using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Flurl.Http; using Trash.Extensions; namespace Trash.Radarr.QualityDefinition { public class RadarrQualityDefinitionGuideParser : IRadarrQualityDefinitionGuideParser { private readonly Regex _regexHeader = new(@"^#+", RegexOptions.Compiled); private readonly Regex _regexTableRow = new(@"\| *(.*?) *\| *([\d.]+) *\| *([\d.]+) *\|", RegexOptions.Compiled); public async Task GetMarkdownData() { return await "" .GetStringAsync(); } public IDictionary> ParseMarkdown(string markdown) { var results = new Dictionary>(); List? table = null; var reader = new StringReader(markdown); for (var line = reader.ReadLine(); line != null; line = reader.ReadLine()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { continue; } var match = _regexHeader.Match(line); if (match.Success) { // todo: hard-coded for now since there's only one supported right now. var type = RadarrQualityDefinitionType.Movie; table = results.GetOrCreate(type); // If we grab a table that isn't empty, that means for whatever reason *another* table // in the markdown is trying to modify a previous table's data. For example, maybe there // are two "Series" quality tables. That would be a weird edge case, but handle that // here just in case. if (table.Count > 0) { table = null; } } else if (table != null) { match = _regexTableRow.Match(line); if (match.Success) { table.Add(new RadarrQualityData { Name = match.Groups[1].Value, Min = match.Groups[2].Value.ToDecimal(), Max = match.Groups[3].Value.ToDecimal() }); } } } return results; } } }