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4 years ago
package collector
type SmartInfo struct {
JSONFormatVersion []int `json:"json_format_version"`
Smartctl struct {
Version []int `json:"version"`
SvnRevision string `json:"svn_revision"`
PlatformInfo string `json:"platform_info"`
BuildInfo string `json:"build_info"`
Argv []string `json:"argv"`
ExitStatus int `json:"exit_status"`
Messages []struct {
String string `json:"string"`
Severity string `json:"severity"`
} `json:"messages"`
} `json:"smartctl"`
Device struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
InfoName string `json:"info_name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
} `json:"device"`
ModelName string `json:"model_name"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"`
Wwn struct {
Naa int `json:"naa"`
Oui int `json:"oui"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
} `json:"wwn"`
FirmwareVersion string `json:"firmware_version"`
UserCapacity struct {
Blocks int64 `json:"blocks"`
Bytes int64 `json:"bytes"`
} `json:"user_capacity"`
LogicalBlockSize int `json:"logical_block_size"`
PhysicalBlockSize int `json:"physical_block_size"`
RotationRate int `json:"rotation_rate"`
FormFactor struct {
AtaValue int `json:"ata_value"`
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"form_factor"`
InSmartctlDatabase bool `json:"in_smartctl_database"`
AtaVersion struct {
String string `json:"string"`
MajorValue int `json:"major_value"`
MinorValue int `json:"minor_value"`
} `json:"ata_version"`
SataVersion struct {
String string `json:"string"`
Value int `json:"value"`
} `json:"sata_version"`
InterfaceSpeed struct {
Max struct {
SataValue int `json:"sata_value"`
String string `json:"string"`
UnitsPerSecond int `json:"units_per_second"`
BitsPerUnit int `json:"bits_per_unit"`
} `json:"max"`
Current struct {
SataValue int `json:"sata_value"`
String string `json:"string"`
UnitsPerSecond int `json:"units_per_second"`
BitsPerUnit int `json:"bits_per_unit"`
} `json:"current"`
} `json:"interface_speed"`
LocalTime struct {
TimeT int64 `json:"time_t"`
Asctime string `json:"asctime"`
} `json:"local_time"`
SmartStatus struct {
Passed bool `json:"passed"`
} `json:"smart_status"`
AtaSmartData struct {
OfflineDataCollection struct {
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
Passed bool `json:"passed"`
} `json:"status"`
CompletionSeconds int `json:"completion_seconds"`
} `json:"offline_data_collection"`
SelfTest struct {
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
RemainingPercent int `json:"remaining_percent"`
} `json:"status"`
PollingMinutes struct {
Short int `json:"short"`
Extended int `json:"extended"`
} `json:"polling_minutes"`
} `json:"self_test"`
Capabilities struct {
Values []int `json:"values"`
ExecOfflineImmediateSupported bool `json:"exec_offline_immediate_supported"`
OfflineIsAbortedUponNewCmd bool `json:"offline_is_aborted_upon_new_cmd"`
OfflineSurfaceScanSupported bool `json:"offline_surface_scan_supported"`
SelfTestsSupported bool `json:"self_tests_supported"`
ConveyanceSelfTestSupported bool `json:"conveyance_self_test_supported"`
SelectiveSelfTestSupported bool `json:"selective_self_test_supported"`
AttributeAutosaveEnabled bool `json:"attribute_autosave_enabled"`
ErrorLoggingSupported bool `json:"error_logging_supported"`
GpLoggingSupported bool `json:"gp_logging_supported"`
} `json:"capabilities"`
} `json:"ata_smart_data"`
AtaSctCapabilities struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
ErrorRecoveryControlSupported bool `json:"error_recovery_control_supported"`
FeatureControlSupported bool `json:"feature_control_supported"`
DataTableSupported bool `json:"data_table_supported"`
} `json:"ata_sct_capabilities"`
AtaSmartAttributes struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Table []struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
Worst int `json:"worst"`
Thresh int `json:"thresh"`
WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"`
Flags struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
Prefailure bool `json:"prefailure"`
UpdatedOnline bool `json:"updated_online"`
Performance bool `json:"performance"`
ErrorRate bool `json:"error_rate"`
EventCount bool `json:"event_count"`
AutoKeep bool `json:"auto_keep"`
} `json:"flags"`
Raw struct {
Value int64 `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
} `json:"raw"`
} `json:"table"`
} `json:"ata_smart_attributes"`
PowerOnTime struct {
Hours int64 `json:"hours"`
} `json:"power_on_time"`
PowerCycleCount int64 `json:"power_cycle_count"`
Temperature struct {
Current int64 `json:"current"`
} `json:"temperature"`
AtaSmartErrorLog struct {
Summary struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Count int `json:"count"`
} `json:"summary"`
} `json:"ata_smart_error_log"`
AtaSmartSelfTestLog struct {
Standard struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Table []struct {
Type struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
} `json:"type"`
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
Passed bool `json:"passed"`
} `json:"status"`
LifetimeHours int `json:"lifetime_hours"`
} `json:"table"`
Count int `json:"count"`
ErrorCountTotal int `json:"error_count_total"`
ErrorCountOutdated int `json:"error_count_outdated"`
} `json:"standard"`
} `json:"ata_smart_self_test_log"`
AtaSmartSelectiveSelfTestLog struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Table []struct {
LbaMin int `json:"lba_min"`
LbaMax int `json:"lba_max"`
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
} `json:"status"`
} `json:"table"`
Flags struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
RemainderScanEnabled bool `json:"remainder_scan_enabled"`
} `json:"flags"`
PowerUpScanResumeMinutes int `json:"power_up_scan_resume_minutes"`
} `json:"ata_smart_selective_self_test_log"`