<span>Hunt down social media accounts by username across <ahref="https://github.com/theyahya/sherlock/blob/master/sites.md">social networks</a></span>
<span>Hunt down social media accounts by username across <ahref="https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock/blob/master/sites.md">social networks</a></span>
As of 2020-08-24, Fiverr now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near
future once we find a better error detecting method.
"Fiverr": {
"errorType": "response_url",
"errorUrl": "https://www.fiverr.com/",
"url": "https://www.fiverr.com/{}",
"urlMain": "https://www.fiverr.com/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis"
## ImageShack
As of 2020-08-24, ImageShack now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"ImageShack": {
"errorType": "response_url",
"errorUrl": "https://imageshack.us/",
"url": "https://imageshack.us/user/{}",
"urlMain": "https://imageshack.us/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## Aptoide
As of 2020-08-24, Aptoide now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near
future once we find a better error detecting method.
"Aptoide": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://{}.en.aptoide.com/",
"urlMain": "https://en.aptoide.com/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## Crunchyroll
As of 2020-08-24, Crunchyroll now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"Crunchyroll": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://www.crunchyroll.com/user/{}",
"urlMain": "https://www.crunchyroll.com/",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## T-MobileSupport
As of 2020-08-24, T-MobileSupport now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"T-MobileSupport": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://support.t-mobile.com/people/{}",
"urlMain": "https://support.t-mobile.com",
"username_claimed": "blue",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## OpenCollective
As of 2020-08-24, OpenCollective now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"OpenCollective": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://opencollective.com/{}",
"urlMain": "https://opencollective.com/",
"username_claimed": "sindresorhus",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## SegmentFault
As of 2020-08-24, SegmentFault now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a better error detecting method.
"SegmentFault": {
"errorType": "status_code",
"url": "https://segmentfault.com/u/{}",
"urlMain": "https://segmentfault.com/",
"username_claimed": "bule",
"username_unclaimed": "noonewouldeverusethis7"
## Viadeo
As of 2020-08-24, Viadeo now returns false positives, which was found when running the tests, but will most likley be added again in the near future once we find a fix for this