If the user selected --check_proxies option along with --proxy_list option, proxies loaded from the .csv file are checked using the check_proxies function from the load_proxies module. Proxies which pass the test are stored in the proxy_list global var.

BlucyBlue 5 years ago committed by Yahya SayadArbabi
parent 6cc4e22898
commit 2accdcafea

@ -427,6 +427,19 @@ def main():
proxy_list = load_proxies_from_csv(args.proxy_list)
# Checking if proxies should be checked for anonymity.
if args.check_prox != None and args.proxy_list != None:
limit = int(args.check_prox)
if limit == 0:
proxy_list = check_proxy_list(proxy_list)
elif limit > 0:
proxy_list = check_proxy_list(proxy_list, limit)
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
raise Exception("Prameter --check_proxies/-cp must be a positive intiger.")
if args.tor or args.unique_tor:
print("Using TOR to make requests")
print("Warning: some websites might refuse connecting over TOR, so note that using this option might increase connection errors.")
