package database
import (
_ ""
// SQLite migrations
func ( sr * scrutinyRepository ) Migrate ( ctx context . Context ) error {
sr . logger . Infoln ( "Database migration starting. Please wait, this process may take a long time...." )
gormMigrateOptions := & gormigrate . Options {
TableName : "migrations" ,
IDColumnName : "id" ,
IDColumnSize : 255 ,
UseTransaction : true , //use transactions (easier to debug in the future).
ValidateUnknownMigrations : false ,
m := gormigrate . New ( sr . gormClient , gormMigrateOptions , [ ] * gormigrate . Migration {
ID : "20201107210306" , // v0.3.13 (pre-influxdb schema). 9fac3c6308dc6cb6cd5bbc43a68cd93e8fb20b87
Migrate : func ( tx * gorm . DB ) error {
// it's a good practice to copy the struct inside the function,
return tx . AutoMigrate (
& m20201107210306 . Device { } ,
& m20201107210306 . Smart { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartAtaAttribute { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartNvmeAttribute { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartNvmeAttribute { } ,
} ,
Rollback : func ( tx * gorm . DB ) error {
return tx . Migrator ( ) . DropTable (
& m20201107210306 . Device { } ,
& m20201107210306 . Smart { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartAtaAttribute { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartNvmeAttribute { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartNvmeAttribute { } ,
"self_tests" ,
} ,
} ,
ID : "20220503113100" , // backwards compatible - influxdb schema
Migrate : func ( tx * gorm . DB ) error {
// delete unnecessary table.
err := tx . Migrator ( ) . DropTable ( "self_tests" )
if err != nil {
return err
//add columns to the Device schema, so we can start adding data to the database & influxdb
err = tx . Migrator ( ) . AddColumn ( & models . Device { } , "Label" ) //Label string `json:"label"`
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx . Migrator ( ) . AddColumn ( & models . Device { } , "DeviceStatus" ) //DeviceStatus pkg.DeviceStatus `json:"device_status"`
if err != nil {
return err
//TODO: migrate the data from GORM to influxdb.
//get a list of all devices:
// get a list of all smart scans in the last 2 weeks:
// get a list of associated smart attribute data:
// translate to a measurements.Smart{} object
// call CUSTOM INFLUXDB SAVE FUNCTION (taking bucket as parameter)
// get a list of all smart scans in the last 9 weeks:
// do same as above (select 1 scan per week)
// get a list of all smart scans in the last 25 months:
// do same as above (select 1 scan per month)
// get a list of all smart scans:
// do same as above (select 1 scan per year)
preDevices := [ ] m20201107210306 . Device { } //pre-migration device information
if err = tx . Preload ( "SmartResults" , func ( db * gorm . DB ) * gorm . DB {
return db . Order ( "smarts.created_at ASC" ) //OLD: .Limit(devicesCount)
} ) . Find ( & preDevices ) . Error ; err != nil {
sr . logger . Errorln ( "Could not get device summary from DB" , err )
return err
//calculate bucket oldest dates
today := time . Now ( )
dailyBucketMax := today . Add ( - RETENTION_PERIOD_15_DAYS_IN_SECONDS * time . Second ) //15 days
weeklyBucketMax := today . Add ( - RETENTION_PERIOD_9_WEEKS_IN_SECONDS * time . Second ) //9 weeks
monthlyBucketMax := today . Add ( - RETENTION_PERIOD_25_MONTHS_IN_SECONDS * time . Second ) //25 weeks
for _ , preDevice := range preDevices {
sr . logger . Debugf ( "====================================" )
sr . logger . Infof ( "begin processing device: %s" , preDevice . WWN )
//weekly, monthly, yearly lookup storage, so we don't add more data to the buckets than necessary.
weeklyLookup := map [ string ] bool { }
monthlyLookup := map [ string ] bool { }
yearlyLookup := map [ string ] bool { }
for _ , preSmartResult := range preDevice . SmartResults { //pre-migration smart results
//we're looping in ASC mode, so from oldest entry to most current.
