Updated output for finish statement

Siddharth Dushantha 1 year ago
parent 5e0182b01c
commit 1dd1b45802

@ -4,13 +4,6 @@
<br> <br>
<span>Hunt down social media accounts by username across <a href="https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock/blob/master/sites.md">social networks</a></span> <span>Hunt down social media accounts by username across <a href="https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock/blob/master/sites.md">social networks</a></span>
<br> <br>
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</p> </p>
<p align="center"> <p align="center">
@ -24,8 +17,7 @@
</p> </p>
<p align="center"> <p align="center">
<a href="https://asciinema.org/a/223115"> <img src="./images/preview.png"/>
<img src="./images/sherlock_demo.gif"/>
</a> </a>
</p> </p>
@ -107,7 +99,7 @@ Accounts found will be stored in an individual text file with the corresponding
## Anaconda (Windows) Notes ## Anaconda (Windows) Notes
If you are using Anaconda in Windows, using 'python3' might not work. Use 'python' instead. If you are using Anaconda in Windows, using `python3` might not work. Use `python` instead.
## Docker Notes ## Docker Notes
@ -123,26 +115,14 @@ Once the image is built, sherlock can be invoked by running the following:
docker run --rm -t mysherlock-image user123 docker run --rm -t mysherlock-image user123
``` ```
The optional ```--rm``` flag removes the container filesystem on completion to prevent cruft build-up. See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#clean-up---rm
The optional ```-t``` flag allocates a pseudo-TTY which allows colored output. See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#foreground
Use the following command to access the saved results: Use the following command to access the saved results:
``` ```
docker run --rm -t -v "$PWD/results:/opt/sherlock/results" mysherlock-image -o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt user123 docker run --rm -t -v "$PWD/results:/opt/sherlock/results" mysherlock-image -o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt user123
``` ```
<!-- The ```-v "$PWD/results:/opt/sherlock/results"``` options tell docker to create (or use) the folder `results` in the
present working directory and to mount it at `/opt/sherlock/results` on the docker container.
The `-o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt` option tells `sherlock` to output the result. -->
Docker is instructed to create (or use) the folder `results` in the current working directory and to mount it at `/opt/sherlock/results` on the docker container by using the ```-v "$PWD/results:/opt/sherlock/results"``` options. `Sherlock` is instructed to export the result using the `-o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt` option. Docker is instructed to create (or use) the folder `results` in the current working directory and to mount it at `/opt/sherlock/results` on the docker container by using the ```-v "$PWD/results:/opt/sherlock/results"``` options. `Sherlock` is instructed to export the result using the `-o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt` option.
Or you can use "Docker Hub" to run `sherlock`:
docker run theyahya/sherlock user123
### Using `docker-compose` ### Using `docker-compose`
@ -175,7 +155,7 @@ The following is an example of the command line to run all the tests for
Sherlock. This invocation hides the progress text that Sherlock normally Sherlock. This invocation hides the progress text that Sherlock normally
outputs, and instead shows the verbose output of the tests. outputs, and instead shows the verbose output of the tests.
``` ```console
$ cd sherlock/sherlock $ cd sherlock/sherlock
$ python3 -m unittest tests.all --verbose $ python3 -m unittest tests.all --verbose
``` ```

Binary file not shown.


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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 139 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 MiB

@ -258,24 +258,12 @@ class QueryNotifyPrint(QueryNotify):
""" """
NumberOfResults = self.countResults() - 1 NumberOfResults = self.countResults() - 1
title = "Results:"
print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "[" + print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "[" +
Fore.YELLOW + "*" + Fore.YELLOW + "*" +
Fore.GREEN + f"] {title}" + Fore.GREEN + "] Search completed with" +
Fore.WHITE + f" {NumberOfResults}") Fore.WHITE + f" {NumberOfResults} " +
Fore.GREEN + "results" + Style.RESET_ALL
title = "End" )
# An empty line between last line of main output and last line(more clear output)
print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "[" +
Fore.YELLOW + "!" +
Fore.GREEN + f"] {title}" +
Fore.GREEN + ": " +
Fore.WHITE + f" {message}")
def __str__(self): def __str__(self):
"""Convert Object To String. """Convert Object To String.
