import {AfterViewInit, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ApexOptions} from "ng-apexcharts"; import {MatTableDataSource} from "@angular/material/table"; import {MatSort} from "@angular/material/sort"; import {Subject} from "rxjs"; import {DetailService} from "./detail.service"; import {takeUntil} from "rxjs/operators"; import {fadeOut} from "../../../@treo/animations/fade"; import {DetailSettingsComponent} from "app/layout/common/detail-settings/detail-settings.component"; import {MatDialog} from "@angular/material/dialog"; import humanizeDuration from 'humanize-duration'; import {TreoConfigService} from "../../../@treo/services/config"; import {AppConfig} from "../../core/config/app.config"; import {animate, state, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/animations'; // from Constants.go - these must match const AttributeStatusPassed = 0 const AttributeStatusFailedSmart = 1 const AttributeStatusWarningScrutiny = 2 const AttributeStatusFailedScrutiny = 4 @Component({ selector: 'detail', templateUrl: './detail.component.html', styleUrls: ['./detail.component.scss'], animations: [ trigger('detailExpand', [ state('collapsed', style({height: '0px', minHeight: '0'})), state('expanded', style({height: '*'})), transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1)')), ]), ], }) export class DetailComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { config: AppConfig; onlyCritical: boolean = true; // data: any; expandedAttribute: any | null; metadata: any; device: any; smart_results: any[]; commonSparklineOptions: Partial; smartAttributeDataSource: MatTableDataSource; smartAttributeTableColumns: string[]; @ViewChild('smartAttributeTable', {read: MatSort}) smartAttributeTableMatSort: MatSort; // Private private _unsubscribeAll: Subject; /** * Constructor * * @param {DetailService} _detailService */ constructor( private _detailService: DetailService, public dialog: MatDialog, private _configService: TreoConfigService, ) { // Set the private defaults this._unsubscribeAll = new Subject(); // Set the defaults this.smartAttributeDataSource = new MatTableDataSource(); // this.recentTransactionsTableColumns = ['status', 'id', 'name', 'value', 'worst', 'thresh']; this.smartAttributeTableColumns = ['status', 'id', 'name', 'value', 'worst', 'thresh','ideal', 'failure', 'history']; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @ Lifecycle hooks // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * On init */ ngOnInit(): void { // Subscribe to config changes this._configService.config$ .pipe(takeUntil(this._unsubscribeAll)) .subscribe((config: AppConfig) => { this.config = config; }); // Get the data$ .pipe(takeUntil(this._unsubscribeAll)) .subscribe((data) => { // Store the data // = data; this.device =; this.smart_results = this.metadata = data.metadata; // Store the table data = this._generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(this.smart_results); // Prepare the chart data this._prepareChartData(); }); } /** * After view init */ ngAfterViewInit(): void { // Make the data source sortable this.smartAttributeDataSource.sort = this.smartAttributeTableMatSort; } /** * On destroy */ ngOnDestroy(): void { // Unsubscribe from all subscriptions; this._unsubscribeAll.complete(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @ Private methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getAttributeStatusName(attributeStatus: number): string { // tslint:disable:no-bitwise if(attributeStatus === AttributeStatusPassed){ return 'passed' } else if ((attributeStatus & AttributeStatusFailedScrutiny) !== 0 || (attributeStatus & AttributeStatusFailedSmart) !== 0 ){ return 'failed' } else if ((attributeStatus & AttributeStatusWarningScrutiny) !== 0){ return 'warn' } return '' // tslint:enable:no-bitwise } getAttributeScrutinyStatusName(attributeStatus: number): string { // tslint:disable:no-bitwise if ((attributeStatus & AttributeStatusFailedScrutiny) !== 0){ return 'failed' } else if ((attributeStatus & AttributeStatusWarningScrutiny) !== 0){ return 'warn' } else { return 'passed' } // tslint:enable:no-bitwise } getAttributeSmartStatusName(attributeStatus: number): string { // tslint:disable:no-bitwise if ((attributeStatus & AttributeStatusFailedSmart) !