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<div [ngClass]="{ 'border-green': deviceSummary.device.device_status == 0 &&,
'border-red': deviceSummary.device.device_status != 0 }"
class="relative flex flex-col flex-auto p-6 pr-3 pb-3 bg-card rounded border-l-4 shadow-md overflow-hidden">
<div class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 w-24 h-24 -m-6">
<mat-icon class="icon-size-96 opacity-12 text-green"
*ngIf="deviceSummary.device.device_status == 0 &&"
<mat-icon class="icon-size-96 opacity-12 text-red"
*ngIf="deviceSummary.device.device_status != 0"
<mat-icon class="icon-size-96 opacity-12 text-yellow"
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="flex flex-col">
<a [routerLink]="'/device/'+ deviceSummary.device.wwn"
class="font-bold text-md text-secondary uppercase tracking-wider">{{deviceTitle(deviceSummary.device)}}</a>
<div [ngClass]="classDeviceLastUpdatedOn(deviceSummary)" class="font-medium text-sm" *ngIf="">
Last Updated on {{ | date:'MMMM dd, yyyy - HH:mm' }}
<div class="ml-auto" *ngIf="deviceSummary.device">
<button mat-icon-button
<mat-icon [svgIcon]="'more_vert'"></mat-icon>
<mat-menu #previousStatementMenu="matMenu">
<a mat-menu-item [routerLink]="'/device/'+ deviceSummary.device.wwn">
<span class="flex items-center">
<mat-icon class="icon-size-20 mr-3"
<span>View Details</span>
<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap mt-4 -mx-6">
<div class="flex flex-col mx-6 my-3 xs:w-full">
<div class="font-semibold text-xs text-hint uppercase tracking-wider leading-none">Status</div>
<div class="mt-2 font-medium text-3xl leading-none" *ngIf="; else unknownStatus">{{ deviceStatusString(deviceSummary.device.device_status) | titlecase}}</div>
<ng-template #unknownStatus><div class="mt-2 font-medium text-3xl leading-none">No Data</div></ng-template>
<div class="flex flex-col mx-6 my-3 xs:w-full">
<div class="font-semibold text-xs text-hint uppercase tracking-wider leading-none">Temperature</div>
<div class="mt-2 font-medium text-3xl leading-none" *ngIf="; else unknownTemp">{{ }}°C</div>
<ng-template #unknownTemp><div class="mt-2 font-medium text-3xl leading-none">--</div></ng-template>
<div class="flex flex-col mx-6 my-3 xs:w-full">
<div class="font-semibold text-xs text-hint uppercase tracking-wider leading-none">Capacity</div>
<div class="mt-2 font-medium text-3xl leading-none">{{ deviceSummary.device.capacity | fileSize}}</div>
<div class="flex flex-col mx-6 my-3 xs:w-full">
<div class="font-semibold text-xs text-hint uppercase tracking-wider leading-none">Powered On</div>
<div class="mt-2 font-medium text-3xl leading-none" *ngIf="; else unknownPoweredOn">{{ humanizeDuration( * 60 * 60 * 1000, { round: true, largest: 1, units: ['y', 'd', 'h'] }) }}</div>
<ng-template #unknownPoweredOn><div class="mt-2 font-medium text-3xl leading-none">--</div></ng-template>