The CI script used to orchestrate the docker image builds can be found here:
In general Scrutiny follows a `golden master` development process, which means that the `master` branch is not directly updated (unless its for documentation changes),
instead development is done in a feature branch, or committed to the `beta` branch.
As development progresses, and we're satisfied that a feature is complete, and the quality is acceptable,
I merge the changes to `master` and trigger the creation of a new release -- ie, when master is updated, a new release
is almost immediately created (and tagged with `latest`)
So changing from `master-omnibus -> latest` will be the same thing for all intents and purposes.
To avoid that the container(s) restart when you installed Docker as `rootless` you need to isssue the following commands to allow the session to stay alive even after you close your (SSH) sesssion: