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using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.JsonDiffPatch;
using Recyclarr.ServarrApi.QualityProfile;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public record ProfileWithStats
public required UpdatedQualityProfile Profile { get; set; }
public bool ProfileChanged { get; set; }
public bool ScoresChanged { get; set; }
public bool QualitiesChanged { get; set; }
public bool HasChanges => ProfileChanged || ScoresChanged || QualitiesChanged;
public class QualityProfileStatCalculator(ILogger log)
public ProfileWithStats Calculate(UpdatedQualityProfile profile)
log.Debug("Updates for profile {ProfileName}", profile.ProfileName);
var stats = new ProfileWithStats {Profile = profile};
var oldDto = profile.ProfileDto;
var newDto = profile.BuildUpdatedDto();
ProfileUpdates(stats, oldDto, newDto);
QualityUpdates(stats, oldDto, newDto);
ScoreUpdates(stats, profile.ProfileDto, profile.UpdatedScores);
return stats;
private void ProfileUpdates(ProfileWithStats stats, QualityProfileDto oldDto, QualityProfileDto newDto)
Log("Upgrade Allowed", oldDto.UpgradeAllowed, newDto.UpgradeAllowed);
Log("Cutoff", oldDto.Items.FindCutoff(oldDto.Cutoff), newDto.Items.FindCutoff(newDto.Cutoff));
Log("Cutoff Score", oldDto.CutoffFormatScore, newDto.CutoffFormatScore);
Log("Minimum Score", oldDto.MinFormatScore, newDto.MinFormatScore);
void Log<T>(string msg, T oldValue, T newValue)
log.Debug("{Msg}: {Old} -> {New}", msg, oldValue, newValue);
stats.ProfileChanged |= !EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(oldValue, newValue);
private static void QualityUpdates(ProfileWithStats stats, QualityProfileDto oldDto, QualityProfileDto newDto)
using var oldJson = JsonSerializer.SerializeToDocument(oldDto.Items);
using var newJson = JsonSerializer.SerializeToDocument(newDto.Items);
stats.QualitiesChanged = stats.Profile.MissingQualities.Count > 0 || !oldJson.DeepEquals(newJson);
private void ScoreUpdates(
ProfileWithStats stats,
QualityProfileDto profileDto,
IReadOnlyCollection<UpdatedFormatScore> updatedScores)
var scores = updatedScores
.Where(y => y.Dto.Score != y.NewScore)
if (scores.Count == 0)
log.Debug("> Scores updated for quality profile: {ProfileName}", profileDto.Name);
foreach (var (dto, newScore, reason) in scores)
log.Debug(" - {Name} ({Id}): {OldScore} -> {NewScore} ({Reason})",
dto.Name, dto.Format, dto.Score, newScore, reason);
stats.ScoresChanged = true;