Jason Kulatunga 4 years ago
commit 8482272d45

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi)
### JetBrains template
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
# User-specific stuff
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Contributing
There are multiple ways to develop on the scrutiny codebase locally. The two most popular are:
- Docker Development Container - only requires docker
- Run Components Locally - requires smartmontools, golang & nodejs installed locally
## Docker Development
docker build . -t analogj/scrutiny
docker run -it --rm -p 9090:8080 -v /run:/run -v /dev/disk:/dev/disk --privileged analogj/scrutiny
/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics run
## Local Development
### Frontend
The frontend is written in Angular.
If you're working on the frontend and can use mocked data rather than a real backend, you can use
cd webapp/frontend && ng serve
However, if you need to also run the backend, and use real data, you'll need to run the following command:
cd webapp/frontend && ng build --watch --output-path=../../dist --deploy-url="/web/" --base-href="/web/" --prod
> Note: if you do not add `--prod` flag, app will display mocked data for api calls.
### Backend
go run webapp/backend/cmd/scrutiny/scrutiny.go start --config ./example.scrutiny.yaml
Now visit http://localhost:8080
### Collector
brew install smartmontools
go run collector/cmd/collector-metrics/collector-metrics.go run --debug

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
FROM golang:1.14.4-buster as backendbuild
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny
COPY . /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny
RUN go mod vendor && \
go build -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o scrutiny webapp/backend/cmd/scrutiny/scrutiny.go && \
go build -o scrutiny-collector-selftest collector/cmd/collector-selftest/collector-selftest.go && \
go build -o scrutiny-collector-metrics collector/cmd/collector-metrics/collector-metrics.go
FROM node:lts-slim as frontendbuild
#reduce logging, disable angular-cli analytics for ci environment
WORKDIR /scrutiny/src
COPY ./webapp/frontend /scrutiny/src
RUN npm install -g @angular/cli@9.1.4 && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/dist && \
npm install && \
ng build --output-path=/scrutiny/dist --deploy-url="/web/" --base-href="/web/" --prod
FROM ubuntu:bionic as runtime
WORKDIR /scrutiny
ENV PATH="/scrutiny/bin:${PATH}"
ADD https://github.com/dshearer/jobber/releases/download/v1.4.4/jobber_1.4.4-1_amd64.deb /tmp/
RUN apt install /tmp/jobber_1.4.4-1_amd64.deb
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y smartmontools=7.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.1
ADD https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay/releases/download/v1.21.8.0/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz /tmp/
RUN tar xzf /tmp/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz -C /
COPY /rootfs /
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny /scrutiny/bin/
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny-collector-selftest /scrutiny/bin/
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny-collector-metrics /scrutiny/bin/
COPY --from=frontendbuild /scrutiny/dist /scrutiny/web
RUN chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny && \
chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-selftest && \
chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/web && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/config && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/jobber
CMD ["/init"]

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
FROM golang:1.14.4-buster as backendbuild
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny
COPY . /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny
RUN go mod vendor && \
go build -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o scrutiny-collector-selftest collector/cmd/collector-selftest/collector-selftest.go && \
go build -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o scrutiny-collector-metrics collector/cmd/collector-metrics/collector-metrics.go
FROM ubuntu:bionic as runtime
WORKDIR /scrutiny
ENV PATH="/scrutiny/bin:${PATH}"
ADD https://github.com/dshearer/jobber/releases/download/v1.4.4/jobber_1.4.4-1_amd64.deb /tmp/
RUN apt install /tmp/jobber_1.4.4-1_amd64.deb
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y smartmontools=7.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.1
ADD https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay/releases/download/v1.21.8.0/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz /tmp/
RUN tar xzf /tmp/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz -C / && \
mkdir -p /rootfs/etc/services.d/jobber
COPY /rootfs/etc/services.d/jobber /etc/services.d/jobber
COPY /rootfs/scrutiny /scrutiny
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny-collector-selftest /scrutiny/bin/
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny-collector-metrics /scrutiny/bin/
RUN chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-selftest && \
chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics
CMD ["/init"]

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
FROM golang:1.14.4-buster as backendbuild
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny
COPY . /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny
RUN go mod vendor && \
go build -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o scrutiny webapp/backend/cmd/scrutiny/scrutiny.go
FROM node:lts-slim as frontendbuild
#reduce logging, disable angular-cli analytics for ci environment
WORKDIR /scrutiny/src
COPY ./webapp/frontend /scrutiny/src
RUN npm install -g @angular/cli@9.1.4 && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/dist && \
npm install && \
ng build --output-path=/scrutiny/dist --deploy-url="/web/" --base-href="/web/" --prod
FROM ubuntu:bionic as runtime
WORKDIR /scrutiny
ENV PATH="/scrutiny/bin:${PATH}"
ADD https://github.com/dshearer/jobber/releases/download/v1.4.4/jobber_1.4.4-1_amd64.deb /tmp/
RUN apt install /tmp/jobber_1.4.4-1_amd64.deb
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y smartmontools=7.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.1
ADD https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay/releases/download/v1.21.8.0/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz /tmp/
RUN tar xzf /tmp/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz -C /
COPY /rootfs /
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny /scrutiny/bin/
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny-collector-selftest /scrutiny/bin/
COPY --from=backendbuild /go/src/github.com/analogj/scrutiny/scrutiny-collector-metrics /scrutiny/bin/
COPY --from=frontendbuild /scrutiny/dist /scrutiny/web
RUN chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny && \
chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-selftest && \
chmod +x /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/web && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/config && \
mkdir -p /scrutiny/jobber
CMD ["/init"]

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# scrutiny
WebUI for smartd S.M.A.R.T monitoring
# Introduction
If you run a server with more than a couple of hard drives, you're probably already familiar with S.M.A.R.T and the `smartd` daemon. If not, it's an incredible open source project described as the following:
> smartd is a daemon that monitors the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) system built into many ATA, IDE and SCSI-3 hard drives. The purpose of SMART is to monitor the reliability of the hard drive and predict drive failures, and to carry out different types of drive self-tests.
Theses S.M.A.R.T hard drive self-tests can help you detect and replace failing hard drives before they cause permanent data loss. However, there's a couple issues with `smartd`:
- There are more than a hundred S.M.A.R.T attributes, however `smartd` does not differentiate between critical and informational metrics
- `smartd` does not record S.M.A.R.T attribute history, so it can be hard to determine if an attribute is degrading slowly over time.
- S.M.A.R.T attribute thresholds are set by the manufacturer. In some cases these thresholds are unset, or are so high that they can only be used to confirm a failed drive, rather than detecting a drive about to fail.
- `smartd` is a command line only tool. For head-less servers a web UI would be more valuable.
**Scrutiny is a Hard Drive Health Dashboard & Monitoring solution, merging manufacturer provided S.M.A.R.T metrics with real-world failure rates.**
# Features
Scrutiny is a simple but focused application, with a couple of core features:
- Web UI Dashboard - focused on Critical metrics
- `smartd` integration (no re-inventing the wheel)
- Auto-detection of all connected hard-drives
- S.M.A.R.T metric tracking for historical trends
- Customized thresholds using real world failure rates
- Temperature tracking
- Provided as an all-in-one Docker image (but can be installed manually)
- (Future) Configurable Alerting/Notifications via Webhooks
- (Future) Hard Drive performance testing & tracking
# Getting Started
## Docker
If you're using Docker, getting started is as simple as running the following command:
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 \
-v /run:/run \
-v /dev/disk:/dev/disk \
--name scrutiny \
--privileged analogj/scrutiny
- `/run` and `/dev/disk` are necessary to provide the Scrutiny application metadata about your drives
- `--privileged` is required to ensure that your hard disk devices are accessible within the container (this will be changed in a future release)
- `analogj/scrutiny` is a omnibus image, containing both the webapp server (frontend & api) as well as the S.M.A.R.T metric collector. (dedicated images will be available in a future release)
- If you do not have access to the `analogj/scrutiny` docker image, please contact me using the email address in my profile: [@analogj](https://github.com/AnalogJ/) Please include your Github username and when you sponsored me. (eventually both images and source code will be open sourced)
## Usage
Once scrutiny is running, you can open your browser to `http://localhost:8080` and take a look at the dashboard.
Initially it will be empty, however after the first collector run, you'll be greeted with a list of all your hard drives and their current smart status.
The collector is configured to run once a day, but you can trigger it manually by running the following command
docker exec scrutiny /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics run
# Configuration
We support a global YAML configuration file that must be located at /scrutiny/config/scrutiny.yaml
Check the [example.scrutiny.yml](example.scrutiny.yaml) file for a fully commented version.
# Contributing
Please see the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for instructions for how to develop and contribute to the scrutiny codebase.
Work your magic and then submit a pull request. We love pull requests!
If you find the documentation lacking, help us out and update this README.md. If you don't have the time to work on Scrutiny, but found something we should know about, please submit an issue.
# Versioning
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
# Authors
Jason Kulatunga - Initial Development - @AnalogJ
# License
All Rights Reserved
> Note: This license will change once certain sponsorship conditions are met. Please see the [reddit announcement post](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/icreui/scrutiny_hard_drive_smart_monitoring_historical/) for more information.

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Gorm
- https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/exmwos/golang_gorm_preload_with_last/
- https://blog.depado.eu/post/gorm-gotchas
# Smart Data
- https://kb.acronis.com/content/9123

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package main
import (
utils "github.com/analogj/go-util/utils"
var goos string
var goarch string
func main() {
cli.CommandHelpTemplate = `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}}
{{if .UsageText}}{{.UsageText}}{{else}}{{.HelpName}} {{if .ArgsUsage}}{{.ArgsUsage}}{{else}}[arguments...]{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Category}}
{{.Category}}{{end}}{{if .Description}}
{{.Description}}{{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
app := &cli.App{
Name: "scrutiny-collector-metrics",
Usage: "smartctl data collector for scrutiny",
Version: version.VERSION,
Compiled: time.Now(),
Authors: []*cli.Author{
Name: "Jason Kulatunga",
Email: "jason@thesparktree.com",
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
collectorMetrics := "AnalogJ/scrutiny/metrics"
var versionInfo string
if len(goos) > 0 && len(goarch) > 0 {
versionInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s-%s", goos, goarch, version.VERSION)
} else {
versionInfo = fmt.Sprintf("dev-%s", version.VERSION)
subtitle := collectorMetrics + utils.LeftPad2Len(versionInfo, " ", 65-len(collectorMetrics))
color.New(color.FgGreen).Fprintf(c.App.Writer, fmt.Sprintf(utils.StripIndent(
___ ___ ____ __ __ ____ ____ _ _ _ _
/ __) / __)( _ \( )( )(_ _)(_ _)( \( )( \/ )
\__ \( (__ ) / )(__)( )( _)(_ ) ( \ /
(___/ \___)(_)\_)(______) (__) (____)(_)\_) (__)
`), subtitle))
return nil
Commands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "run",
Usage: "Run the scrutiny smartctl metrics collector",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
collectorLogger := logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"type": "metrics",
if c.Bool("debug") {
} else {
metricCollector, err := collector.CreateMetricsCollector(
if err != nil {
return err
return metricCollector.Run()
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "api-endpoint",
Usage: "The api server endpoint",
Value: "http://localhost:8080",
Name: "debug",
Usage: "Enable debug logging",
err := app.Run(os.Args)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(color.HiRedString("ERROR: %v", err))

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package main
import (
utils "github.com/analogj/go-util/utils"
var goos string
var goarch string
func main() {
cli.CommandHelpTemplate = `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}}
{{if .UsageText}}{{.UsageText}}{{else}}{{.HelpName}} {{if .ArgsUsage}}{{.ArgsUsage}}{{else}}[arguments...]{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Category}}
{{.Category}}{{end}}{{if .Description}}
{{.Description}}{{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
app := &cli.App{
Name: "scrutiny-collector-selftest",
Usage: "smartctl self-test data collector for scrutiny",
Version: version.VERSION,
Compiled: time.Now(),
Authors: []*cli.Author{
Name: "Jason Kulatunga",
Email: "jason@thesparktree.com",
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
collectorSelfTest := "AnalogJ/scrutiny/selftest"
var versionInfo string
if len(goos) > 0 && len(goarch) > 0 {
versionInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s-%s", goos, goarch, version.VERSION)
} else {
versionInfo = fmt.Sprintf("dev-%s", version.VERSION)
subtitle := collectorSelfTest + utils.LeftPad2Len(versionInfo, " ", 65-len(collectorSelfTest))
color.New(color.FgGreen).Fprintf(c.App.Writer, fmt.Sprintf(utils.StripIndent(
___ ___ ____ __ __ ____ ____ _ _ _ _
/ __) / __)( _ \( )( )(_ _)(_ _)( \( )( \/ )
\__ \( (__ ) / )(__)( )( _)(_ ) ( \ /
(___/ \___)(_)\_)(______) (__) (____)(_)\_) (__)
`), subtitle))
return nil
Commands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "run",
Usage: "Run the scrutiny self-test data collector",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
collectorLogger := logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"type": "selftest",
if c.Bool("debug") {
} else {
stCollector, err := collector.CreateSelfTestCollector(
if err != nil {
return err
return stCollector.Run()
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "api-endpoint",
Usage: "The api server endpoint",
Value: "http://localhost:8080",
Name: "debug",
Usage: "Enable debug logging",
err := app.Run(os.Args)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(color.HiRedString("ERROR: %v", err))

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package collector
import (
type BaseCollector struct{}
func (c *BaseCollector) getJson(url string, target interface{}) error {
r, err := httpClient.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Body.Close()
return json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(target)
func (c *BaseCollector) execCmd(cmdName string, cmdArgs []string, workingDir string, environ []string) (string, error) {
cmd := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...)
var stdBuffer bytes.Buffer
mw := io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &stdBuffer)
cmd.Stdout = mw
cmd.Stderr = mw
if environ != nil {
cmd.Env = environ
if workingDir != "" && path.IsAbs(workingDir) {
cmd.Dir = workingDir
} else if workingDir != "" {
return "", errors.New("Working Directory must be an absolute path")
err := cmd.Run()
return stdBuffer.String(), err

