# Manual Install While the easiest way to get started with [Scrutiny is using Docker](https://github.com/AnalogJ/scrutiny#docker), it is possible to run it manually without much work. You can even mix and match, using Docker for one component and a manual installation for the other. There's also [an installer](INSTALL_ANSIBLE.md) which automates this manual installation procedure. Scrutiny is made up of three components: an influxdb Database, a collector and a webapp/api. Here's how each component can be deployed manually. > Note: the `/opt/scrutiny` directory is not hardcoded, you can use any directory name/path. ## InfluxDB Please follow the official InfluxDB installation guide. Note, you'll need to install v2.2.0+. https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.2/install/ ## Webapp/API ### Dependencies Since the webapp is packaged as a stand alone binary, there isn't really any software you need to install other than `glibc` which is included by most linux OS's already. ### Directory Structure Now let's create a directory structure to contain the Scrutiny files & binary. ``` mkdir -p /opt/scrutiny/config mkdir -p /opt/scrutiny/web mkdir -p /opt/scrutiny/bin ``` ### Config file While it is possible to run the webapp/api without a config file, the defaults are designed for use in a container environment, and so will need to be overridden. So the first thing you'll need to do is create a config file that looks like the following: ``` # stored in /opt/scrutiny/config/scrutiny.yaml version: 1 web: database: # The Scrutiny webapp will create a database for you, however the parent directory must exist. location: /opt/scrutiny/config/scrutiny.db src: frontend: # The path to the Scrutiny frontend files (js, css, images) must be specified. # We'll populate it with files in the next section path: /opt/scrutiny/web # if you're runnning influxdb on a different host (or using a cloud-provider) you'll need to update the host & port below. # token, org, bucket are unnecessary for a new InfluxDB installation, as Scrutiny will automatically run the InfluxDB setup, # and store the information in the config file. If you 're re-using an existing influxdb installation, you'll need to provide # the `token` influxdb: host: localhost port: 8086 # token: 'my-token' # org: 'my-org' # bucket: 'bucket' ``` > Note: for a full list of available configuration options, please check the [example.scrutiny.yaml](https://github.com/AnalogJ/scrutiny/blob/master/example.scrutiny.yaml) file. ### Download Files Next, we'll download the Scrutiny API binary and frontend files from the [latest Github release](https://github.com/analogj/scrutiny/releases). The files you need to download are named: - **scrutiny-web-linux-amd64** - save this file to `/opt/scrutiny/bin` - **scrutiny-web-frontend.tar.gz** - save this file to `/opt/scrutiny/web` ### Prepare Scrutiny Now that we have downloaded the required files, let's prepare the filesystem. ``` # Let's make sure the Scrutiny webapp is executable. chmod +x /opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-web-linux-amd64 # Next, lets extract the frontend files. cd /opt/scrutiny/web tar xvzf scrutiny-web-frontend.tar.gz --strip-components 1 -C . # Cleanup rm -rf scrutiny-web-frontend.tar.gz ``` ### Start Scrutiny Webapp Finally, we start the Scrutiny webapp: ``` /opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-web-linux-amd64 start --config /opt/scrutiny/config/scrutiny.yaml ``` The webapp listens for traffic on `` by default. ## Collector ### Dependencies Unlike the webapp, the collector does have some dependencies: - `smartctl`, v7+ - `cron` (or an alternative process scheduler) Unfortunately the version of `smartmontools` (which contains `smartctl`) available in some of the base OS repositories is ancient. So you'll need to install the v7+ version using one of the following commands: - **Ubuntu (22.04/Jammy/LTS):** `apt-get install -y smartmontools` - **Ubuntu (18.04/Bionic):** `apt-get install -y smartmontools=7.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.1` - **Centos8:** - `dnf install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-el8-latest.rpm` - `dnf install smartmontools` - **FreeBSD:** `pkg install smartmontools` ### Directory Structure Now let's create a directory structure to contain the Scrutiny collector binary. ``` mkdir -p /opt/scrutiny/bin ``` ### Download Files Next, we'll download the Scrutiny collector binary from the [latest Github release](https://github.com/analogj/scrutiny/releases). The file you need to download is named: - **scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-amd64** - save this file to `/opt/scrutiny/bin` ### Prepare Scrutiny Now that we have downloaded the required files, let's prepare the filesystem. ``` # Let's make sure the Scrutiny collector is executable. chmod +x /opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-amd64 ``` ### Start Scrutiny Collector, Populate Webapp Next, we will manually trigger the collector, to populate the Scrutiny dashboard: > NOTE: if you need to pass a config file to the scrutiny collector, you can provide it using the `--config` flag. ``` /opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-amd64 run --api-endpoint "http://localhost:8080" ``` ### Schedule Collector with Cron Finally you need to schedule the collector to run periodically. This may be different depending on your OS/environment, but it may look something like this: ``` # open crontab crontab -e # add a line for Scrutiny */15 * * * * . /etc/profile; /opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics-linux-amd64 run --api-endpoint "http://localhost:8080" ```