /// protected virtual void RegisterStubsAndMocks(ContainerBuilder builder) { builder.RegisterInstance(Fs).As(); builder.RegisterInstance(Console).As(); builder.RegisterInstance(Logger).As(); builder.RegisterInstance(Paths).As(); builder.RegisterMockFor(); builder.RegisterMockFor(); builder.RegisterMockFor(); builder.RegisterMockFor(m => { // By default, choose some extremely high number so that all the newest features are enabled. m.GetVersion(default!).ReturnsForAnyArgs(_ => new Version("")); }); } protected T Resolve() where T : notnull { return Container.Resolve(); } // ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberNeverOverridden.Global protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposing || !_container.IsValueCreated) { return; } _container.Value.Dispose(); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } }