using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions; namespace Recyclarr.Tests.Common.Extensions; [TestFixture] public class DictionaryExtensionsTest { [SuppressMessage("SonarLint", "S2094:Classes should not be empty", Justification = "This is for test code only")] private sealed class MySampleValue; [Test] public void Create_item_if_none_exists() { var dict = new Dictionary(); var theValue = dict.GetOrCreate(100); dict.Should().ContainSingle(); dict.Should().Contain(100, theValue); } [Test] public void Return_default_if_no_item_exists() { var sample = new MySampleValue(); var dict = new Dictionary {{100, sample}}; var theValue = dict.GetValueOrDefault(200); dict.Should().ContainSingle().And.Contain(100, sample); theValue.Should().BeNull(); } [Test] public void Return_existing_item_if_exists_not_create() { var sample = new MySampleValue(); var dict = new Dictionary {{100, sample}}; var theValue = dict.GetOrCreate(100); dict.Should().ContainSingle(); dict.Should().Contain(100, sample); dict.Should().ContainValue(theValue); theValue.Should().Be(sample); } [Test] public void Return_existing_item_if_it_exists_not_default() { var sample = new MySampleValue(); var dict = new Dictionary {{100, sample}}; var theValue = dict.GetValueOrDefault(100); // Ensure the container hasn't been mutated dict.Should().ContainSingle().And.Contain(100, sample); theValue.Should().Be(sample); } }