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package collector
import (
var httpClient = &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}
type MetricsCollector struct {
apiEndpoint *url.URL
logger *logrus.Entry
func CreateMetricsCollector(logger *logrus.Entry, apiEndpoint string) (MetricsCollector, error) {
apiEndpointUrl, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return MetricsCollector{}, err
sc := MetricsCollector{
apiEndpoint: apiEndpointUrl,
logger: logger,
return sc, nil
func (mc *MetricsCollector) Run() error {
err := mc.Validate()
if err != nil {
return err
apiEndpoint, _ := url.Parse(mc.apiEndpoint.String())
apiEndpoint.Path = "/api/devices"
deviceRespWrapper := new(models.DeviceRespWrapper)
fmt.Println("Getting devices")
err = mc.getJson(apiEndpoint.String(), &deviceRespWrapper)
if err != nil {
return err
if !deviceRespWrapper.Success {
//TODO print error payload
fmt.Println("An error occurred while retrieving devices")
} else {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, device := range deviceRespWrapper.Data {
// execute collection in parallel go-routines
go mc.Collect(&wg, device.WWN, device.DeviceName)
fmt.Println("Main: Waiting for workers to finish")
fmt.Println("Main: Completed")
return nil
func (mc *MetricsCollector) Validate() error {
fmt.Println("Verifying required tools")
_, lookErr := exec.LookPath("smartctl")
if lookErr != nil {
return errors.DependencyMissingError("smartctl is missing")
return nil
func (mc *MetricsCollector) Collect(wg *sync.WaitGroup, deviceWWN string, deviceName string) {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Printf("Collecting smartctl results for %s\n", deviceName)
result, err := mc.execCmd("smartctl", []string{"-a", "-j", fmt.Sprintf("/dev/%s", deviceName)}, "", nil)
resultBytes := []byte(result)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error while retrieving data from smartctl %s\n", deviceName)
fmt.Printf("ERROR MESSAGE: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("RESULT: %v", result)
// TODO: error while retrieving data from smartctl.
// TODO: we should pass this data on to scrutiny API for recording.
} else {
//successful run, pass the results directly to webapp backend for parsing and processing.
mc.Publish(deviceWWN, resultBytes)
func (mc *MetricsCollector) Publish(deviceWWN string, payload []byte) error {
fmt.Printf("Publishing smartctl results for %s\n", deviceWWN)
apiEndpoint, _ := url.Parse(mc.apiEndpoint.String())
apiEndpoint.Path = fmt.Sprintf("/api/device/%s/smart", strings.ToLower(deviceWWN))
resp, err := httpClient.Post(apiEndpoint.String(), "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(payload))
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package collector
import (
type SelfTestCollector struct {
apiEndpoint *url.URL
logger *logrus.Entry
func CreateSelfTestCollector(logger *logrus.Entry, apiEndpoint string) (SelfTestCollector, error) {
apiEndpointUrl, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return SelfTestCollector{}, err
stc := SelfTestCollector{
apiEndpoint: apiEndpointUrl,
logger: logger,
return stc, nil
func (sc *SelfTestCollector) Run() error {
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package errors
import (
// Raised when config file is missing
type ConfigFileMissingError string
func (str ConfigFileMissingError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ConfigFileMissingError: %q", string(str))
// Raised when the config file doesnt match schema
type ConfigValidationError string
func (str ConfigValidationError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ConfigValidationError: %q", string(str))
// Raised when a dependency (like smartd or ssh-agent) is missing
type DependencyMissingError string
func (str DependencyMissingError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DependencyMissingError: %q", string(str))

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package errors_test
import (
//func TestCheckErr_WithoutError(t *testing.T) {
// t.Parallel()
// //assert
// require.NotPanics(t, func() {
// errors.CheckErr(nil)
// })
//func TestCheckErr_Error(t *testing.T) {
// t.Parallel()
// //assert
// require.Panics(t, func() {
// errors.CheckErr(stderrors.New("This is an error"))
// })
func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
require.Implements(t, (*error)(nil), errors.ConfigFileMissingError("test"), "should implement the error interface")
require.Implements(t, (*error)(nil), errors.ConfigValidationError("test"), "should implement the error interface")
require.Implements(t, (*error)(nil), errors.DependencyMissingError("test"), "should implement the error interface")

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package models
type Device struct {
WWN string `json:"wwn" gorm:"primary_key"`
DeviceName string `json:"device_name"`
Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer"`
ModelName string `json:"model_name"`
InterfaceType string `json:"interface_type"`
InterfaceSpeed string `json:"interface_speed"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serial_name"`
Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"`
Firmware string `json:"firmware"`
RotationSpeed int `json:"rotational_speed"`
type DeviceRespWrapper struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Errors []error `json:"errors"`
Data []Device `json:"data"`

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package models
//type SelfTest struct {
// DeviceWWN string
// Device Device `gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key
// TestDate time.Time

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package models
//type Smart struct {
// DeviceWWN string
// Device Device `gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key
// TestDate time.Time
// Temp float32
// PowerOnCount int64
// PowerOnHours int64
// SmartStatus string
// SmartAttributes string

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package version
// VERSION is the app-global version string, which will be replaced with a
// new value during packaging
const VERSION = "1.0.0"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 450 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 218 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 463 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Commented Scrutiny Configuration File
# The default location for this file is ~/scrutiny.yaml.
# In some cases to improve clarity default values are specified,
# uncommented. Other example values are commented out.
# When this file is parsed by Scrutiny, all configuration file keys are
# lowercased automatically. As such, Configuration keys are case-insensitive,
# and should be lowercase in this file to be consistent with usage.
# Version
# version specifies the version of this configuration file schema, not
# the scrutiny binary. There is only 1 version available at the moment
version: 1
port: 8080
# can also set absolute path here
location: ./scrutiny.db
path: ./dist
# - /dev/sda
# - /dev/sdb
script: 'notify-metrics.sh'
script: 'notify-long-test.sh'
script: 'notify-short-test.sh'
enable: true
command: '-a -o on -S on'
enable: false
command: ''
enable: false
command: ''

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module github.com/analogj/scrutiny
go 1.13
require (
github.com/analogj/go-util v0.0.0-20190301173314-5295e364eb14
github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0
github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.6.3
github.com/jaypipes/ghw v0.6.1
github.com/jinzhu/gorm v1.9.14
github.com/kvz/logstreamer v0.0.0-20150507115422-a635b98146f0 // indirect
github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.2.0
github.com/spf13/viper v1.7.0
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.5.1
github.com/urfave/cli/v2 v2.2.0
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200323165209-0ec3e9974c59 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0 // indirect


@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
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gopkg.in/errgo.v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:hNsd1EY+bozCKY1Ytp96fpM3vjJbqLJn88ws8XvfDNI=
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.51.0 h1:AQvPpx3LzTDM0AjnIRlVFwFFGC+npRopjZxLJj6gdno=
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gopkg.in/resty.v1 v1.12.0/go.mod h1:mDo4pnntr5jdWRML875a/NmxYqAlA73dVijT2AXvQQo=
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
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honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190418001031-e561f6794a2a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2019.2.3/go.mod h1:a3bituU0lyd329TUQxRnasdCoJDkEUEAqEt0JzvZhAg=
howett.net/plist v0.0.0-20181124034731-591f970eefbb h1:jhnBjNi9UFpfpl8YZhA9CrOqpnJdvzuiHsl/dnxl11M=
howett.net/plist v0.0.0-20181124034731-591f970eefbb/go.mod h1:vMygbs4qMhSZSc4lCUl2OEE+rDiIIJAIdR4m7MiMcm0=
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/execlineb -S0
echo "jobber/cron exiting"
s6-svscanctl -t /var/run/s6/services

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
echo "starting jobber/cron"
su -c "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jobberrunner /scrutiny/config/jobber.yaml" root

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
echo "starting scrutiny"
scrutiny start

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
version: 1.4
logPath: /scrutiny/jobber/log.log
type: file
path: /scrutiny/jobber/runlog
maxFileLen: 100m
maxHistories: 2
- &filesystemSink
type: filesystem
path: /scrutiny/jobber
- stdout
- stderr
maxAgeDays: 10
cmd: /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics run --api-endpoint ${SCRUTINY_API_ENDPOINT:-http://localhost:8080}
# run daily at midnight.
time: '0 0 * * *'
onError: Backoff
- *filesystemSink
- *filesystemSink

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package main
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
utils "github.com/analogj/go-util/utils"
var goos string
var goarch string
func main() {
config, err := config.Create()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("FATAL: %+v\n", err)
//we're going to load the config file manually, since we need to validate it.
err = config.ReadConfig("/scrutiny/config/scrutiny.yaml") // Find and read the config file
if _, ok := err.(errors.ConfigFileMissingError); ok { // Handle errors reading the config file
//ignore "could not find config file"
} else if err != nil {
cli.CommandHelpTemplate = `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}}
{{if .UsageText}}{{.UsageText}}{{else}}{{.HelpName}} {{if .ArgsUsage}}{{.ArgsUsage}}{{else}}[arguments...]{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Category}}
{{.Category}}{{end}}{{if .Description}}
{{.Description}}{{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
app := &cli.App{
Name: "scrutiny",
Usage: "WebUI for smartd S.M.A.R.T monitoring",
Version: version.VERSION,
Compiled: time.Now(),
Authors: []*cli.Author{
Name: "Jason Kulatunga",
Email: "jason@thesparktree.com",
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
drawbridge := "github.com/AnalogJ/scrutiny"
var versionInfo string
if len(goos) > 0 && len(goarch) > 0 {
versionInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s-%s", goos, goarch, version.VERSION)
} else {
versionInfo = fmt.Sprintf("dev-%s", version.VERSION)
subtitle := drawbridge + utils.LeftPad2Len(versionInfo, " ", 65-len(drawbridge))
color.New(color.FgGreen).Fprintf(c.App.Writer, fmt.Sprintf(utils.StripIndent(
___ ___ ____ __ __ ____ ____ _ _ _ _
/ __) / __)( _ \( )( )(_ _)(_ _)( \( )( \/ )
\__ \( (__ ) / )(__)( )( _)(_ ) ( \ /
(___/ \___)(_)\_)(______) (__) (____)(_)\_) (__)
`), subtitle))
return nil
Commands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "start",
Usage: "Start the scrutiny server",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintln(c.App.Writer, c.Command.Usage)
if c.IsSet("config") {
err = config.ReadConfig(c.String("config")) // Find and read the config file
if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file
//ignore "could not find config file"
fmt.Printf("Could not find config file at specified path: %s", c.String("config"))
webServer := web.AppEngine{Config: config}
return webServer.Start()
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "config",
Usage: "Specify the path to the config file",
err = app.Run(os.Args)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(color.HiRedString("ERROR: %v", err))

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
package config
import (
// When initializing this class the following methods must be called:
// Config.New
// Config.Init
// This is done automatically when created via the Factory.
type configuration struct {
//Viper uses the following precedence order. Each item takes precedence over the item below it:
// explicit call to Set
// flag
// env
// config
// key/value store
// default
func (c *configuration) Init() error {
c.Viper = viper.New()
//set defaults
c.SetDefault("web.listen.port", "8080")
c.SetDefault("web.listen.host", "")
c.SetDefault("web.src.frontend.path", "/scrutiny/web")
c.SetDefault("web.database.location", "/scrutiny/config/scrutiny.db")
c.SetDefault("disks.include", []string{})
c.SetDefault("disks.exclude", []string{})
c.SetDefault("notify.metric.script", "/scrutiny/config/notify-metrics.sh")
c.SetDefault("notify.long.script", "/scrutiny/config/notify-long-test.sh")
c.SetDefault("notify.short.script", "/scrutiny/config/notify-short-test.sh")
c.SetDefault("collect.metric.enable", true)
c.SetDefault("collect.metric.command", "-a -o on -S on")
c.SetDefault("collect.long.enable", true)
c.SetDefault("collect.long.command", "-a -o on -S on")
c.SetDefault("collect.short.enable", true)
c.SetDefault("collect.short.command", "-a -o on -S on")
//if you want to load a non-standard location system config file (~/drawbridge.yml), use ReadConfig
//CLI options will be added via the `Set()` function
return nil
func (c *configuration) ReadConfig(configFilePath string) error {
configFilePath, err := utils.ExpandPath(configFilePath)
if err != nil {
return err
if !utils.FileExists(configFilePath) {
log.Printf("No configuration file found at %v. Skipping", configFilePath)
return errors.ConfigFileMissingError("The configuration file could not be found.")
//validate config file contents
//err = c.ValidateConfigFile(configFilePath)
//if err != nil {
// log.Printf("Config file at `%v` is invalid: %s", configFilePath, err)
// return err
log.Printf("Loading configuration file: %s", configFilePath)
config_data, err := os.Open(configFilePath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error reading configuration file: %s", err)
return err
err = c.MergeConfig(config_data)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.ValidateConfig()
// This function ensures that the merged config works correctly.
func (c *configuration) ValidateConfig() error {
////deserialize Questions
//questionsMap := map[string]Question{}
//err := c.UnmarshalKey("questions", &questionsMap)
//if err != nil {
// log.Printf("questions could not be deserialized correctly. %v", err)
// return err
//for _, v := range questionsMap {
// typeContent, ok := v.Schema["type"].(string)
// if !ok || len(typeContent) == 0 {
// return errors.QuestionSyntaxError("`type` is required for questions")
// }
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package config
func Create() (Interface, error) {
config := new(configuration)
if err := config.Init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return config, nil

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package config
import (
// Create mock using:
// mockgen -source=pkg/config/interface.go -destination=pkg/config/mock/mock_config.go
type Interface interface {
Init() error
ReadConfig(configFilePath string) error
Set(key string, value interface{})
SetDefault(key string, value interface{})
AllSettings() map[string]interface{}
IsSet(key string) bool
Get(key string) interface{}
GetBool(key string) bool
GetInt(key string) int
GetString(key string) string
GetStringSlice(key string) []string
UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}, decoderOpts ...viper.DecoderConfigOption) error

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package database
import (
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/sqlite"
func DatabaseHandler(dbPath string) gin.HandlerFunc {
//var database *gorm.DB
fmt.Printf("Trying to connect to database stored: %s", dbPath)
database, err := gorm.Open("sqlite3", dbPath)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to connect to database!")
//TODO: detrmine where we can call defer database.Close()
return func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Set("DB", database)

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package errors
import (
// Raised when config file is missing
type ConfigFileMissingError string
func (str ConfigFileMissingError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ConfigFileMissingError: %q", string(str))
// Raised when the config file doesnt match schema
type ConfigValidationError string
func (str ConfigValidationError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ConfigValidationError: %q", string(str))
// Raised when a dependency (like smartd or ssh-agent) is missing
type DependencyMissingError string
func (str DependencyMissingError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DependencyMissingError: %q", string(str))

