I found 10 sites that were returning false positives during the tests.
They have been removed for now and will of course be added back
ones fix for them has been found.
From now on, I plan to just remove sites which return false
positves. I can later on find some time to fix those false
positives or accept somone's fix.
As of 2020-08-24, Fiverr now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near
future once we find a better error detecting method.
"Fiverr": {
"errorType": "response_url",
"errorUrl": "https://www.fiverr.com/",
"url": "https://www.fiverr.com/{}",
"urlMain": "https://www.fiverr.com/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis"
## ImageShack
As of 2020-08-24, ImageShack now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"ImageShack": {
"errorType": "response_url",
"errorUrl": "https://imageshack.us/",
"url": "https://imageshack.us/user/{}",
"urlMain": "https://imageshack.us/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## Aptoide
As of 2020-08-24, Aptoide now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near
future once we find a better error detecting method.
"Aptoide": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://{}.en.aptoide.com/",
"urlMain": "https://en.aptoide.com/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## Crunchyroll
As of 2020-08-24, Crunchyroll now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"Crunchyroll": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://www.crunchyroll.com/user/{}",
"urlMain": "https://www.crunchyroll.com/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## T-MobileSupport
As of 2020-08-24, T-MobileSupport now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"T-MobileSupport": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://support.t-mobile.com/people/{}",
"urlMain": "https://support.t-mobile.com",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## OpenCollective
As of 2020-08-24, OpenCollective now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"OpenCollective": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://opencollective.com/{}",
"urlMain": "https://opencollective.com/",
"username_claimed": "sindresorhus",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## SegmentFault
As of 2020-08-24, SegmentFault now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"SegmentFault": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://segmentfault.com/u/{}",
"urlMain": "https://segmentfault.com/",
"username_claimed": "bule",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## Viadeo
As of 2020-08-24, SegmentFault now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a fix for this