You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pytest
import random
import string
import re
from sherlock.sherlock import sherlock
from sherlock.notify import QueryNotify
from sherlock.result import QueryStatus
#from sherlock_interactives import Interactives
def simple_query(sites_info: dict, site: str, username: str) -> QueryStatus:
query_notify = QueryNotify()
site_data: dict = {}
site_data[site] = sites_info[site]
return sherlock(
class TestLiveTargets:
"""Actively test probes against live and trusted targets"""
# Known positives should only use sites trusted to be reliable and unchanging
('GitLab', 'ppfeister'),
('AllMyLinks', 'blue'),
def test_known_positives_via_message(self, sites_info, site, username):
assert simple_query(sites_info=sites_info, site=site, username=username) is QueryStatus.CLAIMED
# Known positives should only use sites trusted to be reliable and unchanging
('GitHub', 'ppfeister'),
('GitHub', 'sherlock-project'),
('Docker Hub', 'ppfeister'),
('Docker Hub', 'sherlock'),
def test_known_positives_via_status_code(self, sites_info, site, username):
assert simple_query(sites_info=sites_info, site=site, username=username) is QueryStatus.CLAIMED
# Known positives should only use sites trusted to be reliable and unchanging
('BodyBuilding', 'blue'),
9 months ago
('devRant', 'blue'),
def test_known_positives_via_response_url(self, sites_info, site, username):
assert simple_query(sites_info=sites_info, site=site, username=username) is QueryStatus.CLAIMED
# Randomly generate usernames of high length and test for positive availability
# Randomly generated usernames should be simple alnum for simplicity and high
# compatibility. Several attempts may be made ~just in case~ a real username is
# generated.
('GitLab', 255),
('Codecademy', 30)
def test_likely_negatives_via_message(self, sites_info, site, random_len):
num_attempts: int = 3
attempted_usernames: list[str] = []
status: QueryStatus = QueryStatus.CLAIMED
for i in range(num_attempts):
acceptable_types = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
random_handle = ''.join(random.choice(acceptable_types) for _ in range (random_len))
status = simple_query(sites_info=sites_info, site=site, username=random_handle)
if status is QueryStatus.AVAILABLE:
assert status is QueryStatus.AVAILABLE, f"Could not validate available username after {num_attempts} attempts with randomly generated usernames {attempted_usernames}."
# Randomly generate usernames of high length and test for positive availability
# Randomly generated usernames should be simple alnum for simplicity and high
# compatibility. Several attempts may be made ~just in case~ a real username is
# generated.
('GitHub', 39),
('Docker Hub', 30)
def test_likely_negatives_via_status_code(self, sites_info, site, random_len):
num_attempts: int = 3
attempted_usernames: list[str] = []
status: QueryStatus = QueryStatus.CLAIMED
for i in range(num_attempts):
acceptable_types = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
random_handle = ''.join(random.choice(acceptable_types) for _ in range (random_len))
status = simple_query(sites_info=sites_info, site=site, username=random_handle)
if status is QueryStatus.AVAILABLE:
assert status is QueryStatus.AVAILABLE, f"Could not validate available username after {num_attempts} attempts with randomly generated usernames {attempted_usernames}."
def test_username_illegal_regex(sites_info):
site: str = 'BitBucket'
invalid_handle: str = '*#$Y&*JRE'
pattern = re.compile(sites_info[site]['regexCheck'])
# Ensure that the username actually fails regex before testing sherlock
assert pattern.match(invalid_handle) is None
assert simple_query(sites_info=sites_info, site=site, username=invalid_handle) is QueryStatus.ILLEGAL