err , postSmartResults := m20201107210306_FromPreInfluxDBSmartResultsCreatePostInfluxDBSmartResults ( tx , preDevice , preSmartResult )
if err != nil {
return err
smartTags , smartFields := postSmartResults . Flatten ( )
err , postSmartTemp := m20201107210306_FromPreInfluxDBTempCreatePostInfluxDBTemp ( preDevice , preSmartResult )
if err != nil {
return err
tempTags , tempFields := postSmartTemp . Flatten ( )
tempTags [ "device_wwn" ] = preDevice . WWN
year , week := postSmartResults . Date . ISOWeek ( )
month := postSmartResults . Date . Month ( )
yearStr := strconv . Itoa ( year )
yearMonthStr := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d-%d" , year , month )
yearWeekStr := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d-%d" , year , week )
//write data to daily bucket if in the last 15 days
if postSmartResults . Date . After ( dailyBucketMax ) {
sr . logger . Debugf ( "device (%s) smart data added to bucket: daily" , preDevice . WWN )
// write point immediately
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ,
"smart" ,
smartTags ,
smartFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ,
"temp" ,
tempTags ,
tempFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
//write data to the weekly bucket if in the last 9 weeks, and week has not been processed yet
if _ , weekExists := weeklyLookup [ yearWeekStr ] ; ! weekExists && postSmartResults . Date . After ( weeklyBucketMax ) {
sr . logger . Debugf ( "device (%s) smart data added to bucket: weekly" , preDevice . WWN )
//this week/year pair has not been processed
weeklyLookup [ yearWeekStr ] = true
// write point immediately
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_weekly" , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ) ,
"smart" ,
smartTags ,
smartFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_weekly" , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ) ,
"temp" ,
tempTags ,
tempFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
//write data to the monthly bucket if in the last 9 weeks, and week has not been processed yet
if _ , monthExists := monthlyLookup [ yearMonthStr ] ; ! monthExists && postSmartResults . Date . After ( monthlyBucketMax ) {
sr . logger . Debugf ( "device (%s) smart data added to bucket: monthly" , preDevice . WWN )
//this month/year pair has not been processed
monthlyLookup [ yearMonthStr ] = true
// write point immediately
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_monthly" , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ) ,
"smart" ,
smartTags ,
smartFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_monthly" , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ) ,
"temp" ,
tempTags ,
tempFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
if _ , yearExists := yearlyLookup [ yearStr ] ; ! yearExists && year != today . Year ( ) {
sr . logger . Debugf ( "device (%s) smart data added to bucket: yearly" , preDevice . WWN )
//this year has not been processed
yearlyLookup [ yearStr ] = true
// write point immediately
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_yearly" , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ) ,
"smart" ,
smartTags ,
smartFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
err = sr . saveDatapoint (
sr . influxClient . WriteAPIBlocking ( sr . appConfig . GetString ( "" ) , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_yearly" , sr . appConfig . GetString ( "web.influxdb.bucket" ) ) ) ,
"temp" ,
tempTags ,
tempFields ,
postSmartResults . Date , ctx )
if err != nil {
return err
sr . logger . Infof ( "finished processing device %s. weekly: %d, monthly: %d, yearly: %d" , preDevice . WWN , len ( weeklyLookup ) , len ( monthlyLookup ) , len ( yearlyLookup ) )
return nil
} ,
} ,
ID : "20220503120000" , // cleanup - v0.4.0 - influxdb schema
Migrate : func ( tx * gorm . DB ) error {
// delete unnecessary tables.
err := tx . Migrator ( ) . DropTable (
& m20201107210306 . Smart { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartAtaAttribute { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartNvmeAttribute { } ,
& m20201107210306 . SmartScsiAttribute { } ,
if err != nil {
return err
//migrate the device database to the current version
return tx . AutoMigrate ( m20220503120000 . Device { } )
} ,
} ,
} )
if err := m . Migrate ( ) ; err != nil {
sr . logger . Errorf ( "Database migration failed with error. \n Please open a github issue at and attach a copy of your scrutiny.db file. \n %w" , err )
return err
sr . logger . Infoln ( "Database migration completed successfully" )
return nil
// Deprecated
func m20201107210306_FromPreInfluxDBTempCreatePostInfluxDBTemp ( preDevice m20201107210306 . Device , preSmartResult m20201107210306 . Smart ) ( error , measurements . SmartTemperature ) {
//extract temperature data for every datapoint
postSmartTemp := measurements . SmartTemperature {
Date : preSmartResult . TestDate ,
Temp : preSmartResult . Temp ,
return nil , postSmartTemp
// Deprecated
func m20201107210306_FromPreInfluxDBSmartResultsCreatePostInfluxDBSmartResults ( database * gorm . DB , preDevice m20201107210306 . Device , preSmartResult m20201107210306 . Smart ) ( error , measurements . Smart ) {
//create a measurements.Smart object (which we will then push to the InfluxDB)
postDeviceSmartData := measurements . Smart {
Date : preSmartResult . TestDate ,
DeviceWWN : preDevice . WWN ,
DeviceProtocol : preDevice . DeviceProtocol ,
Temp : preSmartResult . Temp ,
PowerOnHours : preSmartResult . PowerOnHours ,
PowerCycleCount : preSmartResult . PowerCycleCount ,
// this needs to be populated using measurements.Smart.ProcessAtaSmartInfo, ProcessScsiSmartInfo or ProcessNvmeSmartInfo
// because those functions will take into account thresholds (which we didn't consider correctly previously)
Attributes : map [ string ] measurements . SmartAttribute { } ,
result := database . Preload ( "AtaAttributes" ) . Preload ( "NvmeAttributes" ) . Preload ( "ScsiAttributes" ) . Find ( & preSmartResult )
if result . Error != nil {
return result . Error , postDeviceSmartData
if preDevice . IsAta ( ) {
preAtaSmartAttributesTable := [ ] collector . AtaSmartAttributesTableItem { }
for _ , preAtaAttribute := range preSmartResult . AtaAttributes {
preAtaSmartAttributesTable = append ( preAtaSmartAttributesTable , collector . AtaSmartAttributesTableItem {
ID : preAtaAttribute . AttributeId ,
Name : preAtaAttribute . Name ,
Value : int64 ( preAtaAttribute . Value ) ,
Worst : int64 ( preAtaAttribute . Worst ) ,
Thresh : int64 ( preAtaAttribute . Threshold ) ,
WhenFailed : preAtaAttribute . WhenFailed ,
Flags : struct {
Value int ` json:"value" `
String string ` json:"string" `
Prefailure bool ` json:"prefailure" `
UpdatedOnline bool ` json:"updated_online" `
Performance bool ` json:"performance" `
ErrorRate bool ` json:"error_rate" `
EventCount bool ` json:"event_count" `
AutoKeep bool ` json:"auto_keep" `
