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package pkg
const DeviceProtocolAta = "ATA"
const DeviceProtocolScsi = "SCSI"
const DeviceProtocolNvme = "NVMe"
const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed"
const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed"
const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn"
const SmartWhenFailedFailingNow = "FAILING_NOW"
const SmartWhenFailedInThePast = "IN_THE_PAST"
//const SmartStatusPassed = "passed"
//const SmartStatusFailed = "failed"
type DeviceStatus int
const (
DeviceStatusPassed DeviceStatus = 0
DeviceStatusFailedSmart DeviceStatus = iota
DeviceStatusFailedScrutiny DeviceStatus = iota
func Set(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b | flag }
func Clear(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b &^ flag }
func Toggle(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b ^ flag }
func Has(b, flag DeviceStatus) bool { return b&flag != 0 }