using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Flurl.Http; using Flurl.Http.Configuration; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization; namespace Trash.Radarr.CustomFormat.Guide { public class GithubCustomFormatJsonRequester : IRadarrGuideService { private readonly ISerializer _flurlSerializer; public GithubCustomFormatJsonRequester() { // In addition to setting the naming strategy, this also serves as a mechanism to avoid inheriting the // global Flurl serializer setting: MissingMemberHandling. We do not want missing members to error out // since we're only deserializing a subset of the github response object. _flurlSerializer = new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver { NamingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy() } }); } public async Task> GetCustomFormatJson() { var response = await "" .WithHeader("User-Agent", "Trash Updater") .ConfigureRequest(settings => settings.JsonSerializer = _flurlSerializer) .GetJsonAsync>(); var tasks = response .Where(o => o.Type == "file" && o.Name.EndsWith(".json")) .Select(o => DownloadJsonContents(o.DownloadUrl)); return await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } private async Task DownloadJsonContents(string jsonUrl) { return await jsonUrl.GetStringAsync(); } [UsedImplicitly(ImplicitUseTargetFlags.WithMembers)] private record RepoContentEntry { public string Name { get; init; } = default!; public string Type { get; init; } = default!; public string DownloadUrl { get; init; } = default!; } } }