using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.CustomFormat.Models; using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases; using Recyclarr.Config.Models; using Recyclarr.Tests.TestLibrary; namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases; [TestFixture] public class QualityProfileConfigPhaseTest { private static RadarrConfiguration SetupCfs(params CustomFormatConfig[] cfConfigs) { return NewConfig.Radarr() with { CustomFormats = cfConfigs }; } [Test, AutoMockData] public void All_cfs_use_score_override( [Frozen] ProcessedCustomFormatCache cache, QualityProfileConfigPhase sut) { cache.AddCustomFormats(new[] { NewCf.DataWithScore("", "id1", 101, 1), NewCf.DataWithScore("", "id2", 201, 2) }); var config = SetupCfs(new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1", "id2"}, QualityProfiles = new List { new() { Name = "test_profile", Score = 100 } } }); var result = sut.Execute(config); result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { NewQp.Processed("test_profile", ("id1", 1, 100), ("id2", 2, 100)) }, o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate)); } [Test, AutoMockData] public void All_cfs_use_guide_scores_with_no_override( [Frozen] ProcessedCustomFormatCache cache, QualityProfileConfigPhase sut) { cache.AddCustomFormats(new[] { NewCf.DataWithScore("", "id1", 100, 1), NewCf.DataWithScore("", "id2", 200, 2) }); var config = SetupCfs(new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1", "id2"}, QualityProfiles = new List { new() { Name = "test_profile" } } }); var result = sut.Execute(config); result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { NewQp.Processed("test_profile", ("id1", 1, 100), ("id2", 2, 200)) }, o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate)); } [Test, AutoMockData] public void No_cfs_returned_when_no_score_in_guide_or_config( [Frozen] ProcessedCustomFormatCache cache, QualityProfileConfigPhase sut) { cache.AddCustomFormats(new[] { NewCf.Data("", "id1", 1), NewCf.Data("", "id2", 2) }); var config = SetupCfs(new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1", "id2"}, QualityProfiles = new List { new() { Name = "test_profile" } } }); var result = sut.Execute(config); result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { NewQp.Processed("test_profile") }, o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate).Excluding(x => x.ScorelessCfs)); } [Test, AutoMockData] public void Skip_duplicate_cfs_with_same_and_different_scores( [Frozen] ProcessedCustomFormatCache cache, QualityProfileConfigPhase sut) { cache.AddCustomFormats(new[] { NewCf.DataWithScore("", "id1", 100, 1) }); var config = SetupCfs( new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1"} }, new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1"}, QualityProfiles = new List { new() {Name = "test_profile1", Score = 100} } }, new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1"}, QualityProfiles = new List { new() {Name = "test_profile1", Score = 200} } }, new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1"}, QualityProfiles = new List { new() {Name = "test_profile2", Score = 200} } }, new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1"}, QualityProfiles = new List { new() {Name = "test_profile2", Score = 100} } } ); var result = sut.Execute(config); result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { NewQp.Processed("test_profile1", ("id1", 1, 100)), NewQp.Processed("test_profile2", ("id1", 1, 200)) }, o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate)); } [Test, AutoMockData] public void All_cfs_use_score_set( [Frozen] ProcessedCustomFormatCache cache, QualityProfileConfigPhase sut) { cache.AddCustomFormats(new[] { NewCf.DataWithScores("", "id1", 1, ("default", 101), ("set1", 102)), NewCf.DataWithScores("", "id2", 2, ("default", 201), ("set2", 202)) }); var config = NewConfig.Radarr() with { CustomFormats = new[] { new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1", "id2"}, QualityProfiles = new[] { new QualityProfileScoreConfig {Name = "test_profile"} } } }, QualityProfiles = new[] { new QualityProfileConfig { Name = "test_profile", ScoreSet = "set1" } } }; var result = sut.Execute(config); result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { NewQp.Processed("test_profile", ("id1", 1, 102), ("id2", 2, 201)) with { Profile = config.QualityProfiles.First() } }, o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate)); } [Test, AutoMockData] public void Empty_trash_ids_list_is_ignored( [Frozen] ProcessedCustomFormatCache cache, QualityProfileConfigPhase sut) { var config = SetupCfs(new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = Array.Empty(), QualityProfiles = new List { new() { Name = "test_profile", Score = 100 } } }); var result = sut.Execute(config); result.Should().BeEmpty(); } [Test, AutoMockData] public void Empty_quality_profiles_is_ignored( [Frozen] ProcessedCustomFormatCache cache, QualityProfileConfigPhase sut) { cache.AddCustomFormats(new[] { NewCf.DataWithScore("", "id1", 101, 1), NewCf.DataWithScore("", "id2", 201, 2) }); var config = SetupCfs(new CustomFormatConfig { TrashIds = new[] {"id1", "id2"}, QualityProfiles = Array.Empty() }); var result = sut.Execute(config); result.Should().BeEmpty(); } }