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package errors_test
import (
//func TestCheckErr_WithoutError(t *testing.T) {
// t.Parallel()
// //assert
// require.NotPanics(t, func() {
// errors.CheckErr(nil)
// })
//func TestCheckErr_Error(t *testing.T) {
// t.Parallel()
// //assert
// require.Panics(t, func() {
// errors.CheckErr(stderrors.New("This is an error"))
// })
func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
require.Implements(t, (*error)(nil), errors.ConfigFileMissingError("test"), "should implement the error interface")
require.Implements(t, (*error)(nil), errors.ConfigValidationError("test"), "should implement the error interface")
require.Implements(t, (*error)(nil), errors.DependencyMissingError("test"), "should implement the error interface")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
package collector
type SmartInfo struct {
JSONFormatVersion []int `json:"json_format_version"`
Smartctl struct {
Version []int `json:"version"`
SvnRevision string `json:"svn_revision"`
PlatformInfo string `json:"platform_info"`
BuildInfo string `json:"build_info"`
Argv []string `json:"argv"`
ExitStatus int `json:"exit_status"`
Messages []struct {
String string `json:"string"`
Severity string `json:"severity"`
} `json:"messages"`
} `json:"smartctl"`
Device struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
InfoName string `json:"info_name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
} `json:"device"`
ModelName string `json:"model_name"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"`
Wwn struct {
Naa int `json:"naa"`
Oui int `json:"oui"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
} `json:"wwn"`
FirmwareVersion string `json:"firmware_version"`
UserCapacity struct {
Blocks int64 `json:"blocks"`
Bytes int64 `json:"bytes"`
} `json:"user_capacity"`
LogicalBlockSize int `json:"logical_block_size"`
PhysicalBlockSize int `json:"physical_block_size"`
RotationRate int `json:"rotation_rate"`
FormFactor struct {
AtaValue int `json:"ata_value"`
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"form_factor"`
InSmartctlDatabase bool `json:"in_smartctl_database"`
AtaVersion struct {
String string `json:"string"`
MajorValue int `json:"major_value"`
MinorValue int `json:"minor_value"`
} `json:"ata_version"`
SataVersion struct {
String string `json:"string"`
Value int `json:"value"`
} `json:"sata_version"`
InterfaceSpeed struct {
Max struct {
SataValue int `json:"sata_value"`
String string `json:"string"`
UnitsPerSecond int `json:"units_per_second"`
BitsPerUnit int `json:"bits_per_unit"`
} `json:"max"`
Current struct {
SataValue int `json:"sata_value"`
String string `json:"string"`
UnitsPerSecond int `json:"units_per_second"`
BitsPerUnit int `json:"bits_per_unit"`
} `json:"current"`
} `json:"interface_speed"`
LocalTime struct {
TimeT int64 `json:"time_t"`
Asctime string `json:"asctime"`
} `json:"local_time"`
SmartStatus struct {
Passed bool `json:"passed"`
} `json:"smart_status"`
AtaSmartData struct {
OfflineDataCollection struct {
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
Passed bool `json:"passed"`
} `json:"status"`
CompletionSeconds int `json:"completion_seconds"`
} `json:"offline_data_collection"`
SelfTest struct {
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
RemainingPercent int `json:"remaining_percent"`
} `json:"status"`
PollingMinutes struct {
Short int `json:"short"`
Extended int `json:"extended"`
} `json:"polling_minutes"`
} `json:"self_test"`
Capabilities struct {
Values []int `json:"values"`
ExecOfflineImmediateSupported bool `json:"exec_offline_immediate_supported"`
OfflineIsAbortedUponNewCmd bool `json:"offline_is_aborted_upon_new_cmd"`
OfflineSurfaceScanSupported bool `json:"offline_surface_scan_supported"`
SelfTestsSupported bool `json:"self_tests_supported"`
ConveyanceSelfTestSupported bool `json:"conveyance_self_test_supported"`
SelectiveSelfTestSupported bool `json:"selective_self_test_supported"`
AttributeAutosaveEnabled bool `json:"attribute_autosave_enabled"`
ErrorLoggingSupported bool `json:"error_logging_supported"`
GpLoggingSupported bool `json:"gp_logging_supported"`
} `json:"capabilities"`
} `json:"ata_smart_data"`
AtaSctCapabilities struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
ErrorRecoveryControlSupported bool `json:"error_recovery_control_supported"`
FeatureControlSupported bool `json:"feature_control_supported"`
DataTableSupported bool `json:"data_table_supported"`
} `json:"ata_sct_capabilities"`
AtaSmartAttributes struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Table []struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
Worst int `json:"worst"`
Thresh int `json:"thresh"`
WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"`
Flags struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
Prefailure bool `json:"prefailure"`
UpdatedOnline bool `json:"updated_online"`
Performance bool `json:"performance"`
ErrorRate bool `json:"error_rate"`
EventCount bool `json:"event_count"`
AutoKeep bool `json:"auto_keep"`
} `json:"flags"`
Raw struct {
Value int64 `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
} `json:"raw"`
} `json:"table"`
} `json:"ata_smart_attributes"`
PowerOnTime struct {
Hours int64 `json:"hours"`
} `json:"power_on_time"`
PowerCycleCount int64 `json:"power_cycle_count"`
Temperature struct {
Current int64 `json:"current"`
} `json:"temperature"`
AtaSmartErrorLog struct {
Summary struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Count int `json:"count"`
} `json:"summary"`
} `json:"ata_smart_error_log"`
AtaSmartSelfTestLog struct {
Standard struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Table []struct {
Type struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
} `json:"type"`
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
Passed bool `json:"passed"`
} `json:"status"`
LifetimeHours int `json:"lifetime_hours"`
} `json:"table"`
Count int `json:"count"`
ErrorCountTotal int `json:"error_count_total"`
ErrorCountOutdated int `json:"error_count_outdated"`
} `json:"standard"`
} `json:"ata_smart_self_test_log"`
AtaSmartSelectiveSelfTestLog struct {
Revision int `json:"revision"`
Table []struct {
LbaMin int `json:"lba_min"`
LbaMax int `json:"lba_max"`
Status struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
String string `json:"string"`
} `json:"status"`
} `json:"table"`
Flags struct {
Value int `json:"value"`
RemainderScanEnabled bool `json:"remainder_scan_enabled"`
} `json:"flags"`
PowerUpScanResumeMinutes int `json:"power_up_scan_resume_minutes"`
} `json:"ata_smart_selective_self_test_log"`

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package db
import (
type DeviceRespWrapper struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Errors []error `json:"errors"`
Data []Device `json:"data"`
type Device struct {
//GORM attributes, see: http://gorm.io/docs/conventions.html
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
WWN string `json:"wwn" gorm:"primary_key"`
DeviceName string `json:"device_name"`
Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer"`
ModelName string `json:"model_name"`
InterfaceType string `json:"interface_type"`
InterfaceSpeed string `json:"interface_speed"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"`
Firmware string `json:"firmware"`
RotationSpeed int `json:"rotational_speed"`
Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"`
FormFactor string `json:"form_factor"`
SmartSupport bool `json:"smart_support"`
SmartResults []Smart `gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN" json:"smart_results"`
//This method requires a device with an array of SmartResults.
//It will remove all SmartResults other than the first (the latest one)
//All removed SmartResults, will be processed, grouping SmartAttribute by attribute_id
// and adding theme to an array called History.
func (dv *Device) SquashHistory() error {
if len(dv.SmartResults) <= 1 {
return nil //no history found. ignore
latestSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[0:1]
historicalSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[1:]
//re-assign the latest slice to the SmartResults field
dv.SmartResults = latestSmartResultSlice
//process the historical slice
history := map[int][]SmartAttribute{}
for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice {
for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.SmartAttributes {
if _, ok := history[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok {
history[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartAttribute{}
history[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(history[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute)
//now assign the historical slices to the SmartAttributes in the latest SmartResults
for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes {
if attributeHistory, ok := history[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok {
dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory
return nil
func (dv *Device) ApplyMetadataRules() error {
//embed metadata in the latest smart attributes object
if len(dv.SmartResults) > 0 {
for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes {
if strings.ToUpper(attr.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedFailingNow {
//this attribute has previously failed
dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes[ndx].Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes[ndx].StatusReason = "Attribute is failing manufacturer SMART threshold"
} else if strings.ToUpper(attr.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedInThePast {
dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes[ndx].Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes[ndx].StatusReason = "Attribute has previously failed manufacturer SMART threshold"
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaSmartAttributes[attr.AttributeId]; ok {
//check if status is blank, set to "passed"
if len(dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes[ndx].Status) == 0 {
dv.SmartResults[0].SmartAttributes[ndx].Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
return nil
func (dv *Device) UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) error {
dv.InterfaceSpeed = info.InterfaceSpeed.Current.String
dv.Firmware = info.FirmwareVersion
dv.RotationSpeed = info.RotationRate
dv.Capacity = info.UserCapacity.Bytes
dv.FormFactor = info.FormFactor.Name
//dv.SmartSupport =
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package db
import "time"
type SelfTest struct {
//GORM attributes, see: http://gorm.io/docs/conventions.html
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
DeviceWWN string
Device Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key
Date time.Time

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
package db
import (
const SmartWhenFailedFailingNow = "FAILING_NOW"
const SmartWhenFailedInThePast = "IN_THE_PAST"
type Smart struct {
DeviceWWN string `json:"device_wwn"`
Device Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key
TestDate time.Time `json:"date"`
SmartStatus string `json:"smart_status"`
Temp int64 `json:"temp"`
PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours"`
PowerCycleCount int64 `json:"power_cycle_count"`
SmartAttributes []SmartAttribute `json:"smart_attributes" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"`
func (sm *Smart) FromCollectorSmartInfo(wwn string, info collector.SmartInfo) error {
sm.DeviceWWN = wwn
sm.TestDate = time.Unix(info.LocalTime.TimeT, 0)
//smart metrics
sm.Temp = info.Temperature.Current
sm.PowerCycleCount = info.PowerCycleCount
sm.PowerOnHours = info.PowerOnTime.Hours
sm.SmartAttributes = []SmartAttribute{}
for _, collectorAttr := range info.AtaSmartAttributes.Table {
attrModel := SmartAttribute{
AttributeId: collectorAttr.ID,
Name: collectorAttr.Name,
Value: collectorAttr.Value,
Worst: collectorAttr.Worst,
Threshold: collectorAttr.Thresh,
RawValue: collectorAttr.Raw.Value,
RawString: collectorAttr.Raw.String,
WhenFailed: collectorAttr.WhenFailed,
//now that we've parsed the data from the smartctl response, lets match it against our metadata rules and add additional Scrutiny specific data.
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaSmartAttributes[collectorAttr.ID]; ok {
attrModel.Name = smartMetadata.DisplayName
if smartMetadata.Transform != nil {
attrModel.TransformedValue = smartMetadata.Transform(attrModel.Value, attrModel.RawValue, attrModel.RawString)
sm.SmartAttributes = append(sm.SmartAttributes, attrModel)
if info.SmartStatus.Passed {
sm.SmartStatus = "passed"
} else {
sm.SmartStatus = "failed"
return nil
const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed"
const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed"
const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn"
type SmartAttribute struct {
SmartId int `json:"smart_id"`
Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key
AttributeId int `json:"attribute_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
Worst int `json:"worst"`
Threshold int `json:"thresh"`
RawValue int64 `json:"raw_value"`
RawString string `json:"raw_string"`
WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"`
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
History []SmartAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"`
// compare the attribute (raw, normalized, transformed) value to observed thresholds, and update status if necessary
func (sa *SmartAttribute) MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata metadata.AtaSmartAttribute) {
//TODO: multiple rules
// try to predict the failure rates for observed thresholds that have 0 failure rate and error bars.
// - if the attribute is critical
// - the failure rate is over 10 - set to failed
// - the attribute does not match any threshold, set to warn
// - if the attribute is not critical
// - if failure rate is above 20 - set to failed
// - if failure rate is above 10 but below 20 - set to warn
//update the smart attribute status based on Observed thresholds.
var value int64
if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeNormalized {
value = int64(sa.Value)
} else if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeTransformed {
value = sa.TransformedValue
} else {
value = sa.RawValue
for _, obsThresh := range smartMetadata.ObservedThresholds {
//check if "value" is in this bucket
if ((obsThresh.Low == obsThresh.High) && value == obsThresh.Low) ||
(obsThresh.Low < value && value <= obsThresh.High) {
sa.FailureRate = obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate
if smartMetadata.Critical {
if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute is greater than 10%"
} else {
if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.20 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 20%"
} else if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 10%"
//we've found the correct bucket, we can drop out of this loop
// no bucket found
if smartMetadata.Critical {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Could not determine Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute"

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package db_test
import (
func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo(t *testing.T) {
smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart.json")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer smartDataFile.Close()
var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
smartMdl := db.Smart{}
err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, smartMdl.DeviceWWN, "WWN-test")
require.Equal(t, smartMdl.SmartStatus, "PASSED")
//check that temperature was correctly parsed
for _, attr := range smartMdl.SmartAttributes {
if attr.AttributeId == 194 {
require.Equal(t, int64(163210330144), attr.RawValue)
require.Equal(t, int64(32), attr.TransformedValue)

