diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 294bc04..034d407 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -71,6 +71,33 @@ go run webapp/backend/cmd/scrutiny/scrutiny.go start --config ./scrutiny.yaml Now visit http://localhost:8080 +If you'd like to populate the database with some test data, you can run the following commands: + +``` +docker run -p 8086:8086 --rm influxdb:2.0 + + +docker run -p 8086:8086 \ + -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_USERNAME=admin \ + -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_PASSWORD=12345678 \ + -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG=my-org \ + -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET=bucket \ + influxdb:2.0 + + +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/web/testdata/register-devices-req.json localhost:8080/api/devices/register + +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264eb01d7/smart +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata-date.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264eb01d7/smart +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-fail2.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264ec3183/smart +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-nvme.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5002538e40a22954/smart +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-scsi.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca252c859cc/smart +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-scsi2.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264ebc248/smart + +curl localhost:8080/api/summary + +``` + ### Collector ``` brew install smartmontools diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile index 5409a22..235ff60 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile +++ b/docker/Dockerfile @@ -30,11 +30,16 @@ FROM ubuntu:bionic as runtime EXPOSE 8080 WORKDIR /scrutiny ENV PATH="/scrutiny/bin:${PATH}" +ENV INFLUXD_CONFIG_PATH=/scrutiny/influxdb RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cron smartmontools=7.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.1 ca-certificates curl && update-ca-certificates ADD https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay/releases/download/v1.21.8.0/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz /tmp/ RUN tar xzf /tmp/s6-overlay-amd64.tar.gz -C / + +ADD https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-2.0.4-amd64.deb /tmp/ +RUN dpkg -i /tmp/influxdb2-2.0.4-amd64.deb && rm -rf /tmp/influxdb2-2.0.4-amd64.deb + COPY /rootfs / COPY /rootfs/etc/cron.d/scrutiny /etc/cron.d/scrutiny diff --git a/docker/entrypoint-collector.sh b/docker/entrypoint-collector.sh index c838c19..501c8d5 100755 --- a/docker/entrypoint-collector.sh +++ b/docker/entrypoint-collector.sh @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ printenv | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/export \1/g' > /env.sh # now that we have the env start cron in the foreground echo "starting cron" -cron -f +su -c "cron -l 8 -f" root diff --git a/docs/dbdiagram.io.txt b/docs/dbdiagram.io.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d23af7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dbdiagram.io.txt @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ + +// SQLite Table(s) +Table device { + created_at timestamp + + wwn varchar [pk] + + //user provided + label varchar + host_id varchar + + // smartctl provided + device_name varchar + manufacturer varchar + model_name varchar + interface_type varchar + interface_speed varchar + serial_number varchar + firmware varchar + rotational_speed varchar + capacity varchar + form_factor varchar + smart_support varchar + device_protocol varchar + device_type varchar + +} + + +// InfluxDB Tables +Table device_temperature { + //timestamp + created_at timestamp + + //tags (indexed & queryable) + device_wwn varchar [pk] + + //fields + temp bigint + } + + +Table smart_ata_results { + //timestamp + created_at timestamp + + //tags (indexed & queryable) + device_wwn varchar [pk] + smart_status varchar + scrutiny_status varchar + + + + //fields + temp bigint + power_on_hours bigint + power_cycle_count bigint + + + } + +Ref: device.wwn < smart_ata_results.device_wwn diff --git a/example.scrutiny.yaml b/example.scrutiny.yaml index 9744f19..f7460ed 100644 --- a/example.scrutiny.yaml +++ b/example.scrutiny.yaml @@ -26,7 +26,12 @@ web: src: frontend: path: /scrutiny/web - + influxdb: + host: + port: 8086 +# token: 'my-token' +# org: 'my-org' +# bucket: 'bucket' log: file: '' #absolute or relative paths allowed, eg. web.log diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 013e908..d8d1baf 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ require ( github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.6.3 github.com/golang/mock v1.4.3 github.com/google/uuid v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/serf v0.8.2 + github.com/influxdata/influxdb-client-go/v2 v2.2.3 github.com/jaypipes/ghw v0.6.1 github.com/klauspost/compress v1.12.1 // indirect github.com/kvz/logstreamer v0.0.0-20150507115422-a635b98146f0 // indirect diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index fbdbed6..8ea4b43 100644 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b/rootfs/etc/services.d/influxdb/run @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash + +echo "starting influxdb" +influxd run diff --git a/rootfs/scrutiny/influxdb/config.yaml b/rootfs/scrutiny/influxdb/config.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..245d541 --- /dev/null +++ b/rootfs/scrutiny/influxdb/config.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +bolt-path: /scrutiny/influxdb/influxd.bolt +engine-path: /scrutiny/influxdb/engine +http-bind-address: ":8086" +reporting-disabled: true diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/config/config.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/config/config.go index 6349b55..beccb90 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/config/config.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/config/config.go @@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ func (c *configuration) Init() error { c.SetDefault("notify.urls", []string{}) + c.SetDefault("web.influxdb.host", "") + c.SetDefault("web.influxdb.port", "8086") + c.SetDefault("web.influxdb.org", "scrutiny") + c.SetDefault("web.influxdb.bucket", "metrics") + c.SetDefault("web.influxdb.init_username", "admin") + c.SetDefault("web.influxdb.init_password", "password12345") + //c.SetDefault("disks.include", []string{}) //c.SetDefault("disks.exclude", []string{}) diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/constants.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/constants.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83ab99b --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/constants.go @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package pkg + +const DeviceProtocolAta = "ATA" +const DeviceProtocolScsi = "SCSI" +const DeviceProtocolNvme = "NVMe" + +const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed" +const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed" +const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn" + +const SmartWhenFailedFailingNow = "FAILING_NOW" +const SmartWhenFailedInThePast = "IN_THE_PAST" + +//const SmartStatusPassed = "passed" +//const SmartStatusFailed = "failed" + +type DeviceStatus int + +const ( + DeviceStatusPassed DeviceStatus = 0 + DeviceStatusFailedSmart DeviceStatus = iota + DeviceStatusFailedScrutiny DeviceStatus = iota +) + +func Set(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b | flag } +func Clear(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b &^ flag } +func Toggle(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b ^ flag } +func Has(b, flag DeviceStatus) bool { return b&flag != 0 } diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/database/interface.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/database/interface.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bca804 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/database/interface.go @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package database + +import ( + "context" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements" +) + +type DeviceRepo interface { + Close() error + + //GetSettings() + //SaveSetting() + + RegisterDevice(ctx context.Context, dev models.Device) error + GetDevices(ctx context.Context) ([]models.Device, error) + UpdateDevice(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (models.Device, error) + GetDeviceDetails(ctx context.Context, wwn string) (models.Device, error) + + SaveSmartAttributes(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (measurements.Smart, error) + GetSmartAttributeHistory(ctx context.Context, wwn string, startAt string, attributes []string) ([]measurements.Smart, error) + + SaveSmartTemperature(ctx context.Context, wwn string, deviceProtocol string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) error + + GetSummary(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*models.DeviceSummary, error) +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/database/scrutiny_repository.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/database/scrutiny_repository.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7711c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/database/scrutiny_repository.go @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +package database + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/config" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements" + influxdb2 "github.com/influxdata/influxdb-client-go/v2" + "github.com/influxdata/influxdb-client-go/v2/api" + "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" + "gorm.io/driver/sqlite" + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "time" +) + +//// GormLogger is a custom logger for Gorm, making it use logrus. +//type GormLogger struct{ Logger logrus.FieldLogger } +// +//// Print handles log events from Gorm for the custom logger. +//func (gl *GormLogger) Print(v ...interface{}) { +// switch v[0] { +// case "sql": +// gl.Logger.WithFields( +// logrus.Fields{ +// "module": "gorm", +// "type": "sql", +// "rows": v[5], +// "src_ref": v[1], +// "values": v[4], +// }, +// ).Debug(v[3]) +// case "log": +// gl.Logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"module": "gorm", "type": "log"}).Print(v[2]) +// } +//} + +func NewScrutinyRepository(appConfig config.Interface, globalLogger logrus.FieldLogger) (DeviceRepo, error) { + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Gorm/SQLite setup + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + fmt.Printf("Trying to connect to database stored: %s\n", appConfig.GetString("web.database.location")) + database, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(appConfig.GetString("web.database.location")), &gorm.Config{ + //TODO: figure out how to log database queries again. + //Logger: logger + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to database!") + } + + //database.SetLogger() + database.AutoMigrate(&models.Device{}) + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // InfluxDB setup + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + // Create a new client using an InfluxDB server base URL and an authentication token + influxdbUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s", appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.host"), appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.port")) + globalLogger.Debugf("InfluxDB url: %s", influxdbUrl) + + client := influxdb2.NewClient(influxdbUrl, appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.token")) + + if !appConfig.IsSet("web.influxdb.token") { + globalLogger.Debugf("No influxdb token found, running first-time setup...") + + // if no token is provided, but we have a valid server, we're going to assume this is the first setup of our server. + // we will initialize with a predetermined username & password, that you should change. + onboardingResponse, err := client.Setup( + context.Background(), + appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.init_username"), + appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.init_password"), + appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.org"), + appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket"), + 0) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + appConfig.Set("web.influxdb.token", *onboardingResponse.Auth.Token) + //todo: determine if we should write the config file out here. + } + + // Use blocking write client for writes to desired bucket + writeAPI := client.WriteAPIBlocking(appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.org"), appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket")) + + // Get query client + queryAPI := client.QueryAPI(appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.org")) + + if writeAPI == nil || queryAPI == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to influxdb!") + } + + deviceRepo := scrutinyRepository{ + appConfig: appConfig, + logger: globalLogger, + influxClient: client, + influxWriteApi: writeAPI, + influxQueryApi: queryAPI, + gormClient: database, + } + + return &deviceRepo, nil +} + +type scrutinyRepository struct { + appConfig config.Interface + logger logrus.FieldLogger + + influxWriteApi api.WriteAPIBlocking + influxQueryApi api.QueryAPI + influxClient influxdb2.Client + + gormClient *gorm.DB +} + +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) Close() error { + sr.influxClient.Close() + return nil +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Device +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +//insert device into DB (and update specified columns if device is already registered) +// update device fields that may change: (DeviceType, HostID) +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) RegisterDevice(ctx context.Context, dev models.Device) error { + if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{ + Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "wwn"}}, + DoUpdates: clause.AssignmentColumns([]string{"host_id", "device_name", "device_type"}), + }).Create(&dev).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +// get a list of all devices (only device metadata, no SMART data) +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetDevices(ctx context.Context) ([]models.Device, error) { + //Get a list of all the active devices. + devices := []models.Device{} + if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Find(&devices).Error; err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not get device summary from DB", err) + } + return devices, nil +} + +// update device (only metadata) from collector +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) UpdateDevice(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (models.Device, error) { + var device models.Device + if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Where("wwn = ?", wwn).First(&device).Error; err != nil { + return device, fmt.Errorf("Could not get device from DB", err) + } + + //TODO catch GormClient err + err := device.UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(collectorSmartData) + if err != nil { + return device, err + } + return device, sr.gormClient.Model(&device).Updates(device).Error +} + +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetDeviceDetails(ctx context.Context, wwn string) (models.Device, error) { + var device models.Device + + fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails from GORM") + + if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Where("wwn = ?", wwn).First(&device).Error; err != nil { + return models.Device{}, err + } + + return device, nil +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// SMART +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) SaveSmartAttributes(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (measurements.Smart, error) { + deviceSmartData := measurements.Smart{} + err := deviceSmartData.FromCollectorSmartInfo(wwn, collectorSmartData) + if err != nil { + sr.logger.Errorln("Could not process SMART metrics", err) + return measurements.Smart{}, err + } + + tags, fields := deviceSmartData.Flatten() + p := influxdb2.NewPoint("smart", + tags, + fields, + deviceSmartData.Date) + + // write point immediately + return deviceSmartData, sr.influxWriteApi.WritePoint(ctx, p) +} + +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetSmartAttributeHistory(ctx context.Context, wwn string, startAt string, attributes []string) ([]measurements.Smart, error) { + // Get SMartResults from InfluxDB + + fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails from INFLUXDB") + + //TODO: change the filter startrange to a real number. + + // Get parser flux query result + //appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket") + queryStr := fmt.Sprintf(` + import "influxdata/influxdb/schema" + from(bucket: "%s") + |> range(start: -2y, stop: now()) + |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "smart" ) + |> filter(fn: (r) => r["device_wwn"] == "%s" ) + |> schema.fieldsAsCols() + |> group(columns: ["device_wwn"]) + |> yield(name: "last") + `, + sr.appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket"), + wwn, + ) + + smartResults := []measurements.Smart{} + + result, err := sr.influxQueryApi.Query(ctx, queryStr) + if err == nil { + fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails NO EROR") + + // Use Next() to iterate over query result lines + for result.Next() { + fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails NEXT") + + // Observe when there is new