import { AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; import {Subject} from 'rxjs'; import {takeUntil} from 'rxjs/operators'; import {ApexOptions, ChartComponent} from 'ng-apexcharts'; import {DashboardService} from 'app/modules/dashboard/dashboard.service'; import {MatDialog} from '@angular/material/dialog'; import {DashboardSettingsComponent} from 'app/layout/common/dashboard-settings/dashboard-settings.component'; import {AppConfig} from 'app/core/config/app.config'; import {ScrutinyConfigService} from 'app/core/config/scrutiny-config.service'; import {Router} from '@angular/router'; import {TemperaturePipe} from 'app/shared/temperature.pipe'; import {DeviceTitlePipe} from 'app/shared/device-title.pipe'; import {DeviceSummaryModel} from 'app/core/models/device-summary-model'; @Component({ selector : 'example', templateUrl : './dashboard.component.html', styleUrls : ['./dashboard.component.scss'], encapsulation : ViewEncapsulation.None, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { summaryData: { [key: string]: DeviceSummaryModel }; hostGroups: { [hostId: string]: string[] } = {} temperatureOptions: ApexOptions; tempDurationKey = 'forever' config: AppConfig; // Private private _unsubscribeAll: Subject; @ViewChild('tempChart', { static: false }) tempChart: ChartComponent; /** * Constructor * * @param {DashboardService} _dashboardService * @param {ScrutinyConfigService} _configService * @param {MatDialog} dialog * @param {Router} router */ constructor( private _dashboardService: DashboardService, private _configService: ScrutinyConfigService, public dialog: MatDialog, private router: Router, ) { // Set the private defaults this._unsubscribeAll = new Subject(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @ Lifecycle hooks // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * On init */ ngOnInit(): void { // Subscribe to config changes this._configService.config$ .pipe(takeUntil(this._unsubscribeAll)) .subscribe((config: AppConfig) => { // check if the old config and the new config do not match. const oldConfig = JSON.stringify(this.config) const newConfig = JSON.stringify(config) if(oldConfig !== newConfig){ console.log(`Configuration updated: ${newConfig} vs ${oldConfig}`) // Store the config this.config = config; if(oldConfig){ console.log('reloading component...') this.refreshComponent() } } }); // Get the data$ .pipe(takeUntil(this._unsubscribeAll)) .subscribe((data) => { // Store the data this.summaryData = data; // generate group data. for (const wwn in this.summaryData) { const hostid = this.summaryData[wwn].device.host_id const hostDeviceList = this.hostGroups[hostid] || [] hostDeviceList.push(wwn) this.hostGroups[hostid] = hostDeviceList } console.log(this.hostGroups) // Prepare the chart data this._prepareChartData(); }); } /** * After view init */ ngAfterViewInit(): void {} /** * On destroy */ ngOnDestroy(): void { // Unsubscribe from all subscriptions; this._unsubscribeAll.complete(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @ Private methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private refreshComponent(): void { const currentUrl = this.router.url; this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false; this.router.onSameUrlNavigation = 'reload'; this.router.navigate([currentUrl]); } private _deviceDataTemperatureSeries(): any[] { const deviceTemperatureSeries = [] console.log('DEVICE DATA SUMMARY', this.summaryData) for (const wwn in this.summaryData) { const deviceSummary = this.summaryData[wwn] if (!deviceSummary.temp_history) { continue } const deviceName = DeviceTitlePipe.deviceTitleWithFallback(deviceSummary.device, this.config.dashboard_display) const deviceSeriesMetadata = { name: deviceName, data: [] } for(const tempHistory of deviceSummary.temp_history){ const newDate = new Date(;{ x: newDate, y: TemperaturePipe.formatTemperature(tempHistory.temp, this.config.temperature_unit, false) }) } deviceTemperatureSeries.push(deviceSeriesMetadata) } return deviceTemperatureSeries } /** * Prepare the chart data from the data * * @private */ private _prepareChartData(): void { // Account balance this.temperatureOptions = { chart : { animations: { speed : 400, animateGradually: { enabled: false } }, fontFamily: 'inherit', foreColor : 'inherit', width : '100%', height : '100%', type : 'area', sparkline : { enabled: true } }, colors : ['#667eea', '#9066ea', '#66c0ea', '#66ead2', '#d266ea', '#66ea90'], fill : { colors : ['#b2bef4', '#c7b2f4', '#b2dff4', '#b2f4e8', '#e8b2f4', '#b2f4c7'], opacity: 0.5, type : 'gradient' }, series : this._deviceDataTemperatureSeries(), stroke : { curve: this.config.line_stroke, width: 2 }, tooltip: { theme: 'dark', x : { format: 'MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss' }, y : { formatter: (value) => { return TemperaturePipe.formatTemperature(value, this.config.temperature_unit, true) as string; } } }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime' } }; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @ Public methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deviceSummariesForHostGroup(hostGroupWWNs: string[]): DeviceSummaryModel[] { const deviceSummaries: DeviceSummaryModel[] = [] for (const wwn of hostGroupWWNs) { if (this.summaryData[wwn]) { deviceSummaries.push(this.summaryData[wwn]) } } return deviceSummaries } openDialog(): void { const dialogRef =, {width: '600px',}); dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { console.log(`Dialog result: ${result}`); }); } onDeviceDeleted(wwn: string): void { delete this.summaryData[wwn] // remove the device from the summary list. } /* DURATION_KEY_WEEK = "week" DURATION_KEY_MONTH = "month" DURATION_KEY_YEAR = "year" DURATION_KEY_FOREVER = "forever" */ changeSummaryTempDuration(durationKey: string): void { this.tempDurationKey = durationKey this._dashboardService.getSummaryTempData(durationKey) .subscribe((tempHistoryData) => { // given a list of device temp history, override the data in the "summary" object. for (const wwn in this.summaryData) { // console.log(`Updating ${wwn}, length: ${[wwn].temp_history.length}`) this.summaryData[wwn].temp_history = tempHistoryData[wwn] || [] } // Prepare the chart series data this.tempChart.updateSeries(this._deviceDataTemperatureSeries()) }); } /** * Track by function for ngFor loops * * @param index * @param item */ trackByFn(index: number, item: any): any { return || index; } }