@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
"json_format_version": [
"smartctl": {
"version": [
"svn_revision": "4883",
"platform_info": "x86_64-linux-4.19.128-flatcar",
"build_info": "(local build)",
"argv": [
"exit_status": 0
"device": {
"name": "/dev/sdb",
"info_name": "/dev/sdb [SAT]",
"type": "sat",
"protocol": "ATA"
"model_name": "WDC WD140EDFZ-11A0VA0",
"serial_number": "9RK1XXXX",
"wwn": {
"naa": 5,
"oui": 3274,
"id": 10283057623
"firmware_version": "81.00A81",
"user_capacity": {
"blocks": 27344764928,
"bytes": 14000519643136
"logical_block_size": 512,
"physical_block_size": 4096,
"rotation_rate": 5400,
"form_factor": {
"ata_value": 2,
"name": "3.5 inches"
"in_smartctl_database": false,
"ata_version": {
"string": "ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4",
"major_value": 1020,
"minor_value": 41
"sata_version": {
"string": "SATA 3.2",
"value": 255
"interface_speed": {
"max": {
"sata_value": 14,
"string": "6.0 Gb/s",
"units_per_second": 60,
"bits_per_unit": 100000000
"current": {
"sata_value": 3,
"string": "6.0 Gb/s",
"units_per_second": 60,
"bits_per_unit": 100000000
"local_time": {
"time_t": 1592697810,
"asctime": "Sun Jun 21 00:03:30 2020 UTC"
"smart_status": {
"passed": true
"ata_smart_data": {
"offline_data_collection": {
"status": {
"value": 130,
"string": "was completed without error",
"passed": true
"completion_seconds": 101
"self_test": {
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "in progress, 10% remaining",
"remaining_percent": 10
"polling_minutes": {
"short": 2,
"extended": 1479
"capabilities": {
"values": [
"exec_offline_immediate_supported": true,
"offline_is_aborted_upon_new_cmd": false,
"offline_surface_scan_supported": true,
"self_tests_supported": true,
"conveyance_self_test_supported": false,
"selective_self_test_supported": true,
"attribute_autosave_enabled": true,
"error_logging_supported": true,
"gp_logging_supported": true
"ata_sct_capabilities": {
"value": 61,
"error_recovery_control_supported": true,
"feature_control_supported": true,
"data_table_supported": true
"ata_smart_attributes": {
"revision": 16,
"table": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Raw_Read_Error_Rate",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 11,
"string": "PO-R-- ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 2,
"name": "Throughput_Performance",
"value": 135,
"worst": 135,
"thresh": 54,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 4,
"string": "--S--- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": false,
"performance": true,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 108,
"string": "108"
"id": 3,
"name": "Spin_Up_Time",
"value": 81,
"worst": 81,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 7,
"string": "POS--- ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": true,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 30089675132,
"string": "380 (Average 380)"
"id": 4,
"name": "Start_Stop_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 9,
"string": "9"
"id": 5,
"name": "Reallocated_Sector_Ct",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 51,
"string": "PO--CK ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 7,
"name": "Seek_Error_Rate",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 10,
"string": "-O-R-- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 8,
"name": "Seek_Time_Performance",
"value": 133,
"worst": 133,
"thresh": 20,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 4,
"string": "--S--- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": false,
"performance": true,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 18,
"string": "18"
"id": 9,
"name": "Power_On_Hours",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 1730,
"string": "1730"
"id": 10,
"name": "Spin_Retry_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 12,
"name": "Power_Cycle_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 50,
"string": "-O--CK ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 9,
"string": "9"
"id": 22,
"name": "Unknown_Attribute",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 25,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 35,
"string": "PO---K ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 100,
"string": "100"
"id": 192,
"name": "Power-Off_Retract_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 50,
"string": "-O--CK ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 329,
"string": "329"
"id": 193,
"name": "Load_Cycle_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 329,
"string": "329"
"id": 194,
"name": "Temperature_Celsius",
"value": 51,
"worst": 51,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 2,
"string": "-O---- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 163210330144,
"string": "32 (Min/Max 24/38)"
"id": 196,
"name": "Reallocated_Event_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 50,
"string": "-O--CK ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 197,
"name": "Current_Pending_Sector",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 34,
"string": "-O---K ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 198,
"name": "Offline_Uncorrectable",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 8,
"string": "---R-- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": false,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 199,
"name": "UDMA_CRC_Error_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 10,
"string": "-O-R-- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"power_on_time": {
"hours": 1730
"power_cycle_count": 9,
"temperature": {
"current": 32
"ata_smart_error_log": {
"summary": {
"revision": 1,
"count": 0
"ata_smart_self_test_log": {
"standard": {
"revision": 1,
"table": [
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1708
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1684
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1661
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1636
"type": {
"value": 2,
"string": "Extended offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1624
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1541
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1517
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1493
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1469
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1445
"type": {
"value": 2,
"string": "Extended offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1439
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1373
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1349
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1325
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1301
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1277
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1253
"type": {
"value": 2,
"string": "Extended offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1252
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1205
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1181
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1157
"count": 21,
"error_count_total": 0,
"error_count_outdated": 0
"ata_smart_selective_self_test_log": {
"revision": 1,
"table": [
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"flags": {
"value": 0,
"remainder_scan_enabled": false
"power_up_scan_resume_minutes": 0

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package version
// VERSION is the app-global version string, which will be replaced with a
// new value during packaging
const VERSION = "1.0.0"

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package web
// the following cronjobs need to be defined here:
// - get storage information for all approved disks
// - run short test against approved disks
// - run long test against approved disks
// - get S.M.A.R.T. metrics from approved disks
// - clean up / resolution for time-series data in sqlite database.

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package web
import (
func RetrieveStorageDevices() ([]db.Device, error) {
block, err := ghw.Block()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error getting block storage info: %v", err)
return nil, err
approvedDisks := []db.Device{}
for _, disk := range block.Disks {
//TODO: always allow if in approved list
fmt.Printf(" %v\n", disk)
// ignore optical drives and floppy disks
if disk.DriveType == ghw.DRIVE_TYPE_FDD || disk.DriveType == ghw.DRIVE_TYPE_ODD {
fmt.Printf(" => Ignore: Optical or floppy disk - (found %s)\n", disk.DriveType.String())
// ignore removable disks
if disk.IsRemovable {
fmt.Printf(" => Ignore: Removable disk (%v)\n", disk.IsRemovable)
// ignore virtual disks & mobile phone storage devices
if disk.StorageController == ghw.STORAGE_CONTROLLER_VIRTIO || disk.StorageController == ghw.STORAGE_CONTROLLER_MMC {
fmt.Printf(" => Ignore: Virtual/multi-media storage controller - (found %s)\n", disk.StorageController.String())
// ignore NVMe devices (not currently supported) TBA
if disk.StorageController == ghw.STORAGE_CONTROLLER_NVME {
fmt.Printf(" => Ignore: NVMe storage controller - (found %s)\n", disk.StorageController.String())
// Skip unknown storage controllers, not usually S.M.A.R.T compatible.
if disk.StorageController == ghw.STORAGE_CONTROLLER_UNKNOWN {
fmt.Printf(" => Ignore: Unknown storage controller - (found %s)\n", disk.StorageController.String())
//TODO: remove if in excluded list
diskModel := db.Device{
WWN: disk.WWN,
Manufacturer: disk.Vendor,
ModelName: disk.Model,
InterfaceType: disk.StorageController.String(),
//InterfaceSpeed: string
SerialNumber: disk.SerialNumber,
Capacity: int64(disk.SizeBytes),
//Firmware string
//RotationSpeed int
DeviceName: disk.Name,
if len(diskModel.WWN) == 0 {
//(macOS and some other os's) do not provide a WWN, so we're going to fallback to
//diskname as identifier if WWN is not present
diskModel.WWN = disk.Name
approvedDisks = append(approvedDisks, diskModel)
return approvedDisks, nil

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
package web
import (
dbModels "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type AppEngine struct {
Config config.Interface
func (ae *AppEngine) Start() error {
r := gin.Default()
api := r.Group("/api")
api.GET("/health", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"success": true,
//TODO: notifications
api.GET("/devices", GetDevicesHandler)
api.GET("/summary", GetDevicesSummary)
api.POST("/device/:wwn/smart", UploadDeviceSmartData)
api.POST("/device/:wwn/selftest", UploadDeviceSelfTestData)
api.GET("/device/:wwn/details", GetDeviceDetails)
//Static request routing
r.StaticFS("/web", http.Dir(ae.Config.GetString("web.src.frontend.path")))
//redirect base url to /web
r.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/web")
//catch-all, serve index page.
r.NoRoute(func(c *gin.Context) {
c.File(fmt.Sprintf("%s/index.html", ae.Config.GetString("web.src.frontend.path")))
return r.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ae.Config.GetString("web.listen.host"), ae.Config.GetString("web.listen.port"))) // listen and serve on (for windows "localhost:8080")
// Get all active disks for processing by collectors
func GetDevicesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
storageDevices, err := RetrieveStorageDevices()
db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB)
for _, dev := range storageDevices {
//insert devices into DB if not already there.
db.Where(dbModels.Device{WWN: dev.WWN}).FirstOrCreate(&dev)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"success": false,
} else {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"success": true,
"data": storageDevices,
func UploadDeviceSmartData(c *gin.Context) {
db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB)
var collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo
err := c.BindJSON(&collectorSmartData)
if err != nil {
//TODO: cannot parse smart data
log.Error("Cannot parse SMART data")
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": false})
//update the device information if necessary
var device dbModels.Device
db.Where("wwn = ?", c.Param("wwn")).First(&device)
// insert smart info
deviceSmartData := dbModels.Smart{}
err = deviceSmartData.FromCollectorSmartInfo(c.Param("wwn"), collectorSmartData)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": false})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": true})
func UploadDeviceSelfTestData(c *gin.Context) {
func GetDeviceDetails(c *gin.Context) {
db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB)
device := dbModels.Device{}
Preload("SmartResults", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Order("smarts.created_at DESC").Limit(40)
Where("wwn = ?", c.Param("wwn")).
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": true, "data": device, "lookup": metadata.AtaSmartAttributes})
func GetDevicesSummary(c *gin.Context) {
db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB)
devices := []dbModels.Device{}
//OLD: cant seem to figure out how to get the latest SmartResults for each Device, so instead
// we're going to assume that results were retrieved at the same time, so we'll just get the last x number of results
//var devicesCount int
//We need the last x (for now all) Smart objects for each Device, so that we can graph Temperature
//We also need the last
Preload("SmartResults", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Order("smarts.created_at DESC") //OLD: .Limit(devicesCount)
// Preload("SmartResults.SmartAttributes").
//for _, dev := range devices {
// log.Printf("===== device: %s\n", dev.WWN)
// log.Print(len(dev.SmartResults))
//a, _ := json.Marshal(devices) //get json byte array
//n := len(a) //Find the length of the byte array
//s := string(a[:n]) //convert to string
//log.Print(s) //write to response
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"success": true,
"data": devices,
//c.Data(http.StatusOK, "application/json", a)

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Editor configuration, see https://editorconfig.org
root = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
max_line_length = off
trim_trailing_whitespace = false

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# See http://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files.
# compiled output
# Only exists if Bazel was run
# dependencies
# profiling files
# IDEs and editors
# IDE - VSCode
# misc
# System Files

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ 3rd party credits
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Icons
Material - https://material.io/tools/icons
Dripicons - http://demo.amitjakhu.com/dripicons/
Feather - https://feathericons.com/
Heroicons - https://github.com/refactoringui/heroicons
Iconsmind - https://iconsmind.com/
// Avatars
// Mail app
Photo by Riccardo Chiarini on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/2VDa8bnLM8c
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/RwHv7LgeC7s
Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/Hao52Fu9-F8
Photo by Christian Joudrey on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/mWRR1xj95hg
// Auth pages
Photo by Meric Dagli on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/kZTYGpoeQO0
// Profile page
Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/DpPutJwgyW8
// Cards
Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/RPT3AjdXlZc
Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/Qgxk3PQsMiI
Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/QxjsOlFNr_4
Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/mG8ShlWrMDI
Photo by Adrian Infernus on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/5apewqWk978
Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/c73TZ2sIU38
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/PKSCrmZdvwA
Photo by Daniel Koponyas on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/rbiLY6ZwvXQ
Photo by John Westrock on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/LCesauDseu8
Photo by Gabriel Sollmann on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/kFWj9y-tJB4
Photo by Kevin Wolf on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/BJyjgEdNTPs
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/hFzIoD0F_i8
Photo by Ian Baldwin on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/Dlj-SxxTlQ0
Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/KRTFIBOfcFw
Photo by Chad Peltola on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/BTvQ2ET_iKc
Photo by rocknwool on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/r56oO1V5oms
Photo by Vita Vilcina on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/KtOid0FLjqU
Photo by Jia Ye on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/y8ZnQqgohLk
Photo by Parker Whitson on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/OlTYIqTjmVM
Photo by Dorian Hurst on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/a9uWPQlIbYc
Photo by Everaldo Coelho on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/KPaSCpklCZw
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/fh2JefbNlII
Photo by Orlova Maria on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/p8y4dWEMGMU
Photo by Jake Blucker on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/tMzCrBkM99Y
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/oIBcow6n36s
Photo by John Cobb on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/IE_sifhay7o
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/mDlhOIfGxNI
Photo by Ana Toma on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/XsGwe6gYg0c
Photo by Andrea on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/1AWY0N960Sk
Photo by Aswin on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/_roUcFWstas
Photo by Justin Kauffman on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/aWG_dqyhI0A
Photo by Barna Bartis on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/VVoBQqWrvkc
Photo by Kyle Hinkson on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/3439EnvnAGo
Photo by Spencer Watson on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/5TBf16GnHKg
Photo by adrian on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/1wrzvwoK8A4
Photo by Christopher Rusev on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/7gKWgCRixf0
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/MDmwQVgDHHM
Photo by Dwinanda Nurhanif Mujito on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/pKT5Mg16w_w
Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/Zuvf5mxT5fs
Photo by adrian on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/PNRxLFPMyJY
Photo by Dahee Son on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/tV06QVJXVxU
Photo by Zachary Kyra-Derksen on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/vkqS7vLQUtg
Photo by Rodrigo Soares on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/8BFWBUkSqQo

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Envato Standard License
Copyright (c) Sercan Yemen <sercanyemen@gmail.com>
This project is protected by Envato's Standard License. For more information,
check the official license page at [https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard](https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard)

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Treo - Admin template and Starter project for Angular
## Development server
Run `ng serve` for a dev server. Navigate to `http://localhost:4200/`. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
## Code scaffolding
Run `ng generate component component-name` to generate a new component. You can also use `ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module`.
## Build
Run `ng build` to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the `dist/` directory. Use the `--prod` flag for a production build.
## Running unit tests
Run `ng test` to execute the unit tests via [Karma](https://karma-runner.github.io).
## Running end-to-end tests
Run `ng e2e` to execute the end-to-end tests via [Protractor](http://www.protractortest.org/).
## Further help
To get more help on the Angular CLI use `ng help` or go check out the [Angular CLI README](https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/blob/master/README.md).