grouping key producing new table + if result.TableChanged() { + //fmt.Printf("table: %s\n", result.TableMetadata().String()) + } + + fmt.Printf("DECODINIG TABLE VALUES: %v", result.Record().Values()) + smartData, err := measurements.NewSmartFromInfluxDB(result.Record().Values()) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + smartResults = append(smartResults, *smartData) + + } + if result.Err() != nil { + fmt.Printf("Query error: %s\n", result.Err().Error()) + } + } else { + return nil, err + } + + return smartResults, nil + + //if err := device.SquashHistory(); err != nil { + // logger.Errorln("An error occurred while squashing device history", err) + // c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) + // return + //} + // + //if err := device.ApplyMetadataRules(); err != nil { + // logger.Errorln("An error occurred while applying scrutiny thresholds & rules", err) + // c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) + // return + //} + +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Temperature Data +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) SaveSmartTemperature(ctx context.Context, wwn string, deviceProtocol string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) error { + if len(collectorSmartData.AtaSctTemperatureHistory.Table) > 0 { + + for ndx, temp := range collectorSmartData.AtaSctTemperatureHistory.Table { + + minutesOffset := collectorSmartData.AtaSctTemperatureHistory.LoggingIntervalMinutes * int64(ndx) * 60 + smartTemp := measurements.SmartTemperature{ + Date: time.Unix(collectorSmartData.LocalTime.TimeT-minutesOffset, 0), + Temp: temp, + } + + tags, fields := smartTemp.Flatten() + tags["device_wwn"] = wwn + p := influxdb2.NewPoint("temp", + tags, + fields, + smartTemp.Date) + err := sr.influxWriteApi.WritePoint(ctx, p) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + // also add the current temperature. + } else { + + smartTemp := measurements.SmartTemperature{ + Date: time.Unix(collectorSmartData.LocalTime.TimeT, 0), + Temp: collectorSmartData.Temperature.Current, + } + + tags, fields := smartTemp.Flatten() + tags["device_wwn"] = wwn + p := influxdb2.NewPoint("temp", + tags, + fields, + smartTemp.Date) + return sr.influxWriteApi.WritePoint(ctx, p) + } + return nil +} + +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetSmartTemperatureHistory(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]measurements.SmartTemperature, error) { + + deviceTempHistory := map[string][]measurements.SmartTemperature{} + + //TODO: change the query range to a variable. + queryStr := fmt.Sprintf(` + import "influxdata/influxdb/schema" + from(bucket: "%s") + |> range(start: -3y, stop: now()) + |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "temp" ) + |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "temp") + |> schema.fieldsAsCols() + |> group(columns: ["device_wwn"]) + |> yield(name: "last") + `, + sr.appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket"), + ) + + result, err := sr.influxQueryApi.Query(ctx, queryStr) + if err == nil { + // Use Next() to iterate over query result lines + for result.Next() { + + if deviceWWN, ok := result.Record().Values()["device_wwn"]; ok { + + //check if deviceWWN has been seen and initialized already + if _, ok := deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)]; !ok { + deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)] = []measurements.SmartTemperature{} + } + + currentTempHistory := deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)] + smartTemp := measurements.SmartTemperature{} + + for key, val := range result.Record().Values() { + smartTemp.Inflate(key, val) + } + smartTemp.Date = result.Record().Values()["_time"].(time.Time) + currentTempHistory = append(currentTempHistory, smartTemp) + deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)] = currentTempHistory + } + } + if result.Err() != nil { + fmt.Printf("Query error: %s\n", result.Err().Error()) + } + } else { + return nil, err + } + return deviceTempHistory, nil + +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// DeviceSummary +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// get a map of all devices and associated SMART data +func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetSummary(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*models.DeviceSummary, error) { + devices, err := sr.GetDevices(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + summaries := map[string]*models.DeviceSummary{} + + for _, device := range devices { + summaries[device.WWN] = &models.DeviceSummary{Device: device} + } + + // Get parser flux query result + //appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket") + queryStr := fmt.Sprintf(` + import "influxdata/influxdb/schema" + from(bucket: "%s") + |> range(start: -1y, stop: now()) + |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "smart" ) + |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "temp" or r["_field"] == "power_on_hours" or r["_field"] == "date") + |> schema.fieldsAsCols() + |> group(columns: ["device_wwn"]) + |> yield(name: "last") + `, + sr.appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket"), + ) + + result, err := sr.influxQueryApi.Query(ctx, queryStr) + if err == nil { + // Use Next() to iterate over query result lines + for result.Next() { + // Observe when there is new grouping key producing new table + if result.TableChanged() { + //fmt.Printf("table: %s\n", result.TableMetadata().String()) + } + // read result + + //get summary data from Influxdb. + //result.Record().Values() + if deviceWWN, ok := result.Record().Values()["device_wwn"]; ok { + summaries[deviceWWN.(string)].SmartResults = &models.SmartSummary{ + Temp: result.Record().Values()["temp"].(int64), + PowerOnHours: result.Record().Values()["power_on_hours"].(int64), + CollectorDate: result.Record().Values()["_time"].(time.Time), + } + } + } + if result.Err() != nil { + fmt.Printf("Query error: %s\n", result.Err().Error()) + } + } else { + return nil, err + } + + deviceTempHistory, err := sr.GetSmartTemperatureHistory(ctx) + if err != nil { + sr.logger.Printf("========================>>>>>>>>======================") + sr.logger.Printf("========================>>>>>>>>======================") + sr.logger.Printf("========================>>>>>>>>======================") + sr.logger.Printf("========================>>>>>>>>======================") + sr.logger.Printf("========================>>>>>>>>======================") + sr.logger.Printf("Error: %v", err) + } + for wwn, tempHistory := range deviceTempHistory { + summaries[wwn].TempHistory = tempHistory + } + + return summaries, nil +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/ata_attribute_metadata.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/ata_attribute_metadata.go index 63dc293..2f4c6c8 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/ata_attribute_metadata.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/ata_attribute_metadata.go @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ type AtaAttributeMetadata struct { Critical bool `json:"critical"` Description string `json:"description"` - Transform func(int, int64, string) int64 `json:"-"` //this should be a method to extract/tranform the normalized or raw data to a chartable format. Str - TransformValueUnit string `json:"transform_value_unit,omitempty"` - ObservedThresholds []ObservedThreshold `json:"observed_thresholds,omitempty"` //these thresholds must match the DisplayType - DisplayType string `json:"display_type"` //"raw" "normalized" or "transformed" + Transform func(int64, int64, string) int64 `json:"-"` //this should be a method to extract/tranform the normalized or raw data to a chartable format. Str + TransformValueUnit string `json:"transform_value_unit,omitempty"` + ObservedThresholds []ObservedThreshold `json:"observed_thresholds,omitempty"` //these thresholds must match the DisplayType + DisplayType string `json:"display_type"` //"raw" "normalized" or "transformed" } const ObservedThresholdIdealLow = "low" @@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ var AtaMetadata = map[int]AtaAttributeMetadata{ Ideal: ObservedThresholdIdealLow, Critical: false, Description: "Indicates the device temperature, if the appropriate sensor is fitted. Lowest byte of the raw value contains the exact temperature value (Celsius degrees).", - Transform: func(normValue int, rawValue int64, rawString string) int64 { + Transform: func(normValue int64, rawValue int64, rawString string) int64 { return rawValue & 0b11111111 }, TransformValueUnit: "°C", diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/nvme_attribute_metadata.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/nvme_attribute_metadata.go index 2f9f550..80efcfa 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/nvme_attribute_metadata.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/nvme_attribute_metadata.go @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ type NvmeAttributeMetadata struct { Critical bool `json:"critical"` Description string `json:"description"` - Transform func(int, int64, string) int64 `json:"-"` //this should be a method to extract/tranform the normalized or raw data to a chartable format. Str - TransformValueUnit string `json:"transform_value_unit,omitempty"` - DisplayType string `json:"display_type"` //"raw" "normalized" or "transformed" + Transform func(int64, int64, string) int64 `json:"-"` //this should be a method to extract/tranform the normalized or raw data to a chartable format. Str + TransformValueUnit string `json:"transform_value_unit,omitempty"` + DisplayType string `json:"display_type"` //"raw" "normalized" or "transformed" } var NmveMetadata = map[string]NvmeAttributeMetadata{ diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/scsi_attribute_metadata.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/scsi_attribute_metadata.go index 5e83f2a..cd4f974 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/scsi_attribute_metadata.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata/scsi_attribute_metadata.go @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ type ScsiAttributeMetadata struct { Critical bool `json:"critical"` Description string `json:"description"` - Transform func(int, int64, string) int64 `json:"-"` //this should be a method to extract/tranform the normalized or raw data to a chartable format. Str - TransformValueUnit string `json:"transform_value_unit,omitempty"` - DisplayType string `json:"display_type"` //"raw" "normalized" or "transformed" + Transform func(int64, int64, string) int64 `json:"-"` //this should be a method to extract/tranform the normalized or raw data to a chartable format. Str + TransformValueUnit string `json:"transform_value_unit,omitempty"` + DisplayType string `json:"display_type"` //"raw" "normalized" or "transformed" } var ScsiMetadata = map[string]ScsiAttributeMetadata{ @@ -21,96 +21,96 @@ var ScsiMetadata = map[string]ScsiAttributeMetadata{ Critical: true, Description: "", }, - "read.errors_corrected_by_eccfast": { - ID: "read.errors_corrected_by_eccfast", + "read_errors_corrected_by_eccfast": { + ID: "read_errors_corrected_by_eccfast", DisplayName: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "read.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": { - ID: "read.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", + "read_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": { + ID: "read_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", DisplayName: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "read.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": { - ID: "read.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", + "read_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": { + ID: "read_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", DisplayName: "Read Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "low", Critical: true, Description: "", }, - "read.total_errors_corrected": { - ID: "read.total_errors_corrected", + "read_total_errors_corrected": { + ID: "read_total_errors_corrected", DisplayName: "Read Total Errors Corrected", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "read.correction_algorithm_invocations": { - ID: "read.correction_algorithm_invocations", + "read_correction_algorithm_invocations": { + ID: "read_correction_algorithm_invocations", DisplayName: "Read Correction Algorithm Invocations", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "read.total_uncorrected_errors": { - ID: "read.total_uncorrected_errors", + "read_total_uncorrected_errors": { + ID: "read_total_uncorrected_errors", DisplayName: "Read Total Uncorrected Errors", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "low", Critical: true, Description: "", }, - "write.errors_corrected_by_eccfast": { - ID: "write.errors_corrected_by_eccfast", + "write_errors_corrected_by_eccfast": { + ID: "write_errors_corrected_by_eccfast", DisplayName: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "write.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": { - ID: "write.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", + "write_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": { + ID: "write_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", DisplayName: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "write.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": { - ID: "write.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", + "write_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": { + ID: "write_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", DisplayName: "Write Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "low", Critical: true, Description: "", }, - "write.total_errors_corrected": { - ID: "write.total_errors_corrected", + "write_total_errors_corrected": { + ID: "write_total_errors_corrected", DisplayName: "Write Total Errors Corrected", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "write.correction_algorithm_invocations": { - ID: "write.correction_algorithm_invocations", + "write_correction_algorithm_invocations": { + ID: "write_correction_algorithm_invocations", DisplayName: "Write Correction Algorithm Invocations", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "", Critical: false, Description: "", }, - "write.total_uncorrected_errors": { - ID: "write.total_uncorrected_errors", + "write_total_uncorrected_errors": { + ID: "write_total_uncorrected_errors", DisplayName: "Write Total Uncorrected Errors", DisplayType: "", Ideal: "low", diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector/smart.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector/smart.go index 04d5e4c..8cb5653 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector/smart.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector/smart.go @@ -119,14 +119,28 @@ type SmartInfo struct { FeatureControlSupported bool `json:"feature_control_supported"` DataTableSupported bool `json:"data_table_supported"` } `json:"ata_sct_capabilities"` + AtaSctTemperatureHistory struct { + Version int `json:"version"` + SamplingPeriodMinutes int64 `json:"sampling_period_minutes"` + LoggingIntervalMinutes int64 `json:"logging_interval_minutes"` + Temperature struct { + OpLimitMin int `json:"op_limit_min"` + OpLimitMax int `json:"op_limit_max"` + LimitMin int `json:"limit_min"` + LimitMax int `json:"limit_max"` + } `json:"temperature"` + Size int `json:"size"` + Index int `json:"index"` + Table []int64 `json:"table"` + } `json:"ata_sct_temperature_history"` AtaSmartAttributes struct { Revision int `json:"revision"` Table []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` - Value int `json:"value"` - Worst int `json:"worst"` - Thresh int `json:"thresh"` + Value int64 `json:"value"` + Worst int64 `json:"worst"` + Thresh int64 `json:"thresh"` WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"` Flags struct { Value int `json:"value"` @@ -237,48 +251,48 @@ type SmartInfo struct { FormattedLbaSize int `json:"formatted_lba_size"` } `json:"nvme_namespaces"` NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog struct { - CriticalWarning int `json:"critical_warning"` - Temperature int `json:"temperature"` - AvailableSpare int `json:"available_spare"` - AvailableSpareThreshold int `json:"available_spare_threshold"` - PercentageUsed int `json:"percentage_used"` - DataUnitsRead int `json:"data_units_read"` - DataUnitsWritten int `json:"data_units_written"` - HostReads int `json:"host_reads"` - HostWrites int `json:"host_writes"` - ControllerBusyTime int `json:"controller_busy_time"` - PowerCycles int `json:"power_cycles"` - PowerOnHours int `json:"power_on_hours"` - UnsafeShutdowns int `json:"unsafe_shutdowns"` - MediaErrors int `json:"media_errors"` - NumErrLogEntries int `json:"num_err_log_entries"` - WarningTempTime int `json:"warning_temp_time"` - CriticalCompTime int `json:"critical_comp_time"` + CriticalWarning int64 `json:"critical_warning"` + Temperature int64 `json:"temperature"` + AvailableSpare int64 `json:"available_spare"` + AvailableSpareThreshold int64 `json:"available_spare_threshold"` + PercentageUsed int64 `json:"percentage_used"` + DataUnitsRead int64 `json:"data_units_read"` + DataUnitsWritten int64 `json:"data_units_written"` + HostReads int64 `json:"host_reads"` + HostWrites int64 `json:"host_writes"` + ControllerBusyTime int64 `json:"controller_busy_time"` + PowerCycles int64 `json:"power_cycles"` + PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours"` + UnsafeShutdowns int64 `json:"unsafe_shutdowns"` + MediaErrors int64 `json:"media_errors"` + NumErrLogEntries int64 `json:"num_err_log_entries"` + WarningTempTime int64 `json:"warning_temp_time"` + CriticalCompTime int64 `json:"critical_comp_time"` } `json:"nvme_smart_health_information_log"` // SCSI Protocol Specific Fields Vendor string `json:"vendor"` Product string `json:"product"` ScsiVersion string `json:"scsi_version"` - ScsiGrownDefectList int `json:"scsi_grown_defect_list"` + ScsiGrownDefectList int64 `json:"scsi_grown_defect_list"` ScsiErrorCounterLog struct { Read struct { - ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast int `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccfast"` - ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed int `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed"` - ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites int `json:"errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites"` - TotalErrorsCorrected int `json:"total_errors_corrected"` - CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations int `json:"correction_algorithm_invocations"` + ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast int64 `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccfast"` + ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed int64 `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed"` + ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites int64 `json:"errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites"` + TotalErrorsCorrected int64 `json:"total_errors_corrected"` + CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations int64 `json:"correction_algorithm_invocations"` GigabytesProcessed string `json:"gigabytes_processed"` - TotalUncorrectedErrors int `json:"total_uncorrected_errors"` + TotalUncorrectedErrors int64 `json:"total_uncorrected_errors"` } `json:"read"` Write struct { - ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast int `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccfast"` - ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed int `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed"` - ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites int `json:"errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites"` - TotalErrorsCorrected int `json:"total_errors_corrected"` - CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations int `json:"correction_algorithm_invocations"` + ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast int64 `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccfast"` + ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed int64 `json:"errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed"` + ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites int64 `json:"errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites"` + TotalErrorsCorrected int64 `json:"total_errors_corrected"` + CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations int64 `json:"correction_algorithm_invocations"` GigabytesProcessed string `json:"gigabytes_processed"` - TotalUncorrectedErrors int `json:"total_uncorrected_errors"` + TotalUncorrectedErrors int64 `json:"total_uncorrected_errors"` } `json:"write"` } `json:"scsi_error_counter_log"` } diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/device.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/device.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2786103..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/device.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -package db - -import ( - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" - "time" -) - -type DeviceWrapper struct { - Success bool `json:"success"` - Errors []error `json:"errors"` - Data []Device `json:"data"` -} - -const DeviceProtocolAta = "ATA" -const DeviceProtocolScsi = "SCSI" -const DeviceProtocolNvme = "NVMe" - -type Device struct { - //GORM attributes, see: http://gorm.io/docs/conventions.html - CreatedAt time.Time - UpdatedAt time.Time - DeletedAt *time.Time - - WWN string `json:"wwn" gorm:"primary_key"` - HostId string `json:"host_id"` - - DeviceName string `json:"device_name"` - Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer"` - ModelName string `json:"model_name"` - InterfaceType string `json:"interface_type"` - InterfaceSpeed string `json:"interface_speed"` - SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"` - Firmware string `json:"firmware"` - RotationSpeed int `json:"rotational_speed"` - Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"` - FormFactor string `json:"form_factor"` - SmartSupport bool `json:"smart_support"` - DeviceProtocol string `json:"device_protocol"` //protocol determines which smart attribute types are available (ATA, NVMe, SCSI) - DeviceType string `json:"device_type"` //device type is used for querying with -d/t flag, should only be used by collector. - SmartResults []Smart `gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN" json:"smart_results"` -} - -func (dv *Device) IsAta() bool { - return dv.DeviceProtocol == DeviceProtocolAta -} - -func (dv *Device) IsScsi() bool { - return dv.DeviceProtocol == DeviceProtocolScsi -} - -func (dv *Device) IsNvme() bool { - return dv.DeviceProtocol == DeviceProtocolNvme -} - -//This method requires a device with an array of SmartResults. -//It will remove all SmartResults other than the first (the latest one) -//All removed SmartResults, will be processed, grouping SmartAtaAttribute by attribute_id -// and adding theme to an array called History. -func (dv *Device) SquashHistory() error { - if len(dv.SmartResults) <= 1 { - return nil //no ataHistory found. ignore - } - - latestSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[0:1] - historicalSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[1:] - - //re-assign the latest slice to the SmartResults field - dv.SmartResults = latestSmartResultSlice - - //process the historical slice for ATA data - if len(dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes) > 0 { - ataHistory := map[int][]SmartAtaAttribute{} - for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice { - for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.AtaAttributes { - if _, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok { - ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartAtaAttribute{} - } - ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute) - } - } - - //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults - for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes { - if attributeHistory, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok { - dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory - } - } - } - - //process the historical slice for Nvme data - if len(dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes) > 0 { - nvmeHistory := map[string][]SmartNvmeAttribute{} - for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice { - for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.NvmeAttributes { - if _, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok { - nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartNvmeAttribute{} - } - nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute) - } - } - - //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults - for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes { - if attributeHistory, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok { - dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory - } - } - } - //process the historical slice for Scsi data - if len(dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes) > 0 { - scsiHistory := map[string][]SmartScsiAttribute{} - for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice { - for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.ScsiAttributes { - if _, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok { - scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartScsiAttribute{} - } - scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute) - } - } - - //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults - for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes { - if attributeHistory, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok { - dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (dv *Device) ApplyMetadataRules() error { - - //embed metadata in the latest smart attributes object - if len(dv.SmartResults) > 0 { - for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes { - attr.PopulateAttributeStatus() - dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[ndx] = attr - } - - for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes { - attr.PopulateAttributeStatus() - dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[ndx] = attr - - } - - for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes { - attr.PopulateAttributeStatus() - dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[ndx] = attr - - } - } - return nil -} - -// This function is called every time the collector sends SMART data to the API. -// It can be used to update device data that can change over time. -func (dv *Device) UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) error { - dv.Firmware = info.FirmwareVersion - return nil -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/selftest.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/selftest.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9e3d89d..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/selftest.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -package db - -import "time" - -type SelfTest struct { - //GORM attributes, see: http://gorm.io/docs/conventions.html - CreatedAt time.Time - UpdatedAt time.Time - DeletedAt *time.Time - - DeviceWWN string - Device Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key - - Date time.Time -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart.go deleted file mode 100644 index 510dcb2..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -package db - -import ( - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata" - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" - "gorm.io/gorm" - "time" -) - -const SmartWhenFailedFailingNow = "FAILING_NOW" -const SmartWhenFailedInThePast = "IN_THE_PAST" - -const SmartStatusPassed = "passed" -const SmartStatusFailed = "failed" - -type Smart struct { - gorm.Model - - DeviceWWN string `json:"device_wwn"` - Device Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key - - TestDate time.Time `json:"date"` - SmartStatus string `json:"smart_status"` // SmartStatusPassed or SmartStatusFailed - - //Metrics - Temp int64 `json:"temp"` - PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours"` - PowerCycleCount int64 `json:"power_cycle_count"` - - AtaAttributes []SmartAtaAttribute `json:"ata_attributes" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` - NvmeAttributes []SmartNvmeAttribute `json:"nvme_attributes" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` - ScsiAttributes []SmartScsiAttribute `json:"scsi_attributes" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` -} - -//Parse Collector SMART data results and create Smart object (and associated SmartAtaAttribute entries) -func (sm *Smart) FromCollectorSmartInfo(wwn string, info collector.SmartInfo) error { - sm.DeviceWWN = wwn - sm.TestDate = time.Unix(info.LocalTime.TimeT, 0) - - //smart metrics - sm.Temp = info.Temperature.Current - sm.PowerCycleCount = info.PowerCycleCount - sm.PowerOnHours = info.PowerOnTime.Hours - - // process ATA/NVME/SCSI protocol data - if info.Device.Protocol == DeviceProtocolAta { - sm.ProcessAtaSmartInfo(info) - } else if info.Device.Protocol == DeviceProtocolNvme { - sm.ProcessNvmeSmartInfo(info) - } else if info.Device.Protocol == DeviceProtocolScsi { - sm.ProcessScsiSmartInfo(info) - } - - if info.SmartStatus.Passed { - sm.SmartStatus = SmartStatusPassed - } else { - sm.SmartStatus = SmartStatusFailed - } - return nil -} - -//generate SmartAtaAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data. -func (sm *Smart) ProcessAtaSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) { - sm.AtaAttributes = []SmartAtaAttribute{} - for _, collectorAttr := range info.AtaSmartAttributes.Table { - attrModel := SmartAtaAttribute{ - AttributeId: collectorAttr.ID, - Name: collectorAttr.Name, - Value: collectorAttr.Value, - Worst: collectorAttr.Worst, - Threshold: collectorAttr.Thresh, - RawValue: collectorAttr.Raw.Value, - RawString: collectorAttr.Raw.String, - WhenFailed: collectorAttr.WhenFailed, - } - - //now that we've parsed the data from the smartctl response, lets match it against our metadata rules and add additional Scrutiny specific data. - if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[collectorAttr.ID]; ok { - attrModel.Name = smartMetadata.DisplayName - if smartMetadata.Transform != nil { - attrModel.TransformedValue = smartMetadata.Transform(attrModel.Value, attrModel.RawValue, attrModel.RawString) - } - } - sm.AtaAttributes = append(sm.AtaAttributes, attrModel) - } -} - -//generate SmartNvmeAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data. -func (sm *Smart) ProcessNvmeSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) { - sm.NvmeAttributes = []SmartNvmeAttribute{ - {AttributeId: "critical_warning", Name: "Critical Warning", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalWarning, Threshold: 0}, - {AttributeId: "temperature", Name: "Temperature", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.Temperature, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "available_spare", Name: "Available Spare", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpare, Threshold: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpareThreshold}, - {AttributeId: "percentage_used", Name: "Percentage Used", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PercentageUsed, Threshold: 100}, - {AttributeId: "data_units_read", Name: "Data Units Read", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsRead, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "data_units_written", Name: "Data Units Written", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsWritten, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "host_reads", Name: "Host Reads", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostReads, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "host_writes", Name: "Host Writes", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostWrites, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "controller_busy_time", Name: "Controller Busy Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.ControllerBusyTime, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "power_cycles", Name: "Power Cycles", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerCycles, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "power_on_hours", Name: "Power on Hours", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerOnHours, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "unsafe_shutdowns", Name: "Unsafe Shutdowns", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.UnsafeShutdowns, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "media_errors", Name: "Media Errors", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.MediaErrors, Threshold: 0}, - {AttributeId: "num_err_log_entries", Name: "Numb Err Log Entries", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.NumErrLogEntries, Threshold: 0}, - {AttributeId: "warning_temp_time", Name: "Warning Temp Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.WarningTempTime, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "critical_comp_time", Name: "Critical CompTime", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalCompTime, Threshold: -1}, - } -} - -//generate SmartScsiAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data. -func (sm *Smart) ProcessScsiSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) { - sm.ScsiAttributes = []SmartScsiAttribute{ - {AttributeId: "scsi_grown_defect_list", Name: "Grown Defect List", Value: info.ScsiGrownDefectList, Threshold: 0}, - {AttributeId: "read.errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "read.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "read.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0}, - {AttributeId: "read.total_errors_corrected", Name: "Read Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "read.correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Read Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "read.total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Read Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0}, - {AttributeId: "write.errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "write.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "write.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0}, - {AttributeId: "write.total_errors_corrected", Name: "Write Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "write.correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Write Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1}, - {AttributeId: "write.total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Write Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0}, - } -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_ata_attribute.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_ata_attribute.go deleted file mode 100644 index 510672d..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_ata_attribute.