} {
Value : 0 ,
String : "" ,
Prefailure : false ,
UpdatedOnline : false ,
Performance : false ,
ErrorRate : false ,
EventCount : false ,
AutoKeep : false ,
} ,
Raw : struct {
Value int64 ` json:"value" `
String string ` json:"string" `
} {
Value : preAtaAttribute . RawValue ,
String : preAtaAttribute . RawString ,
} ,
} )
postDeviceSmartData . ProcessAtaSmartInfo ( preAtaSmartAttributesTable )
} else if preDevice . IsNvme ( ) {
//info collector.SmartInfo
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation := collector . NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog { }
for _ , preNvmeAttribute := range preSmartResult . NvmeAttributes {
switch preNvmeAttribute . AttributeId {
case "critical_warning" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . CriticalWarning = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "temperature" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . Temperature = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "available_spare" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . AvailableSpare = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "available_spare_threshold" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . AvailableSpareThreshold = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "percentage_used" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . PercentageUsed = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "data_units_read" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . DataUnitsWritten = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "data_units_written" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . DataUnitsWritten = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "host_reads" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . HostReads = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "host_writes" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . HostWrites = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "controller_busy_time" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . ControllerBusyTime = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "power_cycles" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . PowerCycles = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "power_on_hours" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . PowerOnHours = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "unsafe_shutdowns" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . UnsafeShutdowns = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "media_errors" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . MediaErrors = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "num_err_log_entries" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . NumErrLogEntries = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "warning_temp_time" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . WarningTempTime = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
case "critical_comp_time" :
postNvmeSmartHealthInformation . CriticalCompTime = int64 ( preNvmeAttribute . Value )
postDeviceSmartData . ProcessNvmeSmartInfo ( postNvmeSmartHealthInformation )
} else if preDevice . IsScsi ( ) {
//info collector.SmartInfo
var postScsiGrownDefectList int64
postScsiErrorCounterLog := collector . ScsiErrorCounterLog {
Read : struct {
ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast int64 ` json:"errors_corrected_by_eccfast" `
ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed int64 ` json:"errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed" `
ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites int64 ` json:"errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites" `
TotalErrorsCorrected int64 ` json:"total_errors_corrected" `
CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations int64 ` json:"correction_algorithm_invocations" `
GigabytesProcessed string ` json:"gigabytes_processed" `
TotalUncorrectedErrors int64 ` json:"total_uncorrected_errors" `
} { } ,
Write : struct {
ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast int64 ` json:"errors_corrected_by_eccfast" `
ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed int64 ` json:"errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed" `
ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites int64 ` json:"errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites" `
TotalErrorsCorrected int64 ` json:"total_errors_corrected" `
CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations int64 ` json:"correction_algorithm_invocations" `
GigabytesProcessed string ` json:"gigabytes_processed" `
TotalUncorrectedErrors int64 ` json:"total_uncorrected_errors" `
} { } ,
for _ , preScsiAttribute := range preSmartResult . ScsiAttributes {
switch preScsiAttribute . AttributeId {
case "scsi_grown_defect_list" :
postScsiGrownDefectList = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "read.errors_corrected_by_eccfast" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Read . ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "read.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Read . ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "read.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Read . ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "read.total_errors_corrected" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Read . TotalErrorsCorrected = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "read.correction_algorithm_invocations" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Read . CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "read.total_uncorrected_errors" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Read . TotalUncorrectedErrors = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "write.errors_corrected_by_eccfast" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Write . ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "write.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Write . ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "write.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Write . ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "write.total_errors_corrected" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Write . TotalErrorsCorrected = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "write.correction_algorithm_invocations" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Write . CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
case "write.total_uncorrected_errors" :
postScsiErrorCounterLog . Write . TotalUncorrectedErrors = int64 ( preScsiAttribute . Value )
postDeviceSmartData . ProcessScsiSmartInfo ( postScsiGrownDefectList , postScsiErrorCounterLog )
} else {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Unknown device protocol: %s" , preDevice . DeviceProtocol ) , postDeviceSmartData
return nil , postDeviceSmartData