package db
import (
const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed"
const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed"
const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn"
type SmartAtaAttribute struct {
SmartId int `json:"smart_id"`
Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key
AttributeId int `json:"attribute_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
Worst int `json:"worst"`
Threshold int `json:"thresh"`
RawValue int64 `json:"raw_value"`
RawString string `json:"raw_string"`
WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"`
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
History []SmartAtaAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"`
//populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata
func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() {
if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedFailingNow {
//this attribute has previously failed
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing manufacturer SMART threshold"
} else if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedInThePast {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Attribute has previously failed manufacturer SMART threshold"
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok {
//check if status is blank, set to "passed"
if len(sa.Status) == 0 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
// compare the attribute (raw, normalized, transformed) value to observed thresholds, and update status if necessary
func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata metadata.AtaAttributeMetadata) {
//TODO: multiple rules
// try to predict the failure rates for observed thresholds that have 0 failure rate and error bars.
// - if the attribute is critical
// - the failure rate is over 10 - set to failed
// - the attribute does not match any threshold, set to warn
// - if the attribute is not critical
// - if failure rate is above 20 - set to failed
// - if failure rate is above 10 but below 20 - set to warn
//update the smart attribute status based on Observed thresholds.
var value int64
if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeNormalized {
value = int64(sa.Value)
} else if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeTransformed {
value = sa.TransformedValue
} else {
value = sa.RawValue
for _, obsThresh := range smartMetadata.ObservedThresholds {
//check if "value" is in this bucket
if ((obsThresh.Low == obsThresh.High) && value == obsThresh.Low) ||
(obsThresh.Low < value && value <= obsThresh.High) {
sa.FailureRate = obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate
if smartMetadata.Critical {
if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute is greater than 10%"
} else {
if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.20 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 20%"
} else if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 10%"
//we've found the correct bucket, we can drop out of this loop
// no bucket found
if smartMetadata.Critical {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Could not determine Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute"