using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions; namespace Recyclarr.Config.Parsing.PostProcessing.ConfigMerging; [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "WithExpressionModifiesAllMembers")] public abstract class ServiceConfigMerger where T : ServiceConfigYaml { protected static TVal? Combine(TVal? a, TVal? b, Func combine) { if (b is null) { return a; } if (a is null) { return b; } return combine(a, b); } public virtual T Merge(T a, T b) { return a with { CustomFormats = Combine(a.CustomFormats, b.CustomFormats, MergeCustomFormats), QualityProfiles = MergeQualityProfiles(a.QualityProfiles, b.QualityProfiles), QualityDefinition = Combine(a.QualityDefinition, b.QualityDefinition, (a1, b1) => a1 with { Type = b1.Type ?? a1.Type, PreferredRatio = b1.PreferredRatio ?? a1.PreferredRatio }), DeleteOldCustomFormats = b.DeleteOldCustomFormats ?? a.DeleteOldCustomFormats, ReplaceExistingCustomFormats = b.ReplaceExistingCustomFormats ?? a.ReplaceExistingCustomFormats }; } private sealed record FlattenedCfs(string? ProfileName, int? Score, IReadOnlyCollection TrashIds); private static IReadOnlyCollection MergeCustomFormats( IReadOnlyCollection a, IReadOnlyCollection b) { var flattenedA = FlattenCfs(a); var flattenedB = FlattenCfs(b); return flattenedA // This builds a list of TrashIds in side B that are assigned to matching profiles in A .Select(x => (A: x, B: flattenedB .Where(y => y.ProfileName.EqualsIgnoreCase(x.ProfileName)) // Ignore score .SelectMany(y => y.TrashIds) .Distinct(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) .ToList())) // Add everything on side A that isn't on side B .Select(x => new CustomFormatConfigYaml { TrashIds = x.A.TrashIds .Except(x.B, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) .ToList(), QualityProfiles = x.A.ProfileName is not null ? new[] {new QualityScoreConfigYaml {Name = x.A.ProfileName, Score = x.A.Score}} : null }) .Concat(b) .ToList(); static List FlattenCfs(IEnumerable cfs) { return cfs .Where(x => x.TrashIds is not null) .SelectMany(x => x is {QualityProfiles.Count: > 0} ? x.QualityProfiles.Select(y => new FlattenedCfs(y.Name, y.Score, x.TrashIds!)) : new[] {new FlattenedCfs(null, null, x.TrashIds!)}) .GroupBy(x => (Name: x.ProfileName, x.Score)) .Select(x => new FlattenedCfs(x.Key.Name, x.Key.Score, x.SelectMany(y => y.TrashIds).ToList())) .ToList(); } } private static IReadOnlyCollection? MergeQualityProfiles( IReadOnlyCollection? a, IReadOnlyCollection? b) { return Combine(a, b, (a1, b1) => { return a1 .FullOuterJoin(b1, JoinType.Hash, x => x.Name, x => x.Name, l => l, r => r, MergeQualityProfile, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) .ToList(); }); } private static QualityProfileConfigYaml MergeQualityProfile(QualityProfileConfigYaml a, QualityProfileConfigYaml b) { return a with { Upgrade = Combine(a.Upgrade, b.Upgrade, (a1, b1) => a1 with { Allowed = b1.Allowed ?? a1.Allowed, UntilQuality = b1.UntilQuality ?? a1.UntilQuality, UntilScore = b1.UntilScore ?? a1.UntilScore }), MinFormatScore = b.MinFormatScore ?? a.MinFormatScore, QualitySort = b.QualitySort ?? a.QualitySort, ScoreSet = b.ScoreSet ?? a.ScoreSet, ResetUnmatchedScores = Combine(a.ResetUnmatchedScores, b.ResetUnmatchedScores, (a1, b1) => a1 with { Enabled = b1.Enabled ?? a1.Enabled, Except = Combine(a1.Except, b1.Except, (a2, b2) => Combine(a2, b2, (a3, b3) => a3 .Concat(b3) .Distinct(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) .ToList())) }), Qualities = b.Qualities ?? a.Qualities }; } }