using YamlDotNet.Core; namespace Recyclarr.Config.Parsing.ErrorHandling; public static class ConfigContextualMessages { public static string? GetContextualErrorFromException(YamlException e) { return LookupMessage(e.Message) ?? LookupMessage(e.InnerException?.Message); } private static string? LookupMessage(string? msg) { if (msg is null) { return null; } if (msg.Contains( "Property 'reset_unmatched_scores' not found on type " + $"'{typeof(QualityScoreConfigYaml).FullName}'")) { return "Usage of 'reset_unmatched_scores' inside 'quality_profiles' under 'custom_formats' is no " + "longer supported. Use the root-level 'quality_profiles' instead. " + "See:"; } if (msg.Contains( $"Invalid cast from 'System.String' to '{typeof(ResetUnmatchedScoresConfigYaml).FullName}'")) { return "Using true/false with `reset_unmatched_scores` is no longer supported. " + "See:"; } if (msg.Contains("Property 'release_profiles' not found on type")) { return "Release profiles and Sonarr v3 in general are no longer supported. All instances of " + "`release_profiles` in your configuration YAML must be removed. " + ""; } return null; } }