@ -5,185 +5,186 @@
package mock_config
import (
reflect "reflect"
gomock "github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
viper "github.com/spf13/viper"
reflect "reflect"
// MockInterface is a mock of Interface interface
// MockInterface is a mock of Interface interface .
type MockInterface struct {
ctrl * gomock . Controller
recorder * MockInterfaceMockRecorder
// MockInterfaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockInterface
// MockInterfaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockInterface .
type MockInterfaceMockRecorder struct {
mock * MockInterface
// NewMockInterface creates a new mock instance
// NewMockInterface creates a new mock instance .
func NewMockInterface ( ctrl * gomock . Controller ) * MockInterface {
mock := & MockInterface { ctrl : ctrl }
mock . recorder = & MockInterfaceMockRecorder { mock }
return mock
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use .
func ( m * MockInterface ) EXPECT ( ) * MockInterfaceMockRecorder {
return m . recorder
// Init mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) Init( ) error {
// AllSettings mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) AllSettings( ) map [ string ] interface { } {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " Init ")
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( error )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " AllSettings ")
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( map [ string ] interface { } )
return ret0
// Init indicates an expected call of Init
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) Init ( ) * gomock . Call {
// AllSettings indicates an expected call of AllSettings.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) AllSettings ( ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " Init ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . Init ) )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " AllSettings ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . AllSettings ) )
// ReadConfig mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) ReadConfig( configFilePath string ) error {
// Get mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) Get( key string ) interface { } {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " ReadConfig", configFilePath )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( error )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " Get", key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( interface { } )
return ret0
// ReadConfig indicates an expected call of ReadConfig
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) ReadConfig( configFilePath interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// Get indicates an expected call of Get.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) Get( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " ReadConfig ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . ReadConfig) , configFilePath )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " Get ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . Get) , key )
// Set mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) Set( key string , value interface { } ) {
// GetBool mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetBool( key string ) bool {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
m . ctrl . Call ( m , "Set" , key , value )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , "GetBool" , key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( bool )
return ret0
// Set indicates an expected call of Set
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) Set( key , value interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// GetBool indicates an expected call of GetBool.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetBool( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " Set ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . Set) , key , value )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " GetBool ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . GetBool) , key )
// SetDefault mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) SetDefault( key string , value interface { } ) {
// GetInt mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetInt( key string ) int {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
m . ctrl . Call ( m , "SetDefault" , key , value )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , "GetInt" , key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( int )
return ret0
// SetDefault indicates an expected call of SetDefault
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) SetDefault( key , value interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// GetInt indicates an expected call of GetInt.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetInt( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " SetDefaul t", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . SetDefault) , key , value )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " GetIn t", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . GetInt) , key )
// AllSettings mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) AllSettings( ) map [ string ] interface { } {
// GetString mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetString( key string ) string {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " AllSettings" )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( map [ string ] interface { } )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " GetString", key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( string )
return ret0
// AllSettings indicates an expected call of AllSettings
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) AllSettings( ) * gomock . Call {
// GetString indicates an expected call of GetString.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetString( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " AllSettings ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . AllSettings) )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " GetString ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . GetString) , key )
// IsSet mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) IsSet( key string ) bool {
// GetStringSlice mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetStringSlice( key string ) [ ] string {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " IsSet ", key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( bool )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " GetStringSlice ", key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( [ ] string )
return ret0
// IsSet indicates an expected call of IsSet
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) IsSet ( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// GetStringSlice indicates an expected call of GetStringSlice.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetStringSlice ( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " IsSet ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . IsSet ) , key )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " GetStringSlice ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . GetStringSlice ) , key )
// Get mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) Get( key string ) interface { } {
// Init mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) Init( ) error {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " Get", key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( interface { } )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " Init" )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( error )
return ret0
// Get indicates an expected call of Get
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) Get( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// Init indicates an expected call of Init.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) Init( ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " Ge t", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . Get) , key )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " Ini t", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . Init) )
// GetBool mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetBool ( key string ) bool {
// IsSet mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) IsSet ( key string ) bool {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " GetBool ", key )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " IsSet ", key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( bool )
return ret0
// GetBool indicates an expected call of GetBool
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetBool ( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// IsSet indicates an expected call of IsSet.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) IsSet ( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " GetBool ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . GetBool ) , key )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " IsSet ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . IsSet ) , key )
// GetInt mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetInt( key string ) int {
// ReadConfig mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) ReadConfig( configFilePath string ) error {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " GetInt", key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( int )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , " ReadConfig", configFilePath )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( error )
return ret0
// GetInt indicates an expected call of GetInt
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetInt( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// ReadConfig indicates an expected call of ReadConfig.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) ReadConfig( configFilePath interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " GetInt ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . GetInt) , key )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " ReadConfig ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . ReadConfig) , configFilePath )
// Get String mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetString( key string ) string {
// Se t mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) Set( key string , value interface { } ) {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , "GetString" , key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( string )
return ret0
m . ctrl . Call ( m , "Set" , key , value )
// GetString indicates an expected call of GetString
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetString( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// Set indicates an expected call of Set.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) Set( key , value interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " Get String ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . Get String ) , key )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " Se t", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . Se t) , key , value )
// GetStringSlice mocks base method
func ( m * MockInterface ) GetStringSlice( key string ) [ ] string {
// SetDefault mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) SetDefault( key string , value interface { } ) {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , "GetStringSlice" , key )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( [ ] string )
return ret0
m . ctrl . Call ( m , "SetDefault" , key , value )
// GetStringSlice indicates an expected call of GetStringSlice
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) GetStringSlice( key interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
// SetDefault indicates an expected call of SetDefault.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) SetDefault( key , value interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " GetStringSlice ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . GetStringSlice) , key )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , " SetDefault ", reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . SetDefault) , key , value )
// UnmarshalKey mocks base method
// UnmarshalKey mocks base method .
func ( m * MockInterface ) UnmarshalKey ( key string , rawVal interface { } , decoderOpts ... viper . DecoderConfigOption ) error {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
varargs := [ ] interface { } { key , rawVal }
@ -195,9 +196,23 @@ func (m *MockInterface) UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}, decoderOpts
return ret0
// UnmarshalKey indicates an expected call of UnmarshalKey
// UnmarshalKey indicates an expected call of UnmarshalKey .
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) UnmarshalKey ( key , rawVal interface { } , decoderOpts ... interface { } ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
varargs := append ( [ ] interface { } { key , rawVal } , decoderOpts ... )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , "UnmarshalKey" , reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . UnmarshalKey ) , varargs ... )
// WriteConfig mocks base method.
func ( m * MockInterface ) WriteConfig ( ) error {
m . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
ret := m . ctrl . Call ( m , "WriteConfig" )
ret0 , _ := ret [ 0 ] . ( error )
return ret0
// WriteConfig indicates an expected call of WriteConfig.
func ( mr * MockInterfaceMockRecorder ) WriteConfig ( ) * gomock . Call {
mr . mock . ctrl . T . Helper ( )
return mr . mock . ctrl . RecordCallWithMethodType ( mr . mock , "WriteConfig" , reflect . TypeOf ( ( * MockInterface ) ( nil ) . WriteConfig ) )