# Contributing

First, thank you for your interest in contributing to my project. Below is a list of requirements
that everyone should follow.

1. To avoid wasting your time and effort, please ensure all ideas get discussed first. Either visit
   [the Ideas discussion board][ideas] and open a thread there, or create a new issue. I ask that
   you do this to avoid the potential of rejecting work already done in a pull request.

1. **For Markdown changes,** Any and all changes must pass configured [markdownlint] rules (see the
   `.markdownlint.json` files in this repository for project-specific adjustments to those rules).

1. **For C# changes,** code must conform to the project's style. My day to day coding is done in
   Jetbrains Rider. If using that IDE, doing a simple [Code Cleanup] on modified source files should
   be enough. If you're using Visual Studio or some other editor, you are on your own. Formatting
   rules are stored in `src/.editorconfig` and `src/TrashUpdater.sln.DotSettings`.

[ideas]: https://github.com/recyclarr/recyclarr/discussions/categories/ideas
[markdownlint]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint
[Code Cleanup]: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Code_Cleanup__Index.html