# Errors & Solutions

* On Mac or Linux OS, you may see the following error when you run `trash`:

  Failed to map file. open(/Users/foo/Downloads/trash) failed with error 13
  Failure processing application bundle.
  Couldn't memory map the bundle file for reading.
  A fatal error occurred while processing application bundle

  This cryptic message is actually a permissions error, likely because your executable does not have
  read permissions set. Simply run `chmod u+rx trash` to add read + execute permissions on the
  `trash` executable.

* When communicating with Radarr or Sonarr, you get the following exception message:

  > FlurlParsingException: Response could not be deserialized to JSON: `GET
  > http://hostname:6767/api/v3/customformat?apikey=SNIP` --->
  > Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Deserialized JSON type
  > 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray' is not compatible with expected type
  > 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject'. Path '', line 1, position 2.

  This means your Base URL is missing from the URL you specified in the YAML. See issue [#42] for
  more details.

[#42]: https://github.com/rcdailey/trash-updater/issues/42