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
"$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
"version": 1,
"newProjectRoot": "projects",
"projects": {
"treo": {
"projectType": "application",
"schematics": {
"@schematics/angular:component": {
"style": "scss"
"root": "",
"sourceRoot": "src",
"prefix": "app",
"architect": {
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"outputPath": "dist/treo",
"index": "src/index.html",
"main": "src/main.ts",
"polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts",
"tsConfig": "tsconfig.app.json",
"aot": true,
"assets": [
"stylePreprocessorOptions": {
"includePaths": [
"styles": [
"scripts": []
"configurations": {
"production": {
"fileReplacements": [
"replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",
"with": "src/environments/environment.prod.ts"
"optimization": true,
"outputHashing": "all",
"sourceMap": false,
"extractCss": true,
"namedChunks": false,
"extractLicenses": true,
"vendorChunk": false,
"buildOptimizer": true,
"budgets": [
"type": "initial",
"maximumWarning": "5mb",
"maximumError": "8mb"
"type": "anyComponentStyle",
"maximumWarning": "60kb",
"maximumError": "100kb"
"serve": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
"options": {
"browserTarget": "treo:build"
"configurations": {
"production": {
"browserTarget": "treo:build:production"
"extract-i18n": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:extract-i18n",
"options": {
"browserTarget": "treo:build"
"test": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma",
"options": {
"main": "src/test.ts",
"polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts",
"tsConfig": "tsconfig.spec.json",
"karmaConfig": "karma.conf.js",
"assets": [
"styles": [
"scripts": []
"lint": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint",
"options": {
"tsConfig": [
"exclude": [
"e2e": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:protractor",
"options": {
"protractorConfig": "e2e/protractor.conf.js",
"devServerTarget": "treo:serve"
"configurations": {
"production": {
"devServerTarget": "treo:serve:production"
"defaultProject": "treo"

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# This file is used by the build system to adjust CSS and JS output to support the specified browsers below.
# For additional information regarding the format and rule options, please see:
# https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist#queries
# You can see what browsers were selected by your queries by running:
# npx browserslist
> 0.5%
last 2 versions
Firefox ESR
not dead
not IE 9-11 # For IE 9-11 support, remove 'not'.

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// @ts-check
// Protractor configuration file, see link for more information
// https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/lib/config.ts
const {SpecReporter} = require('jasmine-spec-reporter');
* @type { import("protractor").Config }
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs : [
capabilities : {
browserName: 'chrome'
directConnect : true,
baseUrl : 'http://localhost:4200/',
framework : 'jasmine',
jasmineNodeOpts : {
showColors : true,
defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000,
print : function ()
project: require('path').join(__dirname, './tsconfig.json')
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({spec: {displayStacktrace: true}}));

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import { AppPage } from './app.po';
import { browser, logging } from 'protractor';
describe('workspace-project App', () => {
let page: AppPage;
beforeEach(() => {
page = new AppPage();
it('should display welcome message', () => {
expect(page.getTitleText()).toEqual('Welcome to Treo!');
afterEach(async () => {
// Assert that there are no errors emitted from the browser
const logs = await browser.manage().logs().get(logging.Type.BROWSER);
level: logging.Level.SEVERE
} as logging.Entry));

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import { browser, by, element } from 'protractor';
export class AppPage
navigateTo(): Promise<unknown>
return browser.get(browser.baseUrl) as Promise<unknown>;
getTitleText(): Promise<string>
return element(by.css('app-root h1')).getText() as Promise<string>;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"extends": "../tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "../out-tsc/e2e",
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es5",
"types": [

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// Karma configuration file, see link for more information
// https://karma-runner.github.io/1.0/config/configuration-file.html
module.exports = function (config)
basePath : '',
frameworks : ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'],
plugins : [
client : {
clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
coverageIstanbulReporter: {
dir : require('path').join(__dirname, './coverage/treo'),
reports : ['html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary'],
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true
reporters : ['progress', 'kjhtml'],
port : 9876,
colors : true,
logLevel : config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch : true,
browsers : ['Chrome'],
singleRun : false,
restartOnFileChange : true

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
"name": "@treo/starter",
"version": "1.0.1",
"license": "https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard",
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve --open",
"start:mem": "node --max_old_space_size=6144 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng serve --open",
"build": "ng build",
"build:prod": "ng build --prod",
"build:prod:mem": "node --max_old_space_size=6144 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build --prod",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e",
"tw": "npm run tw:build && npm run tw:export",
"tw:build": "./node_modules/.bin/tailwind build src/tailwind/main.css -c src/tailwind/config.js -o src/styles/tailwind.scss",
"tw:export": "npm run tw:export:js && npm run tw:export:scss",
"tw:export:js": "node src/@treo/tailwind/export.js -c src/tailwind/config.js -o src/@treo/tailwind/exported/variables.ts",
"tw:export:scss": "./node_modules/.bin/tailwind build src/@treo/tailwind/export.css -c src/tailwind/config.js -o src/@treo/tailwind/exported/_variables.scss"
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@angular/animations": "9.1.4",
"@angular/cdk": "9.2.2",
"@angular/common": "9.1.4",
"@angular/compiler": "9.1.4",
"@angular/core": "9.1.4",
"@angular/forms": "9.1.4",
"@angular/material": "9.2.2",
"@angular/material-moment-adapter": "9.2.2",
"@angular/platform-browser": "9.1.4",
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "9.1.4",
"@angular/router": "9.1.4",
"@fullcalendar/angular": "4.4.5-beta",
"@fullcalendar/core": "4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/daygrid": "4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/interaction": "4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/list": "4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/moment": "4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/rrule": "4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/timegrid": "4.4.0",
"apexcharts": "3.19.0",
"crypto-js": "3.3.0",
"highlight.js": "10.0.1",
"lodash": "4.17.15",
"moment": "2.24.0",
"ng-apexcharts": "1.2.3",
"ngx-markdown": "9.0.0",
"ngx-quill": "9.1.0",
"perfect-scrollbar": "1.5.0",
"quill": "1.3.7",
"rrule": "2.6.4",
"rxjs": "6.5.5",
"tslib": "1.11.1",
"web-animations-js": "2.3.2",
"zone.js": "0.10.3"
"devDependencies": {
"@angular-devkit/build-angular": "0.901.4",
"@angular/cli": "9.1.4",
"@angular/compiler-cli": "9.1.4",
"@angular/language-service": "9.1.4",
"@types/crypto-js": "3.1.45",
"@types/highlight.js": "9.12.3",
"@types/jasmine": "3.5.10",
"@types/jasminewd2": "2.0.8",
"@types/lodash": "4.14.150",
"@types/node": "12.12.37",
"codelyzer": "5.2.2",
"jasmine-core": "3.5.0",
"jasmine-spec-reporter": "4.2.1",
"karma": "5.0.4",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "3.1.0",
"karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter": "2.1.1",
"karma-jasmine": "3.0.3",
"karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "1.5.3",
"protractor": "5.4.4",
"tailwindcss": "1.4.4",
"ts-node": "8.3.0",
"tslint": "6.1.2",
"typescript": "3.8.3"

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
export class TreoAnimationCurves
static STANDARD_CURVE = 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1)';
static DECELERATION_CURVE = 'cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1)';
static ACCELERATION_CURVE = 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 1, 1)';
static SHARP_CURVE = 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.6, 1)';
export class TreoAnimationDurations
static COMPLEX = '375ms';
static ENTERING = '225ms';
static EXITING = '195ms';

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { TreoAnimationCurves, TreoAnimationDurations } from '@treo/animations/defaults';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Expand / collapse
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const expandCollapse = trigger('expandCollapse',
state('void, collapsed',
height: '0'
state('*, expanded',
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void <=> false, collapsed <=> false, expanded <=> false', []),
// Transition
transition('void <=> *, collapsed <=> expanded',
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
export { expandCollapse };

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { TreoAnimationCurves, TreoAnimationDurations } from '@treo/animations/defaults';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade in
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeIn = trigger('fadeIn',
opacity: 0
opacity: 1
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade in top
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeInTop = trigger('fadeInTop',
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)'
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade in bottom
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeInBottom = trigger('fadeInBottom',
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)'
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade in left
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeInLeft = trigger('fadeInLeft',
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)'
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade in right
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeInRight = trigger('fadeInRight',
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)'
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade out
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeOut = trigger('fadeOut',
opacity: 1
opacity: 0
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade out top
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeOutTop = trigger('fadeOutTop',
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade out bottom
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeOutBottom = trigger('fadeOutBottom',
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade out left
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeOutLeft = trigger('fadeOutLeft',
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Fade out right
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const fadeOutRight = trigger('fadeOutRight',
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
opacity : 0,
transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
export { fadeIn, fadeInTop, fadeInBottom, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, fadeOut, fadeOutTop, fadeOutBottom, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight };

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export * from './public-api';

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import { expandCollapse } from './expand-collapse';
import { fadeIn, fadeInBottom, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, fadeInTop, fadeOut, fadeOutBottom, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, fadeOutTop } from './fade';
import { shake } from './shake';
import { slideInBottom, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideInTop, slideOutBottom, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight, slideOutTop } from './slide';
import { zoomIn, zoomOut } from './zoom';
export const TreoAnimations = [
fadeIn, fadeInTop, fadeInBottom, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight,
fadeOut, fadeOutTop, fadeOutBottom, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight,
slideInTop, slideInBottom, slideInLeft, slideInRight,
slideOutTop, slideOutBottom, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight,
zoomIn, zoomOut

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import { animate, keyframes, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Shake
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const shake = trigger('shake',
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *, * => true',
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
offset : 0
transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.1
transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.2
transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.3
transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.4
transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.5
transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.6
transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.7
transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.8
transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
offset : 0.9
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
offset : 1
params: {
timings: '0.8s cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)'
export { shake };

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { TreoAnimationCurves, TreoAnimationDurations } from '@treo/animations/defaults';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide in top
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideInTop = trigger('slideInTop',
transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide in bottom
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideInBottom = trigger('slideInBottom',
transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide in left
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideInLeft = trigger('slideInLeft',
transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide in right
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideInRight = trigger('slideInRight',
transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide out top
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideOutTop = trigger('slideOutTop',
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide out bottom
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideOutBottom = trigger('slideOutBottom',
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide out left
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideOutLeft = trigger('slideOutLeft',
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Slide out right
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const slideOutRight = trigger('slideOutRight',
transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
export { slideInTop, slideInBottom, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideOutTop, slideOutBottom, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight };

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { TreoAnimationCurves, TreoAnimationDurations } from '@treo/animations/defaults';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Zoom in
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const zoomIn = trigger('zoomIn',
opacity : 0,
transform: 'scale(0.5)'
opacity : 1,
transform: 'scale(1)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('void => false', []),
// Transition
transition('void => *', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.ENTERING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.DECELERATION_CURVE}`
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Zoom out
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const zoomOut = trigger('zoomOut',
opacity : 1,
transform: 'scale(1)'
opacity : 0,
transform: 'scale(0.5)'
// Prevent the transition if the state is false
transition('false => void', []),
// Transition
transition('* => void', animate('{{timings}}'),
params: {
timings: `${TreoAnimationDurations.EXITING} ${TreoAnimationCurves.ACCELERATION_CURVE}`
export { zoomIn, zoomOut };

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<!-- Flippable card -->
<ng-container *ngIf="flippable">
<!-- Front -->
<div class="treo-card-front">
<ng-content select="[treoCardFront]"></ng-content>
<!-- Back -->
<div class="treo-card-back">
<ng-content select="[treoCardBack]"></ng-content>
<!-- Normal card -->
<ng-container *ngIf="!flippable">
<!-- Content -->
<!-- Expansion -->
<div class="treo-card-expansion"
<ng-content select="[treoCardExpansion]"></ng-content>

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
@import 'treo';
treo-card {
position: relative;
display: flex;
border-radius: 8px;
overflow: hidden;
@include treo-elevation('md');
// Flippable
&.treo-card-flippable {
border-radius: 0;
overflow: visible;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
transition: transform 1s;
@include treo-elevation('none');
&.treo-card-flipped {
.treo-card-front {
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
transform: rotateY(180deg);
.treo-card-back {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
transform: rotateY(360deg);
.treo-card-back {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex: 1 1 auto;
z-index: 10;
border-radius: 8px;
transition: transform 0.5s ease-out 0s, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s, opacity 0s ease-in 0.2s;
backface-visibility: hidden;
@include treo-elevation('md');
.treo-card-front {
position: relative;
opacity: 1;
visibility: visible;
transform: rotateY(0deg);
overflow: hidden;
.treo-card-back {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
opacity: 0;
visibility: hidden;
transform: rotateY(180deg);
overflow: hidden auto;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Theming
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@include treo-theme {
$background: map-get($theme, background);
treo-card {
background: map-get($background, card);
&.treo-card-flippable {
background: transparent;
.treo-card-back {
background: map-get($background, card);

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import { Component, ElementRef, Input, Renderer2, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { TreoAnimations } from '@treo/animations';
selector : 'treo-card',
templateUrl : './card.component.html',
styleUrls : ['./card.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
animations : TreoAnimations,
exportAs : 'treoCard'
export class TreoCardComponent
expanded: boolean;
flipped: boolean;
// Private
private _flippable: boolean;
* Constructor
* @param {Renderer2} _renderer2
* @param {ElementRef} _elementRef
private _renderer2: Renderer2,
private _elementRef: ElementRef
// Set the defaults
this.expanded = false;
this.flippable = false;
this.flipped = false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Setter and getter for flippable
* @param value
set flippable(value: boolean)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._flippable === value )
// Update the class name
if ( value )
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-card-flippable');
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-card-flippable');
// Store the value
this._flippable = value;
get flippable(): boolean
return this._flippable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Expand the details
expand(): void
this.expanded = true;
* Collapse the details
collapse(): void
this.expanded = false;
* Toggle the expand/collapse status
toggleExpanded(): void
this.expanded = !this.expanded;
* Flip the card
flip(): void
// Return if not flippable
if ( !this.flippable )
this.flipped = !this.flipped;
// Update the class name
if ( this.flipped )
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-card-flipped');
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-card-flipped');

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { TreoCardComponent } from '@treo/components/card/card.component';
declarations: [
imports : [
exports : [
export class TreoCardModule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export * from '@treo/components/card/public-api';

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export * from '@treo/components/card/card.component';
export * from '@treo/components/card/card.module';