== 0){ return 'failed' } else { return 'passed' } // tslint:enable:no-bitwise } getAttributeName(attribute_data): string { let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return 'Unknown Attribute Name' } else { return attribute_metadata.display_name } } getAttributeDescription(attribute_data){ let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return 'Unknown' } else { return attribute_metadata.description } return } getAttributeValue(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()) { let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return attribute_data.value } else if (attribute_metadata.display_type == "raw") { return attribute_data.raw_value } else if (attribute_metadata.display_type == "transformed" && attribute_data.transformed_value) { return attribute_data.transformed_value } else { return attribute_data.value } } else{ return attribute_data.value } } getAttributeValueType(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()) { let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return '' } else { return attribute_metadata.display_type } } else { return '' } } getAttributeIdeal(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()){ return this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.display_type == "raw" ? this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.ideal : '' } else { return this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.ideal } } getAttributeWorst(attribute_data){ let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata){ return attribute_data.worst } else { return attribute_metadata?.display_type == "normalized" ? attribute_data.worst : '' } } getAttributeThreshold(attribute_data){ if(this.isAta()){ let attribute_metadata = this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id] if(!attribute_metadata || attribute_metadata.display_type == "normalized"){ return attribute_data.thresh } else { // if([attribute_data.attribute_id].observed_thresholds){ // // } else { // } // return '' return attribute_data.thresh } } else { return (attribute_data.thresh == -1 ? '' : attribute_data.thresh ) } } getAttributeCritical(attribute_data){ return this.metadata[attribute_data.attribute_id]?.critical } getHiddenAttributes(){ if (!this.smart_results || this.smart_results.length == 0) { return 0 } let attributes_length = 0 let attributes = this.smart_results[0]?.attrs if (attributes) { attributes_length = Object.keys(attributes).length } return attributes_length - } isAta(): boolean { return this.device.device_protocol == 'ATA' } isScsi(): boolean { return this.device.device_protocol == 'SCSI' } isNvme(): boolean { return this.device.device_protocol == 'NVMe' } private _generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(smart_results){ var smartAttributeDataSource = []; if(smart_results.length == 0){ return smartAttributeDataSource } var latest_smart_result = smart_results[smart_results.length -1]; let attributes = {} if(this.isScsi()) { this.smartAttributeTableColumns = ['status', 'name', 'value', 'thresh', 'history']; attributes = latest_smart_result.attrs } else if(this.isNvme()){ this.smartAttributeTableColumns = ['status', 'name', 'value', 'thresh', 'ideal', 'history']; attributes = latest_smart_result.attrs } else { //ATA attributes = latest_smart_result.attrs this.smartAttributeTableColumns = ['status', 'id', 'name', 'value', 'thresh','ideal', 'failure', 'history']; } for(const attrId in attributes){ var attr = attributes[attrId] //chart history data if (!attr.chartData) { var attrHistory = [] for (let smart_result of smart_results){ attrHistory.push(this.getAttributeValue(smart_result.attrs[attrId])) } // var rawHistory = (attr.history || []).map(hist_attr => this.getAttributeValue(hist_attr)).reverse() // rawHistory.push(this.getAttributeValue(attr)) attributes[attrId].chartData = [ { name: "chart-line-sparkline", data: attrHistory } ] } //determine when to include the attributes in table. if(!this.onlyCritical || this.onlyCritical && this.metadata[attr.attribute_id]?.critical || attr.value < attr.thresh){ smartAttributeDataSource.push(attr) } } return smartAttributeDataSource } /** * Prepare the chart data from the data * * @private */ private _prepareChartData(): void { // Account balance this.commonSparklineOptions = { chart: { type: "bar", width: 100, height: 25, sparkline: { enabled: true }, animations: { enabled: false } }, tooltip: { fixed: { enabled: false }, x: { show: false }, y: { title: { formatter: function(seriesName) { return ""; } } }, marker: { show: false } }, stroke: { width: 2, colors: ['#667EEA'] } }; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @ Public methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toHex(decimalNumb){ return "0x" + Number(decimalNumb).toString(16).padStart(2, '0').toUpperCase() } toggleOnlyCritical(){ this.onlyCritical = !this.onlyCritical = this._generateSmartAttributeTableDataSource(this.smart_results); } openDialog() { const dialogRef =; dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { console.log(`Dialog result: ${result}`); }); } /** * Track by function for ngFor loops * * @param index * @param item */ trackByFn(index: number, item: any): any { return index; // return || index; } readonly humanizeDuration = humanizeDuration; }