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -package db - -import ( - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata" - "gorm.io/gorm" - "strings" -) - -const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed" -const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed" -const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn" - -type SmartAtaAttribute struct { - gorm.Model - - SmartId int `json:"smart_id"` - Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key - - AttributeId int `json:"attribute_id"` - Name string `json:"name"` - Value int `json:"value"` - Worst int `json:"worst"` - Threshold int `json:"thresh"` - RawValue int64 `json:"raw_value"` - RawString string `json:"raw_string"` - WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"` - - TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"` - Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"` - StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"` - FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"` - History []SmartAtaAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"` -} - -//populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata -func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() { - if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedFailingNow { - //this attribute has previously failed - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed - sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing manufacturer SMART threshold" - - } else if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedInThePast { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning - sa.StatusReason = "Attribute has previously failed manufacturer SMART threshold" - } - - if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok { - sa.MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata) - } - - //check if status is blank, set to "passed" - if len(sa.Status) == 0 { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed - } -} - -// compare the attribute (raw, normalized, transformed) value to observed thresholds, and update status if necessary -func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata metadata.AtaAttributeMetadata) { - //TODO: multiple rules - // try to predict the failure rates for observed thresholds that have 0 failure rate and error bars. - // - if the attribute is critical - // - the failure rate is over 10 - set to failed - // - the attribute does not match any threshold, set to warn - // - if the attribute is not critical - // - if failure rate is above 20 - set to failed - // - if failure rate is above 10 but below 20 - set to warn - - //update the smart attribute status based on Observed thresholds. - var value int64 - if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeNormalized { - value = int64(sa.Value) - } else if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeTransformed { - value = sa.TransformedValue - } else { - value = sa.RawValue - } - - for _, obsThresh := range smartMetadata.ObservedThresholds { - - //check if "value" is in this bucket - if ((obsThresh.Low == obsThresh.High) && value == obsThresh.Low) || - (obsThresh.Low < value && value <= obsThresh.High) { - sa.FailureRate = obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate - - if smartMetadata.Critical { - if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed - sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute is greater than 10%" - } - } else { - if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.20 { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed - sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 20%" - } else if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning - sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 10%" - } - } - - //we've found the correct bucket, we can drop out of this loop - return - } - } - // no bucket found - if smartMetadata.Critical { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning - sa.StatusReason = "Could not determine Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute" - } - - return -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_nvme_attribute.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_nvme_attribute.go deleted file mode 100644 index b681181..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_nvme_attribute.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -package db - -import ( - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata" - "gorm.io/gorm" -) - -type SmartNvmeAttribute struct { - gorm.Model - - SmartId int `json:"smart_id"` - Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key - - AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl - Name string `json:"name"` - Value int `json:"value"` - Threshold int `json:"thresh"` - - TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"` - Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"` - StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"` - FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"` - History []SmartNvmeAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"` -} - -//populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata -func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() { - - //-1 is a special number meaning no threshold. - if sa.Threshold != -1 { - if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok { - //check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold - if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) || - (smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed - sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold" - } - } - } - //TODO: eventually figure out the critical_warning bits and determine correct error messages here. - - //check if status is blank, set to "passed" - if len(sa.Status) == 0 { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed - } -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_scsci_attribute.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_scsci_attribute.go deleted file mode 100644 index c6b1325..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_scsci_attribute.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -package db - -import ( - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata" - "gorm.io/gorm" -) - -type SmartScsiAttribute struct { - gorm.Model - - SmartId int `json:"smart_id"` - Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key - - AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl - Name string `json:"name"` - Value int `json:"value"` - Threshold int `json:"thresh"` - - TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"` - Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"` - StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"` - FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"` - History []SmartScsiAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"` -} - -//populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata -func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() { - - //-1 is a special number meaning no threshold. - if sa.Threshold != -1 { - if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok { - //check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold - if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) || - (smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed - sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold" - } - } - } - - //check if status is blank, set to "passed" - if len(sa.Status) == 0 { - sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed - } -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_test.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0f03715..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db/smart_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -package db_test - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" - "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "testing" -) - -func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo(t *testing.T) { - //setup - smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-ata.json") - require.NoError(t, err) - defer smartDataFile.Close() - - var smartJson collector.SmartInfo - - smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) - require.NoError(t, err) - err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) - require.NoError(t, err) - - //test - smartMdl := db.Smart{} - err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) - - //assert - require.NoError(t, err) - require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) - require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) - require.Equal(t, 18, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) - - //check that temperature was correctly parsed - for _, attr := range smartMdl.AtaAttributes { - if attr.AttributeId == 194 { - require.Equal(t, int64(163210330144), attr.RawValue) - require.Equal(t, int64(32), attr.TransformedValue) - } - } -} - -func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail(t *testing.T) { - //setup - smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail.json") - require.NoError(t, err) - defer smartDataFile.Close() - - var smartJson collector.SmartInfo - - smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) - require.NoError(t, err) - err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) - require.NoError(t, err) - - //test - smartMdl := db.Smart{} - err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) - - //assert - require.NoError(t, err) - require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) - require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) -} - -func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail2(t *testing.T) { - //setup - smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail2.json") - require.NoError(t, err) - defer smartDataFile.Close() - - var smartJson collector.SmartInfo - - smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) - require.NoError(t, err) - err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) - require.NoError(t, err) - - //test - smartMdl := db.Smart{} - err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) - - //assert - require.NoError(t, err) - require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) - require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) - require.Equal(t, 17, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) -} - -func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Nvme(t *testing.T) { - //setup - smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-nvme.json") - require.NoError(t, err) - defer smartDataFile.Close() - - var smartJson collector.SmartInfo - - smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) - require.NoError(t, err) - err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) - require.NoError(t, err) - - //test - smartMdl := db.Smart{} - err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) - - //assert - require.NoError(t, err) - require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) - require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 16, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) - - require.Equal(t, 111303174, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[6].Value) - require.Equal(t, 83170961, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[7].Value) -} - -func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Scsi(t *testing.T) { - //setup - smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-scsi.json") - require.NoError(t, err) - defer smartDataFile.Close() - - var smartJson collector.SmartInfo - - smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) - require.NoError(t, err) - err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) - require.NoError(t, err) - - //test - smartMdl := db.Smart{} - err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) - - //assert - require.NoError(t, err) - require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) - require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) - require.Equal(t, 13, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) - - require.Equal(t, 56, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[0].Value) - require.Equal(t, 300357663, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[4].Value) //total_errors_corrected -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/device.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/device.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5272b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/device.go @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +package models + +import ( + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" + "time" +) + +type DeviceWrapper struct { + Success bool `json:"success"` + Errors []error `json:"errors"` + Data []Device `json:"data"` +} + +type Device struct { + //GORM attributes, see: http://gorm.io/docs/conventions.html + CreatedAt time.Time + UpdatedAt time.Time + DeletedAt *time.Time + + WWN string `json:"wwn" gorm:"primary_key"` + + DeviceName string `json:"device_name"` + Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer"` + ModelName string `json:"model_name"` + InterfaceType string `json:"interface_type"` + InterfaceSpeed string `json:"interface_speed"` + SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"` + Firmware string `json:"firmware"` + RotationSpeed int `json:"rotational_speed"` + Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"` + FormFactor string `json:"form_factor"` + SmartSupport bool `json:"smart_support"` + DeviceProtocol string `json:"device_protocol"` //protocol determines which smart attribute types are available (ATA, NVMe, SCSI) + DeviceType string `json:"device_type"` //device type is used for querying with -d/t flag, should only be used by collector. + + // User provided metadata + Label string `json:"label"` + HostId string `json:"host_id"` + + // Data set by Scrutiny + DeviceStatus pkg.DeviceStatus `json:"device_status"` +} + +func (dv *Device) IsAta() bool { + return dv.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolAta +} + +func (dv *Device) IsScsi() bool { + return dv.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolScsi +} + +func (dv *Device) IsNvme() bool { + return dv.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolNvme +} + +// +////This method requires a device with an array of SmartResults. +////It will remove all SmartResults other than the first (the latest one) +////All removed SmartResults, will be processed, grouping SmartAtaAttribute by attribute_id +//// and adding theme to an array called History. +//func (dv *Device) SquashHistory() error { +// if len(dv.SmartResults) <= 1 { +// return nil //no ataHistory found. ignore +// } +// +// latestSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[0:1] +// historicalSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[1:] +// +// //re-assign the latest slice to the SmartResults field +// dv.SmartResults = latestSmartResultSlice +// +// //process the historical slice for ATA data +// if len(dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes) > 0 { +// ataHistory := map[int][]SmartAtaAttribute{} +// for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice { +// for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.AtaAttributes { +// if _, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok { +// ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartAtaAttribute{} +// } +// ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute) +// } +// } +// +// //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults +// for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes { +// if attributeHistory, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok { +// dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory +// } +// } +// } +// +// //process the historical slice for Nvme data +// if len(dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes) > 0 { +// nvmeHistory := map[string][]SmartNvmeAttribute{} +// for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice { +// for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.NvmeAttributes { +// if _, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok { +// nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartNvmeAttribute{} +// } +// nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute) +// } +// } +// +// //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults +// for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes { +// if attributeHistory, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok { +// dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory +// } +// } +// } +// //process the historical slice for Scsi data +// if len(dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes) > 0 { +// scsiHistory := map[string][]SmartScsiAttribute{} +// for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice { +// for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.ScsiAttributes { +// if _, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok { +// scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartScsiAttribute{} +// } +// scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute) +// } +// } +// +// //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults +// for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes { +// if attributeHistory, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok { +// dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory +// } +// } +// } +// return nil +//} +// +//func (dv *Device) ApplyMetadataRules() error { +// +// //embed metadata in the latest smart attributes object +// if len(dv.SmartResults) > 0 { +// for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes { +// attr.PopulateAttributeStatus() +// dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[ndx] = attr +// } +// +// for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes { +// attr.PopulateAttributeStatus() +// dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[ndx] = attr +// +// } +// +// for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes { +// attr.PopulateAttributeStatus() +// dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[ndx] = attr +// +// } +// } +// return nil +//} + +// This function is called every time the collector sends SMART data to the API. +// It can be used to update device data that can change over time. +func (dv *Device) UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) error { + dv.Firmware = info.FirmwareVersion + dv.DeviceProtocol = info.Device.Protocol + + if !info.SmartStatus.Passed { + dv.DeviceStatus = pkg.Set(dv.DeviceStatus, pkg.DeviceStatusFailedSmart) + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/device_summary.