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
<div class="range"
<div class="start">
<div class="date">{{range.startDate}}</div>
<div class="time"
<div class="separator">-</div>
<div class="end">
<div class="date">{{range.endDate}}</div>
<div class="time"
<ng-template #pickerPanel>
<!-- Start -->
<div class="start">
<div class="month">
<div class="month-header">
<button class="previous-button"
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'chevron_left'"></mat-icon>
<div class="month-label">{{getMonthLabel(1)}}</div>
<mat-month-view [(activeDate)]="activeDates.month1"
<mat-form-field class="treo-mat-no-subscript time start-time"
<input matInput
<mat-label>Start time</mat-label>
<!-- End -->
<div class="end">
<div class="month">
<div class="month-header">
<div class="month-label">{{getMonthLabel(2)}}</div>
<button class="next-button"
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'chevron_right'"></mat-icon>
<mat-month-view [(activeDate)]="activeDates.month2"
<mat-form-field class="treo-mat-no-subscript time end-time"
<input matInput
<mat-label>End time</mat-label>

@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
@import 'treo';
// Variables
$body-cell-padding: 2px;
treo-date-range {
display: flex;
.range {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
height: 48px;
min-height: 48px;
max-height: 48px;
cursor: pointer;
.end {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
padding: 0 16px;
border-radius: 5px;
border-width: 1px;
line-height: 1;
.date {
white-space: nowrap;
+ .time {
margin-left: 8px;
.time {
white-space: nowrap;
.separator {
margin: 0 12px;
@include treo-breakpoint('xs') {
margin: 0 2px;
.treo-date-range-panel {
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 24px;
.end {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.month {
max-width: 196px;
min-width: 196px;
width: 196px;
.month-header {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
height: 32px;
margin-bottom: 16px;
.next-button {
position: absolute;
width: 24px !important;
height: 24px !important;
min-height: 24px !important;
max-height: 24px !important;
line-height: 24px !important;
.mat-icon {
@include treo-icon-size(20);
.previous-button {
left: 0;
.next-button {
right: 0;
.month-label {
font-weight: 500;
mat-month-view {
display: flex;
min-height: 188px;
.mat-calendar-table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
tbody {
tr {
&[aria-hidden=true] {
display: none !important;
&:first-child {
td:first-child {
&[aria-hidden=true] {
visibility: hidden;
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 0;
td.mat-calendar-body-cell {
width: 28px !important;
height: 28px !important;
padding: $body-cell-padding !important;
&.treo-date-range {
position: relative;
&:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: $body-cell-padding;
right: 0;
bottom: $body-cell-padding;
left: 0;
&.treo-date-range-start {
&:before {
left: $body-cell-padding;
border-radius: 999px 0 0 999px;
&:last-child {
&:before {
right: $body-cell-padding;
border-radius: 999px;
&.treo-date-range-end {
&:before {
right: $body-cell-padding;
border-radius: 0 999px 999px 0;
&:first-child {
&:before {
left: $body-cell-padding;
border-radius: 999px;
&:first-child {
&:before {
border-radius: 999px 0 0 999px;
&:last-child {
&:before {
border-radius: 0 999px 999px 0;
.mat-calendar-body-cell-content {
position: relative;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
font-size: 12px;
td.mat-calendar-body-label {
+ td.mat-calendar-body-cell {
&.treo-date-range {
&:before {
border-radius: 999px 0 0 999px;
&.treo-date-range-start {
&.treo-date-range-end {
border-radius: 999px;
&.treo-date-range-end {
&:before {
left: $body-cell-padding;
border-radius: 999px;
.time {
width: 100%;
max-width: 196px;
.start {
align-items: flex-start;
margin-right: 20px;
.month {
.month-label {
margin-left: 8px;
.end {
align-items: flex-end;
margin-left: 20px;
.month {
.month-label {
margin-right: 8px;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Theming
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@include treo-theme {
$background: map-get($theme, background);
$foreground: map-get($theme, foreground);
$primary: map-get($theme, primary);
$is-dark: map-get($theme, is-dark);
treo-date-range {
.range {
.end {
@if ($is-dark) {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
border-color: treo-color('cool-gray', 500);
} @else {
background-color: treo-color('cool-gray', 50);
border-color: treo-color('cool-gray', 300);
.treo-date-range-panel {
background: map-get($background, card);
@include treo-elevation('2xl');
.end {
.month {
.month-header {
.month-label {
color: map-get($foreground, secondary-text);
mat-month-view {
.mat-calendar-table {
tbody {
tr {
td:hover {
&.treo-date-range {
&:before {
background-color: map-get($primary, 200);
.mat-calendar-body-cell-content {
background-color: transparent;
&.treo-date-range-end {
.mat-calendar-body-cell-content {
background-color: map-get($primary, default);
color: map-get($primary, default-contrast);
.mat-calendar-body-today {
border: none;

@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, forwardRef, HostBinding, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, Renderer2, TemplateRef, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { ControlValueAccessor, FormControl, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Overlay } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { TemplatePortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { MatCalendarCellCssClasses, MatMonthView } from '@angular/material/datepicker';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import { Moment } from 'moment';
selector : 'treo-date-range',
templateUrl : './date-range.component.html',
styleUrls : ['./date-range.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
exportAs : 'treoDateRange',
providers : [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => TreoDateRangeComponent),
multi : true
export class TreoDateRangeComponent implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit, OnDestroy
// Range changed
readonly rangeChanged: EventEmitter<{ start: string, end: string }>;
activeDates: { month1: Moment, month2: Moment };
setWhichDate: 'start' | 'end';
startTimeFormControl: FormControl;
endTimeFormControl: FormControl;
// Private
private _defaultClassNames;
private _matMonthView1: MatMonthView<any>;
private _matMonthView2: MatMonthView<any>;
@ViewChild('pickerPanelOrigin', {read: ElementRef})
private _pickerPanelOrigin: ElementRef;
private _pickerPanel: TemplateRef<any>;
private _dateFormat: string;
private _onChange: (value: any) => void;
private _onTouched: (value: any) => void;
private _programmaticChange: boolean;
private _range: { start: Moment, end: Moment };
private _timeFormat: string;
private _timeRange: boolean;
private readonly _timeRegExp: RegExp;
private _unsubscribeAll: Subject<any>;
* Constructor
* @param {ChangeDetectorRef} _changeDetectorRef
* @param {ElementRef} _elementRef
* @param {Overlay} _overlay
* @param {Renderer2} _renderer2
* @param {ViewContainerRef} _viewContainerRef
private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private _elementRef: ElementRef,
private _overlay: Overlay,
private _renderer2: Renderer2,
private _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef
// Set the private defaults
this._defaultClassNames = true;
this._onChange = () => {
this._onTouched = () => {
this._range = {
start: null,
end : null
this._timeRegExp = new RegExp('^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4]|[0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(A|(?:AM)|P|(?:PM))?$', 'i');
this._unsubscribeAll = new Subject();
// Set the defaults
this.activeDates = {
month1: null,
month2: null
this.dateFormat = 'DD/MM/YYYY';
this.rangeChanged = new EventEmitter();
this.setWhichDate = 'start';
this.timeFormat = '12';
// Initialize the component
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Setter and getter for dateFormat input
* @param value
set dateFormat(value: string)
// Return, if the values are the same
if ( this._dateFormat === value )
// Store the value
this._dateFormat = value;
get dateFormat(): string
return this._dateFormat;
* Setter and getter for timeFormat input
* @param value
set timeFormat(value: string)
// Return, if the values are the same
if ( this._timeFormat === value )
// Set format based on the time format input
this._timeFormat = value === '12' ? 'hh:mmA' : 'HH:mm';
get timeFormat(): string
return this._timeFormat;
* Setter and getter for timeRange input
* @param value
set timeRange(value: boolean)
// Return, if the values are the same
if ( this._timeRange === value )
// Store the value
this._timeRange = value;
// If the time range turned off...
if ( !value )
this.range = {
start: this._range.start.clone().startOf('day'),
end : this._range.end.clone().endOf('day')
get timeRange(): boolean
return this._timeRange;
* Setter and getter for range input
* @param value
set range(value)
if ( !value )
// Check if the value is an object and has 'start' and 'end' values
if ( !value.start || !value.end )
console.error('Range input must have "start" and "end" properties!');
// Check if we are setting an individual date or both of them
const whichDate = value.whichDate || null;
// Get the start and end dates as moment
const start = moment(value.start);
const end = moment(value.end);
// If we are only setting the start date...
if ( whichDate === 'start' )
// Set the start date
this._range.start = start.clone();
// If the selected start date is after the end date...
if ( this._range.start.isAfter(this._range.end) )
// Set the end date to the start date but keep the end date's time
const endDate = start.clone().hours(this._range.end.hours()).minutes(this._range.end.minutes()).seconds(this._range.end.seconds());
// Test this new end date to see if it's ahead of the start date
if ( this._range.start.isBefore(endDate) )
// If it's, set the new end date
this._range.end = endDate;
// Otherwise, set the end date same as the start date
this._range.end = start.clone();
// If we are only setting the end date...
if ( whichDate === 'end' )
// Set the end date
this._range.end = end.clone();
// If the selected end date is before the start date...
if ( this._range.start.isAfter(this._range.end) )
// Set the start date to the end date but keep the start date's time
const startDate = end.clone().hours(this._range.start.hours()).minutes(this._range.start.minutes()).seconds(this._range.start.seconds());
// Test this new end date to see if it's ahead of the start date
if ( this._range.end.isAfter(startDate) )
// If it's, set the new start date
this._range.start = startDate;
// Otherwise, set the start date same as the end date
this._range.start = end.clone();
// If we are setting both dates...
if ( !whichDate )
// Set the start date
this._range.start = start.clone();
// If the start date is before the end date, set the end date as normal.
// If the start date is after the end date, set the end date same as the start date.
this._range.end = start.isBefore(end) ? end.clone() : start.clone();
// Prepare another range object that holds the ISO formatted range dates
const range = {
start: this._range.start.clone().toISOString(),
end : this._range.end.clone().toISOString()
// Emit the range changed event with the range
// Update the model with the range if the change was not a programmatic change
// Because programmatic changes trigger writeValue which triggers onChange and onTouched
// internally causing them to trigger twice which breaks the form's pristine and touched
// statuses.
if ( !this._programmaticChange )
// Set the active dates
this.activeDates = {
month1: this._range.start.clone(),
month2: this._range.start.clone().add(1, 'month')
// Set the time form controls
// Run ngAfterContentInit on month views to trigger
// re-render on month views if they are available
if ( this._matMonthView1 && this._matMonthView2 )
// Reset the programmatic change status
this._programmaticChange = false;
get range(): any
// Clone the range start and end
const start = this._range.start.clone();
const end = this._range.end.clone();
// Build and return the range object
return {
startDate: start.clone().format(this.dateFormat),
startTime: this.timeRange ? start.clone().format(this.timeFormat) : null,
endDate : end.clone().format(this.dateFormat),
endTime : this.timeRange ? end.clone().format(this.timeFormat) : null
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Control Value Accessor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Update the form model on change
* @param fn
registerOnChange(fn: any): void
this._onChange = fn;
* Update the form model on blur
* @param fn
registerOnTouched(fn: any): void
this._onTouched = fn;
* Write to view from model when the form model changes programmatically
* @param range
writeValue(range: { start: string, end: string }): void
// Set this change as a programmatic one
this._programmaticChange = true;
// Set the range
this.range = range;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Lifecycle hooks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On init
ngOnInit(): void
* On destroy
ngOnDestroy(): void
// Unsubscribe from all subscriptions
// @ TODO: Workaround until "angular/issues/20007" resolved
this.writeValue = () => {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Private methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize
* @private
private _init(): void
// Start and end time form controls
this.startTimeFormControl = new FormControl('', [Validators.pattern(this._timeRegExp)]);
this.endTimeFormControl = new FormControl('', [Validators.pattern(this._timeRegExp)]);
// Set the default range
this._programmaticChange = true;
this.range = {
start: moment().startOf('day').toISOString(),
end : moment().add(1, 'day').endOf('day').toISOString()
// Set the default time range
this._programmaticChange = true;
this.timeRange = true;
* Parse the time from the inputs
* @param value
* @private
private _parseTime(value: string): Moment
// Parse the time using the time regexp
const timeArr = value.split(this._timeRegExp).filter((part) => part !== '');
// Get the meridiem
const meridiem = timeArr[2] || null;
// If meridiem exists...
if ( meridiem )
// Create a moment using 12-hours format and return it
return moment(value, 'hh:mmA').seconds(0);
// If meridiem doesn't exist, create a moment using 24-hours format and return in
return moment(value, 'HH:mm').seconds(0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Open the picker panel
openPickerPanel(): void
// Create the overlay
const overlayRef = this._overlay.create({
panelClass : 'treo-date-range-panel',
backdropClass : '',
hasBackdrop : true,
scrollStrategy : this._overlay.scrollStrategies.reposition(),
positionStrategy: this._overlay.position()
originX : 'start',
originY : 'bottom',
overlayX: 'start',
overlayY: 'top',
offsetY : 8
originX : 'start',
originY : 'top',
overlayX: 'start',
overlayY: 'bottom',
offsetY : -8
// Create a portal from the template
const templatePortal = new TemplatePortal(this._pickerPanel, this._viewContainerRef);
// On backdrop click
overlayRef.backdropClick().subscribe(() => {
// If template portal exists and attached...
if ( templatePortal && templatePortal.isAttached )
// Detach it
// If overlay exists and attached...
if ( overlayRef && overlayRef.hasAttached() )
// Detach it
// Attach the portal to the overlay
* Get month label
* @param month
getMonthLabel(month: number): string
if ( month === 1 )
return this.activeDates.month1.clone().format('MMMM Y');
return this.activeDates.month2.clone().format('MMMM Y');
* Date class function to add/remove class names to calendar days
dateClass(): any
return (date: Moment): MatCalendarCellCssClasses => {
// If the date is both start and end date...
if ( date.isSame(this._range.start, 'day') && date.isSame(this._range.end, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-start', 'treo-date-range-end'];
// If the date is the start date...
if ( date.isSame(this._range.start, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-start'];
// If the date is the end date...
if ( date.isSame(this._range.end, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-end'];
// If the date is in between start and end dates...
if ( date.isBetween(this._range.start, this._range.end, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-mid'];
return undefined;
* Date filter to enable/disable calendar days
dateFilter(): any
return (date: Moment): boolean => {
// If we are selecting the end date, disable all the dates that comes before the start date
return !(this.setWhichDate === 'end' && date.isBefore(this._range.start, 'day'));
* On selected date change
* @param date
onSelectedDateChange(date: Moment): void
// Create a new range object
const newRange = {
start : this._range.start.clone().toISOString(),
end : this._range.end.clone().toISOString(),
whichDate: null
// Replace either the start or the end date with the new one
// depending on which date we are setting
if ( this.setWhichDate === 'start' )
newRange.start = moment(newRange.start).year(date.year()).month(date.month()).date(date.date()).toISOString();
newRange.end = moment(newRange.end).year(date.year()).month(date.month()).date(date.date()).toISOString();
// Append the which date to the new range object
newRange.whichDate = this.setWhichDate;
// Switch which date to set on the next run
this.setWhichDate = this.setWhichDate === 'start' ? 'end' : 'start';
// Set the range
this.range = newRange;
* Go to previous month on both views
prev(): void
this.activeDates.month1 = moment(this.activeDates.month1).subtract(1, 'month');
this.activeDates.month2 = moment(this.activeDates.month2).subtract(1, 'month');
* Go to next month on both views
next(): void
this.activeDates.month1 = moment(this.activeDates.month1).add(1, 'month');
this.activeDates.month2 = moment(this.activeDates.month2).add(1, 'month');
* Update the start time
* @param event
updateStartTime(event): void
// Parse the time
const parsedTime = this._parseTime(event.target.value);
// Go back to the previous value if the form control is not valid
if ( this.startTimeFormControl.invalid )
// Override the time
const time = this._range.start.clone().format(this._timeFormat);
// Set the time
// Do not update the range
// Append the new time to the start date
const startDate = this._range.start.clone().hours(parsedTime.hours()).minutes(parsedTime.minutes());
// If the new start date is after the current end date,
// use the end date's time and set the start date again
if ( startDate.isAfter(this._range.end) )
const endDateHours = this._range.end.hours();
const endDateMinutes = this._range.end.minutes();
// Set the start date
// If everything is okay, set the new date
this.range = {
start : startDate.toISOString(),
end : this._range.end.clone().toISOString(),
whichDate: 'start'
* Update the end time
* @param event
updateEndTime(event): void
// Parse the time
const parsedTime = this._parseTime(event.target.value);
// Go back to the previous value if the form control is not valid
if ( this.endTimeFormControl.invalid )
// Override the time
const time = this._range.end.clone().format(this._timeFormat);
// Set the time
// Do not update the range
// Append the new time to the end date
const endDate = this._range.end.clone().hours(parsedTime.hours()).minutes(parsedTime.minutes());
// If the new end date is before the current start date,
// use the start date's time and set the end date again
if ( endDate.isBefore(this._range.start) )
const startDateHours = this._range.start.hours();
const startDateMinutes = this._range.start.minutes();
// Set the end date
// If everything is okay, set the new date
this.range = {
start : this._range.start.clone().toISOString(),
end : endDate.toISOString(),
whichDate: 'end'

