name: Release # This workflow is triggered manually on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: version_bump_type: description: 'Version Bump Type (major, minor, patch)' required: true default: 'patch' version_metadata_path: description: 'Path to file containing Version string' required: true default: 'webapp/backend/pkg/version/version.go' jobs: release: name: Create Release Commit runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: # Service containers to run with `build` (Required for end-to-end testing) services: influxdb: image: influxdb:2.2 env: DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_MODE: setup DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_USERNAME: admin DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_PASSWORD: password12345 DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG: scrutiny DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET: metrics DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ADMIN_TOKEN: my-super-secret-auth-token ports: - 8086:8086 env: STATIC: true steps: - name: Git run: | apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa && apt-get update && apt-get install -y git git --version - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Bump version id: bump_version uses: packagrio/action-bumpr-go@master with: version_bump_type: ${{ github.event.inputs.version_bump_type }} version_metadata_path: ${{ github.event.inputs.version_metadata_path }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SCRUTINY_GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Leave this line unchanged - name: Test run: | make binary-clean binary-test-coverage - name: Commit Changes Locally id: commit uses: packagrio/action-releasr-go@master env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SCRUTINY_GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Leave this line unchanged with: version_metadata_path: ${{ github.event.inputs.version_metadata_path }} - name: Upload workspace uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: workspace path: ${{ github.workspace }}/**/* retention-days: 1 build: name: Build ${{ matrix.cfg.goos }}/${{ matrix.cfg.goarch }}${{ matrix.cfg.goarm }} needs: release runs-on: ${{ matrix.cfg.on }} env: GOOS: ${{ matrix.cfg.goos }} GOARCH: ${{ matrix.cfg.goarch }} GOARM: ${{ matrix.cfg.goarm }} STATIC: true strategy: matrix: cfg: - { on: ubuntu-latest, goos: linux, goarch: amd64 } - { on: ubuntu-latest, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 5 } - { on: ubuntu-latest, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 6 } - { on: ubuntu-latest, goos: linux, goarch: arm, goarm: 7 } - { on: ubuntu-latest, goos: linux, goarch: arm64 } - { on: macos-latest, goos: darwin, goarch: amd64 } - { on: macos-latest, goos: darwin, goarch: arm64 } - { on: macos-latest, goos: freebsd, goarch: amd64 } - { on: windows-latest, goos: windows, goarch: amd64 } - { on: windows-latest, goos: windows, goarch: arm64 } steps: - name: Download workspace uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: workspace - uses: actions/setup-go@v3 with: go-version: '1.20.1' # The Go version to download (if necessary) and use. - name: Build Binaries run: | make binary-clean binary-all - name: Archive uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: path: | scrutiny-web-* scrutiny-collector-metrics-* release-publish: name: Publish Release needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Download workspace uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: workspace - name: Download binaries uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: - name: List shell: bash run: | ls -alt - name: Publish Release & Assets id: publish uses: packagrio/action-publishr-go@master env: # This is necessary in order to push a commit to the repo GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SCRUTINY_GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Leave this line unchanged with: version_metadata_path: ${{ github.event.inputs.version_metadata_path }} upload_assets: scrutiny-collector-metrics-darwin-amd64 scrutiny-collector-metrics-darwin-arm64 scrutiny-collector-metrics-freebsd-amd64 scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-amd64 scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-arm-5 scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-arm-6 scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-arm-7 scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-arm64 scrutiny-collector-metrics-windows-amd64.exe scrutiny-collector-metrics-windows-arm64.exe scrutiny-web-darwin-amd64 scrutiny-web-darwin-arm64 scrutiny-web-freebsd-amd64 scrutiny-web-linux-amd64 scrutiny-web-linux-arm-5 scrutiny-web-linux-arm-6 scrutiny-web-linux-arm-7 scrutiny-web-linux-arm64 scrutiny-web-windows-amd64.exe scrutiny-web-windows-arm64.exe