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/device_summary.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1781e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/device_summary.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package models + +import ( + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements" + "time" +) + +type DeviceSummary struct { + Device Device `json:"device"` + + SmartResults *SmartSummary `json:"smart,omitempty"` + TempHistory []measurements.SmartTemperature `json:"temp_history,omitempty"` +} +type SmartSummary struct { + // Collector Summary Data + CollectorDate time.Time `json:"collector_date,omitempty"` + Temp int64 `json:"temp,omitempty"` + PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours,omitempty"` +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20524ff --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart.go @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +package measurements + +import ( + "fmt" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" + "log" + "strings" + "time" +) + +type Smart struct { + Date time.Time `json:"date"` + DeviceWWN string `json:"device_wwn"` //(tag) + DeviceProtocol string `json:"device_protocol"` + + //Metrics (fields) + Temp int64 `json:"temp"` + PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours"` + PowerCycleCount int64 `json:"power_cycle_count"` + + //Attributes (fields) + Attributes map[string]SmartAttribute `json:"attrs"` +} + +func (sm *Smart) Flatten() (tags map[string]string, fields map[string]interface{}) { + tags = map[string]string{ + "device_wwn": sm.DeviceWWN, + "device_protocol": sm.DeviceProtocol, + } + + fields = map[string]interface{}{ + "temp": sm.Temp, + "power_on_hours": sm.PowerOnHours, + "power_cycle_count": sm.PowerCycleCount, + } + + for _, attr := range sm.Attributes { + for attrKey, attrVal := range attr.Flatten() { + fields[attrKey] = attrVal + } + } + + return tags, fields +} + +func NewSmartFromInfluxDB(attrs map[string]interface{}) (*Smart, error) { + //go though the massive map returned from influxdb. If a key is associated with the Smart struct, assign it. If it starts with "attr.*" group it by attributeId, and pass to attribute inflate. + + sm := Smart{ + //required fields + Date: attrs["_time"].(time.Time), + DeviceWWN: attrs["device_wwn"].(string), + DeviceProtocol: attrs["device_protocol"].(string), + + Attributes: map[string]SmartAttribute{}, + } + + log.Printf("Prefetched Smart: %v\n", sm) + + //two steps (because we dont know the + for key, val := range attrs { + log.Printf("Found Attribute (%s = %v)\n", key, val) + + switch key { + case "temp": + sm.Temp = val.(int64) + case "power_on_hours": + sm.PowerOnHours = val.(int64) + case "power_cycle_count": + sm.PowerCycleCount = val.(int64) + default: + // this key is unknown. + if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "attr.") { + continue + } + //this is a attribute, lets group it with its related "siblings", populating a SmartAttribute object + keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".") + attributeId := keyParts[1] + if _, ok := sm.Attributes[attributeId]; !ok { + // init the attribute group + if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolAta { + sm.Attributes[attributeId] = &SmartAtaAttribute{} + } else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolNvme { + sm.Attributes[attributeId] = &SmartNvmeAttribute{} + } else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolScsi { + sm.Attributes[attributeId] = &SmartScsiAttribute{} + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown Device Protocol: %s", sm.DeviceProtocol) + } + } + + sm.Attributes[attributeId].Inflate(key, val) + } + + } + + log.Printf("########NUMBER OF ATTRIBUTES: %v", len(sm.Attributes)) + log.Printf("########SMART: %v", sm) + + //panic("ERROR HERE.") + + //log.Printf("Sm.Attributes: %v", sm.Attributes) + //log.Printf("sm.Attributes[attributeId]: %v", sm.Attributes[attributeId]) + + return &sm, nil +} + +//Parse Collector SMART data results and create Smart object (and associated SmartAtaAttribute entries) +func (sm *Smart) FromCollectorSmartInfo(wwn string, info collector.SmartInfo) error { + sm.DeviceWWN = wwn + sm.Date = time.Unix(info.LocalTime.TimeT, 0) + + //smart metrics + sm.Temp = info.Temperature.Current + sm.PowerCycleCount = info.PowerCycleCount + sm.PowerOnHours = info.PowerOnTime.Hours + + sm.DeviceProtocol = info.Device.Protocol + // process ATA/NVME/SCSI protocol data + sm.Attributes = map[string]SmartAttribute{} + if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolAta { + sm.ProcessAtaSmartInfo(info) + } else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolNvme { + sm.ProcessNvmeSmartInfo(info) + } else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolScsi { + sm.ProcessScsiSmartInfo(info) + } + + return nil +} + +//generate SmartAtaAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data. +func (sm *Smart) ProcessAtaSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) { + for _, collectorAttr := range info.AtaSmartAttributes.Table { + attrModel := SmartAtaAttribute{ + AttributeId: collectorAttr.ID, + Name: collectorAttr.Name, + Value: collectorAttr.Value, + Worst: collectorAttr.Worst, + Threshold: collectorAttr.Thresh, + RawValue: collectorAttr.Raw.Value, + RawString: collectorAttr.Raw.String, + WhenFailed: collectorAttr.WhenFailed, + } + + //now that we've parsed the data from the smartctl response, lets match it against our metadata rules and add additional Scrutiny specific data. + if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[collectorAttr.ID]; ok { + attrModel.Name = smartMetadata.DisplayName + if smartMetadata.Transform != nil { + attrModel.TransformedValue = smartMetadata.Transform(attrModel.Value, attrModel.RawValue, attrModel.RawString) + } + } + sm.Attributes[string(collectorAttr.ID)] = &attrModel + } +} + +//generate SmartNvmeAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data. +func (sm *Smart) ProcessNvmeSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) { + sm.Attributes = map[string]SmartAttribute{ + "critical_warning": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "critical_warning", Name: "Critical Warning", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalWarning, Threshold: 0}, + "temperature": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "temperature", Name: "Temperature", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.Temperature, Threshold: -1}, + "available_spare": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "available_spare", Name: "Available Spare", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpare, Threshold: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpareThreshold}, + "percentage_used": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "percentage_used", Name: "Percentage Used", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PercentageUsed, Threshold: 100}, + "data_units_read": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "data_units_read", Name: "Data Units Read", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsRead, Threshold: -1}, + "data_units_written": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "data_units_written", Name: "Data Units Written", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsWritten, Threshold: -1}, + "host_reads": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "host_reads", Name: "Host Reads", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostReads, Threshold: -1}, + "host_writes": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "host_writes", Name: "Host Writes", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostWrites, Threshold: -1}, + "controller_busy_time": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "controller_busy_time", Name: "Controller Busy Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.ControllerBusyTime, Threshold: -1}, + "power_cycles": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "power_cycles", Name: "Power Cycles", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerCycles, Threshold: -1}, + "power_on_hours": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "power_on_hours", Name: "Power on Hours", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerOnHours, Threshold: -1}, + "unsafe_shutdowns": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "unsafe_shutdowns", Name: "Unsafe Shutdowns", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.UnsafeShutdowns, Threshold: -1}, + "media_errors": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "media_errors", Name: "Media Errors", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.MediaErrors, Threshold: 0}, + "num_err_log_entries": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "num_err_log_entries", Name: "Numb Err Log Entries", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.NumErrLogEntries, Threshold: 0}, + "warning_temp_time": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "warning_temp_time", Name: "Warning Temp Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.WarningTempTime, Threshold: -1}, + "critical_comp_time": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "critical_comp_time", Name: "Critical CompTime", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalCompTime, Threshold: -1}, + } +} + +//generate SmartScsiAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data. +func (sm *Smart) ProcessScsiSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) { + sm.Attributes = map[string]SmartAttribute{ + "scsi_grown_defect_list": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "scsi_grown_defect_list", Name: "Grown Defect List", Value: info.ScsiGrownDefectList, Threshold: 0}, + "read_errors_corrected_by_eccfast": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1}, + "read_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1}, + "read_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0}, + "read_total_errors_corrected": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_total_errors_corrected", Name: "Read Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1}, + "read_correction_algorithm_invocations": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Read Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1}, + "read_total_uncorrected_errors": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Read Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0}, + "write_errors_corrected_by_eccfast": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1}, + "write_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1}, + "write_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0}, + "write_total_errors_corrected": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_total_errors_corrected", Name: "Write Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1}, + "write_correction_algorithm_invocations": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Write Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1}, + "write_total_uncorrected_errors": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Write Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0}, + } +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_ata_attribute.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_ata_attribute.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..691cac7 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_ata_attribute.go @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +package measurements + +import ( + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed" +const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed" +const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn" + +type SmartAtaAttribute struct { + AttributeId int `json:"attribute_id"` + Name string `json:"name"` + Value int64 `json:"value"` + Threshold int64 `json:"thresh"` + Worst int64 `json:"worst"` + RawValue int64 `json:"raw_value"` + RawString string `json:"raw_string"` + WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"` + + //Generated data + TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"` + Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` + StatusReason string `json:"status_reason,omitempty"` + FailureRate float64 `json:"failure_rate,omitempty"` +} + +func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) Flatten() map[string]interface{} { + + idString := strconv.Itoa(sa.AttributeId) + + return map[string]interface{}{ + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.attribute_id", idString): idString, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.name", idString): sa.Name, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.value", idString): sa.Value, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.worst", idString): sa.Worst, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.thresh", idString): sa.Threshold, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.raw_value", idString): sa.RawValue, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.raw_string", idString): sa.RawString, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.when_failed", idString): sa.WhenFailed, + } +} +func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) { + if val == nil { + return + } + keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".") + + switch keyParts[2] { + case "attribute_id": + attrId, err := strconv.Atoi(val.(string)) + if err == nil { + sa.AttributeId = attrId + } + case "name": + sa.Name = val.(string) + case "value": + sa.Value = val.(int64) + case "worst": + sa.Worst = val.(int64) + case "thresh": + sa.Threshold = val.(int64) + case "raw_value": + sa.RawValue = val.(int64) + case "raw_string": + sa.RawString = val.(string) + case "when_failed": + sa.WhenFailed = val.(string) + } +} + +// +////populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata +//func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() { +// if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedFailingNow { +// //this attribute has previously failed +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed +// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing manufacturer SMART threshold" +// +// } else if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedInThePast { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning +// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute has previously failed manufacturer SMART threshold" +// } +// +// if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok { +// sa.MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata) +// } +// +// //check if status is blank, set to "passed" +// if len(sa.Status) == 0 { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed +// } +//} +// +//// compare the attribute (raw, normalized, transformed) value to observed thresholds, and update status if necessary +//func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata metadata.AtaAttributeMetadata) { +// //TODO: multiple rules +// // try to predict the failure rates for observed thresholds that have 0 failure rate and error bars. +// // - if the attribute is critical +// // - the failure rate is over 10 - set to failed +// // - the attribute does not match any threshold, set to warn +// // - if the attribute is not critical +// // - if failure rate is above 20 - set to failed +// // - if failure rate is above 10 but below 20 - set to warn +// +// //update the smart attribute status based on Observed thresholds. +// var value int64 +// if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeNormalized { +// value = int64(sa.Value) +// } else if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeTransformed { +// value = sa.TransformedValue +// } else { +// value = sa.RawValue +// } +// +// for _, obsThresh := range smartMetadata.ObservedThresholds { +// +// //check if "value" is in this bucket +// if ((obsThresh.Low == obsThresh.High) && value == obsThresh.Low) || +// (obsThresh.Low < value && value <= obsThresh.High) { +// sa.FailureRate = obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate +// +// if smartMetadata.Critical { +// if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed +// sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute is greater than 10%" +// } +// } else { +// if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.20 { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed +// sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 20%" +// } else if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning +// sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 10%" +// } +// } +// +// //we've found the correct bucket, we can drop out of this loop +// return +// } +// } +// // no bucket found +// if smartMetadata.Critical { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning +// sa.StatusReason = "Could not determine Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute" +// } +// +// return +//} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_attribute.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_attribute.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d93bc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_attribute.go @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +package measurements + +type SmartAttribute interface { + Flatten() (fields map[string]interface{}) + Inflate(key string, val interface{}) +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_nvme_attribute.