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button';
import { MatDatepickerModule } from '@angular/material/datepicker';
import { MatFormFieldModule } from '@angular/material/form-field';
import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon';
import { MatInputModule } from '@angular/material/input';
import { MatMomentDateModule } from '@angular/material-moment-adapter';
import { TreoDateRangeComponent } from '@treo/components/date-range/date-range.component';
declarations: [
imports : [
exports : [
export class TreoDateRangeModule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export * from '@treo/components/date-range/public-api';

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export * from '@treo/components/date-range/date-range.component';
export * from '@treo/components/date-range/date-range.module';

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<div class="treo-drawer-content">

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
@import 'treo';
$treo-drawer-width: 320;
treo-drawer {
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex: 1 1 auto;
width: #{$treo-drawer-width}px;
min-width: #{$treo-drawer-width}px;
max-width: #{$treo-drawer-width}px;
z-index: 300;
box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .35);
// Animations
&.treo-drawer-animations-enabled {
transition-duration: 400ms;
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1);
transition-property: visibility, margin-left, margin-right, transform, width, max-width, min-width;
.treo-drawer-content {
transition-duration: 400ms;
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1);
transition-property: width, max-width, min-width;
// Over mode
&.treo-drawer-mode-over {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
// Fixed mode
&.treo-drawer-fixed {
position: fixed;
// Left position
&.treo-drawer-position-left {
// Side mode
&.treo-drawer-mode-side {
margin-left: #{$treo-drawer-width}px;
&.treo-drawer-opened {
margin-left: 0;
// Over mode
&.treo-drawer-mode-over {
left: 0;
transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);
&.treo-drawer-opened {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
// Content
.treo-drawer-content {
left: 0;
// Right position
&.treo-drawer-position-right {
// Side mode
&.treo-drawer-mode-side {
margin-right: -#{$treo-drawer-width}px;
&.treo-drawer-opened {
margin-right: 0;
// Over mode
&.treo-drawer-mode-over {
right: 0;
transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
&.treo-drawer-opened {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
// Content
.treo-drawer-content {
right: 0;
// Content
.treo-drawer-content {
position: absolute;
display: flex;
flex: 1 1 auto;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
// Overlay
.treo-drawer-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
z-index: 299;
opacity: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
// Fixed mode
&.treo-drawer-overlay-fixed {
position: fixed;
// Transparent overlay
&.treo-drawer-overlay-transparent {
background-color: transparent;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Theming
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@include treo-theme {
$background: map-get($theme, background);
treo-drawer {
background: map-get($background, card);
.treo-drawer-content {
background: map-get($background, card);

@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, HostBinding, HostListener, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, Renderer2, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { animate, AnimationBuilder, AnimationPlayer, style } from '@angular/animations';
import { TreoDrawerMode, TreoDrawerPosition } from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.types';
import { TreoDrawerService } from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.service';
selector : 'treo-drawer',
templateUrl : './drawer.component.html',
styleUrls : ['./drawer.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
exportAs : 'treoDrawer'
export class TreoDrawerComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy
// Name
name: string;
// Private
private _fixed: boolean;
private _mode: TreoDrawerMode;
private _opened: boolean | '';
private _overlay: HTMLElement | null;
private _player: AnimationPlayer;
private _position: TreoDrawerPosition;
private _transparentOverlay: boolean | '';
// On fixed changed
readonly fixedChanged: EventEmitter<boolean>;
// On mode changed
readonly modeChanged: EventEmitter<TreoDrawerMode>;
// On opened changed
readonly openedChanged: EventEmitter<boolean | ''>;
// On position changed
readonly positionChanged: EventEmitter<TreoDrawerPosition>;
private _animationsEnabled: boolean;
* Constructor
* @param {AnimationBuilder} _animationBuilder
* @param {TreoDrawerService} _treoDrawerService
* @param {ElementRef} _elementRef
* @param {Renderer2} _renderer2
private _animationBuilder: AnimationBuilder,
private _treoDrawerService: TreoDrawerService,
private _elementRef: ElementRef,
private _renderer2: Renderer2
// Set the private defaults
this._animationsEnabled = false;
this._overlay = null;
// Set the defaults
this.fixedChanged = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
this.modeChanged = new EventEmitter<TreoDrawerMode>();
this.openedChanged = new EventEmitter<boolean | ''>();
this.positionChanged = new EventEmitter<TreoDrawerPosition>();
this.fixed = false;
this.mode = 'side';
this.opened = false;
this.position = 'left';
this.transparentOverlay = false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Setter & getter for fixed
* @param value
set fixed(value: boolean)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._fixed === value )
// Store the fixed value
this._fixed = value;
// Update the class
if ( this.fixed )
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-drawer-fixed');
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-drawer-fixed');
// Execute the observable
get fixed(): boolean
return this._fixed;
* Setter & getter for mode
* @param value
set mode(value: TreoDrawerMode)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._mode === value )
// Disable the animations
// If the mode changes: 'over -> side'
if ( this.mode === 'over' && value === 'side' )
// Hide the overlay
// If the mode changes: 'side -> over'
if ( this.mode === 'side' && value === 'over' )
// If the drawer is opened
if ( this.opened )
// Show the overlay
let modeClassName;
// Remove the previous mode class
modeClassName = 'treo-drawer-mode-' + this.mode;
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, modeClassName);
// Store the mode
this._mode = value;
// Add the new mode class
modeClassName = 'treo-drawer-mode-' + this.mode;
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, modeClassName);
// Execute the observable
// Enable the animations after a delay
// The delay must be bigger than the current transition-duration
// to make sure nothing will be animated while the mode changing
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
get mode(): TreoDrawerMode
return this._mode;
* Setter & getter for opened
* @param value
set opened(value: boolean | '')
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._opened === value )
// If the provided value is an empty string,
// take that as a 'true'
if ( value === '' )
value = true;
// Set the opened value
this._opened = value;
// If the drawer opened, and the mode
// is 'over', show the overlay
if ( this.mode === 'over' )
if ( this._opened )
// Update opened classes
if ( this.opened )
this._renderer2.setStyle(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'visibility', 'visible');
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-drawer-opened');
this._renderer2.setStyle(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'visibility', 'hidden');
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-drawer-opened');
// Execute the observable
get opened(): boolean | ''
return this._opened;
* Setter & getter for position
* @param value
set position(value: TreoDrawerPosition)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._position === value )
let positionClassName;
// Remove the previous position class
positionClassName = 'treo-drawer-position-' + this.position;
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, positionClassName);
// Store the position
this._position = value;
// Add the new position class
positionClassName = 'treo-drawer-position-' + this.position;
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, positionClassName);
// Execute the observable
get position(): TreoDrawerPosition
return this._position;
* Setter & getter for transparent overlay
* @param value
set transparentOverlay(value: boolean | '')
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._opened === value )
// If the provided value is an empty string,
// take that as a 'true' and set the opened value
if ( value === '' )
// Set the opened value
this._transparentOverlay = true;
// Set the transparent overlay value
this._transparentOverlay = value;
get transparentOverlay(): boolean | ''
return this._transparentOverlay;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Lifecycle hooks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On init
ngOnInit(): void
// Register the drawer
this._treoDrawerService.registerComponent(this.name, this);
* On destroy
ngOnDestroy(): void
// Deregister the drawer from the registry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Private methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Enable the animations
* @private
private _enableAnimations(): void
// If the animations are already enabled, return...
if ( this._animationsEnabled )
// Enable the animations
this._animationsEnabled = true;
* Disable the animations
* @private
private _disableAnimations(): void
// If the animations are already disabled, return...
if ( !this._animationsEnabled )
// Disable the animations
this._animationsEnabled = false;
* Show the backdrop
* @private
private _showOverlay(): void
// Create the backdrop element
this._overlay = this._renderer2.createElement('div');
// Add a class to the backdrop element
// Add a class depending on the fixed option
if ( this.fixed )
// Add a class depending on the transparentOverlay option
if ( this.transparentOverlay )
// Append the backdrop to the parent of the drawer
this._renderer2.appendChild(this._elementRef.nativeElement.parentElement, this._overlay);
// Create the enter animation and attach it to the player
this._player =
animate('300ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1)', style({opacity: 1}))
// Play the animation
// Add an event listener to the overlay
this._overlay.addEventListener('click', () => {
* Hide the backdrop
* @private
private _hideOverlay(): void
if ( !this._overlay )
// Create the leave animation and attach it to the player
this._player =
animate('300ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1)', style({opacity: 0}))
// Play the animation
// Once the animation is done...
this._player.onDone(() => {
// If the backdrop still exists...
if ( this._overlay )
// Remove the backdrop
this._overlay = null;
* On mouseenter
* @private
private _onMouseenter(): void
// Enable the animations
// Add a class
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-drawer-hover');
* On mouseleave
* @private
private _onMouseleave(): void
// Enable the animations
// Remove the class
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-drawer-hover');
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Open the drawer
open(): void
// Enable the animations
// Open
this.opened = true;
* Close the drawer
close(): void
// Enable the animations
// Close
this.opened = false;
* Toggle the opened status
toggle(): void
// Toggle
if ( this.opened )

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { TreoDrawerComponent } from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.component';
declarations: [
imports : [
exports : [
export class TreoDrawerModule

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { TreoDrawerComponent } from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.component';
providedIn: 'root'
export class TreoDrawerService
// Private
private _componentRegistry: Map<string, TreoDrawerComponent>;
* Constructor
// Set the defaults
this._componentRegistry = new Map<string, TreoDrawerComponent>();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Register drawer component
* @param name
* @param component
registerComponent(name: string, component: TreoDrawerComponent): void
this._componentRegistry.set(name, component);
* Deregister drawer component
* @param name
deregisterComponent(name: string): void
* Get drawer component from the registry
* @param name
getComponent(name: string): TreoDrawerComponent
return this._componentRegistry.get(name);

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export type TreoDrawerMode = 'over' | 'side';
export type TreoDrawerPosition = 'left' | 'right';

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export * from '@treo/components/drawer/public-api';

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export * from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.component';
export * from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.module';
export * from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.service';
export * from '@treo/components/drawer/drawer.types';

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<!-- @formatter:off -->
<ng-template let-highlightedCode="highlightedCode" let-lang="lang">
<div class="treo-highlight treo-highlight-code-container">
<pre [ngClass]="'language-' + lang"><code [ngClass]="'language-' + lang" [innerHTML]="highlightedCode"></code></pre>
<!-- @formatter:on -->

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
textarea[treo-highlight] {
display: none;

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
import { AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, EmbeddedViewRef, Input, Renderer2, SecurityContext, TemplateRef, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { TreoHighlightService } from '@treo/components/highlight/highlight.service';
selector : 'textarea[treo-highlight]',
templateUrl : './highlight.component.html',
styleUrls : ['./highlight.component.scss'],
encapsulation : ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
exportAs : 'treoHighlight'
export class TreoHighlightComponent implements AfterViewInit
highlightedCode: string;
viewRef: EmbeddedViewRef<any>;
templateRef: TemplateRef<any>;
// Private
private _code: string;
private _lang: string;
* Constructor
* @param {TreoHighlightService} _treoHighlightService
* @param {DomSanitizer} _domSanitizer
* @param {ChangeDetectorRef} _changeDetectorRef
* @param {ElementRef} _elementRef
* @param {Renderer2} _renderer2
* @param {ViewContainerRef} _viewContainerRef
private _treoHighlightService: TreoHighlightService,
private _domSanitizer: DomSanitizer,
private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private _elementRef: ElementRef,
private _renderer2: Renderer2,
private _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef
// Set the private defaults
this._code = '';
this._lang = '';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Setter and getter for the code
set code(value: string)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._code === value )
// Set the code
this._code = value;
// Highlight and insert the code if the
// viewContainerRef is available. This will
// ensure the highlightAndInsert method
// won't run before the AfterContentInit hook.
if ( this._viewContainerRef.length )
get code(): string
return this._code;
* Setter and getter for the language
set lang(value: string)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._lang === value )
// Set the language
this._lang = value;
// Highlight and insert the code if the
// viewContainerRef is available. This will
// ensure the highlightAndInsert method
// won't run before the AfterContentInit hook.
if ( this._viewContainerRef.length )
get lang(): string
return this._lang;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Lifecycle hooks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* After view init
ngAfterViewInit(): void
// Return, if there is no language set
if ( !this.lang )
// If there is no code input, get the code from
// the textarea
if ( !this.code )
// Get the code
this.code = this._elementRef.nativeElement.value;
// Highlight and insert
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Private methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Highlight and insert the highlighted code
* @private
private _highlightAndInsert(): void
// Return, if the code or language is not defined
if ( !this.code || !this.lang )
// Destroy the component if there is already one
if ( this.viewRef )
// Highlight and sanitize the code just in case
this.highlightedCode = this._domSanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.HTML, this._treoHighlightService.highlight(this.code, this.lang));
// Render and insert the template
this.viewRef = this._viewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef, {
highlightedCode: this.highlightedCode,
lang : this.lang
// Detect the changes

