# Contributing There are multiple ways to develop on the scrutiny codebase locally. The two most popular are: - Docker Development Container - only requires docker - Run Components Locally - requires smartmontools, golang & nodejs installed locally ## Docker Development ``` docker build . -t analogj/scrutiny docker run -it --rm -p 9090:8080 -v /run:/run -v /dev/disk:/dev/disk --privileged analogj/scrutiny /scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics run ``` ## Local Development ### Frontend The frontend is written in Angular. If you're working on the frontend and can use mocked data rather than a real backend, you can use ``` cd webapp/frontend && ng serve ``` However, if you need to also run the backend, and use real data, you'll need to run the following command: ``` cd webapp/frontend && ng build --watch --output-path=../../dist --deploy-url="/web/" --base-href="/web/" --prod ``` > Note: if you do not add `--prod` flag, app will display mocked data for api calls. ### Backend ``` go run webapp/backend/cmd/scrutiny/scrutiny.go start --config ./example.scrutiny.yaml ``` Now visit http://localhost:8080 ### Collector ``` brew install smartmontools go run collector/cmd/collector-metrics/collector-metrics.go run --debug ```