#!/bin/bash # Cron runs in its own isolated environment (usually using only /etc/environment ) # So when the container starts up, we will do a dump of the runtime environment into a .env file that we # will then source into the crontab file (/etc/cron.d/scrutiny.sh) printenv | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/export \1/g' > /env.sh # adding ability to customize the cron schedule. COLLECTOR_CRON_SCHEDULE=${COLLECTOR_CRON_SCHEDULE:-"0 0 * * *"} sed -i 's|{COLLECTOR_CRON_SCHEDULE}|'"${COLLECTOR_CRON_SCHEDULE}"'|g' /etc/cron.d/scrutiny # now that we have the env start cron in the foreground echo "starting cron" su -c "cron -l 8 -f" root