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { TreoHighlightComponent } from '@treo/components/highlight/highlight.component';
declarations : [
imports : [
exports : [
entryComponents: [
export class TreoHighlightModule

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as hljs from 'highlight.js';
providedIn: 'root'
export class TreoHighlightService
* Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Private methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Remove the empty lines around the code block
* and re-align the indentation based on the first
* non-whitespace indented character
* @param code
* @private
private _format(code: string): string
let firstCharIndentation: number | null = null;
// Split the code into lines and store the lines
const lines = code.split('\n');
// Trim the empty lines around the code block
while ( lines.length && lines[0].trim() === '' )
while ( lines.length && lines[lines.length - 1].trim() === '' )
// Iterate through the lines to figure out the first
// non-whitespace character indentation
lines.forEach((line) => {
// Skip the line if its length is zero
if ( line.length === 0 )
// We look at all the lines to find the smallest indentation
// of the first non-whitespace char since the first ever line
// is not necessarily has to be the line with the smallest
// non-whitespace char indentation
firstCharIndentation = firstCharIndentation === null ?
line.search(/\S|$/) :
Math.min(line.search(/\S|$/), firstCharIndentation);
// Iterate through the lines one more time, remove the extra
// indentation, join them together and return it
return lines.map((line) => {
return line.substring(firstCharIndentation);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Highlight
highlight(code: string, language: string): string
// Format the code
code = this._format(code);
// Highlight and return the code
return hljs.highlight(language, code).value;

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export * from '@treo/components/highlight/public-api';

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export * from '@treo/components/highlight/highlight.component';
export * from '@treo/components/highlight/highlight.module';
export * from '@treo/components/highlight/highlight.service';

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export * from '@treo/components/message/public-api';

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
<div class="treo-message-container"
[@fadeIn]="dismissed === null ? false : !dismissed"
[@fadeOut]="dismissed === null ? false : !dismissed">
<!-- Icon -->
<div class="treo-message-icon"
<!-- Custom icon -->
<div class="treo-message-custom-icon">
<ng-content select="[treoMessageIcon]"></ng-content>
<!-- Default icons -->
<div class="treo-message-default-icon">
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'primary'"
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'accent'"
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'warn'"
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'basic'"
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'info'"
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'success'"
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'warning'"
<mat-icon *ngIf="type === 'error'"
<!-- Content -->
<div class="treo-message-content">
<div class="treo-message-title">
<ng-content select="[treoMessageTitle]"></ng-content>
<div class="treo-message-message">
<!-- Dismiss button -->
<button class="treo-message-dismiss-button"
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'close'"></mat-icon>

@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
@import 'treo';
treo-message {
display: block;
// Show icon
&.treo-message-show-icon {
.treo-message-container {
padding-left: 56px;
// Dismissible
&.treo-message-dismissible {
.treo-message-container {
padding-right: 56px;
// Common
.treo-message-container {
position: relative;
display: flex;
min-height: 64px;
padding: 16px 24px;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1;
// Icon
.treo-message-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: 17px;
.treo-message-default-icon {
display: none;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
border-radius: 50%;
&:not(:empty) {
display: flex;
.treo-message-custom-icon {
display: none;
&:not(:empty) {
display: flex;
+ .treo-message-default-icon {
display: none;
// Content
.treo-message-content {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
line-height: 1;
// Title
.treo-message-title {
display: none;
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: 600;
line-height: 1.2;
&:not(:empty) {
display: block;
p {
line-height: 1.625;
// Message
.treo-message-message {
display: none;
&:not(:empty) {
display: block;
p {
line-height: 1.625;
// Dismiss button
.treo-message-dismiss-button {
position: absolute;
top: 12px;
right: 12px;
width: 32px !important;
min-width: 32px !important;
height: 32px !important;
min-height: 32px !important;
line-height: 32px !important;
margin-left: auto;
.mat-icon {
@include treo-icon-size(20);
// Dismissible
&:not(.treo-message-dismissible) {
.treo-message-container {
.treo-message-dismiss-button {
display: none !important;
// Border
&.treo-message-appearance-border {
.treo-message-container {
overflow: hidden;
border-left-width: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
@include treo-elevation('xl');
// Fill
&.treo-message-appearance-fill {
.treo-message-container {
border-radius: 4px;
// Outline
&.treo-message-appearance-outline {
.treo-message-container {
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 4px;
&:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 6px;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Theming
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@include treo-theme {
$background: map-get($theme, background);
$foreground: map-get($theme, foreground);
$primary: map-get($theme, primary);
$accent: map-get($theme, accent);
$warn: map-get($theme, warn);
$is-dark: map-get($theme, is-dark);
treo-message {
.treo-message-container {
// Icon
.mat-icon {
color: currentColor;
// Border
&.treo-message-appearance-border {
.treo-message-container {
background: map-get($background, card);
.treo-message-message {
color: map-get($foreground, secondary-text);
// Primary
&.treo-message-type-primary {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: map-get($primary, default);
.treo-message-icon {
color: map-get($primary, default);
// Accent
&.treo-message-type-accent {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: map-get($accent, default);
.treo-message-icon {
color: map-get($accent, default);
// Warn
&.treo-message-type-warn {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: map-get($warn, default);
.treo-message-icon {
color: map-get($warn, default);
// Basic
&.treo-message-type-basic {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: treo-color('cool-gray', 600);
.treo-message-icon {
color: treo-color('cool-gray', 600);
// Info
&.treo-message-type-info {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: treo-color('blue', 600);
.treo-message-icon {
color: treo-color('blue', 700);
// Success
&.treo-message-type-success {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: treo-color('green', 500);
.treo-message-icon {
color: treo-color('green', 500);
// Warning
&.treo-message-type-warning {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: treo-color('yellow', 400);
.treo-message-icon {
color: treo-color('yellow', 400);
// Error
&.treo-message-type-error {
.treo-message-container {
border-left-color: treo-color('red', 600);
.treo-message-icon {
color: treo-color('red', 700);
// Fill
&.treo-message-appearance-fill {
// Primary
&.treo-message-type-primary {
.treo-message-container {
background: map-get($primary, default);
color: map-get($primary, default-contrast);
code {
background: map-get($primary, 600);
color: map-get($primary, '600-contrast');
// Accent
&.treo-message-type-accent {
.treo-message-container {
background: map-get($accent, default);
color: map-get($accent, default-contrast);
code {
background: map-get($accent, 600);
color: map-get($accent, '600-contrast');
// Warn
&.treo-message-type-warn {
.treo-message-container {
background: map-get($warn, default);
color: map-get($warn, default-contrast);
code {
background: map-get($warn, 800);
color: map-get($warn, '800-contrast');
// Basic
&.treo-message-type-basic {
.treo-message-container {
background: treo-color('cool-gray', 500);
color: treo-color('cool-gray', 50);
code {
background: treo-color('cool-gray', 600);
color: treo-color('cool-gray', 50);
// Info
&.treo-message-type-info {
.treo-message-container {
background: treo-color('blue', 600);
color: treo-color('blue', 50);
code {
background: treo-color('blue', 800);
color: treo-color('blue', 50);
// Success
&.treo-message-type-success {
.treo-message-container {
background: treo-color('green', 500);
color: treo-color('green', 50);
code {
background: treo-color('green', 600);
color: treo-color('green', 50);
// Warning
&.treo-message-type-warning {
.treo-message-container {
background: treo-color('yellow', 400);
color: treo-color('yellow', 50);
code {
background: treo-color('yellow', 600);
color: treo-color('yellow', 50);
// Error
&.treo-message-type-error {
.treo-message-container {
background: treo-color('red', 600);
color: treo-color('red', 50);
code {
background: treo-color('red', 800);
color: treo-color('red', 50);
// Outline
&.treo-message-appearance-outline {
// Primary
&.treo-message-type-primary {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: map-get($primary, 300);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px map-get($primary, 300);
} @else {
background: map-get($primary, 50);
color: map-get($primary, 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px map-get($primary, 400);
code {
background: map-get($primary, 200);
color: map-get($primary, 800);
// Accent
&.treo-message-type-accent {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: map-get($accent, 300);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px map-get($accent, 300);
} @else {
background: map-get($accent, 50);
color: map-get($accent, 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px map-get($accent, 400);
code {
background: map-get($accent, 200);
color: map-get($accent, 800);
// Warn
&.treo-message-type-warn {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: map-get($warn, 300);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px map-get($warn, 300);
} @else {
background: map-get($warn, 50);
color: map-get($warn, 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px map-get($warn, 400);
code {
background: map-get($warn, 200);
color: map-get($warn, 800);
// Basic
&.treo-message-type-basic {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: treo-color('cool-gray', 300);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('cool-gray', 300);
} @else {
background: treo-color('cool-gray', 50);
color: treo-color('cool-gray', 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('cool-gray', 400);
code {
background: treo-color('cool-gray', 200);
color: treo-color('cool-gray', 800);
// Info
&.treo-message-type-info {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: treo-color('blue', 300);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('blue', 300);
} @else {
background: treo-color('blue', 50);
color: treo-color('blue', 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('blue', 400);
code {
background: treo-color('blue', 200);
color: treo-color('blue', 800);
// Success
&.treo-message-type-success {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: treo-color('green', 300);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('green', 300);
} @else {
background: treo-color('green', 50);
color: treo-color('green', 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('green', 400);
code {
background: treo-color('green', 200);
color: treo-color('green', 800);
// Warning
&.treo-message-type-warning {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: treo-color('yellow', 300);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('yellow', 300);
} @else {
background: treo-color('yellow', 50);
color: treo-color('yellow', 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('yellow', 400);
code {
background: treo-color('yellow', 200);
color: treo-color('yellow', 800);
// Error
&.treo-message-type-error {
.treo-message-container {
@if ($is-dark) {
background: transparent;
color: treo-color('red', 500);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('red', 500);
} @else {
background: treo-color('red', 50);
color: treo-color('red', 800);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px treo-color('red', 400);
code {
background: treo-color('red', 200);
color: treo-color('red', 800);

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, Renderer2, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { TreoAnimations } from '@treo/animations';
import { TreoMessageAppearance, TreoMessageType } from '@treo/components/message/message.types';
import { TreoMessageService } from '@treo/components/message/message.service';
selector : 'treo-message',
templateUrl : './message.component.html',
styleUrls : ['./message.component.scss'],
encapsulation : ViewEncapsulation.None,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
animations : TreoAnimations,
exportAs : 'treoMessage'
export class TreoMessageComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy
// Name
name: string;
readonly afterDismissed: EventEmitter<boolean>;
readonly afterShown: EventEmitter<boolean>;
// Private
private _appearance: TreoMessageAppearance;
private _dismissed: null | boolean;
private _showIcon: boolean;
private _type: TreoMessageType;
private _unsubscribeAll: Subject<any>;
* Constructor
* @param {TreoMessageService} _treoMessageService
* @param {ChangeDetectorRef} _changeDetectorRef
* @param {ElementRef} _elementRef
* @param {Renderer2} _renderer2
private _treoMessageService: TreoMessageService,
private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private _elementRef: ElementRef,
private _renderer2: Renderer2
// Set the private defaults
this._unsubscribeAll = new Subject();
// Set the defaults
this.afterDismissed = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
this.afterShown = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
this.appearance = 'fill';
this.dismissed = null;
this.showIcon = true;
this.type = 'primary';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Setter and getter for appearance
* @param value
set appearance(value: TreoMessageAppearance)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._appearance === value )
// Update the class name
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-appearance-' + this.appearance);
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-appearance-' + value);
// Store the value
this._appearance = value;
get appearance(): TreoMessageAppearance
return this._appearance;
* Setter and getter for dismissed
* @param value
set dismissed(value: null | boolean)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._dismissed === value )
// Update the class name
if ( value === null )
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-dismissible');
else if ( value === false )
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-dismissible');
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-dismissed');
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-dismissible');
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-dismissed');
// Store the value
this._dismissed = value;
get dismissed(): null | boolean
return this._dismissed;
* Setter and getter for show icon
* @param value
set showIcon(value: boolean)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._showIcon === value )
// Update the class name
if ( value )
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-show-icon');
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-show-icon');
// Store the value
this._showIcon = value;
get showIcon(): boolean
return this._showIcon;
* Setter and getter for type
* @param value
set type(value: TreoMessageType)
// If the value is the same, return...
if ( this._type === value )
// Update the class name
this._renderer2.removeClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-type-' + this.type);
this._renderer2.addClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, 'treo-message-type-' + value);
// Store the value
this._type = value;
get type(): TreoMessageType
return this._type;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Lifecycle hooks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On init
ngOnInit(): void
// Subscribe to the service calls if only
// a name provided for the message box
if ( this.name )
// Subscribe to the dismiss calls
filter((name) => this.name === name),
.subscribe(() => {
// Dismiss the message box
// Subscribe to the show calls
filter((name) => this.name === name),
.subscribe(() => {
// Show the message box
* On destroy
ngOnDestroy(): void
// Unsubscribe from all subscriptions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Dismiss the message box
dismiss(): void
// Return, if already dismissed
if ( this.dismissed )
// Dismiss
this.dismissed = true;
// Execute the observable
// Notify the change detector
* Show the dismissed message box
show(): void
// Return, if not dismissed
if ( !this.dismissed )
// Show
this.dismissed = false;
// Execute the observable
// Notify the change detector

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button';
import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon';
import { TreoMessageComponent } from '@treo/components/message/message.component';
declarations: [
imports : [
exports : [
export class TreoMessageModule

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