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_nvme_attribute.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2705ea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_nvme_attribute.go @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +package measurements + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +type SmartNvmeAttribute struct { + AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl + Name string `json:"name"` + Value int64 `json:"value"` + Threshold int64 `json:"thresh"` + + TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"` + Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` + StatusReason string `json:"status_reason,omitempty"` + FailureRate float64 `json:"failure_rate,omitempty"` +} + +func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) Flatten() map[string]interface{} { + return map[string]interface{}{ + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.attribute_id", sa.AttributeId): sa.AttributeId, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.name", sa.AttributeId): sa.Name, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.value", sa.AttributeId): sa.Value, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.thresh", sa.AttributeId): sa.Threshold, + } +} +func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) { + if val == nil { + return + } + + keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".") + + switch keyParts[2] { + case "attribute_id": + sa.AttributeId = val.(string) + case "name": + sa.Name = val.(string) + case "value": + sa.Value = val.(int64) + case "thresh": + sa.Threshold = val.(int64) + } +} + +// +////populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata +//func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() { +// +// //-1 is a special number meaning no threshold. +// if sa.Threshold != -1 { +// if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok { +// //check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold +// if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) || +// (smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed +// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold" +// } +// } +// } +// //TODO: eventually figure out the critical_warning bits and determine correct error messages here. +// +// //check if status is blank, set to "passed" +// if len(sa.Status) == 0 { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed +// } +//} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_scsci_attribute.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_scsci_attribute.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..830036c --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_scsci_attribute.go @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +package measurements + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +type SmartScsiAttribute struct { + AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl + Name string `json:"name"` + Value int64 `json:"value"` + Threshold int64 `json:"thresh"` + + TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"` + Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` + StatusReason string `json:"status_reason,omitempty"` + FailureRate float64 `json:"failure_rate,omitempty"` +} + +func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) Flatten() map[string]interface{} { + return map[string]interface{}{ + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.attribute_id", sa.AttributeId): sa.AttributeId, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.name", sa.AttributeId): sa.Name, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.value", sa.AttributeId): sa.Value, + fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.thresh", sa.AttributeId): sa.Threshold, + } +} +func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) { + if val == nil { + return + } + + keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".") + + switch keyParts[2] { + case "attribute_id": + sa.AttributeId = val.(string) + case "name": + sa.Name = val.(string) + case "value": + sa.Value = val.(int64) + case "thresh": + sa.Threshold = val.(int64) + } +} + +// +////populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata +//func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() { +// +// //-1 is a special number meaning no threshold. +// if sa.Threshold != -1 { +// if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok { +// //check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold +// if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) || +// (smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed +// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold" +// } +// } +// } +// +// //check if status is blank, set to "passed" +// if len(sa.Status) == 0 { +// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed +// } +//} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_temperature.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_temperature.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06f4d74 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_temperature.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +package measurements + +import ( + "time" +) + +type SmartTemperature struct { + Date time.Time `json:"date"` + Temp int64 `json:"temp"` +} + +func (st *SmartTemperature) Flatten() (tags map[string]string, fields map[string]interface{}) { + fields = map[string]interface{}{ + "temp": st.Temp, + } + tags = map[string]string{} + + return tags, fields +} + +func (st *SmartTemperature) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) { + if val == nil { + return + } + + if key == "temp" { + st.Temp = val.(int64) + } +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_test.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1fde28 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/measurements/smart_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +package measurements_test + +//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo(t *testing.T) { +// //setup +// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-ata.json") +// require.NoError(t, err) +// defer smartDataFile.Close() +// +// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo +// +// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// +// //test +// smartMdl := db.Smart{} +// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) +// +// //assert +// require.NoError(t, err) +// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) +// require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) +// require.Equal(t, 18, len(smartMdl.Attributes)) +// +// //check that temperature was correctly parsed +// for _, attr := range smartMdl.Attributes { +// if attr.AttributeId == 194 { +// require.Equal(t, int64(163210330144), attr.RawValue) +// require.Equal(t, int64(32), attr.TransformedValue) +// } +// } +//} +// +//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail(t *testing.T) { +// //setup +// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail.json") +// require.NoError(t, err) +// defer smartDataFile.Close() +// +// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo +// +// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// +// //test +// smartMdl := db.Smart{} +// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) +// +// //assert +// require.NoError(t, err) +// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) +// require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) +// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) +// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) +// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) +//} +// +//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail2(t *testing.T) { +// //setup +// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail2.json") +// require.NoError(t, err) +// defer smartDataFile.Close() +// +// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo +// +// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// +// //test +// smartMdl := db.Smart{} +// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) +// +// //assert +// require.NoError(t, err) +// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) +// require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) +// require.Equal(t, 17, len(smartMdl.Attributes)) +//} +// +//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Nvme(t *testing.T) { +// //setup +// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-nvme.json") +// require.NoError(t, err) +// defer smartDataFile.Close() +// +// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo +// +// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// +// //test +// smartMdl := db.Smart{} +// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) +// +// //assert +// require.NoError(t, err) +// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) +// require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) +// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) +// require.Equal(t, 16, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) +// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) +// +// require.Equal(t, 111303174, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[6].Value) +// require.Equal(t, 83170961, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[7].Value) +//} +// +//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Scsi(t *testing.T) { +// //setup +// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-scsi.json") +// require.NoError(t, err) +// defer smartDataFile.Close() +// +// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo +// +// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson) +// require.NoError(t, err) +// +// //test +// smartMdl := db.Smart{} +// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson) +// +// //assert +// require.NoError(t, err) +// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN) +// require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus) +// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes)) +// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes)) +// require.Equal(t, 13, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes)) +// +// require.Equal(t, 56, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[0].Value) +// require.Equal(t, 300357663, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[4].Value) //total_errors_corrected +//} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/setting.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/setting.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9a1d6b --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/setting.go @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +package models + +// Temperature Format +// Date Format +// Device History window diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata-date.json b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata-date.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f654a3a --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata-date.json @@ -0,0 +1,846 @@ +{ + "json_format_version": [ + 1, + 0 + ], + "smartctl": { + "version": [ + 7, + 0 + ], + "svn_revision": "4883", + "platform_info": "x86_64-linux-4.19.128-flatcar", + "build_info": "(local build)", + "argv": [ + "smartctl", + "-j", + "-a", + "/dev/sdb" + ], + "exit_status": 0 + }, + "device": { + "name": "/dev/sdb", + "info_name": "/dev/sdb [SAT]", + "type": "sat", + "protocol": "ATA" + }, + "model_name": "WDC WD140EDFZ-11A0VA0", + "serial_number": "9RK1XXXX", + "wwn": { + "naa": 5, + "oui": 3274, + "id": 10283057623 + }, + "firmware_version": "81.00A81", + "user_capacity": { + "blocks": 27344764928, + "bytes": 14000519643136 + }, + "logical_block_size": 512, + "physical_block_size": 4096, + "rotation_rate": 5400, + "form_factor": { + "ata_value": 2, + "name": "3.5 inches" + }, + "in_smartctl_database": false, + "ata_version": { + "string": "ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4", + "major_value": 1020, + "minor_value": 41 + }, + "sata_version": { + "string": "SATA 3.2", + "value": 255 + }, + "interface_speed": { + "max": { + "sata_value": 14, + "string": "6.0 Gb/s", + "units_per_second": 60, + "bits_per_unit": 100000000 + }, + "current": { + "sata_value": 3, + "string": "6.0 Gb/s", + "units_per_second": 60, + "bits_per_unit": 100000000 + } + }, + "local_time": { + "time_t": 1611419146, + "asctime": "Sun Jun 30 00:03:30 2021 UTC" + }, + "smart_status": { + "passed": true + }, + "ata_smart_data": { + "offline_data_collection": { + "status": { + "value": 130, + "string": "was completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "completion_seconds": 101 + }, + "self_test": { + "status": { + "value": 241, + "string": "in progress, 10% remaining", + "remaining_percent": 10 + }, + "polling_minutes": { + "short": 2, + "extended": 1479 + } + }, + "capabilities": { + "values": [ + 91, + 3 + ], + "exec_offline_immediate_supported": true, + "offline_is_aborted_upon_new_cmd": false, + "offline_surface_scan_supported": true, + "self_tests_supported": true, + "conveyance_self_test_supported": false, + "selective_self_test_supported": true, + "attribute_autosave_enabled": true, + "error_logging_supported": true, + "gp_logging_supported": true + } + }, + "ata_sct_capabilities": { + "value": 61, + "error_recovery_control_supported": true, + "feature_control_supported": true, + "data_table_supported": true + }, + "ata_smart_attributes": { + "revision": 16, + "table": [ + { + "id": 1, + "name": "Raw_Read_Error_Rate", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 1, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 11, + "string": "PO-R-- ", + "prefailure": true, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": true, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + }, + { + "id": 2, + "name": "Throughput_Performance", + "value": 135, + "worst": 135, + "thresh": 54, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 4, + "string": "--S--- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": false, + "performance": true, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 108, + "string": "108" + } + }, + { + "id": 3, + "name": "Spin_Up_Time", + "value": 81, + "worst": 81, + "thresh": 1, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 7, + "string": "POS--- ", + "prefailure": true, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": true, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 30089675132, + "string": "380 (Average 380)" + } + }, + { + "id": 4, + "name": "Start_Stop_Count", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 18, + "string": "-O--C- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 9, + "string": "9" + } + }, + { + "id": 5, + "name": "Reallocated_Sector_Ct", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 1, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 51, + "string": "PO--CK ", + "prefailure": true, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": true + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + }, + { + "id": 7, + "name": "Seek_Error_Rate", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 1, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 10, + "string": "-O-R-- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": true, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + }, + { + "id": 8, + "name": "Seek_Time_Performance", + "value": 133, + "worst": 133, + "thresh": 20, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 4, + "string": "--S--- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": false, + "performance": true, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 18, + "string": "18" + } + }, + { + "id": 9, + "name": "Power_On_Hours", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 18, + "string": "-O--C- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 1730, + "string": "1730" + } + }, + { + "id": 10, + "name": "Spin_Retry_Count", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 1, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 18, + "string": "-O--C- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + }, + { + "id": 12, + "name": "Power_Cycle_Count", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 50, + "string": "-O--CK ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": true + }, + "raw": { + "value": 9, + "string": "9" + } + }, + { + "id": 22, + "name": "Unknown_Attribute", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 25, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 35, + "string": "PO---K ", + "prefailure": true, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": true + }, + "raw": { + "value": 100, + "string": "100" + } + }, + { + "id": 192, + "name": "Power-Off_Retract_Count", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 50, + "string": "-O--CK ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": true + }, + "raw": { + "value": 329, + "string": "329" + } + }, + { + "id": 193, + "name": "Load_Cycle_Count", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 18, + "string": "-O--C- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 329, + "string": "329" + } + }, + { + "id": 194, + "name": "Temperature_Celsius", + "value": 51, + "worst": 51, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 2, + "string": "-O---- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 163210330144, + "string": "32 (Min/Max 24/38)" + } + }, + { + "id": 196, + "name": "Reallocated_Event_Count", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 50, + "string": "-O--CK ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": true, + "auto_keep": true + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + }, + { + "id": 197, + "name": "Current_Pending_Sector", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 34, + "string": "-O---K ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": false, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": true + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + }, + { + "id": 198, + "name": "Offline_Uncorrectable", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 8, + "string": "---R-- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": false, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": true, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + }, + { + "id": 199, + "name": "UDMA_CRC_Error_Count", + "value": 100, + "worst": 100, + "thresh": 0, + "when_failed": "", + "flags": { + "value": 10, + "string": "-O-R-- ", + "prefailure": false, + "updated_online": true, + "performance": false, + "error_rate": true, + "event_count": false, + "auto_keep": false + }, + "raw": { + "value": 0, + "string": "0" + } + } + ] + }, + "power_on_time": { + "hours": 1730 + }, + "power_cycle_count": 9, + "temperature": { + "current": 32 + }, + "ata_smart_error_log": { + "summary": { + "revision": 1, + "count": 0 + } + }, + "ata_smart_self_test_log": { + "standard": { + "revision": 1, + "table": [ + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1708 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1684 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1661 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1636 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 2, + "string": "Extended offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1624 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1541 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1517 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1493 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1469 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1445 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 2, + "string": "Extended offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1439 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1373 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1349 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1325 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1301 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1277 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1253 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 2, + "string": "Extended offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1252 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1205 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1181 + }, + { + "type": { + "value": 1, + "string": "Short offline" + }, + "status": { + "value": 0, + "string": "Completed without error", + "passed": true + }, + "lifetime_hours": 1157 + } + ], + "count": 21, + "error_count_total": 0, + "error_count_outdated": 0 + } + }, + "ata_smart_selective_self_test_log": { + "revision": 1, + "table": [ + { + "lba_min": 0, + "lba_max": 0, + "status": { + "value": 241, + "string": "Not_testing" + } + }, + { + "lba_min": 0, + "lba_max": 0, + "status": { + "value": 241, + "string": "Not_testing" + } + }, + { + "lba_min": 0, + "lba_max": 0, + "status": { + "value": 241, + "string": "Not_testing" + } + }, + { + "lba_min": 0, + "lba_max": 0, + "status": { + "value": 241, + "string": "Not_testing" + } + }, + { + "lba_min": 0, + "lba_max": 0, + "status": { + "value": 241, + "string": "Not_testing" + } + } + ], + "flags": { + "value": 0, + "remainder_scan_enabled": false + }, + "power_up_scan_resume_minutes": 0 + } +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_device_details.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_device_details.go index 4bee8fc..5807292 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_device_details.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_device_details.go @@ -1,44 +1,25 @@ package handler import ( + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/database" "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/metadata" - dbModels "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" - "gorm.io/gorm" "net/http" ) func GetDeviceDetails(c *gin.Context) { - db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB) logger := c.MustGet("LOGGER").(logrus.FieldLogger) - device := dbModels.Device{} - - if err := db.Preload("SmartResults", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { - return db.Order("smarts.created_at DESC").Limit(40) - }). - Preload("SmartResults.AtaAttributes"). - Preload("SmartResults.NvmeAttributes"). - Preload("SmartResults.ScsiAttributes"). - Where("wwn = ?", c.Param("wwn")). - First(&device).Error; err != nil { + deviceRepo := c.MustGet("DEVICE_REPOSITORY").(database.DeviceRepo) + device, err := deviceRepo.GetDeviceDetails(c, c.Param("wwn")) + if err != nil { logger.Errorln("An error occurred while retrieving device details", err) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) return } - if err := device.SquashHistory(); err != nil { - logger.Errorln("An error occurred while squashing device history", err) - c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) - return - } - - if err := device.ApplyMetadataRules(); err != nil { - logger.Errorln("An error occurred while applying scrutiny thresholds & rules", err) - c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) - return - } + smartResults, err := deviceRepo.GetSmartAttributeHistory(c, c.Param("wwn"), "", nil) var deviceMetadata interface{} if device.IsAta() { @@ -49,5 +30,5 @@ func GetDeviceDetails(c *gin.Context) { deviceMetadata = metadata.ScsiMetadata } - c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": true, "data": device, "metadata": deviceMetadata}) + c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"success": true, "data": map[string]interface{}{"device": device, "smart_results": smartResults}, "metadata": deviceMetadata}) } diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_devices_summary.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_devices_summary.go index b0c9c1c..8eb392f 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_devices_summary.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/get_devices_summary.go @@ -1,31 +1,28 @@ package handler import ( - dbModels "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/database" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" - "gorm.io/gorm" "net/http" ) func GetDevicesSummary(c *gin.Context) { - db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB) logger := c.MustGet("LOGGER").(logrus.FieldLogger) - devices := []dbModels.Device{} + deviceRepo := c.MustGet("DEVICE_REPOSITORY").(database.DeviceRepo) - //We need the last x (for now all) Smart objects for each Device, so that we can graph Temperature - //We also need the last - if err := db.Preload("SmartResults", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { - return db.Order("smarts.created_at DESC") //OLD: .Limit(devicesCount) - }). - Find(&devices).Error; err != nil { - logger.Errorln("Could not get device summary from DB", err) + summary, err := deviceRepo.GetSummary(c) + if err != nil { + logger.Errorln("An error occurred while retrieving device summary", err) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) return } c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{ "success": true, - "data": devices, + "data": map[string]interface{}{ + "summary": summary, + //"temperature": tem + }, }) } diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/register_devices.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/register_devices.go index 746278a..e1ddf95 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/register_devices.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/register_devices.go @@ -1,22 +1,20 @@ package handler import ( - dbModels "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/database" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" - "gorm.io/gorm" - "gorm.io/gorm/clause" - "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "net/http" ) // register devices that are detected by various collectors. -// This function is run everytime a collector is about to start a run. It can be used to update device data. +// This function is run everytime a collector is about to start a run. It can be used to update device metadata. func RegisterDevices(c *gin.Context) { - db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB) + deviceRepo := c.MustGet("DEVICE_REPOSITORY").(database.DeviceRepo) logger := c.MustGet("LOGGER").(logrus.FieldLogger) - var collectorDeviceWrapper dbModels.DeviceWrapper + var collectorDeviceWrapper models.DeviceWrapper err := c.BindJSON(&collectorDeviceWrapper) if err != nil { logger.Errorln("Cannot parse detected devices", err) @@ -28,11 +26,7 @@ func RegisterDevices(c *gin.Context) { for _, dev := range collectorDeviceWrapper.Data { //insert devices into DB (and update specified columns if device is already registered) // update device fields that may change: (DeviceType, HostID) - if err := db.Clauses(clause.OnConflict{ - Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "wwn"}}, - DoUpdates: clause.AssignmentColumns([]string{"host_id", "device_name", "device_type"}), - }).Create(&dev).Error; err != nil { - + if err := deviceRepo.RegisterDevice(c, dev); err != nil { errs = append(errs, err) } } @@ -44,7 +38,7 @@ func RegisterDevices(c *gin.Context) { }) return } else { - c.JSON(http.StatusOK, dbModels.DeviceWrapper{ + c.JSON(http.StatusOK, models.DeviceWrapper{ Success: true, Data: collectorDeviceWrapper.Data, }) diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/send_test_notification.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/send_test_notification.go index 52ba8f5..07a1d6c 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/send_test_notification.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/send_test_notification.go @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ package handler import ( + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg" "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/config" - dbModels "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models" "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/notify" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ func SendTestNotification(c *gin.Context) { Payload: notify.Payload{ FailureType: "EmailTest", DeviceSerial: "FAKEWDDJ324KSO", - DeviceType: dbModels.DeviceProtocolAta, + DeviceType: pkg.DeviceProtocolAta, DeviceName: "/dev/sda", Test: true, }, @@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ func SendTestNotification(c *gin.Context) { "errors": []string{err.Error()}, }) } else { - c.JSON(http.StatusOK, dbModels.DeviceWrapper{ + c.JSON(http.StatusOK, models.DeviceWrapper{ Success: true, }) } diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/upload_device_metrics.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/upload_device_metrics.go index 949116a..5abd134 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/upload_device_metrics.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/handler/upload_device_metrics.go @@ -1,20 +1,24 @@ package handler import ( + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg" "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/config" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/database" "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/collector" - dbModels "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/notify" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" - "gorm.io/gorm" "net/http" ) func UploadDeviceMetrics(c *gin.Context) { - db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB) + //db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB) logger := c.MustGet("LOGGER").(logrus.FieldLogger) appConfig := c.MustGet("CONFIG").(config.Interface) + //influxWriteDb := c.MustGet("INFLUXDB_WRITE").(*api.WriteAPIBlocking) + deviceRepo := c.MustGet("DEVICE_REPOSITORY").(database.DeviceRepo) + + //appConfig := c.MustGet("CONFIG").(config.Interface) var collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo err := c.BindJSON(&collectorSmartData) @@ -25,39 +29,39 @@ func UploadDeviceMetrics(c *gin.Context) { } //update the device information if necessary - var device dbModels.Device - db.Where("wwn = ?", c.Param("wwn")).First(&device) - device.UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(collectorSmartData) - if err := db.Model(&device).Updates(device).Error; err != nil { + updatedDevice, err := deviceRepo.UpdateDevice(c, c.Param("wwn"), collectorSmartData) + if err != nil { logger.Errorln("An error occurred while updating device data from smartctl metrics", err) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) return } // insert smart info - deviceSmartData := dbModels.Smart{} - err = deviceSmartData.FromCollectorSmartInfo(c.Param("wwn"), collectorSmartData) + _, err = deviceRepo.SaveSmartAttributes(c, c.Param("wwn"), collectorSmartData) if err != nil { - logger.Errorln("Could not process SMART metrics", err) + logger.Errorln("An error occurred while saving smartctl metrics", err) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) return } - if err := db.Create(&deviceSmartData).Error; err != nil { - logger.Errorln("An error occurred while saving smartctl metrics", err) + + // save smart temperature data (ignore failures) + err = deviceRepo.SaveSmartTemperature(c, c.Param("wwn"), updatedDevice.DeviceProtocol, collectorSmartData) + if err != nil { + logger.Errorln("An error occurred while saving smartctl temp data", err) c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false}) return } //check for error - if deviceSmartData.SmartStatus == dbModels.SmartStatusFailed { + if updatedDevice.DeviceStatus != pkg.DeviceStatusPassed { //send notifications testNotify := notify.Notify{ Config: appConfig, Payload: notify.Payload{ FailureType: notify.NotifyFailureTypeSmartFailure, - DeviceName: device.DeviceName, - DeviceType: device.DeviceProtocol, - DeviceSerial: device.SerialNumber, + DeviceName: updatedDevice.DeviceName, + DeviceType: updatedDevice.DeviceProtocol, + DeviceSerial: updatedDevice.SerialNumber, Test: false, }, Logger: logger, diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/middleware/repository.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/middleware/repository.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fe58d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/middleware/repository.go @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package middleware + +import ( + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/config" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/database" + "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" + "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" +) + +func RepositoryMiddleware(appConfig config.Interface, globalLogger logrus.FieldLogger) gin.HandlerFunc { + + deviceRepo, err := database.NewScrutinyRepository(appConfig, globalLogger) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + //TODO: determine where we can call defer deviceRepo.Close() + return func(c *gin.Context) { + c.Set("DEVICE_REPOSITORY", deviceRepo) + c.Next() + } +} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/middleware/sqlite3.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/middleware/sqlite3.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3eeee13..0000000 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/middleware/sqlite3.