You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package web
import (
type AppEngine struct {
Config config.Interface
Logger *logrus.Entry
func (ae *AppEngine) Setup(logger *logrus.Entry) *gin.Engine {
r := gin.New()
r.Use(middleware.RepositoryMiddleware(ae.Config, logger))
basePath := ae.Config.GetString("web.listen.basepath")
logger.Debugf("basepath: %s", basePath)
base := r.Group(basePath)
api := base.Group("/api")
api.GET("/health", handler.HealthCheck)
api.POST("/health/notify", handler.SendTestNotification) //check if notifications are configured correctly
api.POST("/devices/register", handler.RegisterDevices) //used by Collector to register new devices and retrieve filtered list
api.GET("/summary", handler.GetDevicesSummary) //used by Dashboard
api.GET("/summary/temp", handler.GetDevicesSummaryTempHistory) //used by Dashboard (Temperature history dropdown)
api.POST("/device/:wwn/smart", handler.UploadDeviceMetrics) //used by Collector to upload data
api.POST("/device/:wwn/selftest", handler.UploadDeviceSelfTests)
api.GET("/device/:wwn/details", handler.GetDeviceDetails) //used by Details
api.DELETE("/device/:wwn", handler.DeleteDevice) //used by UI to delete device
api.GET("/settings", handler.GetSettings) //used to get settings
api.POST("/settings", handler.SaveSettings) //used to save settings
//Static request routing
base.StaticFS("/web", http.Dir(ae.Config.GetString("web.src.frontend.path")))
//redirect base url to /web
base.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, basePath+"/web")
//catch-all, serve index page.
r.NoRoute(func(c *gin.Context) {
c.File(fmt.Sprintf("%s/index.html", ae.Config.GetString("web.src.frontend.path")))
return r
func (ae *AppEngine) Start() error {
//set the gin mode
if strings.ToLower(ae.Config.GetString("log.level")) == "debug" {
//check if the database parent directory exists, fail here rather than in a handler.
if !utils.FileExists(filepath.Dir(ae.Config.GetString("web.database.location"))) {
return errors.ConfigValidationError(fmt.Sprintf(
"Database parent directory does not exist. Please check path (%s)",
r := ae.Setup(ae.Logger)
return r.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ae.Config.GetString(""), ae.Config.GetString("web.listen.port")))