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package middleware - -import ( - "fmt" - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/config" - "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" - "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" - "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" - "gorm.io/driver/sqlite" - "gorm.io/gorm" -) - -func DatabaseMiddleware(appConfig config.Interface, globalLogger logrus.FieldLogger) gin.HandlerFunc { - - //var database *gorm.DB - fmt.Printf("Trying to connect to database stored: %s\n", appConfig.GetString("web.database.location")) - database, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(appConfig.GetString("web.database.location")), &gorm.Config{ - //TODO: figure out how to log database queries again. - //Logger: logger - }) - if err != nil { - panic("Failed to connect to database!") - } - - //database.SetLogger() - database.AutoMigrate(&db.Device{}) - database.AutoMigrate(&db.SelfTest{}) - database.AutoMigrate(&db.Smart{}) - database.AutoMigrate(&db.SmartAtaAttribute{}) - database.AutoMigrate(&db.SmartNvmeAttribute{}) - database.AutoMigrate(&db.SmartScsiAttribute{}) - - //TODO: detrmine where we can call defer database.Close() - return func(c *gin.Context) { - c.Set("DB", database) - c.Next() - } -} - -// GormLogger is a custom logger for Gorm, making it use logrus. -type GormLogger struct{ Logger logrus.FieldLogger } - -// Print handles log events from Gorm for the custom logger. -func (gl *GormLogger) Print(v ...interface{}) { - switch v[0] { - case "sql": - gl.Logger.WithFields( - logrus.Fields{ - "module": "gorm", - "type": "sql", - "rows": v[5], - "src_ref": v[1], - "values": v[4], - }, - ).Debug(v[3]) - case "log": - gl.Logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"module": "gorm", "type": "log"}).Print(v[2]) - } -} diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server.go index af993e3..c685916 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server.go @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func (ae *AppEngine) Setup(logger logrus.FieldLogger) *gin.Engine { r := gin.New() r.Use(middleware.LoggerMiddleware(logger)) - r.Use(middleware.DatabaseMiddleware(ae.Config, logger)) + r.Use(middleware.RepositoryMiddleware(ae.Config, logger)) r.Use(middleware.ConfigMiddleware(ae.Config)) r.Use(gin.Recovery()) diff --git a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server_test.go b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server_test.go index 1b2d87f..01ec527 100644 --- a/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server_test.go +++ b/webapp/backend/pkg/web/server_test.go @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package web_test import ( "encoding/json" mock_config "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/config/mock" - dbModels "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models/db" + "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/models" "github.com/analogj/scrutiny/webapp/backend/pkg/web" "github.com/golang/mock/gomock" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ func TestGetDevicesSummaryRoute_Nvme(t *testing.T) { req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/api/summary", nil) router.ServeHTTP(sr, req) require.Equal(t, 200, sr.Code) - var device dbModels.DeviceWrapper + var device models.DeviceWrapper json.Unmarshal(sr.Body.Bytes(), &device) //assert diff --git a/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sda.ts b/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sda.ts index 2766943..733e2ee 100644 --- a/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sda.ts +++ b/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sda.ts @@ -1,1479 +1,151 @@ export const sda = { "data": { - "CreatedAt": "2020-08-28T07:55:27.751071002Z", - "UpdatedAt": "2020-09-08T21:39:26.571901-07:00", - "DeletedAt": null, - "wwn": "0x5002538e40a22954", - 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}, {"low": 130, "high": 260, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}], + }, { + "low": 130, + "high": 260, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }], "display_type": "raw" }, "184": { @@ -4658,12 +938,22 @@ export const sdb = { "high": 94, "annual_failure_rate": 1.631212012870933, "error_interval": [1.055634407303844, 2.407990716767714] - }, {"low": 94, "high": 95, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 94, + "high": 95, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 95, "high": 96, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0] - }, {"low": 96, "high": 97, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 96, + "high": 97, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 97, "high": 97, "annual_failure_rate": 0, @@ -4945,12 +1235,22 @@ export const sdb = { "high": 60, "annual_failure_rate": 0.05672658497265746, "error_interval": [0.043182904776447234, 0.07317316161437043] - }, {"low": 60, "high": 72, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 60, + "high": 72, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 72, "high": 84, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0] - }, {"low": 84, "high": 96, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 84, + "high": 96, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 96, "high": 108, "annual_failure_rate": 0.04074570216566197, @@ -5492,7 +1792,12 @@ export const sdb = { "high": 91, "annual_failure_rate": 0.12262136155304391, "error_interval": [0.0670382394080032, 0.20573780888032978] - }, {"low": 91, "high": 104, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}], + }, { + "low": 91, + "high": 104, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }], "display_type": "raw" }, "5": { @@ -5572,12 +1877,22 @@ export const sdb = { "high": 112, "annual_failure_rate": 0.01087335627722523, "error_interval": [0.008732197944943352, 0.013380600544561905] - }, {"low": 112, "high": 130, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 112, + "high": 130, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 130, "high": 148, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0] - }, {"low": 148, "high": 166, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 148, + "high": 166, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 166, "high": 184, "annual_failure_rate": 0, @@ -5602,5 +1917,6 @@ export const sdb = { "description": "Count of hours in power-on state. The raw value of this attribute shows total count of hours (or minutes, or seconds, depending on manufacturer) in power-on state. By default, the total expected lifetime of a hard disk in perfect condition is defined as 5 years (running every day and night on all days). This is equal to 1825 days in 24/7 mode or 43800 hours. 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}, {"low": 130, "high": 260, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}], + }, { + "low": 130, + "high": 260, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }], "display_type": "raw" }, "184": { @@ -2379,12 +513,22 @@ export const sdc = { "high": 94, "annual_failure_rate": 1.631212012870933, "error_interval": [1.055634407303844, 2.407990716767714] - }, {"low": 94, "high": 95, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 94, + "high": 95, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 95, "high": 96, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0] - }, {"low": 96, "high": 97, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 96, + "high": 97, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 97, "high": 97, "annual_failure_rate": 0, @@ -2666,12 +810,22 @@ export const sdc = { "high": 60, "annual_failure_rate": 0.05672658497265746, "error_interval": [0.043182904776447234, 0.07317316161437043] - }, {"low": 60, "high": 72, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 60, + "high": 72, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 72, "high": 84, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0] - }, {"low": 84, "high": 96, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 84, + "high": 96, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 96, "high": 108, "annual_failure_rate": 0.04074570216566197, @@ -3213,7 +1367,12 @@ export const sdc = { "high": 91, "annual_failure_rate": 0.12262136155304391, "error_interval": [0.0670382394080032, 0.20573780888032978] - }, {"low": 91, "high": 104, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}], + }, { + "low": 91, + "high": 104, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }], "display_type": "raw" }, "5": { @@ -3293,12 +1452,22 @@ export const sdc = { "high": 112, "annual_failure_rate": 0.01087335627722523, "error_interval": [0.008732197944943352, 0.013380600544561905] - }, {"low": 112, "high": 130, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 112, + "high": 130, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 130, "high": 148, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0] - }, {"low": 148, "high": 166, "annual_failure_rate": 0, "error_interval": [0, 0]}, { + }, { + "low": 148, + "high": 166, + "annual_failure_rate": 0, + "error_interval": [0, 0] + }, { "low": 166, "high": 184, "annual_failure_rate": 0, @@ -3323,5 +1492,6 @@ export const sdc = { "description": "Count of hours in power-on state. The raw value of this attribute shows total count of hours (or minutes, or seconds, depending on manufacturer) in power-on state. By default, the total expected lifetime of a hard disk in perfect condition is defined as 5 years (running every day and night on all days). This is equal to 1825 days in 24/7 mode or 43800 hours. On some pre-2005 drives, this raw value may advance erratically and/or \"wrap around\" (reset to zero periodically).", "display_type": "normalized" } - }, "success": true + }, + "success": true } diff --git a/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sdd.ts b/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sdd.ts index 5884342..35e73d1 100644 --- a/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sdd.ts +++ b/webapp/frontend/src/app/data/mock/device/details/sdd.ts @@ -1,1240 +1,208 @@ export const sdd = { "data": { - "CreatedAt": "2020-08-28T07:55:27.76380029Z", - "UpdatedAt": "2020-09-08T21:39:26.575283-07:00", - "DeletedAt": null, - "wwn": "0x5000cca252c859cc", - "device_name": "sdd", - "manufacturer": "SEAGATE", - "model_name": "WDC_WD80EFAX-68LHPN0", - "interface_type": "SCSI", - "interface_speed": "", - "serial_number": "7SGLXXXXX", - "firmware": "", - "rotational_speed": 7200, - "capacity": 4000787030016, - "form_factor": "3.5 inches", - "smart_support": false, - 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"2021-04-30T08:17:13.150792-07:00", + "UpdatedAt": "2021-05-02T14:22:50.330706-07:00", + "DeletedAt": null, + "wwn": "0x5002538e40a22954", + "device_name": "sda", + "manufacturer": "ATA", + "model_name": "Samsung_SSD_860_EVO_500GB", + "interface_type": "SCSI", + "interface_speed": "", + "serial_number": "S3YZNB0KBXXXXXX", + "firmware": "002C", + "rotational_speed": 0, + "capacity": 500107862016, + "form_factor": "", + "smart_support": false, + "device_protocol": "", + "device_type": "", + "label": "", + "host_id": "", + "device_status": 0 + }, + "smart": { + "collector_date": "2020-06-10T12:01:02Z", + "temp": 36, + "power_on_hours": 2401 + }, + "temp_history": [{ + "date": "2020-06-10T12:01:02Z", + "temp": 36 + }] + } + } + }, + "success": true +} diff --git a/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/dashboard/dashboard.component.html b/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/dashboard/dashboard.component.html index 82a723f..4fd1574 100644 --- a/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/dashboard/dashboard.component.html +++ b/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/dashboard/dashboard.component.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -
+ +
@@ -47,38 +48,37 @@
- -
- {{deviceTitle(disk)}} -
- Last Updated on {{disk.smart_results[0]?.date | date:'MMMM dd, yyyy - HH:mm' }} + {{deviceTitle(summary.value.device)}} +
+ Last Updated on {{summary.value.smart.collector_date | date:'MMMM dd, yyyy - HH:mm' }}
Host ID
{{data.data.device_type | uppercase}}
{{device?.device_type | uppercase}}
Device Type
Model Family
Device Model
Serial Number
LU WWN Device Id
Firmware Version
{{data.data.capacity | fileSize}}
{{device?.capacity | fileSize}}
{{data.data.rotational_speed}} RPM
{{device?.rotational_speed}} RPM
Rotation Rate
Power Cycle Count
{{humanizeDuration(data.data.smart_results[0]?.power_on_hours *60 * 60 * 1000, { round: true, largest: 1, units: ['y', 'd', 'h'] })}}
{{humanizeDuration(smart_results[0]?.power_on_hours *60 * 60 * 1000, { round: true, largest: 1, units: ['y', 'd', 'h'] })}}
Powered On
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
S.M.A.R.T {{data.data.device_protocol}} Attributes
S.M.A.R.T {{device?.device_protocol}} Attributes
{{this.smartAttributeDataSource.data.length}} visible, {{getHiddenAttributes()}} hidden
diff --git a/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/detail/detail.component.ts b/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/detail/detail.component.ts index a4321ec..eaf5b7c 100644 --- a/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/detail/detail.component.ts +++ b/webapp/frontend/src/app/modules/detail/detail.component.ts @@ -19,7 +19,12 @@ import humanizeDuration from 'humanize-duration'; export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { onlyCritical: boolean = true; - data: any; + // data: any; + + metadata: any; + device: any; + smart_results: any[]; + commonSparklineOptions: Partial; smartAttributeDataSource: MatTableDataSource; smartAttributeTableColumns: string[]; @@ -66,10 +71,14 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { .subscribe((data) => { // Store the data - this.data = data; + // this.data = data; + this.device = data.data.device; + this.smart_results = data.data.smart_results + this.metadata = data.metadata; + // Store the table data - this.smartAttributeDataSource.data = this._generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(data.data.smart_results); + this.smartAttributeDataSource.data = this._generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(this.smart_results); // Prepare the chart data this._prepareChartData(); @@ -99,7 +108,7 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { // @ Private methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getAttributeDescription(attribute_data){ - let attribute_metadata = this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] + let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return 'Unknown' } else { @@ -110,7 +119,7 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { getAttributeValue(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()) { - let attribute_metadata = this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] + let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return attribute_data.value } else if (attribute_metadata.display_type == "raw") { @@ -128,7 +137,7 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { getAttributeValueType(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()) { - let attribute_metadata = this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] + let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return '' } else { @@ -141,14 +150,14 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { getAttributeIdeal(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()){ - return this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.display_type == "raw" ? this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.ideal : '' + return this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.display_type == "raw" ? this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.ideal : '' } else { - return this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.ideal + return this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.ideal } } getAttributeWorst(attribute_data){ - let attribute_metadata = this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] + let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return attribute_data.worst } else { @@ -158,7 +167,7 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { getAttributeThreshold(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()){ - let attribute_metadata = this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] + let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata || attribute_metadata.display_type == "normalized"){ return attribute_data.thresh } else { @@ -175,29 +184,30 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { } getAttributeCritical(attribute_data){ - return this.data.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.critical + return this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.critical } getHiddenAttributes(){ - let attributes_list - if(this.isAta()){ - attributes_list = this.data.data.smart_results[0]?.ata_attributes - } else if(this.isNvme()){ - attributes_list = this.data.data.smart_results[0]?.nvme_attributes - } else { - attributes_list = this.data.data.smart_results[0]?.scsi_attributes + if (!this.smart_results || this.smart_results.length == 0) { + return 0 + } + + let attributes_length = 0 + let attributes = this.smart_results[0]?.attrs + if (attributes) { + attributes_length = Object.keys(attributes).length } - return attributes_list.length - this.smartAttributeDataSource.data.length + return attributes_length - this.smartAttributeDataSource.data.length } isAta(): boolean { - return this.data.data.device_protocol == 'ATA' + return this.device.device_protocol == 'ATA' } isScsi(): boolean { - return this.data.data.device_protocol == 'SCSI' + return this.device.device_protocol == 'SCSI' } isNvme(): boolean { - return this.data.data.device_protocol == 'NVMe' + return this.device.device_protocol == 'NVMe' } private _generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(smart_results){ @@ -207,21 +217,22 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { return smartAttributeDataSource } var latest_smart_result = smart_results[0]; - let attributes_list = [] + let attributes = {} if(this.isScsi()) { this.smartAttributeTableColumns = ['status', 'name', 'value', 'thresh', 'history']; - attributes_list = latest_smart_result.scsi_attributes + attributes = latest_smart_result.attrs } else if(this.isNvme()){ this.smartAttributeTableColumns = ['status', 'name', 'value', 'thresh', 'ideal', 'history']; - attributes_list = latest_smart_result.nvme_attributes + attributes = latest_smart_result.attrs } else { //ATA - attributes_list = latest_smart_result.ata_attributes + attributes = latest_smart_result.attrs this.smartAttributeTableColumns = ['status', 'id', 'name', 'value', 'worst', 'thresh','ideal', 'failure', 'history']; } + for(const attrId in attributes){ + var attr = attributes[attrId] - for(let attr of attributes_list){ //chart history data if (!attr.chartData) { var rawHistory = (attr.history || []).map(hist_attr => this.getAttributeValue(hist_attr)).reverse() @@ -235,7 +246,7 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { } //determine when to include the attributes in table. - if(!this.onlyCritical || this.onlyCritical && this.data.metadata[attr.attribute_id]?.critical || attr.value < attr.thresh){ + if(!this.onlyCritical || this.onlyCritical && this.metadata[attr.attribute_id]?.critical || attr.value < attr.thresh){ smartAttributeDataSource.push(attr) } } @@ -297,7 +308,7 @@ export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { } toggleOnlyCritical(){ this.onlyCritical = !this.onlyCritical - this.smartAttributeDataSource.data = this._generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(this.data.data.smart_results); + this.smartAttributeDataSource.data = this._generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(this.smart_results); }